The Commonality of the Pushing


A key to understanding what’s going on is understanding that what’s going on is all the same thing, fundamentally. The surface “thing” may be different – but that’s just the surface thing. Here are some thoughts on what’s under the surface:

This is also as good a place as any to wish everyone a great Thanksgiving and to convey my thanks to everyone reading/viewing who has helped me do what I do here. I’m hoping that we’ll be able to do even more going forward – and I am optimistic about the future, even though it’s often hard, given all that’s happening. But then I recover from my fugues when I remember all of the very good things that counterbalance the bad things. Above all, the dawning awareness about what’s been done to us – and by whom (and how).

You make that possible – and not just for me but for all of the many people this site reaches and encourages.

So – again – thank you.

Because I am very thankful.

Your Libertarian Car Guy!

. . .

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  1. What a difference a day makes. Yesterday I stopped in to the grocery store, needing 4 or 5. things. The store was packed, like I’ve never seen. Still, all check stands open, no lines, everyone in a cheerful mood. I saw a couple people I know, stopped and talked a bit, in fact everywhere I looked seemed like people visiting with each other. Spent about 30 minutes in all to get my things. No one rushing about or rude, even though every isle was packed. Even the lone old terrified white man wearing a mask didn’t phase me, I felt some pity towards him.

    I saw a few young people who looked like they were struggling and realized they’re probably the type who will come through this, no matter the hard times about to befall us, some semblance of our past will still survive. Pain is a great motivator for many. And out of that pain can come great growth, I know this to be true IRL.

    Reflecting on that I couldn’t help but think of the ole’ Merle Haggard song, re the Good Times Really Over for Good. The last line, ‘The best of the free life is still yet to come. The good times ain’t over for good,’ really struck a chord. No matter all the BS going on now, Its all illusory if you find a place not full of street shitters and leftist tards. The Phag hags and their minions that took over our big cities have gone as far as they can go. Get at least 80-100 miles away from their BS, find a small place full of like minded people and it all becomes nothing more than the proverbial pebble in your shoe.

    Thanks to you Eric, even if it only reaches those on the fringe, what you do has tremendous value and will help with the rebuilding in the future. Wishing you and everyone here a great day of thanks.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

    Speaking of pushing, I went to the bank today. I don’t have an account at this bank, but my paycheck is written on an account from there. Been cashing them there for seventeen years. New policy was implemented last week. If the person cashing the check doesn’t have an account there they have to make a copy of your ID and there’s a five dollar charge per check to cash them. GRRRR!!! Thieves!!!!

    • Hey Lonewolf72,

      I got something like that from my dad’s bank when he sent me a check. Except THOSE bastards wanted $10! To cash their own check!

      • It’s absurd that a bank charge you for cashing a check written on their account. In times past, that is exactly where I would take a check to cash it. To be assured there were enough assets to cover the check, immediately.

    • Hi Lone,

      Egregious. Also – of a piece – the new dirty business (at my bank, at least) of scanning your government ID – what is styled but isn’t really a driver’s license – at every transaction. The people at my bank know me by sight as I have been doing business there for 20 years. But each time, I must present ID and each time, they scan it.

      Corporations are becoming indistinguishable from government.

      • RE: “The people at my bank know me by sight as I have been doing business there for 20 years. But each time, I must present ID and each time, they scan it.”

        Reminds me of the time a teenaged cashier at Target demanded an ID to scan from the obviously 70-something year old couple in line in front of me buying a cart of groceries with a bottle of hard liquor.

        …When it was my turn, I set my stuff on the conveyor belt, walked out & haven’t stepped foot in a Target since.

        On the flip side, I have actual small conversations with the teller at a credit union in a small town, it’s been two years since I’ve had to show her my ID to complete a withdraw.
        Teller turn-over is super high there, I will really miss her when it’s her turn.

  3. Thanksgiving in New York State, remove the Happy part.

    You can use a remote-controlled battery-powered vehicle, fill the whole thing with explosives and program the EV to drive where you want the detonation destination to be.

    A couple of million EVs loaded with explosives and satellite controlled, there can be some real problems in the future.

    You don’t have to sacrifice your life.

    It was a mostly peaceful attack.

    Might want to re-think the strategy.

    Just what is there to be thankful for? Who can we thank these days?

    Jews? I don’t think so.

    Actions speak louder than words. Might want to think about that.

  4. Like the Covid vaccination agenda, going along with the EV push makes people feel smart who otherwise wouldn’t be regarded as very intelligent, even with college “educations”.

    This has been a constant problem in my generation for 30 years.

  5. Looks like the soap opera over at OpenAI came down to a board member trying to force DE&I on the company.

    Other things to be thankful for (not linking to avoid the spam bot):

    “Why Is Britain Retreating from Global Leadership on Climate Action?”
    https :// e360. yale. edu/ features /ungreening-britain-sunak-climate-change

    “India unlikely to join global cooling pledge at COP28 – govt sources”
    https :// www. reuters. com / world/india /india-unlikely-join-global-cooling-pledge-cop28-govt-sources-2023-10-27/

    “Trump ‘engaged in an insurrection,’ judge says, but should remain on Colorado ballot” (of course this is being appealed to the state Supreme Court)

    https: //www. msn. com /en-us/ news/ politics/ trump-engaged-in-an-insurrection-judge-says-but-should-remain-on-colorado-ballot/ar-AA1k7r3G

    Subcommittee on Oversight releases USCP Video Public Access Policy
    https: //cha . house. gov /2023 /11/ subcommittee-on-oversight-releases-uscp-video-public-access-policy

    Hard to see the daylight yet, but little wins add up to big wins.

