Civilian “Generals”


You may have seen the picture of the Texas sheriff who denounced Hombre Naranja’s efforts to get control of the border. But did you see the general’s stars on the collar of this civilian cop?

One sees this a lot.

There are “sergeants” and “lieutenants” and “majors” and “colonels” with eagles on their collars. There are even four and five-star “generals” – equivalent in rank to MacArthur and Eisenhower and Patton running small-town sheriff’s offices.

It’s what you might call stolen valor – a term of  opprobrium applied to people who parade around in military uniforms (and wearing military insignia) they’re not entitled to wear – either because they’re not in the military or because they didn’t earn the military insignia.

Like the four-star “general” of Bexar County, Texas.

He is not in the military and he most definitely did not receive his four stars from the military.

As an Elvis impersonator used to ask: Who do you think I think I am?

An interesting thing about this is that there’s a historical precedent for it. One with unpleasant implications.

In National Socialist Germany – it is always important to spell it out rather than use the acronym that the National Socialists themselves never used – there were paramilitary bodies that awarded themselves military ranks – such as SA Haupsturmfuhrer, a kind of “captain” who wasn’t commissioned by the German army.

There were also – and here we hit closer to home – generals der polizei – that is, police generals who were also often officers of the SS, such as SS Oberstgruppenfuhrer (colonel general) and general-der-polizei Kurt Daleuge. He was the man who replaced the “butcher of prague,” SS General Reinhard Heydrich, after the latter’s assassination by Czech partisans.

Point being, we’ve become a lot like them without most of us even seeing it. More finely, we’ve become used to paramilitary policing – which now (as then) has become almost indistinguishable from being policed by the military. This is an interesting thing in that Americans aren’t supposed to be policed by the military.

It’s actually “the law,” as if that mattered to those who enforce it (and often just make it up as they go).

The military is supposed to be set apart from civilian life except in the extraordinary event that martial law is declared. Because civilian cops aren’t trained to regard us as enemies to be feared – and killed.

Well, ideally.

Civilian law enforcement is supposed to be about keeping the peace and civilian cops are supposed to be civilians.

But – somehow – we live under “military” law in all-but-the-formalities. Civilian police carry military weapons – including the “weapons of war” that Kamala’s second – who comes across like Chris Farley’s Motivational Speaker character on Saturday Night Live, back when it was still funny, says he carried “in war.” Even though he didn’t. That doesn’t matter, either.

They wear battle dress uniforms (BDUs) which include combat boots, flak vests, web gear and lots of tacticool apparatus. Few Americans (especially Republicans) seem to worry about the danger of dressing civilian cops like soldiers; more finely, about dressing cops in such a way that they come to think of us as “civilians” and themselves as soldiers.

Implicit in this dynamic is a relationship of occupiers and indigs – the latter a pejorative term used by soldiers in Afghanistan to describe the civilian populations of the countries they’d occupied. Like the “gooks” and “zipperheads” of Vietnam during that war.

Only now the war is on us, right here.

. . .

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  1. Ok Kids, since you’ve covered all the bases…

    How about a “Tale of 3 AGW..environments”…I report, you decide…

    I will use the “ph scale” i.e. 1-14 “degrees” 1 Most Acidic, 14 Most Libertarian to assess the “AGW attitude per location”…from my experience…

    1) Dominican Republic National Police…(ph 8)…decidedly neutral….want you to pass them on the road AND NOT BOTHER THEM!!!!…How Kool is that!……motto..Do I actually have to harass citizens?

    2) Puerto Rican AGW.(ph 5)…Definitely the midway point between the “to protect and serve” motto and the Gestapo. They resemble Highway Troopers from the 70s….Stern but respectful.

