The Orange Trap


The other day, Hombre Naranja claimed to be “better looking” than the woman who was appointed by the Leftist Party (it is an etymological affront to refer to this party as “democratic” when it summarily imposed the choice of its leadership cadre upon the party rank-and-file) as his supposed opponent in the forthcoming (s)election.

Why would Hombre Naranaja say such an obviously stupid (because infantile, gratuitous) thing? Try to imagine Ronald Reagan or even Bill Clinton saying such a thing about his opponent. It is a measure of just how infantile and gratuitous the presidential selection process has become.

Of course it appeals to his base, which loves to hear Hombre Naranja say infantile, gratuitous things.

But why say such things when it isn’t necessary to say them – assuming the goal is to win rather than lose the (s)election?

The base will vote for Hombre Naranja no matter what he says. Or does not say. Do you suppose there is even a single Red Hat in the entire country who will decide to vote for Hombre Naranja’s opponent because Hombre Naranja stopped making infantile, gratuitous comments about her?

On the other hand, if Hombre Najarana stopped making infantile, gratuitous comments, he might win enough votes to sway the (s)election in his favor. More finely, he might be able to increase his share of the vote by enough to make it untenable to claim his opponent won the (s)election, as happened last time.

It looked like he had such a margin while his opponent was the Hombre Senil – who was also an Hombre Blanco, like himself. As well as an Hombre Viejo – even more so than himself. But then he made the mistake of belaboring the point so successfully that it looked as if he might just be (s)elected by a wide enough margin to prevent any claim that Hombre Senil (and Blanco Viejo) “won” from passing the only test that matters, which is that enough of the public agrees to accept it as true.

And so the Hombre Senil (and Blanco Viejo) was summarily dismissed in a textbook case of being careful about getting what you asked for. Just like that, we are told, Hombre Naranja’s 4 point advantage in most swing-state polling declined to margin-of-error. It does not matter whether these polls are as fake as the 2020 (s)election. What matters is whether enough people accept them as plausibly true.

And that brings us back to the strange habit Hombre Naranja has of making infantile, gratuitous comments that he must know are certain to plausibly annoy people whose votes he cannot afford to lose – whether they are real being beside the point – and also to enrage and so energize voters who weren’t going to vote for him regardless but who are much more likely to vote for his opponent, for hate’s sale.

Before the Leftists undemocratically pushed Hombre Senil off the ticket – after the Hombre Senil had won his party’s primaries and Kamala had won exactly none – many of the Leftist rank-and-file were as enthusiastic about Hombre Senil (and Blanco Vejo) as rank-and-file Republicans were about Mittens Romney back in 2012 – when he lost to Hombre Negro (sort of) probably in part because many rank-and-file Republicans were unmotivated to vote for Mittens even if it meant Hombre Negro would be (s)elected.

Because what did it matter?

It was the same – or at least, similar – just a few weeks ago when Leftists were faced with the choice of one old white man or another old white man. One of them orange – another senile. Neither of them much to the liking of many Leftists.

Well, they now have an option more to their liking – even if they never had much of a choice about it. And the polls at least plausibly reflect this, because after all she isn’t blanco or senil or vieja or an hombre. In other words, she is everything most Leftists like. And that makes it much more plausible for her to “win,” no matter what the vote tally actually is.

Hombre Naranja seems determined to make sure the next steal is just as plausible as the last one, playing his part to a T. Instead of addressing what Kamala Harris stands for – and so what she can be expected to do if (s)elected as the next president – Hombre Naranja tells us he’s better-looking than she is.

Better get ready for another four years – once again, courtesy of the imploding grenade that is Hombre Naranja.

. . .

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  1. Martin Armstrong is calling for Trump to make RFK Jr his Attorney General should he become president again…..we have a lot of criminals out there, particularly from the COVID nonsense, who should go to prison, but likely never will if we end up with a Harris/ Walz regime…..

    • Gents, no one seems to understand the BLUF(bottom line up front): the Jews OWN the US dollar, and as such, own the entire US, lock, stock, and barrel. (S)Elections included…the political process is one thing Jews love to rub our faces in, much like you’d rub a puppies face in its poop to help potty train it if it poops inside the house. We are called the Goyim (cattle) by Jews for a reason, we aren’t human to them. If you own animals, do you care about their 401K, pensions, or health care? No, of course not. If you haven’t taken the time to understand true Jewish beliefs, I encourage you, since what you will find will both horrify and enrage you. In about 1750, Amschel Mayer Rothschild said Give me control of a Nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws. I enjoy and respect all folks on this site, especially Eric’s article’s and commentary, so please look forward and learn. And make plans for WW 3, cause it’s coming soon near You, like it or not. Good Luck!!

      • For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

        We’ve been in this struggle with evil for a long time.

  2. “Why would Hombre Naranaja say such an obviously stupid (because infantile, gratuitous) thing?”

    Annnd that’s as far as I got. My response: Who cares?

    So you’re OK with burning the country down so long as there are no mean tweets?

    Authoritarian much?

    • Steve, I don’t think you’re getting it. If Hombre Naranaja keeps behaving stupidly, as he is with infantile crap, it in essence is burning down the country because he pisses away his opportunity to win. It’s not if WE are disturbed by the mean tweets…it’s that many of the people he needs to persuade ARE irritated by the infantile behavior.

    • Hi Steve,

      You miss my point. I do not want the country to burn down. Hence my irritation with Trump’s gratuitous/infantile tendency to make fun of people; because I think it may cost him the election – and us the country.

