The Crucible That’s Coming


Some say elections don’t matter. Their cynicism – and frustration – is easy to understand and to empathize with. We all feel it. It’s easy to feel discouraged. Beaten, even. As if it no longer mattered.

Except, of course, it does.

It mattered in 2016. And it matters even more now. By no means is Hombre Naranja perfect or even close to being so. But it is petulantly childish to insist everything must be perfect – because it never is. Imperfection is the natural state of things. In politics more so than elsewhere. It being an elaboration of the imperfection of human beings. There will always be damaged, stunted – and evil – people among us. We each have aspects of all of the foregoing, perhaps under more control. But to deny it’s there is to deny human nature. We are what we are – and so is everyone else, for better and for worse.

Worse almost came in 2016 – and it is threatening to come, again. Not in the same person, but that hardly matters as we are dealing, so to speak, with powers and principalities rather than personalities. “Kamala” is materially irrelevant – just a “Joe” was. Both serve as codpieces of a sort, covering up what lies underneath.

We have seen – we have experienced – what lies underneath over the course of the past almost four years now.

It is essentially the same as we would have experienced four years earlier. But an election prevented that from happening.  Instead of her we got him – and by dint of that, we got a better Supreme Court, for one thing. Try to imagine what the court would have been like had she rather than he been the one to appoint several new justices along the lines of Katanji Jackson Brown. Do you think you’d still be able to legally possess – let alone carry – a pistol?

That’s a hypothetical.

An actual – on account of her not being elected – is that people who refuse to hand over money to the “health insurance” (as if health could be insured) mafia for “coverage” they’d rather not pay for as it seems to them a waste of their money (antiquated concept, that) are no longer forced to hand over money to the federal government instead. The “shared responsibility payment” – that is to say, the fine imposed on people for not paying the “health insurance” mafia – was rendered a nullity by Hombre Naranja, and that has kept literally thousands of dollars in the pockets of people who’d rather have money on hand to pay for things they need – such as rent and food – as opposed to “coverage” they don’t.

So you still have your firearms – and a considerable sum of your money that you’d otherwise been forced to hand over to either the “health insurance” mafia or the general government.

Far from perfect. But much better than worse.

That creature selected to serve as the codpiece of the powers and principalities will undo both and do much worse. She has promised to put everyone on “Medicare” – that is to say, force everyone to become a client of the now-Sovietized “health care” system, the same one that saluted smartly and did its part to force “masks” and “vaccines” on everyone. Imagine what it will do when it has the government as its official partner.

That thing has said she favors a “gun buyback” program – by which she means a gun confiscation program, similar to the program visited upon Australians, who are now disarmed if they are law-abiding and so defenseless against those who are not, including the government (which imposes whatever it likes and says “it’s the law”).

Hombre Naranja did give us those “beautiful” drugs (they were never vaccines) and he did enable the powers and principalities to usher themselves into power by doing nothing to stop them from doing so. Thoughtful people find his often-simplistic, disjointed sloganeering (and insulting) childish and boorish. But as bad as he is, there is the possibility of much worse.

And that is the choice we have to make.

We would of course prefer a better choice. But that is not the choice we’ve got. It is a simple, binary choice between not-as-good-as-we’d-like and outright evil. Between a man who insults his rivals and a woman who thinks putting men in women’s lingerie in front of little kids is good. Between a man who might not leave you entirely alone and a woman who won’t leave anyone alone. Between a man who might be a fraud – and a woman who is both a fraud and something much worse.

That cackling sound you hear? It’s the sound of The End – and it’s coming.

All that stands athwart is Hombre Naranja. Like him or not.

. . .

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  1. Japanic Monday: Japanese Bonds, Stocks Halted After Plunging Into Bear Market As Everything Crashes Everywhere

    On Friday……brandon…nomics…
    Sea of red….
    At least you can make money on something today…VIX up 26.81% just today..up 82% since July 12th…..

    Monday morning now it is worse….

    PPT…haha…losing control of it….something broke….
    Vix is up 40.40% right now…in just a few hours….

  2. I did a search on the internet of the number of candidates running for president.

    More than 650 were listed. Americans are being played like a fiddle. Forget Trump and forget Harris, don’t do it, that’s not how you do it, only the Jews want you to vote like a programmed robot. Don’t fall for it anymore.

    Think will be the word for tomorrow. So think, start now.

    There is Jo Jorgenson, Libertarian candidate for the POTUS.

    The candidate to vote for and no other.

    Here’s why: President at @people4liberty 2020 #Libertarian candidate for #POTUS Social Scientist. Entrepreneur. Educator. Parent. Whiskey Drinker. Hockey Player.

    She must know how to have some fun.

    • Ballotpedia has the list.

      Jorgensen, correct spelling.

      Temple Grandin figured out how to move cattle through the system, developed a technique, then the technology. Temple was a Judas Goat by proxy, really, really good at it.

      You are being corralled, then the herded, ear tagged, then the road to slaughter. The look in your eye will be the same as a 1200 pound steer on his way to the kill room.

      Judas Goats like Trump and Harris don’t know they are in the feedlot themselves.

      The Jews pick their Judas Goats with careful, meticulous, impeccable scrutiny.

      Once Trump and Harris are gone, there will be more Judas Goats. That useless eater Speaker of the House will be a perfect Judas Goat. Look what happened to Joe.

      You are the victim instructed to follow along. If you don’t vote, it will be your fault that everything is fubar. You will be reminded of it incessantly.

      Drinking helps more than you know.

  3. But THIS TIME it’s so crucial that you vote! LOL. How many even among us will buy that? If you believe that, their propaganda has worked flawlessly on you.

    Vote for the ‘lesser evil’.
    I’m having trouble determining which is the lesser evil: The silly bimbo who has a direct line to Jew-roos-slum in bed with her every night (When she’s not trading her Manishewitz-stained twat for professional favors) and who openly favors the destruction of our country, culture and Caucasian people; or the narcissistic scumbag (Who grants favors for traded twats) who speaks euphorically about fixing America and how bad the “other side” is (When he’s not whooping it up on Jeffery Epstein’s plane with them) while granting carte blanche to the pharma cartel and being The Best Friend Israel Ever Had® and accomplishing a far greater genocide than any Democrat ever could (while still maintaining the support of his blind followers) and fostering death jabs, massive inflation, massive military build-up, while letting cities be destroyed by the other chosen people (Who prefer Afro-sheen and ribs instead of dreidels and matzohs) but advocating more and nastier policing for everyone else. Under who’s reign we experienced the worst tyranny ever inflicted on this country: Actual nationwide “lockdowns”, AND the worst, most unconstitutional “gun control” ever seen, and to be done ex post facto…

    Oh, but wait! The Kuntmala wants to “defund the police”, but yet she has proven to be a RABID advocate and facilitator of using and increasing policing…..

    Do you see? THEY ARE ALL THE SAME! The words are different; the crowd they play to is different, but no matter who you vote for, they will do the exact same things! It’s all just an ACT to convince people to vote. They want your consent. They want you to love Big Brother. They want you to play the game. They want you to waste your time and effort being engaged in something that will have no positive effect on your life, so that you don’t go off the plantation and actually do something that might jeopardize their power franchise.

    It’s the same mentality that causes people to buy lottery tickets or to gamble at a casino. They’re selling false hope.

    I think Trump scares me even more than Kuntmala. With the Kunt, it’s obvious what she is. She doesn’t even try to hide it (or isn’t capable of it, as she’s a silly bitch who isn’t capable of anything but acting and boinking). OTOH, Trump’s insincerity is terrifying! That speech he gave the other week, where he said “Christians should vote for me. You’ll just have to do it once, then it’ll be fixed. You won’t have to vote again(!). [giddy insincere voice] I LOVvvve Christians! I’m a Christian…”.

    If that doesn’t terrify you as much as anything Kuntmala has ever said or done……then nothing will.

    And I think that “You won’t have to vote again” is one of those on-purpose planned prescient things that people will refer back to 4 years from now and see “See? They even admitted it!”, because I have a feeling that that is exactly what it is, and this 2024 election will likely be our last.

    • Excellent post and I love the Kuntmala meme. 96% of her own staff quit since she got her undeserved VP job. If she is elected, god forbid, she will destroy the nation. Thus permit me to improve the derogatory meme describing Kamel Toe Harrassus. KuntMaulUs. Probably too complicated to catch on.

      Just before the uprising in the French Revolution, the peasants and cartoonist degraded the royalty any way they could. It is important for us to degrade in our minds the criminal sold out whore political scum, so if the day of glory comes, and we rise up, putting their necks into the guilotine will cause us no psychological stress.

      Heels Up Harris Action Figure:

  4. It gets worse:

    ‘Chelsea Clinton, the only child of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, is eyeing a potential ambassadorship if Kamala Harris ascends to the presidency, according to insiders.