    3) USA USA USA..IMPERIAL STORM TROOPER WANNABEES ..that are generally unintelligent,
    Klowns who think they can act as badass as they want to …Unfortunately…
    They play too many video games and are to be avoided at ALL COSTS…Presently assessed at “Battery Acid” level of (ph1)…easy to spot …
    You’d think the
    porkers wouldn’t need to suit up Like Marines at Iwo Jima TO GET FREE Doughnuts…

    Semper Fi Motorheads

    • Next, you’ll be telling me that those Dominican donut-eaters actually make themselves useful by keeping the damned Haitians out. (DR could have possibilities for those of us who are looking to abandon the Titanic -and that is something I have been starting to consider as of late, but geez, sharing an island with Haiti and the Clinton Foundation makes me wonder)

  2. The terms “Soldier” and “Civilian” have specific, defined Meanings under the accepted (by most Nations) International Laws regarding Warfare between Nations. “Police” are not “Soldiers”, they are “Civilians”. I first noticed this distinction when I was in High School (50 Years ago) long before the “Police” became an Occupation Army. Even then, the politicians and po-Lice used the Terms “Police” and “Civilians”. Being an avid reader of Military History at the Time, and also about the development of the “Laws of War”, this got ‘stuck in the back of my Head’ and over Time, I saw the increasing resemblance of the po-Lice to “Soldiers”.

    Today, we no longer have Peace Officers, never mind “Police”. What we have is, at ALL levels of ‘government’, an Occupation Army, of “Soldiers”. The Fact that they are our fellow “Citizens” makes them just Traitors to the People and the Republic. The “Standing Army” that the Founders of the Nation tried to prevent, by putting in the Constitution a provision Recognizing the “Right of the People to be Armed.” Inherently, because of this, there are No “Good Cops”, at all. Every. Single. One. wearing a ‘Uniform’ and carrying Arms is an Enemy Soldier, of a Traitorous ‘government’.

    What is now Evident (to those willing to even contemplate it) is that not only are the “Police” a non-Constitutional Military Force, but one that is in Service to a Foreign Nation, the zionist state of Isn’treal, and the International-jew ‘Banksters’. Like Adi Heidler pointed out above, they mostly wear the six-pointed “Star of Rothschild”
    (its true Origin, look that up) and their Doctrine, Organization, and Training are the same as (and conducted by) the same ‘people’ who are committing a Geneocide in Occupied Palestine, Snipering Children, using Tanks and Jets and Artillery and Naplam and White Phosphorous on “Civillians”.

    Don’t imagine for a moment that these ‘american’ thugpigs won’t do the Same Thing to Americans. They already
    have been Conditioned, by (((qualified immunity))) to “Just Follow Orders” and feel ‘Safe’ from any sort of Accountability.
    Do Not believe the Fallacy that the (((regime))) “Soldiers” have a ‘few good men’ among them, who will refuse to use Heavy Weapons against the Citizens; History shows the Opposite, from the Waco Massacre to the “Bonus Army” incident, both where Tanks and Machine Guns were used against the Citizens.

    Remember, (because they don’t) that this “Occupation Army” lives in Your Neighborhood, and unlike for the poor bastards in the Nations the ZOG Army has Invaded and Occupied before, the “Soldiers” (and their Families) can easilly be ‘contacted’ at their Homes.

    p.s. the flammenwerfer destroys all vehicles, even tanks.

    • >Rothschild
      And while we are researching origins, it is worth pointing out that “Rothschild” is properly Roth-schild (i.e. “red shield” in German), *NOT* Roths-child, which has no meaning, AFAIK.
      As Gryphon said. research the origins.

      Perhaps not incidentally, the U.S. Government in Washington (the GIW) has a facility called Rothstein (anglicized to Redstone) Arsenal.
      >Established during World War II as a chemical manufacturing facility, in the immediate post-war era the Arsenal was used for research and development by German rocket scientists who were brought to the United States as part of Operation Paperclip. The team first worked on ballistic missiles, starting with derivatives of the V-2 rocket, before moving on to a series of ever larger designs.

    • >”the “Bonus Army” incident,
      And who were the “heroes” of this infamous incident?
      Douglas MacArthur
      Dwight David Eisenhower
      George Smith Patton

      Later on, a young Major who made his bones covering up the My Lai massacre went on to fame, fortune, and the opportunity to lie to the world at the U.N., without consequence. Lying in public appears to be a strong career move in the U.S.A., provided the appropriate authorities have your back. Heaven help you if they do not.