      I understand his base thinks it’s hilarious or at least doesn’t mind. But his base is not going to give him the margin he needs to win. Or – more finely – to make it very difficult to pretend Kamala won. He needs more than the support of 48 percent of the vote. He needs a clear, inarguable majority in the key states that will decide the outcome. Why shit away the votes of people who could be persuaded to vote for his policies? There is so much of substance for him to focus on – and to use against Kamala. The increase in the cost of everything; the open border; the sick “trans” agenda. Keeeeeeeeeeevvvvv.

      How she looks is not helpful.

      • I get it now Eric and Bill Meyer, that makes total sense.

        I’m a fan of his antics and style but that’s what swing voters are irritated by.

        Speaking of which, Alex Jones said last night that RFK JR is about to hand over his endorsement to Trump around Friday after the DNC news cycle. There is a big chunk of RFK voters whose biggest concern is Trumps retoric and style. I suppose there’s no helping that on his end, but this would be the week to convince our RFK friends ahead of the supposed announcement to focus on his policy rather than his style. The dems biggest problem right now is INFLATION. They only mentioned it like 3 times during the DNC last night so that is by far their biggest weak spot. Even WAPO called harris a communist when her solution (besides copying trump’s policy – to which she will never do) is price controls.

        Thanks for edumacating me, you guys are right we need 6 – 12%. I think we might stand a better chance if we get the RFK people on board while Trump keeps a lid on it.

        • Hi Steve,

          I just don’t want Trump to blow an election that he ought to be able to win. He’s at his best when he’s pointing out the damage done by the Left – as opposed to how ugly/stupid various Leftists are. It’s good news, I think, that RFK is going to – reportedly – drop out and publiclyh endorse Trump. That ought to tell moderates just how evil the Left – Harris/Walz – is.

          RFK is a liberal, after all.

          • Trump’s not going to “blow” the election, anymore than Kamala will “win”, like Joey B. did in 2020. The Jews will determine who’ll win, like they’ve done in all elections since 1932, based on my research. Looks to me like Trump is the jew pick, because he’s better for business, all the better to increase their Sheckels stacks. And to support Israel, and the upcoming war with Iran, and possibly WW 3. Just wait and see…but the “drama” will continue, as the Jews OWN the media too…all the better to distract the Goyims from the the real problems in the world.

  3. Meh.

    It doesn’t matter.

    The country is well on its way down the tubes.

    If Orange Fail wins, maybe some things get a little better for a little while. Maybe we clog up a few pipes. At best we kind of half-ass explore a few ways of going forward, not only sporadically and tentatively. Like Jan. 6. Which was a (well-laid) trap. In the end someone’s gonna run out & grab a plunger. and away we go.

    If he loses, well, there could be some advantages to that. But only to the extent to which everyone figures out that the best way out of this, for all concerned, is going to be old-fashioned Irish democracy. Sustained. Widespread. Noncompliance.

    They are losing power, and they know it, so they are grabbing at it. If we play our cards right they will merely show their weakness even more.

  4. He was just joking. People like that he says unscripted things. So much more authentic than President Teleprompter who couldn’t pronounce “corpsman” and Mr. Earpiece who needs directions on when to stand up, sit down, or go to the bathroom.

  5. It’s not that “his base, which loves to hear Hombre Naranja say infantile, gratuitous things”, but it’s that we just don’t care. We know he loves this country and he’ll literally fight to the death for it. Who gives a flip about a silly laughable comment like that in which he was just joking around? I think it must have been a slow day for ideas to write about.

  6. I have been thinking about the scamdemic, vaccine mandates, trust the science, wear a mask, get vaccinated.

    Looks familiar, reminds me of another episode that happened during the Soviet Era.


    “The disastrous effects of Lysenkoism — a term used to describe the impact of Trofim Denisovich Lysenko’s influence upon science and agriculture in the Soviet Union during the first half of the 20th century — darkly illustrates the perils of intruding politics and ideology into the affairs of science.”

    This pharmacy business looks like Lysenkoism.

    They’re frauds.

  7. Think people learned anything from the scamdemic? Nope! I see people are lining up to get tested for “Monkeypox”. Looks like the Orange SOB may be back in just in time for “COVID” 2.0. If not him, than the other cunt. Doesn’t really matter. All that matters to them is that they keep you participating in the “sacred democratic practice” so that you will feel duty-bound to obey even if your choice loses. Just “try again next time” and pretend that when your party wins it’ll somehow be different. You’ve been effectively neutralized. Your vote signifies that you believe in their lies. Those who voted for McGovern when NIXON implemented wage and price controls. Those who voted for Hellary were probably laughing when Trump signed CARES……

    • Hmmm. Something went missing. Try again:

      “Those who voted for McGovern were probably laughing when NIXON implemented wage and price controls. “

  8. He can’t help himself from saying stupid things that cause normal people to detest him and not want to vote for him despite the fact that his opponent is a know-nothing socialist. Why did he have anything to say about Jon Tester’s big stomach? Or what was the purpose of his recent musings about how the politically awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom is in some way superior to the Congressional Medal of Honor?

    He blew any good-will attributed to him due to the attempted assassination. He must stop his infantile tweets. He must stick to a script and follow the teleprompter. He must not speak extemporaneously. He must do something other than appeal to his MAGA base. Can he not do this until mid-November? After that he can say anything he wants.

    • Another thing. He and his MAGA supporters must not confuse his well-attended rallies with general nationwide support. These rallies are all about feeding his ego, but they do little to appeal to non-MAGA folks. He should stop them and substitute more controlled smaller venues that aren’t so exhausting for him and for others. He’s wrapped up his base. Time to appeal to others, and the rallies don’t help.

