Latest Radio Show: Wheels Up! with Bill Meyer/KMED FM

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Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR. We talked about various things, most of which I’m not remembering at the moment because I’ve been laid up with a spring does of the ‘Rona or whatever-the-Hell it is and for that reason I’m not firing on all eight this week. Thanks for bearing with!


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  1. Forewarned is to be forearmed.

    Michelle Obama RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT 2024

    Trump could easily win a historic sweep – so if Trump doesn’t win that would be very surprising. If Biden is replaced with the Obongo chimp man-woman then that truly would be a lesson that your vote doesn’t mean squat.

    Douglas Macgregor said last week he thinks Biden will have to resign and take the Ukraine loss with him, and give a new Demoncrap a fresh chance.

    • Obongo chimp man-woman work out video:

      We do NOT need another rubber stamp in the white house playing POTUS, it was bad enough to have a senile old pedophile O’Biden, and if Michelle is elected it would be technically Barak Obama’s 4th term – as he is said to be really running the Biden white house.

      Michelle Obama is really a man, born Michael Lavaughn Robinson, she never had children (her first lady act with rented children was mocking us) and she has no job experience to be president. The he-she thing has never held public office, we do not need another Commie-Marxist rubber stamp ending our free country.


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