  3. There are countless examples of these types who have no inclination, desire, or ability to de escalate any encounter with the general population. Anyone who questions their authority is summarily pummeled into the ground and arrested for resisting arrest, assault, etc. etc.

    The choice seems pretty clear; cower to anyone with a badge, hunker down and hide, or leave the country.

    If you think the political process is going to work, the powers that should not be are openly and defiantly presenting this parade of buffoons to showcase the fact that the political process is corrupt and broken beyond repair. Of course, they have their ready made solution which is already in place, i.e. their technocracy.

    Note that no one votes on the latest technological gadgets which we get to use because they’re oh so convenient and affordable. Politicians are just useless middlemen. The elite want us to see that. The government can’t even pull off a simple assassination anymore for chrissakes.

    • “The choice seems pretty clear; cower to anyone with a badge, hunker down and hide, or leave the country.”

      There is another option, which Solzhenitsyn describes in his passage that begins “And how we burned in the camps”. Basically, when the thugs come after you, treat them like the criminals they are.

      • Yes, quite correct Andaroo, however I’m not inclined to enter into those camps in the first place. Solzhenitsyn usefully observed that we’re already well on our way to repeating history though so I’m still more inclined to run and hide. I have no intention of getting mixed up in a crowd of angry peasants with pitchforks. I don’t go near crowds of any kind anymore. I’m too leery of herds and the herd mentality.

      • Nice sentiment, but if we (and a good smattering of our neighbors which are necessary to make us anything more than a fly on the wall) have not resisted them in the past when it would’ve been much easier; aren’t resisting them now while we still have a glimmer of life left, what makes you think anyone’s ever going to do anything -especially considering that THEIR power and resources have increased to absurd levels which the Bolsheviks could never even have dreamed of?

        No one wants to be that lone guy, because one or two resisting here or there would accomplish nothing. It takes a concerted effort, and there just aren’t enough of us to even assemble a little jug band, much less an orchestra.

        Do you know one neighbor who will stand with you? I sure don’t. And conversely, are you willing to stand with your neighbor when they knock-in his door? (I don’
        t see myself doing that either).

        • You’re reading my mail Arthur,

          I believe we’ve passed the point of no return. There is no possibility of salvaging this country from destruction.

          During the Civil War (a misnomer if ever there was one), people would pack a picnic and go watch battles from the sidelines. There’s something about Boobus Americanus that can’t look away from a gory mess even if it means they might become collateral damage.

          I forget if it was Rwanda or Zimbabwe, but those who cut and ran before things got bad were referred to as “going on the chicken run”. Those who stayed will forever be remembered as “idiots.”

          I may have the nicest neighbors anyone could ever want, and there is no doubt that not only would they not stand with or by me when things go south, they’ll turn me in for a reward if one’s available. In general, people are nice when it’s easy and convenient. Practically no one is ready to make even minor sacrifices unless they see it as exceedingly profitable.

          • I couldn’t have said it better, Shnarkle!
            The vast majority of people don’t even recognize who the enemy is. Can’t fight an enemy that one doesn’t realize exists. If anything, they think WE’RE the enemy, because we resist their democratically-0elected tyrants and don’t support “our boys” who loving go around the world destroying and killing in the name of global bankers and their poltical beards.
            And even if all that weren’t true, society has already become far too dysfunctional for the majority to ever stand on their own, much less resist. One needs strong families and communities to even resist a good posse (much more a huge highly advanced army of soldiers, cops and government functionaries at every level) but what we have is Junior who has 2 mommies and Sally, who gets shuttled from mommy’s house to daddy’s house every frew days, and we’re lucky if we know our neighbor’s names, much less anything about them, and even less of a chance of sharing any common values with them. But they’ll be the first to try and take your AK or call the goon squad on you, because you might hurt little Bobby who’s on the SWAT team now, or Uncle Pete who’s the local code enforcement agent/snitch…

            • You remind me of something that happened a few years ago. A buddy of mine allowed me to park my car in his driveway for a few months while he was gone. His driveway was close to where my sailboat was anchored, and after returning a few months later, as soon as I was within reach of the nearest cell tower, my cellphone alerted me to a number of calls from the local sheriff’s department. The neighbor across the street had been calling about “the mysterious car in his neighbor’s driveway.” He’d also been calling about the knee high grass and the uncovered pool in the backyard (which he could only see by looking over the fence).