      • You’d be right about that: Many Trump supporters steer clear of any rallies lest they find themselves in trouble—which is what happened to a fire chief in Butler County, Pennsylvania.

  9. I don’t like Trump and his Yankee, blowhard BS. I loathe his braggadocio and I’m still mad he killed the USFL by trying to take on the NFL in the fall instead of keeping that league in the spring.

    He’s a jerk. But he’s also a wrecking ball. The whole system needs to be taken down, the earth salted where it was and a new one hatched in its place. Having him in place will hasten the demise of that evil system that many call liberal democracy that elects lunatics and whores to high office and, to keep the Klingon motif, going “trade loyalties in back rooms while the (global American) empire is ruled from Tel Aviv.”

    Besides, it brings pain to people that I no longer want to share a country with, the so-called Left. These godless, childish idiots are diabolical, humorless monsters and a death cult. I want NOTHING to do with them. The fact Trump drives them to madness and gives them a preview of the hell that awaits them if they don’t repent their blasphemy and sexual deviance gives me some measure of satisfaction. Nice to see those monsters feel pain for once, because that’s all they do to the rest of us.

    • Doc, you’d be right about Trump as a “wrecking ball.

      This spring and summer, Hombre Naranja effectively ended Joe Biden’s 52-year career in 90 minutes. Now Biden is sitting on the sidleinea along with almost everyone else who has gone up against Hombre Naranja. The Clinton (crime) family, the Bush (crime) family, the Cheney (crime) family, and now the Biden (crime) family—all of them were very powerful and long lasting political dynasties until they crossed paths with Trump. Now they’re all basically retired from politics—contrary to what the mainstream media says.

      A key reason why I supported Hombre Naranja in 2016 (and did in 2020 and will in 2024) is that if Hillary was elected, it would be more of the same old story that we’ve had for 40 years of Bush-Clinton dominance of national politics, particularly more of the same nepotism, dynasticism, and cronyism.

      And frankly, we don’t need any more of that.

  10. I spoke with my very low information 57 year old cousin last night. For the first time she will be voting for Hombre Naranja.

    A minor win.

      • ‘Price controls, higher taxes, government intervention, and subsidies paid for by printing a constantly devalued currency.

        ‘These are the essential pillars of “21st century socialism” and the radical left Peronism that obliterated Argentina. These are also the main elements of the economic plan presented by Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. Undoubtedly, this is the most radical socialist economic plan ever announced by the Democrats.’

        Only thing missing from Kamala’s Stalinist five-year plan is nationalization of key industries. That’s the bit they tell us about AFTER the (s)election. Eric Holder and ‘Gene Sperling’ say it’s ‘all legal.’

  11. The Orange Turd (Naranja Mierda) now says you must love Israel to be in this country:

    Reason Magazine – “Trump says no more America-haters: “I will implement strong ideological screening of all immigrants,” said former President Donald Trump at a Derry, New Hampshire, campaign rally yesterday. “If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you don’t like our religion—which a lot of them don’t—if you sympathize with the jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you are not getting in.” ”

    Trump is loco (insane). If you love Amerika you should hate Israel, because Israel did 911, and Israel is bleeding the nation for it’s wars, and Israel is an apartheid state which we are not. In Amerika, we honor free speech, but with Jews they want to end your free speech if you are against genocide and rape of prisoners. The USA benefits nothing from Israel besides war profiteering. When was the last time you bought something made in Israel.

    Speaking against the crimes of Jews and Israel is now a capital offense. Anti-genocide warrior journalist Richard Medhurst arrested for criticizing the holy self-chosen ones:

    Trump, the slavish Jew whore, is all confused on who the enemy is, and is just as crazy and stupid as his opponent Kakula Kameltoe Harris, Comunista Puta Perra. The Orange Turd says “finish the job” concerning the freedom fighters called Hamas which Israel wants to erase. In never dawns on Trump’s prejudiced mind that the fake Jews from Eastern Europe have no right to storm Palestine and steal some other peoples land because of insane religious beliefs.

    The Orange Turd is uninformed piece of crap, and is obnoxious big mouth blowhard, and is completely unacceptable candidate if you have even one shard of patriotism left. Can you imagine 4 more years of that Zionist asswipe making Israel first and Amerika last again? How can Trump save Amerika when he is in bed with the enemy? Makes no sense his MAGA claim.

    The choice between Commie stooge Kakula and Zionist whore Trump is no choice at all. Both candidates are 100% unacceptable. IMO the two worst Presidential candidates in the history of Amerika. If either is elected we are staring down the barrel of a New Dark Age.

    Voting the lesser of two Jew evils is still a vote for Jew evil. Voting is suicide, you are approving of a completely evil Jewish government in either case. Both Ho Harris and Orange Turd will 100% fund Israel and genocide. It’s the killer clown show, blood letting on an epic scale as the USA political system licks the Rabbi’s anus.

    In either case, Amerika will continue it’s epic decline, in either case Jews will continue looting the nation, in either case Amerika will be unrecognizable in 4 years after the next Jew regime is installed. No matter what happens next we are completely screwed.

    These 4 year election cycles between two Jew whores is really becoming apparent as stage theater, a Kabuki show for idiots to cheer on their demented choice, in which only fools participate.

    In this current farcical election both candidates are completely unacceptable. No reasonable informed person could possibly vote for either killer clown. None of the above should be a mandated candidate printed on the ballot in each election. If None of the above wins, then the election must be retaken with previous (unaccepted) candidates removed from the ballot.