    ‘A source close to the Clintons revealed to The New York Post, “Chelsea really wants to be the ambassador to the UK. There’s a reason why Bill and Hillary were quick to support Kamala’s presidential bid — they were currying favor.”’

    No-account, no-charm, harpy-faced Chelsea, with zero qualifications or achievements other than bearing the surname Clinton, has no chance of being appointed ambassador to the Court of St James.

    But — having first sat in the same auditorium with Bill Clinton fifty (50) years ago — I cry out in vexation: Will these god-forsaken pests NEVER leave us alone?

  5. The fact that Harris is on the ballot and COULD win spells our fate. No real person smiles so big and laughs so often. Stick a fork in the US, it’s done.
    Every 4 years, the political “class” embarrasses its self. These two are your best and brightest? Really?
    And we are expected to pick one.
    Voting for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
    Harris will do as she’s told by the DNC. Trump will do as he’s told, by Israel. Neither have the least concern about the results. Other than their own welfare.

  6. CNN Stunned as a Group of Black Men at Harrisburg Barbershop in Pennsylvania Believe ‘Kamala Ain’t Black’

    Kamala’s father was born in Jamaica…but…. he was half Irish, half East Indian…Kamala’s mother is East Indian….

    Kamala’s birth certificate says Caucasian…..

    –Kamala Harris’s great grandfather, Hamilton Brown owned many slaves.
    –According the U.K. National Archives, Brown owned at least 121 slaves in 1826,
    –That group had 74 females and 47 males.
    –In 1817, he owned at least 124 slaves, made up of 74 females and 50 males.
    –Brown was at various times the owner, manager, or executor of several dozen plantations and estates on the island of Jamaica.

    • Rachel Dolezal (white posing as black); Pocahontas Warren (white posing as Native American); Kamala Harris (Indian posing as black) — the key to race hustling is a total lack of character.

      Barky Obama (mulatto posing as black) showed how it’s done. Now grrrrrrlll power has taken up the torch, to our sorrow and regret.

      • Obozo may be more “A-Freak-Can” than commonly supposed. Simple reason: He’s NOT the son of his purported mother, (Stanley) Ann Dunham (yes, the mother of our 44th POTUS was named after her FATHER). She was a gullible 18 y.o. that had fallen in love with Barrack, Sr, and was willing to help him out so he’d retain his student VISA. But WHERE are any pictures, let alone CREDIBLE ones, of her, GREAT WITH CHILD, in the summer of 1961? That slip of a girl would’ve been HUGE in her third trimester! Also, she’d been admitted to the University of Washington for its fall semester of 1961, yet had gotten MARRIED, and supposedly was three months pregnant already. Did ANY public university at the time allow a MARRIED woman to reside in the dorms at all, let alone one with an infant in tow? The only possible explanation that has her genuinely the “baby mama” of Barack, Jr, is that she LIED on her admission and application for student housing papers as to her marital status. Par for the course for a liberal Democrat, I suppose.

        No, I say Obama was born in KENYA in 1961, the only thing truthful about that falsified birth certificate is that he probably was born on August 4th of that year. As to who was his “baby mama”, well, although that could have been some British girl in Nairobi (Kenya was still a British colony that wouldn’t win full independence until 1963), there are some light-skinned Negroidal folks in the eastern parts of Africa, notably the Fulani people. An example would be the model and widow of the late David Bowie, Iman, who is NOT “biracial”, yet she has a lovely mocha hue and angular features more typical of Caucasians. Likely the baby Barack, Jr was transported from Kenya through to Canada, and given the rather loose immigration screening between Canada and the US, continued on to Hawaii in custody of his father, then being placed with Ms. Dunham-Obama and passed as HER child. Given that her Dad was an intellectual “doofus” also, that a naive 18 y.o. could be conned into such a scheme is quite plausible. Give the then-young woman this: she loved her adopted son and raised him as if she HAD birthed him, even keeping him once her sham marriage to the boy’s father fell apart. Sadly, Ms. Dunham-Sotrero found, late in 1994, that she had uterine cancer, which had advanced too far (she’d lived in Indonesia all that time, obviously whatever doctor(s) she’d seen was incompetent) to have hope to save her; she passed on in 1995 at the fairly young age of 52.

    • Nothing beats experience! I guess the Kunt will just be perpetuating the family business, and should be well-versed in slave ownership.

  7. Written Sept 29 2020….

    The perfect match for Sutler is Kamala Harris, a woman with no sense of morality who exhibits a sociopathic hatred for her chosen enemies and will do anything or say anything to achieve power. The game plan is to steal the election through mail-in ballot fraud and replace Biden with Harris in short order.

    She and her backers will proclaim the need for drastic steps to restore order and peace, while culling the herd of dissenters and those unwilling to bow to her excellency.

    • bow to her excellency…….

      Going from a republic to an absolute monarchy?….

      Queen at the top…slaves at the bottom….just like the Pharaohs…..

      • Queens (NY) was a fine place for Prince Akeem of Zamunda to find a suitable bride (Robin Givens). although her home was out on Long Island, as her Daddy (John Amos) did damned well with “MacDowell’s”.

  8. How can voting matter if there is no difference between the candidates except for the words they utter?

    To imply that we non-voters refrain from voting because the seemingly better choice “isn’t perfect” is patently absurd. The reality is that there is no better choice because anyone who occupies the office is there only for very specific purposes: To nurture and increase government; and to accomplish the agendas of the unseen but very powerful people who rule this world.

    To say that the candidates are pathological liars would be a huge understatement. They are actors! Acceptance of anything they say should be proof positive that one is incompetent and therefore should not be able to vote (If elections were real and mattered).

    One thing is certain: BOTH candidates are psychopaths! I don’t know which one scares me more: Kuntmala, because of what she admits; or T-Rump because of what he tries to conceal. Either way there will be direct Jew supervision in the WH.

    If you vote, absolutely nothing will change, except that you will be consenting to not only what your candidate does, but even to what the opposing candidate does if they win, because by voting you are participating in “democracy” and thereby consenting to recognize the outcome of elections as the establishment of legitimate power and authority.

    Those who previously voted for The Best Friend Israel Ever Had® :
    In retrospect:
    Did he fulfill even one of his positive promises?
    Did he not stack his admin with Jews and the financial elite; Neocons, RINOs, and deep-state scum?
    Were you expecting him to mask-up and allow a little deep-state functionary medical quack to have power over your life and business?
    Did you expect him to further the everyday surveillance of your life and activities by funding 5G so that now every new vehicle is constantly connected to the internet and in communication with the manufacturer and who-knows-who-else? -and you can’t turn it off.
    Did you expect the fast-tracking of a deadly bioweapon, and threats of using the military to “distribute it” to scare 80% of the population into taking it?
    Did you expect the biggest military budget of all time, to prepare the military for the Ukraine and the 86,296th Israeli-sponsored mid-east genocide?
    Did you vote for CARES and the beginning of massive inflation/destruction of our economy?(While the Orange scumbag keeps uttering “America First!” and “Make America Great Again!”).

    Would it have been any different if you had voted for Hilarity or Crackhead Joe or Foghorn Leghorn? NO!!

    The only thing that’s different is that you keep hoping that the one who utters at least some words which seem more reasonable might actually do some of the GOOD things which his speechwriters carefully craft into his speeches to make you imagine that your candidate actually believes in some of those things, even though 90% of what else he says, and his past performance clearly prove that he doesn’t.

    All that is being accomplished is that you are consenting to the democratic process by participating in it, and therefore have no right to complain or resist when it doesn’t go your way. Stop being a fool! Stop agreeing with our enemies and oppressors! Stop voting!

    The fact that they WANT you to vote; that they encourage it; that they so eagerly put on a show every few years aught to tell you something! The shenanigans and drama they create for these election spectacles in order to keep the public fired-up and eagerly participating is no different than the nonsense they created to fool people into believing that there was a “pandemic” -the only difference being that YOU fell for the former and continue to do so, apparently.

    Look at the space and effort wasted on this site alone over statist politics. Time and space that could have been devoted to liberty and practical means of obtaining more of in our own lives, and instead is wasted on something that ultimately does not matter one iota because there will be no difference whether you vote for A or B or even lesser known also-rans X Y and Z, or if you vote or don’t vote. It’s a fool’s game, like playing the lottery.

    Oh but wait, 14,000 (or 8 million) invaders admitted that they voted! We’d better get out there and vote harder! See? SEEeeee?! It does matter! [sigh]

  9. The taint of dual loyalty:


    They just scrubbed Josh Shapiro volunteering for the IDF from his Wikipedia page.

    Damage control has been turned up to the max.

    Would be a shame if the Democrat base found out!