              After dropping anchor and retrieving my car. I awoke the next morning to another sheriff’s officer inquiring about my car which was now in MY driveway. I provided him with my driver’s license at which point, he handed me his cell phone. The voice on the other end was someone from code enforcement who really didn’t know why he was talking to me other than the fact that my name, license plate number, and info from my friend with the tall grass and mosquitos laying eggs in his pool was on his computer screen. Evidently, after 9/11 law enforcement agencies were forced to combine communications to better serve the public so they all get this information and don’t really have any reason to deal with it other than that they’re being contacted to see what they can add to the mix.

              I would have definitely felt lucky if none of these people had my name or knew anything about me.

    • Sheriffs are elected directly by popular vote of locals in a given precinct or defined county. This is why certain groups, such as Sovereign citizens, who do not recognize federal or state governments authorities, will recognize Sheriffs, as an extension of the will of the “people ‘. However, as we’ve seen, rigging elections isn’t hard, even locally. So I am beginning to question even those results now. I always thought as Sovereign citizens as fruitcakes and nutjobs, but now, I find myself identifying more and more with them and their values…


  4. Although I realize that many haven’t researched it, Executive Order #100 (The Lieber Code) has never been repealed. We’ve been under military rule since 1864.

  5. Our tin-starred lackeys have some hard choices to make in the very near future. Some, like that bespangled Texas faggot have already made their choice. He’s pure evil and deserves whatever fate free men decide to inflict upon him. Me? I’d argue bringing his tyranny to peoples homes and families makes HIS home and family a legit military targets should the balloon go up. I didn’t make the rules, just intend to play by THEIRS.

    • Too many copsuckers in this country, they’ve been programmed by decades of TV shows impressing their high standards of public protection, and the masses can’t get enough of it. There will be a lot of dumb dead white folks before the learning curve improves, the darker breeds never bought into the brainwashing, they riot at the drop of a hat while whites stand around wondering how to become the next victim.

      • Agreed, Semper Fi –

        I have some friends who are veterans – of the military. They are (or were) soldiers. A cop ought to be a peace officer – and think of himself as such. When a cop thinks he’s a soldier he becomes dangerous.

  6. Yesterday while getting groceries, saw a couple of Sacramento County Code Enforcement officers, with prominent side arms and tactical bulletproof vests. All BLACK, of course. I wanted to get a good shot of them, but I was behind the wheel and missed the opportunity. These are the officer’s that are supposed to issue citations for failure to pick up garbage or other “Mickey Mouse” shit. Why do they need to be conspicuously ARMED and ARMORED? What’s really galling is that numerous measures have been introduced in the State Assembly to require “civilians”, in order to posses and WEAR body armor, to get a permit and JUSTIFY the “need”. Thankfully all have thus far failed.

    • I recall a similar incident involving small town Jersey cops harassing some young single mother, all 105 lbs soaking wet of her, being manhandled by a burly, 275 ib cop on beach patrol, over her possessing Twisted Teas (alcohol is forbidden on NJ beaches by state law). When this “beach trollop” was, in the officer’s estimation, “uncooperative”, he tackled this girl, in front of her 18 m.o. daughter and friend, like Mike Singletary playing middle linebacker for “Da Bears”. Over an infraction with a $250 fine. This big, brave cop pummeled her rather thoroughly, then arrested her for “resisting arrest”, “Obstruction”, and assault with a felony enhancement for use of bodily fluids, i.e spittle, claiming she spat upon him. I get the feeling that wasn’t the first young woman he’s used his fists on, nor was that the first fellow that ever climbed on top of her!