    • If any POTUS were worthy of being a COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, he’s order the withdrawl of US Armed Forces from any alliance or country that didn’t observe the same basic rights as our Constitution is supposed to protect (yeah, our track record ain’t perfect, either!). Some 83 years ago, the US was horn-swoggled into “Dubya-Dubya Two, Da Big One” by Franklin Delano Rosenfeldt (what Der Fuhrer called him), even deliberately deceiving the US Pacific military leadership (General Short and Admiral Kimmel) so Hawaii would be left vulnerable to the Japanese attack they KNEW was coming, paving the way to get the US public behind our entry into the War. Yes, supposedly we were defending “Freedom” and slaying the big, bag Nazi dragon.

      Bullshit. Not only did we enable “Uncle Joe”, just as much an evil bastard as Hitler supposedly was, but more PROFICIENT at it, to conquer the eastern half of Europe, and divvy up “Cher-Many” for 45 years, but we also paved the way for the Zionists to kick the British out of the Palestine Mandate and begin their campaign of conquering and terrorizing their Arab neighbors. Not that I really give a shit for “A-Hab, the A-Rab, the ‘Sheik’ of the burning sands”, they and their fake goat-God “Allah” can burn in Hades for all I care, but we’ve had “Murica” embroiled in that fratricidal conflict for about seventy years now, with NO END IN SIGHT.

      ENOUGH. It’s time America entered a new “Isolationist” period, meaning: WE MIND OUR OWN GOTT-DAMNED BUSINESS.

      • Unilaterally removing ourselves from NATO would be a great first step to putting the world back in some semblance of balance. Alas, if Orange Julius had the balls to actually carry it out, he along with every president following in his foot steps would be given a one way ticket to the cemetery.

      • 100% agree. We have no business or moral right to be doing what we do to other nations. The cost is enormous, printing trillions of dollars fighting wars for special interest like AIPAC and Israhell.

        Israel did 911 to manipulate the USA in bombing Israel’s enemies. It was a classic false flag, Muslims were the patsies. And NO MUSLIM was involved in 911 except as the scapegoats. No Muslim hijackers with box cutters, all lies, the aircraft were remote controlled into the WTC trade towers.

        FDR was indeed a Jew who lied us into WW2. Little less known is Kermit Roosevelt ran Operation Ajax from the newly minted CIA, and overthrew the democratically elected leader of Iran Mohammed Mosaddegh – then the USA fascist installed The Shah and waged terrror on the nationalist Iranians with his Savak secret police. We backed our puppet dictator Shah which killed 50,000 Iranians until the students staged the 1979 counter revolution and kicked the USA out.

        Then the hostage crisis, then the failed rescue attempt by Jimmy Carter, then we had Saddam, our ally, attack Iran from 1980-1990 with chemical weapons that Rumsfeld gave him. Both sides lost a million men. Ronnie Raygun instigated that with his team, Cheney, Rumsfeld, GHW Bush et al.

        Crime, after crime, after crime. Then these same Jewish Neocons, along with Israel, did 911 and used that engineered pretext to bomb the shit out of Iraq. And our former ally puppet Saddam was then hunted down like a dog and hung.

        Interestingly, yesterday Iran open a court inquiry into the 1953 coup. PressTV (Tehran) reports Iran court holds first trial session over US-orchestrated 1953 coup

      • If we’d minded our own business in the first place, we wouldn’t be in half as big of a mess as we are now.

        This applies to government at all levels BTW

    • I don’t have to hate Israel. Or sand niggers. Or anyone else. Hate is a lot of work and I’m getting old and lazy.

      But I have every right to keep them on their side of the fence and defend who and what I love from their stupidity and evil.

  12. The Spanish is a nice touch, Eric. Apropos considering the demographic trends in this country. You might do well to become fluent in Ebonics as well.

    The paradox of Trump is that only someone as narcissistic, wealthy, arrogant, and self-confident as he is crazy enough to challenge The System. And he persists, despite being almost 80, convicted on 34 felonies, having had his associates arrested, falsely accused of rape, had a half-billion in civil judgments against him, had the entire Deep State and media lie about him and try to sabotage him, and getting shot.

    Gotta give credit where credit is due.

    Yes, he can appear to be immature — but he was willing to call Hillary “Crooked Hillary” to her face, instead of “Madam Secretary” and treated her with more dignity than she deserved, like a Romney or McCain would have done.

    Trump can’t just STFU and mail it in and win. That’s not who he is. If he had ever done that, he wouldn’t have been the president from 2016 to 2020 and he wouldn’t be the nominee now.

  13. A big part of the Agenda clearly involves getting everyone vaxxed. Who would be the better “choice” of president for realizing that objective? Installing Trump would make the most sense from that standpoint since most of those on the Left have already taken the magic potion. They need people on the Right to take those shots, and having Kamala in power would only engender more resistance from the Right. It’s clear they’re planning another scamdemic, and it’s equally clear they desperately NEED to have everyone take the potion. So would it not make more sense for them to have Trump in place to manipulate the Right into taking the shots at the zero hour?

    • Hi Jason,

      I believe that boat has sailed. There is no way that even the Trump supporters will line up to roll up their sleeve. Too much distrust has built up. We have seen what the shots do. It doesn’t matter what The Donald preaches.

      Also, what do you with those of us who don’t like either side? Just because some conniving, lying, manipulative politician tells us all to line up doesn’t mean we will. I have a feeling most of us would take very easy to the mountains or the sea and live out our days off grid before we allow them to inject poison into our family and our bodies.

      Strategic Rule #1: Never play the same game twice.