    ‘During his studies at University of Rochester, [Josh Shapiro] spent five months in Israel and volunteered for the Israeli Defense Forces.’ — scrubbed Wikipedia article

    An American who serves in a foreign military forfeits US citizenship. Having served in the IDF, Shapiro now is solely an Israeli citizen … and disqualified from being vice president or president of the US.

  10. US “Presidents” have become illegitimate. They administer the country
    as dictators. Example: Executive Orders – no constitutional provision.
    Abe Lincoln was the beginning of the end of constitutional federal

    Without reigning in presidential unconstitutional power, the
    next dictator ensures continuing dissatisfaction and further
    division of the country.

  11. Today over at RBN, Richard Kary show hosts former NSA analyst Frederick C. Blackburn [a.k.a. Blackbird9] on how Trump could be controlled opposition,like Emmanuel Goldstein from the book 1984. Trump could turn on us.

    Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, August 2, 2024 Hour 2

    Note: in a speech about a week ago, Trump says Christians should get out to vote, and he is not a Christian. (He converted to Judaism 2 years ago).

    There is a scenario on how Trump could win, the stock market is a good indicator of who wins. If the market crashes, the outsider will win over the incumbent. If the market were to fall 20% before election, day the outcome would favor Trump.

    But if Trump wins, he will be serving his second and last term, and thus could reverse any of his promises, and has done so in the past. Trump claims to be the King of Israel, and is an Israeli firster. That is not good, loyalty to a foreign state is by definition treason.

    • Hi Jack,

      I grant you may be right; my only counter is that Kamala is certain to be awful. She is a race-hustling Marxist opportunist who craves power. Trump may prove to be a duplicitous opportunist who sells us out. That pick’s easy for me.

      • Hi Eric.

        Certainly Kammi would be horrible. But I thought you had learned your lesson with the Orange Man the first time? Next thing you know, you will be approving The Chimp 🙂 If Trump does manage to get in, it will very likely be the same song and dance. Even if the Stupid Party gets both the house and the senate, it will still be the same collection of Rinos and bottom feeders (did I just repeat myself?…) that would prevent any meaningful change. Real change would require the appointment of people who would never make it through the senates approval. It would also require actions that the Usual Suspects would not approve of. Which is a non starter in occupied DC. Lets say that he does get in. What do you think he can do about the polycrisis that is bearing down on us? Sealing the border would be a good start. IF it can be done. In the face of endless lawfare and foot dragging by the Deep State. But what about the countless millions already inside the country? ANY attempt at massive deportation would be met with hysterical/emotional appeals from the mass media, endless lawfare and more foot dragging by the Deep State. How about our energy situation? Any attempt to stop the idiotic march of “transition” to wind/solar would again be met by lawfare and foot dragging by the deep state. How about curbing governments insane spending spree? Its simply not going to happen. It would be political suicide. Are you seeing a pattern here? Thats just the tip of the iceberg that is bearing down on us. What is darkly ironic is that what the situation requires is a US nationalist with many of the traits of Putin. In other words a intelligent totally ruthless tyrant. But even with that, the quality of life and standard of living of the majority of Americans is going to see a sharp decline, as the Greater Depression kicks in to gear.
        People need to stop looking for s Strong Leader to ride in and “save” them. They need to take responsibility for themselves, their families and communities. Those who do, will have a much better chance of surviving what is coming.

      • Any general can win a battle with the army he wants. The GOOD ones win with the army they HAVE.

        Sure, Trump is NOT “perfect”, far from it. Then again, the Libertarian candidate that actually had a shot, which he FUMBLED away, of getting electoral votes at all, posing himself to become a “Kingmaker” if he frustrated either major party candidate from getting the necessary 270 EVs to win, in spite of besting his already-held record of nationwide popular votes by more than 4X in 2016, versus 2012, Gary Johnson, and his Veep, Bill Weld, were both picked at as not being “true” Libertarians?

        Will someone please explain to me just what the Molly-motherfuck that IS? Ask in a room of 100 Libertarian party members, and likely I’ll get 100 different answers.

        I voted for Johnson, instead of Trump, in 2016, simply because, even w/o the blatant voter fraud in Calipornia in that election (more a matter of getting US reps and State Assembly and Senate seats, that was also the election that put “Kamel-Toe” in the US Senate, not that her going there was in doubt), the Democrat nominee had CA’s then 55 EVs in the bag. Hell, Donald DUCK (or given the cvnt that was running, the Hildebeast herself, DAISY DUCK) would have easily won the POTUS selection in the formerly Golden State, versus Donald Trump. So I had then, and STILL have, the LUXURY of voting my “conscience”, which is more like, what’s the best way to “give the FINGER” to the Dummycrats running this state (into the ground)? At least my ballot is SUPPOSED to be secret, but, damn, given how things can be bar-coded and QR-coded, how readily my votes could be tallied against the voter registration database! Who’s to say that information can’t be used against me if those seeking “unlimited power”, ala “Palpy” from Star Wars, decide to use it to compile their “enemies list” and take unlawful action, accordingly? For example, this was done in 1938, in Austria, AFTER the Anschluss, which, with Hitler already having ridden into his nation of birth in triumph like a Roman Caesar, a plebiscite was STILL held, to at least lend an aura of legitimacy to the invasion. Of course, quite a few Austrians, who’d tried to unify with Germany after the Great War in 1920, were rebuffed by the victorious Allies, and forbidden to do so by the Treaty of Saint-Germain. “Red Vienna”, i.e., the Austrian capital being dominated by Communists, was against joining with Germany, especially after Hitler came to power. The result of the election was ninety percent said “Ja”, but ten percent voted “Nein”. Soon those that had voted “Nein” were either rounded up and herded into concentration camps, or deported, as was Dr. Sigmund Freud (called by Archie Bunker “Sigmund Froot”), or had their businesses seized, employment, especially if civil servants, terminated, or were dismissed from the military.

        Yes, Trump gets quite a few things WRONG, but he’s also proved himself a capable administrator, and had done much to get the US Federal bureaucracy under control…which is WHY the “Deep State” has done its utmost to stop him. Like ANY candidate that amounts to much in national politics, he’s completely under Israel’s thumb, but what ELSE would you expect from someone that “made his bones” in JEW YORK? Still, although overall his speech today in “Hot-Lanta” (Atlanta) went well, there were a few signs that he’s still a bit of a hardhead, if not, for all his supposed business and negotiation savvy, a KNUCKLEHEAD. Look, I can call that…THING that’s all but sewed up the DNC nomination, UNELECTED, “Kameltoe”, “Whore”, “Ding-Dong” and other well-deserved labels, as in, who the hell CARES? But his referring to her as “Low IQ”, though he’s right, is just DUMB to even bring up. What “Dumb Donald” doesn’t seem to still get is that the RULES OF ENGAGEMENT have CHANGED! Those that’d favor him over her on general liberty or conservative principles won’t care, neither will the hardcore leftists that talked shit about “Mittens” Romney, John McCain, or either Bush. There’s a simple reason…they’re DERANGED, and have no sense of self-restraint at all. But there are those that, sad to say, decide things emotionally rather than rationally, which is a lot of undecided WOMEN. Calling some female, even a very unlikeable one like Harris, will tend to put off quite a few women, not that they’ll necessarily vote for the cackling whore when, if he’d just get his Gott-Damned yap under control, they’d have picked Trump, they may just not VOTE at all! Still a LOST vote. Someone in his campaign needs to take him aside, and say, “Sir, will you PLEASE pull your head out of your ass and your foot out of your mouth?”

        And, no, although as even this round, in Calipornia, I can vote for whoever it pleases on some silly grounds, as it simply won’t make a difference, I won’t vote for the LP candidate, Mr. Chase Oliver. As the fictional Tony Soprano would have put it…”He’s a FAAAAAG!” (Fag, or homosexual). Sorry, I can allow myself to tolerate faggots and dykes, and let them alone, provided they don’t try to “groom” my grandchildren, especially the underaged ones. But I can’t see electing ANY of those mentally ill freaks, especially those that don’t seem to understand the anus is an exit point for bodily waste, not an entry point for an erect penis. If that makes me a “hater” in the eyes of some, then they have me confused with someone that gives a fuck.

        • “What’s Aleppo?” – Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate for POTUS

          Cat didn’t even know some basic geography, didn’t know it was a place, a city.

          Whirling Dervishes in Aleppo, the place to go to see them.

          Gaza looks like Aleppo, doesn’t seem to stop.

          Destruction everywhere you go in those places.

          Aleppo was first for annihilation, bombs away.

          Trump maybe wouldn’t know anything about Aleppo and Harris is clueless, wouldn’t register at all. Gary Johnson is not alone.

          Any Idiot Savant should be able to see through it to the bitter end.