    • >rough up surfer for “beach badge” infraction.
      Well, if you guys are surfers, then where are your badges?
      Badges? What badges?
      We doan’ need no steenking badges.

      Too easy, man. 🙂

  7. One thing I strangely don’t see being addressed anywhere is the Democrats’ new love for “freedom”. This time around, they are using the word like they are the Libertarian party, though these leftists truly don’t understand the meaning of the word.

    My computations indicate that they seem to think “freedom” is synonymous with “rights”, fanciful and imaginary as these “rights” may be. Viz, the “freedom to be educated”, the “freedom to have a roof over your head” or “reproductive freedom”.

    The “Right” doesn’t seem to be addressing this at all, and it’s egregious and sickening.

    The Orange Factions are simply too concerned with “Muh Wall!” and “Law and Order!” to be worried about something petty like “freedom”, which people have too much of because “Open borders!” and “They can’t arrest anyone!”, which is being done in some cases so that people clamor for “Law and Order!”. Simple manipulations being used to ensure that people cheer-on their own demise.

  8. We have way too many cops

    Harassing way too many people

    Over way too many laws, most of which cover petty bullshit that are nobody else’s business and no one really cares about anyway.

    In terms of going about daily life without being hassled, a lot of the totalitarian countries that we (quite rightly) love to demonize were probably easier to live in than the USA now.

    Also (whether coincidentally or not) I believe society today has become far less tolerant of harmless personal eccentricities than it used to be. Which is a damned shame. Particularly for mostly harmless eccentrics such as myself. It’s quite interesting, actually, given that — for PC reasons — certain forms of insanity are practically mandatory.

    • Agree with your comments, but wondered why you added “quite rightly” in terms of totalitarian countries? When you are 5000 miles away why “demonize” them, other than to “become far less tolerant of harmless personal eccentricities”.

  9. There is an interesting book which also became a documentary on Netflix called; Ordinary Men

    This was a police unit sent to Poland and when they got there, they were informed of their duties: eliminate the Jews. These men grew up before the indoctrination from the Hitler youth and were middle class men with education and real jobs. Some were only part time *peace officers*. Their commander was not thrilled with the orders to kill people and gave those who wanted *out* the opportunity to not participate. Some did opt out. However, many stayed with the group out of psychological unity associated with being with this group of men and didn’t want to leave the dirty work only to a few. Some were very excited about the possibility of experiencing the thrill of total control over people and then murdering them and watching their fear as they kill their children right in front of them. They separated into two groups those fulfilling the orders and those who opted out. Those who opted out were constantly ridiculed, called cowards and were given crap duty but they did not participate in the killing. Some of the killers became violently sick about it, others were not only comfortable about it, believed they were heroes for Germany, and some enjoyed it.
    The interesting point is psychological in a group of ordinary men could become killers of innocent people and without a lot of brain washing.

    So today, we have the paramilitary police jacked on the Patriot Act assuming every traffic stop is an encounter with Bin Laden. These AGW’s employ typhoid Mary’s who are bullies enjoying their torment of innocent people. The others never lift a finger to stop these violent acts because they don’t want to be called *pussies* back at the precinct.

    • One more point to make….
      Bite-me has been calling Trump a threat to democracy, a dictator, Hitler, a felon, etc. This is what he has said in public, God only knows what he was saying behind closed doors. With a public position that his political opponent is evil, how serious do the ordinary men of the secret service take the job of protecting a *Hitler*? Or, perhaps there are orders implicit and or explicit to allow Hitler’s demise and save the country for democracy.

  10. No way to know who is on your side and who is not. We have been indoctrinated to always respect anyone wearing a uniform, especially if it is being worn by someone of presumed authority or if they are carrying a weapon. Military uniforms are symbolic of power and authority though I doubt most people in uniforms can ever think for themselves. They are part of some collective and who knows what their end game is.