      • I’m not so sure about that, RG. I personally know more than one Trump supporter that rolled up their sleeves because Trump lauded the “vax.” Also, the fact that multitudes of them still worship him despite all the chaos he presided over (and enabled) suggests they’re not as smart as you might think. Given the “right” prompting and assurances, I suspect even Trump could convince many of the holdouts to take the next round of potions.

        • Hi Jason,

          I don’t dispute that Trump supporters rolled up their sleeves when the jab made its appearance, but I think in today’s age it is going to be a hard sale even coming from Trump’s mouth. Roughly, 79% of the American population has at least one shot…I don’t see the other 21% changing their mind whether threatened or cajoled. At this point, if one gets it they just look like an idiot. Could a portion of his supporters who have received it in the past be persuaded? Sure, but I don’t see any new takers risking their neck, their heart, their immune system, or their life because The Donald demands it.

    • Spot on Jason. If Heels up wins, Things may turn quick. Overreach, hubris, incompetence, all are hallmarks of these high value/low quality grifters. I’m pretty convinced that as little as 10, up to 30% of Trump supporters would line up for the next safe and effective if Trump said it was necessary. Also, guns. If we had some kind of existential crisis and Trump called for some level of common sense safety rules regarding gun registration, many would fall for it. If it is Harris calling the tune. No one supporting Trump would go along, as well as many on the left. Watching ones country descend into third world status has that affect on people from both sides. Frogs in a pot has never been more apropos. Harris turns it up to full boil, causing more to jump out. Trump lowers the temp to a simmer, allowing the elite to put the lid on the pot.

      • No doubt, Norman, and let’s not forget Trump was instrumental in giving us the bump stock ban. People forget he was a lifelong Leftist before he “saw the light” a few years ago. Leopards don’t change their spots, and I’m sure he’s still the same Lefty who once donated to Kamala Harris’ campaign.

        • He’s an economic Republican only (which doesn’t say much these days). He’s a complete social liberal and only panders to God and morals to get what he wants.

    • This is why I think Trump will be selected.

      Southern White boys aren’t going to sign up to fight and die for Kamala.

  14. “My point is that he ought to try to be more like Vance – who at least hits hard without making stupid comments about his looks.”

    Not two weeks ago you were saying had to vote for Trump to save ourselves from Hilary. Now you are publishing tons of comments about sitting it out–and pushing Vance. First of all, “weirdo” /Republican Obama has made all kinds of stupid comments–including one about child-less people like yourself (“childless adults should not hold positions of power as they don’t have a “direct stake” in the future of the country, deriding Democratic Party leaders as “childless cat ladies””).

    Secondly, you’ve told us several times about your job offers at the WSJ and Washington Times, but never why you would garner such offers (WSJ needs car reviews (?)) or why you insist on taking emails (surely not for the FBI/CIA (right!)). Seems like you were the one wanting Biden off the ticket (and then pointing out how bad it turned out for the people who were) because of his “senility” — which you kept picturing as physical incontinence. Many people who are not old, but have been injured in accidents (riding motorcycles w/out a helmet)/war are also incontinent, but that seems to sail way over your head (who would imagine you making offensive and stupid comments about Gov Abbot for instance). Now you are turning on Trump. Maybe you have attention deficit disorder. Maybe you work for the deep state. You certainly never have any articles about jan 6ers, assange or even people just recently who have lost their civil rights like Tulsi G, S Ritter, or Trayon.

    DC councilmember known for pushing antisemitic conspiracy theories is arrested on bribery charge

    • Hi AM,

      I don’t think I ever said vote for Trump to save us from Hillary. At least not in the last two weeks. I did say I think that Trump might be better than the certain disaster presented by Biden/Harris. I just now said that Trump’s infantile/gratuitous comments about his looks vs. Harris’ looks only serve to maintain the image he has created for himself of an obnoxious blowhard and thereby make it seems plausible that half or more of the country does not want to vote for him.

      As far as having a stake in the system: I wrote recently that it might be a good idea that only people who pay taxes have a say in voting for more taxes (or how taxes are spent).

      I worked at the The Washington Times for nearly a decade. I was offered a job at the WSJ – as an editorial writer – which I didn’t take because I didn’t want to write on behalf of (or at the behest of) anyone by the time this offer was presented, by which time I was writing under my own byline and writing what I wanted to write, beholden only to the people who read what I write.

      I am not “turning on” Trump. I do not worship him. I am critical of him when I think he does dumb/counterproductive things – such as talk about how good he looks – and ought to be called out for doing such dumb/counterproductive things.

      You say “maybe I work for the deep state.” If I did, I’d be rich and famous.

      That said, I agree with you in re Jan. 6 – and point out that Trump threw them all under bus. He also did nothing to help Assange, either.

      • Eric, you’d be “rich and famous” if you listening to that dingbat penguin, Tennessee Tuxedo, and his crazy schemes. Sooner or later, that dopey bird’s gonna pick a winner, at least he TRIES. Gott-damn, MeTV Toons has been a “Balm of Gilead” for MENTAL HEALTH during this quadrennial silliness known as the US Elections and the Olympics sideshow.

        Your advice to OM is the same rendered by CSU Fresno Prof and Hoover Institution Fellow Victor Davis Hanson:

        Either he’s trying to “throw” the election after all, or he’s getting cranky(er) and senile in his dotage (after all, he IS 78!, and pundits are already calling him, now that his opponent is marginally old enough to be his DAUGHTER, “Don-OLD”! For all we know, the strategy of substituting “Kamletoe” for “Sleepy Joe” may have been what the devious Democrats had in mind ALL ALONG. Me, I’ll stick to being Edward I “Longshanks” and wanting to ensure England has an heir and grandson, especially when Princess Isabella is a 26 y.o. Sophie Marceau (hubba, hubba!), “improvising” the honors myself (I’d just FORCE myself).