      • Lived in SF at the time of the Willie Brown-Kamala Harris affair. My wife met Harris I believe when she was a/the DA. Same as it ever was. We had Feinstein and Pelosi as well. Nothing good comes out of SF

  12. I will vote for Trump not because I love his philosophy or ideals but for the simple reason that doing so is the equivalent of giving the finger to the DemonRats and GloboHomo.
    They don’t want anything from us besides our obedience and our vote. They will get neither.

    • I’ll still likely vote for Trump on the basis of being the “best of the worst”, though the degree of difference is considerable. Still, don’t delude yourself into believing that even a strong GOP victory, re-taking the White House and both House and Senate, will suddenly right the foundering ship that is the US Federal Government. Remember, “Dishonest Abe” Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN, too! Sic Sempre Tyrannis.

  13. Nope.

    I even just had my dad nearly begging me to vote for Orange Man because he’s so afraid of losing SocSec.

    I’m still not sure I’m even voting this time around, but I will always, until things change, be voting for MORE FUCKING CHOICES.

    Always having two assholes foisted upon me by two private organizations masquerading as political entities time-and-time again is UNACCEPTABLE.

    I’ve never played the lesser-of-two-evils game and don’t intend to begin now.

    • Voting the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.

      Scorpio discusses the election and how the fix is in for Kamala.

      I have an idea what is really going down. There is no way in hell the system is ever going to allow Trump to win and cancel their Green New Deal, and the push for EVs, the unlimited illegal immigration to forever end white culture dominance in Amerika. They tried to assassinate Trump, that failed, so now they are going to steal the next election by hook or crook.

      Trump is being set up to take the fall and forever demoralize mainstream white christian Amerika. The Demoncraps are going to put this poseur Kamala in and continue with their agenda, and in a few years Amerika will no longer resemble anything you remember from your childhood.

      Our only hope is armed rebellion or States leaving the Union and starting over.

      • Yukon Jack: “…in a few years Amerika will no longer resemble anything you remember from your childhood.”

        That happened 40 or 50 years ago for me. It happened to every generation since “The United States are” became “The United States is”.

      • The supposed “Fix” won’t suffice to swing the election, at least not in a plausible manner. It’ll be obvious by the middle of next month that the Harris-(dipshit) ticket is going down in FLAMES. So will many US cities if an unnecessary war with the Russian Federation is provoked, in a desperate attempt to “Rule in Hell”, or, more simply, and with the connivance of the Mossad, Trump’s AIRCRAFT does. Please tell me that the same Secret Service that couldn’t keep some nutball kid from getting within 150 yards and a few millimeters with the bullet of killing Trump has equipped his aircraft with chaff and flares, and a capable EWO to work them. Somehow I DOUBT it. As with 2020, the issue isn’t whether Donald John Trump gets the VOTES to get re-elected, it’s the BALLOTS and who counts them. Failiing that, as did Bill the Butcher in “Gangs of New York”, a simple assassination, with the smug rejoinder, as the real William Marcy “Boss” Tweed of the real Tammany Hall put it, “Well, what ARE you going to DO about it?”

    • Social Security is going to be just fine. You’ll get exactly what you’re entitled to, down to the penny. They’re already making sure they can pay what’s due by printing.

      Won’t be worth anything, but you’ll get it.

      • Yes, we’ll “Get it”, ALRIGHT. As HL Mencken said, “Democracy” is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. No matter what, you’re getting FUCKED, it’s just a question of whether you get candy and flowers afterwards, or at least cab fare home.

    • “Those who refuse to engage in politics, by not voting, campaigning, or running for political office….

      Will be RULED over by those who do engage…”

      Ancient Chinese proverb

      YMMV . .Good Luck y’all’s!

  14. I will hold my nose and vote for Trump. Yeah, I wish there was somebody better, but that won’t ever be (better people will NEVER run for office). Trump has his many faults but he is still better than what we would get from Hillary, Biden or Harris.

    Just keeping the Supreme Court from becoming more liberal is worth it. After the bureaucrats the high court is probably the ones making the laws we get stuck with.

    • Give Trump THAT. Seeing Roe overturned and the issue of baby murder remanded to the several states was the greatest achievement, albeit indirectly, of his single term thus far.

  15. The excruciation that’s coming:

    ‘Lmfao there is a 100% [probability] they were supposed to schedule this post for next week but some dumb staffer for the Mayor of Philadelphia accidentally just revealed that Kamala Harris is picking Shapiro as her VP.’

    There will be much to say about this. But no point till it’s confirmed. If true, it’s the ultimate ‘sand kicked in our eyes’ provocation.

    ‘Shapiro’: our cross to bear.

    • LOL, not a surprise. I think most of us expected it since she desperately needs Pennsylvania’s 19 electoral votes. Of course, she just handed Michigan to Trump.

      • Hi Adi

        Given the status of occupied DC, thats a given. But the Orange Man is also beloved of that tribe. But even noticing that is ISM.

    • As one Archibald Bunker, of 704 Hauser Street, Queens, NY, would put it:

      “Good night, Noiss (nurse), she’s picked a JEW!”

  16. Donald Trump is the man behind the curtain. Might as well be, get ‘cher vaccine on. Pulls a Jim Cramer like no other. Clowns, jokers, to the left, then to the right. They’re everywhere you go.
    Uff da.

    Throw a bucket of water at Kamala and she’ll melt, the evil witch that she is. Kamala, the Wicked Witch of the West II.

    Even Toto saw through it all.

    Veterans Today tells it like it is.

    A few words from the past. History you never knew.

    What goes around, comes around.

    In succinct words, war is hell.

  17. Could you imagine what might have happened had Hillary Clinton been President during the COVID insanity? Had Hillary Clinton put in Supreme Court Justices instead of Trump and Hillary enacted COVID vaxx mandates for employers the way the Biden Thing tried to do in 2021, SCOTUS may have ruled that the government COULD force us to take experimental pharma products under guise of “Public Health Emergency”, and the government would have likely been emboldened to go even further in telling us what to do or what to put in our bodies.

    As for Kamala Harris, I don’t remember if she was on board with the Biden Thing’s COVID jab mandates. And given that she was part of the most authoritarian regime in our lifetimes, plus with HHS having quietly declared BIRD FLU a “Public Health Emergency” last month, will a Kamala Harris regime be even MORE authoritarian than the Biden Thing has been, or even try to MANDATE that people take an experimental mRNA bird flu vaccine AND perhaps even give such a “vaccine” to any livestock they raise? I hope we won’t have to find out.

    • Hi John,

      Does this mean you will not be attending the International Bird Flu summit in Virginia this October?

      Is history repeating itself? Will there be a miracle bird flu outbreak at the end of October or maybe they will wait until January 2025? Time will tell.

      • Hi RG,

        I haven’t been invited to that Bird flu summit, possibly because I’m not some shill for Big Pharma, the WHO, or even the WEF. I am concerned that we could see a repeat of the COVID hysteria & tyranny that seemed to be everywhere in 2020. Should the criminals that still rule us try this crap again, hopefully this time, there’ll be MASS PUSHBACK against it from the people unlike 4 years ago.

    • If Hillary had been president, no way would there have been Covid. No sitting president has ever survived a recession, even an artificially created one like in 2020. Covid started out as the Left’s way of getting rid of Trump. Why would they pull a stunt like that during an election year if Hillary was running?

  18. So Eric, you have not convinced me to vote. You gotta come up with some better arguments to convince me. But at work this morning I did think up 2 ways I would vote:

    !. An IDF soldier of the New Police Forces of Amerika, puts an Uzi to my head and says, “Achtung Yukon, either vote I blow your brains out in the name of Yahweh!”. In that case I would definitely vote even if the only candidate is Bibi Netanyajew. It seems to me he is the real president anyways, since he just got 58 standing ovations from our elected AIPAC bought and paid for clowns.

    2. Voting rules change and “NONE OF THE ABOVE” is put on ever ballot in ever precinct in police states of Amerika. If None of the Above wins the popular vote by 50% then all candidates in that race are now disqualified and all new candidates are put on new ballots and the vote is taken over. And this is done even if that have to shut the sham government down until the people agree on someone who can actually represent them without being a complete sold out whore.


    I also have some brainy ideas on how to fix the rigged system:

    We do like they do in Switzerland. No politician gets one nickel from the taxpayers until after they serve their term, then we vote to see if they should get paid.

    If the president and congress runs a deficit in that year, their pay is confiscated to pay down the debts they incurred.

    Anyone who wants to be a politician is not allowed to run for office.

    Aptitude tests. The president has to know that Africa is not a country. If the candidate can not pass a geography test, etc, they can not run for office. That would eliminate morons. Testing would be done by non-partisan civilians who don’t vote.

    Single issue vote rules. Before you can vote on any change in the government, you must pass an aptitude test on the proposed change. This will be conducted just like a DMV driving test, you can keep trying until you prove you have knowledge to vote for that issue. This will eliminate 99.9% of the morons who vote and have no idea what they hell they are voting on.

