Reader Question: How About This Ranger?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

David asks: I ran across this truck today: I do painting, power washing, and deck staining.  That is what my vehicle will be used for.  No idea if this is a good buy or not. I like the mileage, price, and size.  Beyond that, I’m not sure if this would be a good buy or not.  I heard your interview on the Tom Woods Show the other day.  Great information by the way!

My reply: It’s one I’d take a look at, for sure! Low miles and looks nice; has the desirable (for long-term reliability/low ownership costs) drivetrain. It’s very similar to my ’02 Frontier in terms of the basic package/capabilities. Should tow up to 3,500 pounds and that six foot bed should be plenty for your needs.

Assuming it’s been well-treated/serviced, it ought to have another ten-plus years of useful life left in it – and well worth the $8k asking price!

Please keep us posted!

. . .

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  1. Eric,

    David better have that truck checked out! I’ve been looking at pickups on Carvana recently, and anything that’s in good condition with low mileage is fetching $18K-$20K and more. I was looking at a 2011 Nissan Frontier with a five speed with 65K-70K on the clock, and they were asking close to $20K for it! I’d be suspicious of any small pickup selling for less than five figures these days…

    • Price seems typical for a rwd single cab manual tranny Ranger- They don’t fetch anything near the Nissans and Toyotas. First step for the OP is to run his own (not the dealer’s) Carfax, and make sure it hasn’t been run through the auctions a bunch of times or had a bunch of different owners, and that it hasn’t been in a major accident.

        • Ditto that for the Jap trucks too! Or any truck really… It’s hard to live with a single cab for anything other than purely a work truck. The Ranger the OP linked to looks like it may have a fresh paint job…I’d really want to see a Carfax and vet the miles, ’cause the majority of these base-model P/U’s are bought by fleets- and used for things like auto parts delivery and such. Think about it- any time you see a not-ancient small single cab P/U…it usually has writing on the side, right?

          • I don’t know, because I haven’t SEEN one in person for I don’t know HOW long! All I know is that the regular cab pickups with 2wd, manual trans, etc. are fetching $15K-$20K for an average or low mileage example.


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