        Well, there IS a “Dee-Bate” scheduled in a few weeks. If Trump just sticks to “script” and the facts, he’d wipe the floor with the dingbat. There WILL be one problem with all that, though. Does the aircraft he flies around in dispense chaff and FLARES? Expect ANOTHER attempt to bump him off, and a Stinger missile doesn’t usually miss!

        • Yup, debate. And not one question about the covid me-too freakout both parties started and resulted in mass murder that continues to this day. They both can fuck right off in my book.

          • Amen, Pug. The Elephants didn’t mandate it, but they sure as hell pushed it. The only two who held strong was Rand Paul and Thomas Massie.

      • And I am willing to bet that if elected again Trump won’t even release the J6ers with a pardon. Maybe he will, maybe he won’t. If elected as his last 4 years why would he care about his supporters? He doesn’t now and won’t then. Trump is a fraud, a con artist, a liar, a player, a big time wrestling actor. Trump cares about himself, that’s it.

        Trump promised to lock up “crooked” Hillary. Did no such thing. Trump promised to release the JFK files and refused. Says they are to horrible to release – who is he to make that judgment – what he is doing is protecting his Israeli friends involved in the assassination. IMO Trump is the worst kind of traitor, at least with Kakula Harris you know she is a Commie traitor, but Trump poses himself as a patriot savior which he is certainly not.

        If Trump is elected stand by to be stabbed in the back. He is the King Snake of the Swamp.

        • I largely agree that Trump is playing 4d chess against his own base. That’s the only chess being played. Kumalas base is a brainless plurality of the nation, stuck in 1930’s style social democratic communism thinking that has dominated the public sphere since i have been alive (middle 1960s, if not much longer).

          That said, I am still voting for the Orange fail for two reasons only: he has stated he is going to get rid of the EV mandate and his goal is to tariff chinese products coming into the US.

          I am as against giving money to Israel as much as anyone here. They are a useless nation, however, the choice is clear for the US this time around.

        • 100% agree. I’d say choose your poison, but there is no selection by the plebes. The bottom line is the US is going to communism, it doesn’t matter by what party or personality.

  15. Wouldn’t it be nice if the clowns would tell us how they might help America rather than Tel Aviv.
    Our actual president visited last July, Got a minute standing ovation from “our (s)elected representatives” plus around 50 more ovations when detailing how he is going to eliminate all Palestinians from the planet. Wondering when our turn will be…

  16. If Trump were really smart…He’d call a presser. Demand all the drive-by MSM cover it live and uninterrupted. Tell them he will sue any network that doesn’t cover it in its entirety out of existence. Tell the MSM that it will be real earth shattering stuff, the most beautiful press conference ever. He might leak that he’s withdrawing from the race, getting divorced, Kamila is really the crypto jew, or some other BS.

    The day arrives, standing at the base of his plane, with the sun setting at his back, he gives a short speech about communism and how many people have been murdered and imprisoned under the guise of re-education and fairness. He then tells the world he is going back to Mar-a-Lago, and will no longer engage in trifling BS with the corrupt, communist media, or discuss the election. He informs the American people in clear terms, maybe with a chart drawn by an idiot that roughly only 10-12% of the population are communists. That the only way such a dumpster fire, low rent whore as Kallima could become president is through endemic and widespread fraud.

    He could close by asking if America wants the future Venezuela is now living through? If so vote for Ds. If, on the other hand, America wants low price energy/ food, less war, and the E-Z money of 2016-2019, he will be waiting to fill the job. He then drops the mic, gives the media the bird, gets on his jet and rides off into the sunset like the western heroes do. Its the only way to be sure of a cheat proof margin.

    • I think you are right on the money with this comment. The only thing I might add is to just repeat word for word ( just up date names and places) 1980’s Ronald Reagan best speech and then close with your Venezuela point and chart and then goes into SFU mode.
      The press will say he has gotten so “presidential.”

    • I recall H Ross Perot’s graphics with the state of Arkansas, and pooh-pooing Bill Clinton’s supposed achievements in the Natural State as being primarily tied to the CHICKEN industry, particularly Tyson Foods, and how the wages in that industry were (and still ARE) rather PALTRY. Of course Perot didn’t win, hell, he didn’t get one electoral vote, which, his nearly 20 percent popular vote notwithstanding, was utter FAILURE. His entire purpose was to torpedo George HW Bush’s bid for re-election, and as they had a long-standing feud going, didn’t need much encouragement for that! Where it went awry was that Perot initially was VERY popular at first, and it looked like he might actually WIN the thing! That was when he and his family were threatened, and he pulled out…for awhile, but got back in once Bush appeared to be gaining ground on the Hillbilly Horn-Dog.

  17. I read that people who wish to work for the Kamala Harris campaign must be “up-to-date” on COVID vaccinations, which is absolutely insane considering the “vaccines” are NOWHERE near “Safe and Effective!”

    If she becomes President, will she try to impose MANDATES for people to take experimental mRNA jabs for MONKEYPOX, bird flu, or some other disease that the WHO, CDC, or HHS decrees to be a “Public Health Emergency”? I hope we won’t have to find out. On the other hand, Harris was part of the Biden Thing that once tried to impose MANDATES for people to take the then experimental mRNA COVID jabs to continue working at employers that had 100+ employees.

  18. And on top of everything else, any criticism, no matter how legit, of Harris’ policies, communication skills, command presence, and the like is immediately met with accusations of racism and/or sexism.

