Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 12/27/2022

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Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, who hosts the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We talked about how the EV Grinch stole Christmas, as well as other things that might be of interest:

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  1. I don’t have a cellphone because of a couple of reasons.

    First I do not want a monthly bill because I have some habit to chat all day about nothing. 99.999% of what is said on cell service is just gossip and bullshit, and I do not want to be part of that. So if you like to gossip all day a cellphone is a must, but for me I do not want to know what other people think, I already despise most other people.

    Secondly I do not like the cellphone as an electronic leash that I am on with my latest girlfriend. It is the ultimate cucking device. I’ve had them in the past and have had to deal with woman that demand you buy them something right now. No thanks. If you want to have your balls cut off by a woman just give her your number to your leash cellphone. And they will complain if you don’t answer them right away.

    Then there is the personal security concern. A cell phone tracks you and makes a map of your movements. Basically, with cellphone information the gov’t could pick you off because they can predict we’ll you be at such and such time.

    Elon Musk found out recently his adversaries could locate his children and block their car by just tapping into a database. Doxxing is real, and over in Afghanistan many a tribal leader was waxxed by a hellfire missile for foolishly using a cellphone in a theater of combat.


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