    Only veterans are allowed to declare war on another nation. You have to have served in the military and understand the horror of war to be able to make a rational decision to go to war. Senators who are bribed by defense contractors can never be allowed to “declare war”.

    Voting is made transparent on the internet. Each person has an account online that can be checked by anyone anywhere with a laptop. Your account will be managed just like your online bank account. It will be accurate like your bank statement, which has to balance your account each day to the cent. Like your bank, you will be able to check anytime if your vote is actually be counted. This will eliminate absentee ballots which are “accidentily” tossed overboard. If you do not have a computer, you can go to any library (or school) and login.

    A voting number is assigned to their geographic location to maintain anonymity. Say you vote in Oregon as a male in Jackson County. Your number would be like ORJACKSONM0000100001. 6 months before the election you can start voting, and change your vote up to midnight at the end of the voting day. For 6 months all this information is free online for everyone to see. That will eliminate ballot stuffing and large last minute changes – as the vote will have stabilized long before election day. No last minute surprises by the Demoncrap ballot stuffers. As the election progresses candidates and voters will see exactly how the electorate is voting and not be susceptible to the fake news media gaslighting – like right now where hated Kamalaho is “in the lead”.

    DNA tests. Everyone’s birth sex must be genetically tested and put by their name on the ballot. That would be a good idea for the olympics also, so biological males are not allowed to beat the shit out of female boxers.

    • Hi Jack,

      Ok, I’ll try!

      The way I see it, what have I got to lose – by voting for Trump? Does voting for him mean I cannot also at the same time advocate for something better? There is a chance – admittedly, a small one – that Trump might actually do something to fight the Left – and that alone is worth my vote. I grant that he might prove to be even worse than Harris.

      But she is worse – no need to guess.

      The way I see it, when you are in a fight for your life, you do anything and everything you can to save it. I leave no tool untried.

      • Yes, I think most people will do exactly what you are planning on doing, voting for Trump with your fingers crossed hoping that he doesn’t turn out worse than Harris. And indeed, if Trump can do what he says he will do – like deport 70 million illegals, Trump would be my hero too. But …

        Having watched these election cycles and how no matter how we vote things get worse and worse and WORSE. I used to say/write each decade was worse than the last, then that sped up, each year is worst than the last, now it’s every month is worse than the last. Amerika is in a nose dive, and how can one man fix that? It beggars belief that the orange clown married to Israhell is going to fix any of our problems – and I have his last presidency as an example – it ended with the Covid disaster and J6.

        So as a long time observer of these 4 year farcical selections, does voting actually fix anything? Yes, we are all voting and it keeps getting worse. That is like pushing on the brake pedal but the car still goes off the cliff – and while free falling you push on the brake pedal some more in a vain attempt to stop the inevitable impact with destiny.

        You know the saying, if voting mattered, you would not be allowed to vote. If voting worked, we would not be where we are right now. So I say (as the ultimate black pilled cynic) your hopes will be dashed on the rocks of despair.

        Trump can not save us, and the question is if that fraud con artist even intends on doing anything he says. If Trump deports even 1 million illegals I will buy you a drink. I wrote on other sites that Trump said he would “lock her up” “crooked Hillary”. But when he got elected the first time he did no such thing, and said Hillary had served well.

        Once elected for his second and final term, why would Trump care about what he promised us little voters (who he, King Trump, fooled good)? He won’t, he will be beholden to those who paid him to get elected.

        Trump says on day one he will end EV subsidies. I think that is a good idea, but in the real world that means Tesla would crash and burn, and so would all that money GM and Ford dumped into their EV efforts. I somehow doubt he will do that. And if he did, the Left would surely try to assassinate him again.

        Either Trump or Harris we are going into some huge unmitigated disaster of Biblical proportions. Israel has crossed the Rubicon into it’s own death spiral. What will that ziofool Trump do to save Israel? Israel can not be saved. Amerika can not be saved. We need to forget them and save ourselves. Voting, IMO, is a gigantic distraction that catches our attention and energy – and there’s no evidence that voting will ever save or fix anything. Remember the post WW1 Germans? They were in dire straights, and they voted for Hitler.

      • Hi Eric.

        You really believe that it matters who votes for whom? Trump could get the vast majority of the votes and still lose(they could also get lucky with their next attempt to kill him). “Those who cast the votes determine nothing. Those who count the votes determine everything”. Given how in your face the cheating/stealing was in 2020, do you really think they will not escalate that winning formula this time? Certainly with MAGA much more active now, it would have to be escalated. But so what? The plandemic demonstrated that out right dictatorship would be tolerated, if enough fear porn is pumped into peoples minds. All they have to do is prep the general population with enough bogus “polls” and swamping people with the support of the Ministry of Truth (mass/social media) in favor of the Strong Woman of Color™ and they can always steal enough to make up the difference. Its not as if the courts are any less corrupt/cowardly now, than they were in 2020. The main drawback to this is She who would be Queen. It is Her Divine Right to be the first woman president. Its going to be interesting to see how much control of the DNC she still has. In other news, you do realize that most of those in huge parts of Aussie land didn’t and will not turn in their guns? Lets be real here, do you really think that a so called “buy back” or ban would do anything of substance, to the fact that the US population has more than half of the civilian guns in the entire world? As for their goofy idea of universal medicare, it would just speed up the already rapid decline in the quality of healthcare and bankrupt the country even sooner. The entire system is coming apart at the seams. Once the “wealth effect” illusion fades, and the various markets crash (regression to the mean) all bets are off. While I’ve no doubt They have Plans™ for various outcomes, as demonstrated in the Plandemic their models didn’t survive contact with reality. Expect more and more chaotic events as the various systems and processes collapse. Perhaps setting the stage for a Strong Leader to ride in and “save” us? But I suspect that the actual events will diverge from Their scripts. Especially since they aren’t the only group of oligarchs involved with this. I really hate living in “historic” times.

        • I hear you, BJ –

          And you are probably right that it does not matter. But what have we got to lose by voting? If they steal the (s)election again, they steal it again. But if enough of us do not vote for the Kamala thing, then it will erode the legitimacy of the Kamala thing – and that is worth something, I think. I’m not arguing, by the way that Trump isn’t a bloviating fraud. I am saying the alternative is much worse.

      • I like Lieutenant Jean Rasczak’s (Michael Ironside) personnel policy in “Starship Troopers”…(can you believe it’s been 27 years since that flick premiered?):

        “Rico, you’re platoon (enlisted) leader until you’re dead, or I find someone BETTER”. Later on, after Rasczak is killed, being sawn in half by a bug “blade’ and dying an agonizing death, Rico puts a few rounds in him, to end his suffering, the Mobile Infantry soldier that nearly washed out is now promoted to Lt. in Rasczak’s place, using the same phraseology (“everyone fights, no one quits. If you don’t do your job, I’ll shoot you myself.”)

        So it is with Trump. He’s the best choice possible, not some idealized candidate that doesn’t have a snowflake’s chance in Hell of getting a single electoral vote. IF it’s going to be a “fair” election, then it’s Trump with around 400 EVs, in what’s tantamount to a political shellacking.

        So who SEZ it’ll be “fair”? Or that Trump will SURVIVE to win the election? It all depends upon whether the J-O-Os decide he’s their man or that…THING…is. If buying the election or other shenanigans are unlike to work, at least not without turning the entire thing into an obvious FARCE, then the Orange Man is “pulped”, most likely by his aircraft being downed by a team-portable anti-aircraft missile, with the blame being on Hamas or Iran…but, like JFK being “rubbed out” 61 years ago, it’ll have the Mossad behind it. Who ELSE would be trusted with a critical operation like that?

        • Amen, Douglas –

          Wishing for perfection is understandable; expecting it a fool’s errand. We use the tools we have, whatever they are – and we fight to win, whatever it takes. I’m a libertarian but understand that right now, we’re not going to get libertarianism. What I really don’t want is outright communism.

          • We poor sots in the formerly “Golden” state, Calipornia, THOUGHT we’d rid ourselves of her skanky ass in 2016 when she was hand-picked to success that yapping little Chihuahua Jewess from Brooklyn, Barbara Boxer. At least her inexplicable pick as the Phony POTUS’ Veep in 2020 got her not representing Calipornia directly, but at the time, no one thought seriously that, save for “I’ve fallen and can’t get up!”, that she’d ever infest the White House. Methinks it’s still not unliikely, but POSSIBLE, and that it IS already speaks very ill of our country.

            The Libertarian Party won’t get anywhere as long as its ranks are filled with idealists infected with the “No True Scotsman” logical fallacy. That, AND…nominating a homosexual as its Presidential candidate. Sorry, folks, that shit STILL doesn’t “Play in Peoria”, whether it’s the one in IL (home of Caterpillar) or AZ (“Sunbird” Central), thank “GAWD”!