    Hitler and Japan might have taken the world if not for the Russians and the US to get in their way. But there is no one coming to save the US as this country rubs elbows with communism, fascism. Marxism and socialism. It may come to the point where these “military” arrogants just start shooting up things to feel like they matter. Otherwise they are pawns in the anti-human’s game of depopulation.

  11. Bidenista regime elevated tranny Rachel Levine to Admiral. She is actually a he, born Richard L. Levine, now a fat slob and a fake woman, and the health “czar”.

    Wiki – “On October 19, 2021, Levine became the first openly transgender four-star officer in the nation’s eight uniformed services.[7]

    Levine was named as one of USA Today’s women of the year in 2022, which recognizes women who have made a significant impact on society.[8]”


    But if you think some loser weirdo tranny elevated to “admiral” is pathetic, they want to elevate Kameltoe Harris to President of the United States. What, exactly, does that DEI hire have in job experience to be POTUS? What did she accomplish as a Congresswoman or VP? Not a damn thing.

    Why do they want to install some brainless bimbo ho as President? Why do they want some heels up airhead who has never had an original thought as they slept their way to the top? I am going to tell you and you will not like the answer. She is too dumb to question what is going on, and will dutifully do what she is told by her staff, and rubber stamp the Left’s agenda. She is the perfect “Stepford Wife” “SimOne” bot to put in front of the camera while the real power directs the nation into the Green New Commie Deal.

    Currently, there is a big debate if Joe Biden is even alive, there is good evidence of Joe Biden in a rubber mask (you can see the mask line on his neck). Joe Biden’s niece says her uncle died 2 years ago. Biden is obviously an old dementia ridden patient – so who is running the nation right now? Not Biden, and not Harris.

    The big joke is on us, Harris is exactly what this dumb downed nation deserves, this woke harlot candidate, who is not qualified to run a McDonalds, who got no electoral votes in the primaries, who is hated by her staff (96% quit!) is being elevated by the entire media as our savior. The most pathetic thing is how she plays along (does she actually think she deserves to be president?). She is fake, the DNC celebration of this clueless twat is ghey and fake. The nation is living a lie.

    “On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” ― H.L. Mencken

    But fear not, a Harris presidency could push the nation far right so that a real Hitleresque regime comes to power, and uses the gun to end the Jewish occupation of Amerika. The history you were taught is utter bullshit, Amerika is in the exact same situation as Weimar Germany, and as things get worse you WILL wake up to what the Germans faced in the 1930s and you may even have that light bulb come on in your head and understand that if you are pushed so far left you may have to go far right and fight back – by donning the black uniform.

    Maybe, just maybe, when they take your private car away will you understand you must pick up a gun as a Nazi to fight back and save your nation, sanity, manliness, religious beliefs, etc. The seizure of power from the internationalists in Germany by a nationalist Hitler could repeat, and give you a chance to be a man again, get your balls back as they say.

    The reason Hitler is endlessly vilified by the Jew media is because he did something they never want you to do, which is to wrap your mind around the Jewish problem (and occupation of your nation), to name the Jew as the enemy of the volk, then form an anti-Jew political party, then round them up and ship them out. Hitler named the Jew and did something about them, but he lost the war, and now is the #1 enemy of the Jewish World Order which runs the western world “Democracies”. Democracy is a codeword for Leftwing totalitarian Jewish control of your nation.

    The problem is, that when push comes to shove, and your nation is forced into a totalitarian stance to survive, that system then gets dominated by power mad psychopaths which tends to end badly – just like in Israel today, which is run by the far right Likudists – who are stuck in an endless war – and cruising toward annihilation. Israel could easily disappear in the next decade.

    I am not arguing in favor of becoming a Nazi. What I am saying is we should understand how the far Left is going to force the far right to react. Case in point today, Trump announced at the border rally, the death penalty for illegal immigrant rapists, murderers, and drug dealers. The far Left created a huge immigrant problem and the right is reacting with legislation to make it quick trial and execution. That is in today’s news.