    And of course the big “Earth-shattering bombshell”

    “Argentina elects ‘shock therapy’ libertarian Javier Milei as president”
    https :// www. cnbc. com /2023/11/20/ argentina-elects-shock-therapy-libertarian-javier-milei-as-president.html

  6. Looks like the soap opera over at OpenAI came down to a board member trying to force DE&I on the company.

    Other things to be thankful for (not linking to avoid the spam bot):

    “Why Is Britain Retreating from Global Leadership on Climate Action?”
    https :// e360. yale. edu/ features /ungreening-britain-sunak-climate-change

    “India unlikely to join global cooling pledge at COP28 – govt sources”
    https :// world/india /india-unlikely-join-global-cooling-pledge-cop28-govt-sources-2023-10-27/

    “Trump ‘engaged in an insurrection,’ judge says, but should remain on Colorado ballot” (of course this is being appealed to the state Supreme Court)

    https: // /en-us/ news/ politics/ trump-engaged-in-an-insurrection-judge-says-but-should-remain-on-colorado-ballot/ar-AA1k7r3G

    Subcommittee on Oversight releases USCP Video Public Access Policy
    https: //cha /2023 /11/ subcommittee-on-oversight-releases-uscp-video-public-access-policy

    Hard to see the daylight yet, but little wins add up to big wins.

    And of course the big “Earth-shattering bombshell”

    “Argentina elects ‘shock therapy’ libertarian Javier Milei as president”
    https :// /2023/11/20/ argentina-elects-shock-therapy-libertarian-javier-milei-as-president.html

    • Looking at Milei’s resume and proposals, I think the media is labeling him a libertarian because he is bound to fail and they can further denigrate the term.

      • I’ll take Milei at his word until proven otherwise. I saw a screen grab of his puss up on the WEF web page, but that’s easily ‘shopped and I’m not interested enough to do my own research. If nothing else, just getting the usual suspects to lose their s*** is enough of a reason to like him.

        • Ready: I sure hope I am wrong. At first he sounded like the real thing but lately seems to be just another politician. The real story will be when he actually gets control. How he uses the power will tell the story. (Of course, if he is the real thing he will have to be “off’d”)

      • Howdy A,

        Argentina did a US dollar peg to their Peso, then, in Dec 2001….

        I was hanging out in the South American “Cone Countries”…
        and all the “Argie” ATMs would dispense either “pesos”… or Real fiat bs US dollars….
        always go for the “least Weimar?” I say!

        Well, Holy moly…one day you get “real” cash…the next morning your Argentine peso dropped 66% OVERNIGHT! ( Hello Charmin Ultra soft}

        Don’t get me started on the Indonesian currency collapse of 1998…Yikes…
        Wow, you’re ” in luck with a buck in Bali during revolutionary Shoulder season”

        I recommend firearm or gold acquisition as solid near to mid-term investments.

    • That OpenAI story is fascinating as a cautionary tale. It takes just ONE, just a single woman to utterly destroy decades of work & research with her need for saaaaaafety and social justice.

      Did I mention giving women the right to vote and putting them in the workplace was, on the balance, a horrendously bad idea?

      She wanted to fire the literal brains behind the operation because he was not invested enough in her ludicrous brainwashing related to DEI and ‘Safety’. This should be a textbook example of why DEI needs to be weeded out root & stem before it consumes your organization completely.

      In this case, the story had a happy ending as every single person actually -doing- the work circled the wagons and threatened to quit. Which would have left the board, the diversity, and the HR department remaining. Sort of makes you wonder why you need the latter three at all?

      • Well, I think forcing the two income family on the US has been a net failure, but not necessarily because it brought women into the workforce. More than that it took women away from childrearing and community activities that are valuable but not monetized, like running the PTA, keeping an eye on religious and other entities that involve children to keep the pedos and creeps at bay, and just being active in the neighborhood. For the most part, general socialization isn’t something men will go out and do on their own. Women organize the block parties, the garage sales and other neighborhood gatherings, because they are the ones around to do it. And that’s extremely important work.

        Running a household is a team effort and if both teammates are spending more than 1/2 their waking hours at a job something’s gonna suffer.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to Eric and all here!
    Today is also the 60th anniversary of the coup where the CIA murdered JFK in broad daylight and took over our government; I was in high school at the time and still remember the stunned silence when the announcement came over the PA.
    It is encouraging to see that hardly anyone believes the bs story put out by the Warren commission, conveniently chaired by Allen Dulles who was most likely the ringleader, getting revenge on Kennedy for firing his sorry ass over the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Hopefully enough people will realize that this is just one example of how govco lies about everything and act accordingly.

  8. I am Grateful for each day that is granted to me which I express every day multiple times. Have a wonderful thanksgiving and enjoy the bounty from your labors. Keep the faith Eric.
    Each day is a Blessing, That is why it is called the Present.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Considering that most people will likely be eating turkey for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, one other thing these psychopaths might try to force on the public in the next few years in addition to mRNA “vaccines”, face diapers that are completely useless against respiratory viruses, and EVs is consumption of bugs and frankenfood/ lab grown meat via their war on farmers disguised as “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaving the planet from cliiiiiiiiimate change”. People need to refuse that too. Could you imagine if Bill Gates develops a lab grown turducken as a replacement for turkey in future Thanksgiving dinners?

  10. Happy Thanksgiving!

    The Media Matters stooge, Angelo Carusone, got caught. Hope he has a better day today.

    The Obama Administration hired Stuart Seldowitz, Mr. Seldowitz has been harassing a food vendor from Egypt working in New York City. The video at X exposes Stuart on how he really feels, shows his true colors.

    A couple of turkeys are discovered just in time for Thanksgiving.

    You can say anything you darn well please.

  11. You would think that people would eventually realize that the “problems” our Psychopaths In Charge claim to solve, aren’t much of a problem at all, and their so called solutions don’t work anyway.


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