            • Hi Douglas

              Perhaps you’ve forgotten that old joke? “The Libertarian Party is not libertarian”? 🙂 That’s been true of the party for decades. I was there at the start. It is FAR away from its founding principles. Which is only to be expected. Its been infiltrated and subverted. But not to worry, the vast majority of the population has been so brain washed and indoctrinated by the governments “educational” system, and its Ministry of Truth(mass/social media) that they would consider our basic principles “radical”. Foundation; You own yourself and your works. The Non Aggression Principle. and Mind Own Business. FAR too “radical” for the modern age.

          • You are the only one who gets this. My Obama impersonations are based on an NPR clip from the 90’s, where he speaks about the main flaw of the Constitution was that it did not address “redistributional change”. He spoke in communistic terms. Later, when asked what he wanted to do after the presidency, he did not say, “I’m going to Disneyland”, he said that he wanted to head the UN. And the destruction of the US and the establishment of the world government is engineered by the likes of him. And the stupid electorate will hail him while the country falls to thunderous applause.

          • Hi Eric.

            Its not about perfect. Its about principles. As long as the foundation (you own yourself and your works) and the NAP(Non Aggression Principle) are followed, the rest is up to the individual. I don’t want out right communism either. But I also don’t want the out right fascism that is our current system. Remember soft despotism? Its in the process of turning hard. Look at the Plandemic, with all of the petty politicians channeling their inner tyrants. Each “crisis” is worse than the last. Remember how deranged the country was after 9/11? Then came the Plandemic, and YEARS of hysteria. The stage is set for the next “emergency”. Its likely to be VERY nasty. The Usual Suspects are desperate for either a real civil war inside the Empire and/or WWIII. Why? To distract people from what is coming. They have been pulling rabbits out of their hats for decades. Piling debt on top of debt on top of debt. Raking in trillions in Vig. But the very foundations are crumbling now. Not to mention the rise of nationalism across the world. Given enough distractions, they can slink back into the shadows and wait for the next Strong Leader to arise, and then buy them. Rinse repeat. We don’t need a Strong Leader to “save” us. We need to take personal responsibility for ourselves, our families and communities. Nothing beyond that matters at this point.

            • Hi BJ,

              I don’t disagree with you. But, I also don’t it has to be binary. Yes, principles matter. Absolutely. But when you are under duress – as in a prison, which (effectively) we all are – it is not a violation of one’s principles, as I see it, to also do what is possible to improve the situation. If – and I grant it’s a reach – Trump should somehow be elected and (again, a reach) he actually does try to get the chaos under control – does something to thwart the Left – then that would be better than what we’re dealing with. By no means ideal. I concede the many problems. But – better. So, on the basis of that chance, I will probably vote for the hombre naranga – just as I would probably vote to have a less sadistic warden run the prison I’m stuck in.

              • Trump’s ways are certainly way too entrenched at age 78 to expect anything approaching a Libertarian utopia upon his re-election. I’m not picking him for that, as if, even if SOMEHOW Calipornia had honest elections (the farce of the 2021 Gubernatorial recall being a lesson on how “they” will frustrate any attempt by we “proles” to unseat those the PTB want in positions of high authority, like “Gabbin’ Nonsense” continuing to steer the ship of the formerly Golden State to founder upon the rocks of outright Marxism and White Genocide), my personal ability to affect the outcome of the “Winner-take-all” of whom Calipornia’s 54 electors shall vote for POTUS this coming December (the election that ‘COUNTS’, as per “Uncle Joe” Stalin) being meaningless. More or less, for me, this quadrennial kabuki theater has been to pick the person in which I’ll symbolize giving the cadre of criminals presuming to run Calipornia the “FINGER”! I’m under no delusion that my vote is NO secret, whatsoever, nor that already their “chain dogs”, lacking only the gorget worn by the WWII-era German MPs, aren’t ready to do some “Hut-hut-hutting” on a gaggle of elderly “White Supremacists”, thinking them EASY pickings . In my case, one thing they haven’t reckoned on…recent medical news, of which I await confirmation soon, indicates I might have less time on this third rock from the Sun that I’d supposed. If that’s the case, so be it. Grateful to my Lord for the sixty-five I’ve already been blessed with. If all I can do is leave a legacy of a better country for my kids, grandkids, and so on, well, that actually what EACH of us will ultimately leave behind, it’s not a question of IF, but when, and the legacy, of course. As long as I get to be another “voice in the Wilderness”, I won’t STFU. And if the goons of the Deep State actually believe that there’s a need to do a “Hut-Hut-Hut!” exercise on yours truly, well…those that SURVIVE, if any (it COULD take a SECOND or even THIRD wave to effect their nefarious agenda) will regret that day…or at least shake their heads and say to themselves, “that was one CRAZY SUMBITCH!”

    • This “Everyone’s birth sex must be genetically tested and put by their name on the ballot.” should read:

      Every candidate and spouse birth sex must be genetically tested and put by their name on the ballot. That will eliminate fakers like the Obama’s who posed as a heterosexual couple with kids.

    • Hi Jack,
      I like your ideas for fixing the rigged system, especially disqualifying anyone who wants to be a govco apparatchik. Picking random names out of a hat for Clowngress would work well, serve for one term only kind of like jury duty.
      In addition to only veterans voting on starting a war I would add that everyone who does vote so is immediately sent to the front lines. Would love to see that warmongering chickenhawk Lindsey Graham as a grunt in uniform on the front lines of Ukraine.

  19. Government now says it,,, not you have the power to dictate who can come in the nation… basically anyone from a shitbox turd world hell hole. The media and government in the UK now defend imported child killers. The new PM wants more powers and more police to incarcerate the protesters that want the perp punished.

    The answer to these traitorous shitbirds in corpgov is incredibly simple for those with intestinal fortitude.

    Unfortunately, intestinal fortitude is an extinct bird these days. Flooded with estrogen, numerous poisons in the required vaccines, and the gas lighting humorously called education ensures a complete disgusting society as exists today. Everything you learn in skools is either a lie or bullshit.

    Today even 3 young murdered girls cannot stir enough emotion to punish a perp. A few emasculate protests. The perp likely to be sent back to the turd world hole it emerged from only to re-enter later on with the help of a billionaire eunuchs funding this shitshow.

    • England is burning and rioting. A civil war is on a precipice because the immigrants are fighting the Britons with hammers, knives and machetes. 32 cities are rioting.

      • Fuck ’em. They had their chances to keep the UK for the BRITISH, not every brown and black polygot curry-eating, ganja-smoking cretin.

        And related to the UK, has anyone noticed that the US general election falls on GUY FAWKES day? Coincidence? Whaddyathink?

  20. I would happily show up to vote on whichever candidate could guarantee to keep my kids (and everyone else’s kids) from being drafted. It is time for the USSA to stay out of foreign skirmishes. It isn’t our problem. I am tired of sending them our people, our arms, and our money.

    • Can’t be done RG…. too much money involved. They’re all paid off by the club we’re not allowed to join. (Carlin) Their agenda is depopulation and control what remains. As I keep saying,,, there is a solution but! won’t be considered until too late. As a Viet Nam survivor,,, I agree with you. Good ruck!!

    • I’ll vote anytime for the one that tells Isra-Hell to fuck off, and reminds them that even then “Iron Dome” will be expended after the FIRST Trident II D5 missile is launched their way, with it’s load of “penetration aids”, and a FEW warheads WILL get through…preferably a W88 set at its REAL full yield, not the bullshit one we told the Russkies in the 2002 SALT Treaty Amendment, airburst over Tel Aviv at about 8,000 feet. It’ll be “Sodom and Gomorrah” all over again for the “most gay-friendly” city in the WORLD!

      The next missile launched from that single Ohio-class nuclear boat, and we have FOURTEEN of them, will pick off whatever targets remained in a helpless, moribund Zionist bandit state. There are STILL 22 left, so if we want to slap Iran or anyone else around, got plenty of “arrows” in the “Quiver”.

  21. “Between a man who might be a fraud – and a woman who is both a fraud and something much worse”

    I’m with you on that. Voting for a national candidate doesn’t matter as much a local voting but still I cannot bring myself to vote for Kamala/Democrats/minorities/Communists/Socialists.

    Plus if you like gas engine cars then you have no choice but Trump. Trump’s not perfect and he has a bit of the coward in him. But Kamala and the Communists; you have got to be kidding me!

    Most all candidates kiss Israel ass. That’s almost a given considering that money runs the show.

    • I can’t say I will vote for him, but I applaud The Donald’s plan on not taxing Social Security benefits and no taxes on tips. Only the government can get away with taxing your taxes.