    Over in the UK, the rise of the right is fomenting, riots started when 3 young girls were stabbed to death by their immigration problem. Starmer then demonized the rioters as the enemy of the state. Once again the world is getting close to the rise of extreme nationalist regimes coming to power just like in the 1930s. And Trump is no Hitler, Trump is in bed with the Jews, and makes Israel first, not this nation. But someday Trump will be gone, and the need for the nationalist leader all the more stronger.

    • Hi Jack,

      This gives me an opportunity to offer up what may or may not be an interesting take on Hitler. Not a defense – just a take. Was he not a lot like the Orange Man in that he had a chance – more than one – to win and just pissed it away? Hitler had the British Expeditionary Force cornered at Dunkirk. The British people were demoralized. Hitler almost certainly could have gotten the BEF to surrender had generous terms been publicly offered. Failing that, send in the panzers and wipe the BEF out. Then offer terms to the British, who would probably have accepted. Instead, he allowed the BEF to escape, which not only allowed a whole army to escape to fight another day but – of far more importance – bucked up the British people (and thereby, Churchill). How about diverting armor away from the going-gangbusters assault upon Moscow, delaying and ultimately dooming the drive upon Moscow?

      Was Hitler a fool? Is Trump?

      • Yes. Hitler’s biggest mistake was declaring war on the U.S. The crippled warmonger and Stalin-pal FDR desperately wanted to send America’s healthy sons into the European war but the public wanted no part of it.

        When Japan attacked Pear Harbor, Hitler declared war on the U.S. giving FDR the opportunity to prioritize defeating Germany long before defeating Japan.

        Hitler played right into FDR’s hands.

        • FDR had his USN (he was Assistant SecNavy during WWI) in a shooting war with the Kriegsmarine during most of 1941 already. The declaration of war had become a mere formality of a military situation that ALREADY existed.

      • I am familiar with the WW2 history in your comment, and I might mention that in revisionist history Hitler is charged with being a Rothschild agent. That seems hard to believe because of his passionate speeches – but if you think about it, Hitler put Germany into a bigger catastrophe. By the time WW2 was over Germany was in ruins and tens of millions of Germans were dead, the red army then raped the woman, and Eisenhower starved to death 2.2 million Germany soldiers in the Rhine meadows after the war ended.

        So was Hitler good for Germany? In the long run, the answer is no. Germany is now occupied.

        Likewise, I assert, that Biden, Trump, Clinton, Obama are Rothschild agents. Trump may be set up to win, to be the new nationalist leader which takes Amerika down. Amerika, with it’s free speech and guns is the biggest threat of the NWO.

        So why did Hitler allow the British army to survive? Well, if he was a Rothschild agent, he did the bidding of his master. Likewise, why doesn’t Putin finish off Ukraine? Is the maxim true, that all the world is a stage, and all the leaders are puppets of the financial power? I do not know. But I will tell you that many statements by Trump make him very suspect of his real intentions.

        • This is also a good read, Mike King gives you a different perspective.

          “the New World Order system of the (((Globalists))) promotes the exact opposite of those positive adjectives. The One Worlders and their Marxist henchmen want mass misery, not “gaiety of spirit.” They want division, not “unity” — desperation, not “hope” — degeneracy, not “revival” — pessimism, not “confidence.” They want you to “own nothing and be happy” — eating grass and bugs in your tiny little high-rise studio pod. The fact that Hitler had — as George put it — “saved his country from utter despondency and degradation” — represented a giant “F-You” middle finger in the face of the Globo Mafia Bosses whom Hitler properly condemned as “international hyenas” and “rootless cosmopolitans.” That is why “Hitler had to be stopped.” Satan forbid such a healthy natural system should start to appeal to the economically depressed, financially plundered and politically exploited peoples of “the free world!””

          Trump wants to restore Amerika just as Hitler restored Germany, but those who own us, do not want that. Which means that if Trump is elected, the Marxists will do everything to destroy us, including putting us into a world war which ends in our nuclear annihilation.