  19. Economic and military issues are probably the most important ones that the government meddles with, because everything else we argue about presumes a functioning country where everyone gets fed and whose sovereignty is intact.

    Trump is a moron on economics. He recently proposed tariffs on pretty much everything from abroad, especially China, saying that it’s those countries who will pay the tariffs. Nope. Tariffs are always folded into the final price of goods and services, so it’ll drive up prices. This is a man who sees no problems with debt, because he thinks he can default on it, but countries don’t work like his own business.

    Harris is even worse! She just proposed price controls and blamed rising food prices on gouging, in an industry which runs famously low margins, 1-3%. If you completely destroyed all distributors and grocery stores by eliminating their profits, you’d briefly lower prices by maybe 3% before the food runs out. She also said all her extra spending would pay for itself via happier, more productive people.

    Each election is a contest to find the dumbest idiot ruler, it seems. The first election I could vote in when I became a citizen was Bush, Clinton, Perot. Any of them are far better than anything we can choose today, and it’s been downhill since.

    • My vote would be, were he running, for President Chamorro! (Terry Crews). Yes, he’s an IDIOT, but no one pretends otherwise.

      • Ca-Macho, I meant. At least the “hero” got the *ahem* girl, as if Maya Rudolph, with all due respect, was supposed to be a “sex symbol”. Maybe that’s the point of the movie, the quality of female, or at least the degree that they bother to maintain their attractiveness, had also seriously declined. Another case of “supposed to be a parody, not a PROPHECY, that’s unfortunately come true, or has anyone cast a glance out yonder at the slew of tattooed, overweight, blue-haired young sows with a vagina that our young men must pick from? No wonder they’re MGTOW!

  20. This election is Trump’s to lose. It does seem he is trying his best to do just that. One would think if you were inches from a life/death scenario (whether actual or staged) that one would see the error of their ways and form a more united front. He had the perfect front to alter his entire ego and persona.

    The point is to divide us. Trump’s performance is no exception. The lines have been drawn. We live in Idiocracy. We are there. The calendar may read 2024, but in reality it is 2505. Face it…people are dumb. I would love for Trump and Harris to take an IQ test. Forget the cognitive test…take the damn IQ. If either one of them received a score over 90 I would be shocked.

    The USSA Presidential campaign is a choice between a Carnival Barker and a Communist Courtesan. I am sitting this one out. On November 5th I will be at home reorganizing my prepper pantry with a bottle of Jack Daniels in hand as I watch another selection flush the remains of my country down the drain. On November 6th I will be ordering Rosetta Stone so I can get a jump start on learning Mandarin and Cantonese.

    • Hi RG,

      Thanks for the reminder in re the booze; I need to get a bottle or two of the good stuff to have on hand for when the mushroom cloud lights up evening sky.

      • You’re damn right Eric, and keep a good bottle in your desk for periodic consumption. You need to maintain your mental health like the rest of us. Also, it’s only proper for a good journalist (hopefully you’re not offended by the term) to be sipping from a glass of brown elixir while clacking away at the keys.

      • LOL, is that a write in, Horst, or will you be supporting Trump?

        Mt Dew – President of the US – check….Trump-former President of the US – check
        Mt Dew – Pro wrestler – check….Trump – constantly at UFC/wrestling matches – check
        Mt Dew – Porn star – check…Trump – sleeps with porn starts – check

        Tell me we haven’t reach Idiocracy levels. 🙂

        • Mike Judge’s 2006 parody has become an unfortunate PROPHECY, and it hasn’t taken 500 years to fulfill, just EIGHTEEN. Shit.

          • And that’s why Judge had such a tough time with 20th Century Fox not wanting to release the film. Plus I heard the ending was rewritten. I can only imagine the truth in the “real ending.”

      • Are you one of those snooty bourbon drinkers? 😉

        Personally, I can’t drink straight whiskey or bourbon, I always need a mixer. I usually pair everything with ginger beer or ginger ale. 😁 Moscow Mules are my favorite, but I am not wasting a perfectly good vodka on Kamala or Donald.

  21. Today’s salvo against Orange Man Bad from the Lügenpresse — specifically the leftist New Yorker: (this week’s cover)

    Since the worthless mainstream media is always, axiomatically wrong, this tendentious magazine cover probably marks the peak in relative popularity for the Kamala entity vs the Orange Man.

    Speaking of infantile and gratuitous, today’s scuttlebutt is that Kamala’s cackling is not drunkenness but rather brain damage — from getting her skull banged against the headboard as she worked her way up in the political hierarchy.

  22. The GOP just showed their true alliegance again.
    They admit that Buy-dem is a scumbag thieving whore and should be impeached BUT
    it’s just too much trouble to impeach him and besides who knows how much evidence might become public knowledge about all the thieving done by everyone else in con-gress.
    %^&* everyone in D.C. They are all traitors. NIFO
    It’s the only way to be sure.

    • It’d be nothing but a SYMBOLIC gesture. Just like with the Hillbilly Horn-Dog back in 1998 and 1999, wherein he was clearly guilty of Perjury and Obstruction, the Dummycrats made sure that they’d still stick by him…i.e. all that pontificating about how Richard Milhous Nixon “subverted the Constitution” and/or “disgraced the Presidency” was pure HORSESHIT when the shoe was on the other foot. That whole waste of time was nothing more than political posturing that accomplished NOTHING. Same with TWO impeachments of Trump, both on ridiculous grounds, the second not even legally applicable as he’d ALREADY left office. Truly we have a Clowngress that I pray the “Martians” from “Mars Attacks” completely wipes out in a joint session. Ack, Ack!