      • I can just see “Kamel-Toe” and the Dummycrats trying to argue that the Federal Government can’t “afford” not taxing SS benefits to seniors that are scraping by, or not taxing tips to likewise some single working mother waiting tables at a greasy spoon. The late Donna Summer’s “She Works HARD For The Money” comes to mind.

  22. In most elections, there is very little to vote for. But there is always something to vote against. And if you don’t vote you’re not supporting the Thomas Massie or Ron Paul you say you support.

    That said, I did enthusiastically support Trump. Not because he’s a great speaker, or because he’s a saint. But he at least has made a business run in the real world, and that is vastly better than another fucking lawyer who deals in raw illicit power. And he was/is a wrecking ball aimed at a corrupt and rotting illicit power structure. And it worked perfectly, exposing millions more to the spectacle of corrupt prosecutions and impeachments. He shone a light on exactly how far the bad guys will go to steal elections/power and what the real world looks like. And he did get the Supreme Court turned in a slightly better direction.

  23. “Some say elections don’t matter. Their cynicism – and frustration – is easy to understand and to empathize with.”

    That certainly would be me. I am a huge skeptic of this whole voting thing, and let me explain my position in detail, just so everyone can travel further down the rabbit hole on what is really going on with voting in a democracy where both party candidates are controlled by the owners.

    My skepticism starts way back in the 1970s when my dad came home from work, during the 1976 election, and said “son, the FBI came to my office today and told me Jimmy Carter would be the next president”. My dad was an engineering manager at a large SP500 corporation, and was visibly upset at what happened. I was a stupid teenager interested in girls and motorcycles (hot rides), I listened like a good son, and really couldn’t of cared less, and forgot about this event until now.

    So after I left home, I never bothered to vote. Being somewhat intelligent, I reasoned, why should I vote when the election outcome is pre-determined. That event happened after Watergate, the Nixon resignation, and Ford was acting president. Sorta like the situation now – which is why all of a sudden I remembered that long forgotten event. I have no idea why the FBI was briefing people like my dad, I can only guess they want the captains of industry to be loyal to the state when the nation is in turmoil.

    Anyways, my internal philosophy and compass has always been live free, and voting for some douchebag never resonated with me. I soon learned, after observing a few elections, that the candidates I favored, like Libertarians, or Ron Paul, would never be elected. And actually that horrified me, that meant to me the general population did NOT think like me, nor did they resonate with me. I am a wild and free type of guy, and actually can not stand the “average” citizen who wants free sshit from Uncle Schmuel.

    My non-voting conviction soon got me into trouble. I was a young USAF officer stationed overseas and did not vote. It turned out my commander was not amused, I was the ONLY person on base that did not vote in the 1984 election, so as punishment, for my failure to participate, they made me the base voting officer as an additional duty. I then had to go around to the different commands and brief everyone why to vote. LOL That, my friends, is a true story.

    Decades later, after 911, I became a “conspiracy theorist”. It took years for me to wrap my mind around this whole voting thing. Who actually runs the country? The president? Hardly. Do you really think that if this Kamala thing is installed, that this ho who slept her way to the top, has the intellectual ability to run anything? IMO she is the perfect candidate for those who front her, she will be a rubber stamp for their agenda. She is an actor, who will read the teleprompter, and solemnly tell you we have to eliminate gasoline cars to save the earth. If you call out that bullshit, you will be labeled an anti-semitic racist who hates blacks and Jews.

    I live in Oregon, a blue state. Voting red will be a fail every time. So in Oregon, your vote for Trump will mean nothing because of how the system is rigged, winner takes all. But does Trump vs. Kamala really matter? I say, it is actually better to vote for the destroyer candidate – lets get this over quickly.

    Amerika is collapsing right before our eyes, no one can save Amerika, especially not the Orange clown who is loyal to the foreign state of Israel. Trump is an Israeli firster, which makes him a traitor. You can not save Amerika when the savior is loyal to the destroyer.

    The only winner in every election are the owners. Elections are a ruse, to convince you that your vote matters. You and your vote do not matter, you are owned, you are a slave of the Fed. You are a slave to the masters of money creation. Voting between ZIONIST WHORE A or ZIONIST WHORE B makes no difference.

    GEORGE CARLIN: ‘The real owners of the world’


    Comment found on Unz

    King Edward I says: • Website
    July 30, 2024 at 5:20 am GMT • 3.4 days ago ↑

    I absolutely KNOW who will win the 2024 election. My prediction is 100% guaranteed to be accurate.

    The winner will be:

    israel, The ADL and world jewish congress, jews as a group, the military industrial complex, banksters, big business, and any racial/ethnic groups the jews approve of (ie, non Whites), and the open borders globohomo agenda for nato and the west.

    • Voting for Trump, even in a heavily “blue” state (I live to the south of ye in Calipornia), STILL has a net benefit, even if that state’s electoral votes aren’t seriously contested. With that awful, and Constitutionally-invalid “National Popular Vote” interstate compact, ILLEGAL because the Congress didn’t authorize it, per the US Constitution, every vote for Trump still helps him to win the otherwise-meaningless nationwide popular vote. Provided that indeed he does that, and a relatively slim margin may still produce a resounding margin in the Electoral College, that “NPV” will flame, crash, and burn like a “mess of Messerschmitts” caught in the cross-hairs of a squadron of Supermarine Spitfires about this time of year in 1940.

  24. They stole the election in 2020. They’ll do it again in 2024. So I’m not going to legitimize an illegitimate system by playing along.

    I actually figured they would let Trump back in as a pressure release valve. The gas prices come down, the big mac is cheap again and everyone goes back to sleep. But unbelievably they are pushing the narrative that Heels Up Harris is beating him in the polls and everyone loves her including the “White Dudes For Harris” movement (I guess that means it’s Ok to be White again?). The shadow government is best for (((them))). Someone controllable and dumb as hell in front, but not so old as they can’t read the teleprompter.

    • Sorry to say but ALL elections excepting maybe the first couple were fixed in some way. Not a bad attitude,,, it’s just how these schmucks work. Finding someone not trying to unzip Netanyahu’s zipper would be nice.

    • “White Dudes For Harris”

      I’m hearing this bullshit too. What sane normal White man would vote for Kamala/Democrats?

      For a start Kamala/Democrats should abolish “Affirmative Action”. As long as Democrats/some stupid Republicans support AA There can be no Vote for Kamala.

  25. How is it that a woman like Kamala Harris is a candidate for the presidency?

    Where’d she come from and who let her in? Jabba the Hut would get more votes. She is just nauseating, to be brutally frank.

    My BIL bought a little camping trailer. He drove over a road sign that had been knocked down somehow, had two flat tires. He left a note on the trailer that he was going to town to buy two new trailer tires and wheels. After he left for town, the propane refrigerator malfunctioned, the trailer burned to the ground. The fire department did show up to water down the burning hulk.

    It was near a campground, he wasn’t even there to see it burn.

    Kind of traumatic, you’re helpless. The insurance company will have to solve the problem.

    Not everything goes as planned.

    • > Jabba the Hut would get more votes.
      Jabba the Hutt is US Representative from California’s 41st District.
      I have the misfortune to live in that District, and be “represented” by that gangster.
      Jabba does not represent anything for which I stand, that is for sure.

      • Here is Jabba’s statement in support of the Israeli mass murder of the Arab (i.e. Semitic) citizens of Gaza:
        >Netanyahu is absolutely correct in pointing out that ‘Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight. And our victory will be your victory.’

        No, sorry.
        the Israelis (self-created ) enemies are *NOT* our enemies. Their genocide must not become “our” genocide. They have sown the wind. Time for them to reap the whirlwind.
        “Finishing the job,” for Satanyahoo, means the mass murder of 2,000,000 (Semitic) human beings, namely the Arabs of Gaza. It is not in our national interest to become an accessory to a crime against humanity.

        • Who in God’s name would cheer, clap and pat Netanyahu on the back for killing 150 thousand Palestinians?

          You are more than indoctrinated, you’re brainwashed by propaganda.

          The look that you see in Netanyahu’s eyes is telling. What I can see is Bibi is thinking that these dumbasses will believe anything I say, they’re all in to give ‘er hell.

          Gots to be some changes, it can’t go on like this.

          The word of the day is Jew.
          Congress must be that stupid.

  26. My vote still goes to “none of the above”. I was going to write in RFK,Jr. but I hesitate due to his support for Israhell and their genocide of the Palestinians. I will gladly vote for someone who will cut off all war funding, foreign aid, dump NATO, and scale the Pentagram back to a triangle. Sadly I doubt such a person exists.

    • President NOTA.
      I like it. 🙂
      President NOTA would be a placeholder.
      No quivering, diseased live flesh would occupy the office (either physical or institutional) during President Nota’s term. This space left vacant.
      Which would be quite an improvement, IMO.

