Reader Question: Back Up Buzzing?

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Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Glenn asks: Today I heard an unusual backup alarm being emitted from a brand new KIA or Hyundai SUV.  Question: Is this another unnecessary safety feature? I hope not. I can put up with this on forklifts and some commercial/construction vehicles. If every cars has this, I’m going to lose it.

My reply: Unfortunately, several new cars do have this affront to civility and intelligence. Put the car in Reverse and it emits beeps – for saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety, supposedly. The latest Kia (2021 Sorento) I just drove has a graphic display in the dash that inform you the car ahead is moving (as from a red light).

Yes, really.

It was the Prius that started this – the back-up beep thing. Apparently because – being a hybrid – it is so quiet that pedestrians won’t otherwise notice. Being too busy looking at their phones, I suppose. I say: Why not go full straight-pipe Harley and really make sure they notice you’re backing up?

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety first!

. . . 

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