  23. To Trump everything is about positive thinking. He’s the most known disciple of Norman Vincent Peale (Peale officiated his first wedding, according to Wikipedia).

    Peale wrote: “Affirm it, visualize it, believe it, and it will actualize itself.” In other words, the brain creates its own reality. So if you want to write like Tom Woods, be an entrepreneur or kill a head cold (something I’m dealing with this morning) all you have to do is to click your heels together and believe. High IQ? Not necessary. Dad with modest real estate holdings in Queens? Not a factor. Convince yourself that the origin story you wrote is true and anything’s possible.

    “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'” – Matthew 17:20

    Odd thing is, that’s basically the same story the left is peddling too. If you believe you’re a woman trapped in a man’s body, so be it. If you believe that white men are preventing you from achieving your goals, well that must be reality. An Indian-Jamaican half breed is just as much ADOS as Kunta Kinte.

    That’s just science.

    For every Trump there’s hundreds of failed real estate moguls in Manhattan alone. He got lucky. But Peale says luck isn’t real. Your mind creates luck for you. So it works, at least to Trump. And perhaps he knows something I don’t.

      • Also Molly Ivins, who laid the same criticism of GW Bush, whom she labeled “Shrub”, having also lambasted his dad, George HW Bush, with gusto (“he cain’t heppit, he was borned with a silver spoon in his mouth!”). That was a sign of the decline of American journalism, celebrating a foul-mouthed, hateful ogre of a cunt with a typewriter.

        • Note that she said HW was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Not a word about his CIA career. Not a word about his possible involvement in the JFK shooting. Only that his daddy (also well connected to the international spook set) was rich.

        • It was Ann Richards, Democratic nominee for governor of Texas, who said it about GHWB, not Molly Ivins, unless she just repeated what Molly said first.

  24. Trump makes infantile remarks because he is speaking to an infantile population. If Trump loses the (s)election it will be because he is supposed to. He is the distraction good magicians refer to. Like school it’s a popularity contest. Americans don’t care. Look at what they allowed their nation to become! Promise them goodies and free stuff,,,, your in! Proof?

    It’s better to be an illegal than a citizen these days. One gets the free shit,,, the other gets to pay for it. Has this been a big topic for the (s)election??? I rest my case.
    Has a trillion freshly printed fiat every 90 days been a topic??? I rest my case. (Where in hell do the morons think inflation comes from?)
    Has supplying the tools of war to fascists in Ukelandia and Israhell been discussed??? I rest my case.
    Has flying in illegals been discussed??? I rest my case.
    Has cutting up little girls and boys been discussed??? I rest my case.
    Has forcing killer drugs on children been discussed? I rest my case.
    Has anyone even mentioned the drafting of new cannon fodder to fight their stupid wars??? I rest my case.
    and on and on….

    Nope,,, the main discussion topic is”Who is better looking”. Here’s news you may have missed. Their all ugly as sin, mentally and physically. Their fighting each other for “Who is better for Israhell” They don’t give a nickols worth of horse hockey about Merica.

    Which is why I do not vote.

  25. Does it really matter whether OMB is nice? Mittens was nice. McCain was nice, to the point of blasting Republicans who had the audacity to use Barak’s middle name. (More specifically, he was nice to Leftists. McCain hated Conservatives with a passion.)

    The reason OMB’s crassness appeals to his base is we are in increasingly uncivil times. His base are tired of being told to sit down, shut up, and pay for all the gibs. Sure, infantile, but so what? Someone needs to be more than a cuck. And no one else is stepping up.

    • Hi Steve,

      I don’t care about nice. I do care about facts – and hard talk. I don’t a give a damn about how Trump or any other politician looks. Maybe Hawk Tuah girl does. Not I.

      My point is that he ought to try to be more like Vance – who at least hits hard without making stupid comments about his looks.

        • If a man needs “hydraulics” to get it up for a fine-looking woman like Melania, he ought to just “eat his gun” as did Adolf. He was still banging a beautiful blonde some 21 years his junior when he checked himself out, and probably, when the bars in Berlin were still open, cocktail waitresses, TWO at a time!

      • We are missing the issues at exactly the wrong time as the public sleep-walks into tyranny. Want to see how Germany got into the Nazi nightmare? Just look at today. David Knight points out that he is sick of even presidents that he has voted for after six years. We have eight years of Trump with an option for four more. This kind of exposure is a problem for Trump.

      • Eric, the times are serious as a heart attack. Trump doesn’t have broad enough support to piss away potential votes. You piss away enough with stupid ad hominem attacks that don’t attract additional ballots, combine it with controlled polls designed to make it look a lot closer than it otherwise is, and it gives plausibility to whatever steal is cooked up in the battleground states.

        • Indeed, Bill –

          That’s my take as well. It’s simply not necessary – and arguably, destructive – to continue throwing red meat to the base that is going to vote for him regardless. This does not mean moderating his policy stances; it means having policy stances. It means behaving like an adult and talking about what matters. And it doesn’t matter whether Trump is better looking than Harris. Winning matters.

    • As a (barely practicing) Mormon, I was once asked WHY I didn’t care for “Mittens” Romney? Aside from his questionable politics, it had to with, of all things, that TOOTHY smile…nothing wrong with good dental work, his is certainly better than mine, but damn, that FAKE, PHONY smile just raises the “hackles” of my “Inner Klingon”, as I’m reminded to never trust a man that SMILES TOO MUCH. Commander Kor (John Kolicos) had those Orgainians PEGGED.


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