      We’ll have to pass a constitutional amendment which states that President Nota can serve as many terms as he gets elected to. Perhaps Mike (Mycroft Holmes) can gin up a suitable image for public consumption. Create “brand identity,” so to speak.

      Nota sounds Italian, to me. I propose Giancarlo for his first name. “The Italian navigator has reached the New World. The natives are friendly.”

  27. Truth.

    In the interest of full disclosure and honesty, I cannot stand the Orange Man. Frankly, I think he’s gross.

    But he has my vote.

    He has my vote because I firmly believe that America will be safer, more prosperous, and fairer with him in the White House.

    We will be safer because the leaders of aggressive countries and terror groups know better than to cross him. We will also be safer because immigration will be controlled, and so will crime.

    We will be more prosperous because he will support policies that mean lower taxes, less burdensome regulations, and smaller government.

    We will be fairer because his administration will be more likely to make policies and allocate resources based on merit, not DIE.

    • Bryce: “We will be safer because the leaders of aggressive countries and terror groups know better than to cross him.”

      Uh, to tell the truth I can’t think of a more aggressive country than the one of which The Donalod would be president. For that matter, seen any videos of the FBI or LEO “serving arrest warrants” lately? Solzhenitsyn’s grave shudders daily as he shakes his head.

  28. Most political creatures have a desire to be a politician. Much like someone would like to be an actress or someone might want to be a rock star. I imagine quite a few aren’t willing to sell out for their “art” but I’ll bet even more are just fine with it. Harris wanted to be a politician. Trump wanted to be president, if only because it checked off a box on his bucket list. I don’t believe either one cares a hoot about policy, party platforms or getting effective legislation through congress. They just want to sit in the chair and fly in AF1.

    These types are by far the most dangerous. Unthoughtful, empty headed vessels to be filled by whatever their advisors tell them. Rasputins behind the scenes are extremely dangerous, taking no responsibility for their “advice.” In the case of Harris, my impression is that she considers her “role” as just that, a role to be played as Madame President. Not a leader in any way, just read the prompter and hit her marks and collect the paycheck. Sure, the lights are hot and the cameras are intimidating, but she’s going to play to them in an Emmy nominating performance. Just don’t ask her a question that’s not been rehearsed for weeks prior. And if the set isn’t ready for her call time she’ll just pout in her trailer and throw food containers at her assistants.

    As for Trump, well, he’s no better. The spotlight blinds him to the rapscallions’ behavior. They proceeded to play him like a concert grand, feeding his starving ego while leaking ridiculous “rumors” out to the press who reported them as fact. His problem is his improv skills are lacking, and he can’t stick to the script. That’s fine if you’re in a Kubrick film and have thousands of takes for the editors to choose from, but not so good if your editor wants to make you look like an idiot.

    And any opportunity for nuanced discussion is right out when individual words are taken out of context for the sole purpose of pushing the agenda.

    Problem is, the opportunistic politicians, the “I wanna be” types, occasionally take on the cloth of the true believer. Boebert and AOC come to mind. They’re not a mile wide and an inch deep (as someone said of Trump on a recent Tom Woods podcast), they’re an inch wide and an inch deep. They believe in something they don’t have any comprehension of. In the case of AOC, socialism/communism. In the case of Boebert, MAGA. When faced with a problem that isn’t in their wheelhouse, they turn to the worst advisors available or just parrot the party line. Sound and fury signifying nothing.

  29. I’m a closet Trump supporter but certainly not an acolyte. I disagree with him on foreign intervention on behalf of the zionazis. I disagree with him on tariffs. But the alternative is worse.

    Ron Paul is the 100% solution. Ramaswamy was maybe 75%. Trump more like 50%. The rest aren’t worth mentioning.

  30. KAPOOM! This morning the unemployment rate soared to 4.3%, up from 4.1% last month. More importantly, its three-month average has risen 0.53% from its low point twelve months ago. This activates the Sahm rule, which has a near-perfect history of signaling that a recession is underway.

    What happens next? For sure, the twelve dwarves of the FOMC will cut their target interest rate at the next meeting on Sep 17-18. If they cut by a half point instead of a quarter point — or if they cut before the mid-September meeting — then they are in a full-blown panic, fleeing like little bitches chased by an angry bear.

    This creates a bizarre situation leading up to the ‘election.’ The official recession dating commission, the NBER, won’t announce anything till next year. ‘Are we or aren’t we‘ can be debated till November, unless something overt like a market crash intervenes.

    Meanwhile, as fedgov debt blasts through $35 trillion this week, two legacy-party flakes are belting out hokey-oldey karaoke hits on the entertainment deck of the Titanic, despite its pronounced tilt to to stern. Got lifeboats?

    • Titanic went down by the head, not the stern. Don’t you remember DiCaprio and Winslet clinging tenaciously to the stern rail?

      • Comment from an investment site….

        When will “investors” in Muruca realize they’ve been hoodwinked? That their too big to fail banks hold a total of $ 168.26 trillion in derivatives out of a total of $ 192.46 trillion all U.S. banks, savings associations and trust companies held as of Dec 31, 2023. And guess what, nobody knows the actual size of the derivatives market, as much of it is traded over the counter, and hidden in off-balance-sheet special purpose vehicles.

        So, if any of the 4,587 federally insured institutions fail, taxpayers ultimately are on the hook to bail them out. It gets better lol. Derivatives are considered so risky that the Bankruptcy Act of 2005, and the Uniform Commercial Code grant them (and repo trades) “super-priority” in bankruptcy!

        Which means if they (the banksters) go bankrupt, derivative and repo claims are settled FIRST. Sorry depositors and secured creditors, you’re basically SOL. See David Rogers Webb’s The Great Taking if you dare, suckers.

        • derivative and repo claims are settled FIRST…….

          The derivatives market was blowing up in the end of 2019…so…$ trillions were pumped in….in early 2020…..but…a bat germ excuse used….

            • Yes, and I have been on investor calls where a very gifted Chief Investment Officer has shown that leading and coincident indicate that we are in a recession.

              There is a concern that market liquidity is drying up. If the economy contracts significantly and the spreads between so called risk-free treasuries and corporate debt, then it’s indicating a recession. Martin Arnstrong is talking a 4 year stagflation period.

  31. They will kill him, if he becomes too much of a nuisance. They’ve done it many times. Or, being old, he’s likely to drop dead at any moment. And I have no confidence at all in his VP selection.
    We don’t count the votes, and that’s all that matters. Trump was elected by accident, or their arrogance in 2016. They won’t let it happen again.
    Unfortunately, we don’t get to vote against the CIA, FBI. or DHS. It wouldn’t matter though, since elections are rigged anyway.
    Vote if it makes you feel good. I refuse to be a party to my own destruction. Better to let them destroy themselves.

    • Hi John K

      Well stated. That’s why I call them (S)elections. The entire system is not only rigged but Illegitimate. Its a shadow play to keep the rubes passive. While trillions are looted from the subject population. “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild, But this is obviously Ism of the highest type.

    • “We don’t count the votes, and that’s all that matters.”

      So in effect it has reverted to an absolute monarchy…from a republic…

      Voting is dead….you get a marxist king or queen permanently…

      Queen at the top…slaves on the bottom…the end…

  32. ‘It is a simple, binary choice between … a man who might not leave you entirely alone and a woman who won’t leave anyone alone.’ — eric

    Well put. There is simply no escaping the congenital carping of the inflamed fishwife — Kabala-mala, as her consort ‘Emhoff’ calls her — most especially when she or it has a cultural/racial ax to grind as well. And is, worse, a f*cking lawyer. BLEEEHHHHHH! I puke in revulsion.

    Recall, though, that vice presidents will be selected as well. A succinct comment about Trump’s choice can be found on Lew Rockwell’s site today, in an article by Liam Sturgess: ‘independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. described Vance’s nomination as “a salute to the CIA and to the intelligence community and to the military industrial complex.” ‘

    Meanwhile, Kabala-mala hasn’t picked her designated eunuch yet. Rest assured that it will be a feminized, leftist caricature of a man, fully willing to support Harris’s campaigns for Sitzpinkler electronic nannies on toilet lids and a federally-funded program of voluntary [sic] orchiectomy for biological males.

    When one contemplates our dystopian feminazi, zionazi, NATOnazi future, the prospect of WW III just blowing it all to hell doesn’t seem entirely bad. Efamol 2L.

    • We shoulda let the Japs land at Darwin in 1942. Fuck them Aussie shits, they’ve become a JOKE compared to their great-grandfathers of about 80 years ago.

    • Hi Hans G

      By all means. But you will not be able to make it difficult enough for them not to “win”. Unless the plan is to allow him to “win” and then blame the following collapse on him and the stupid party. But that would be giving the Usual Suspects far more credit than they deserve.


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