        • Amen, Jack –

          I have always been perplexed by Hitler’s seemingly inexplicable decisions that led to what ought to have been clear would be disastrous results. Some attribute Hitler’s decision to not seize the moment at Dunkirk to arrogance – as well as his (naive) affection for the British as a kindred people. Which may have been true but also an irrelevance as what mattered was the British government. Similarly, the tactical idiocy of imposing harsh conditions on the Russians in territory occupied by the German military; stupid beyond descriptive power. The people of those areas welcomed the Germans at first. Then they came to hate them. Had Hitler ordered his armies to treat the civilians mercifully – had them fed and left alone so long as they weren’t openly resisting – he would not have had to fight a partisan war in his rear. He could have taken Moscow in 1941 – and likely gotten Stalin to surrender, if offered terms that he could have been rescinded once the war was one. Instead, he allowed Stalin to hold on – and eventually, win.

          If it sounds familiar to you, maybe it does because maybe it is happening again.

      • Eric – It’s a MYTH that Hitler LET the BEF escape at Dunkirk:

        1) Their flanks weren’t secure, as the counterattack at Arras on 21 May 1940 revealed.
        2) The French First Army still held Lille, which was needed to funnel German reinforcements through in order to attack Dunkirk in force.
        3) The RAF, having to fly 1/4 the distance from their Kent airfield that the Luftwaffe had to fly from their bases, still east of the Rhine (critical airfields in Belgium and Holland were just being cleared of wrecks and put back into service), temporarily had air superiority over Dunkirk.
        4) Hitler had hope of a political settlement with the British, especially if Churchill’s government fell.
        5) The French were reinforcing their defenses along the Aisne and Somme rivers to hold Paris. Not would a likely attempt to capture the BEF proven futile, it’d have delayed the final offensive in France, “Fall Rot”, by about ten days, giving jot only time for the French to stiffen their lines, but also move BEF forces to it. As it was, it took five days to breach the Somme River, with the Germans taking the bulk of their Spring 1940 casualties to do so.

        Yes, it WAS sheet idiocy to mistreat the Slavs that at first welcomed LIBERATORS.

  12. “Municipal police departments” are a relatively new phenomenon in the grand scheme of human civilization. This concept of “law enforcement” is beholden to the power structure and not to the citizenry.
    In “the good old days”, the “sheriff” was the chief “law enforcement” individual in the county and had broad reign in his respective jurisdiction. When the need arose, ordinary citizens were “deputized” and were given limited “police authority” at the discretion of the “sheriff”. This was used during emergencies when there was a need for “manpower”.
    Today, this has morphed into the need for permanently appointed sheriff’s deputies.
    In order for a sheriff to be elected (and re-elected) he has to have a good reputation among the citizenry. Accountability to the citizenry is a large part of the equation.
    Fast forward to today, where the “chief of police” in the major urban areas is quite often a political “hack” whose allegiance is to the mayor and power structure, not the citizenry. This is a large part of the problem as it fosters an “us vs. them” attitude, where the citizenry (us) is considered to be the “enemy”. It gets worse, as city officials “pull back” their police when they should be doing just the opposite.
    The concept of “immunity” for public officials has been expanded to the point that police departments operate with impunity and have no problem abusing their power as the prosecutors, courts, and in general the “system” is heavily stacked against the victim of police abuses. It is almost impossible to sue police departments for abuses committed by their personnel.
    Individual police officers cannot be sued as they are “protected” from lawsuits by their official “immunity”. Even with incontrovertible video and audio evidence, police are rarely convicted of crimes. Juror intimidation is a large factor in the inability to reign in the “bad apples”. Police unions play a large part in whitewashing criminal behavior by police.
    Immunity negates responsibility and must be abolished.
    What we are experiencing today is “blowback”, something that I feared would occur, with the increasing number of publicized police abuse cases. Those who are attacking police see only the uniform and not the person wearing it.
    Not a good situation for either police or the citizenry…
    Just maybe it is time to abolish municipal police departments and go back to the sheriff model of “law enforcement”.

  13. Visited your local hospital lately?
    I hadn’t for years ’til a few days ago, to fix an old billing error.

    I thought I wandered into a maximum-security prison.

    On my walk from where I parked, every door that used to be open to the public is now locked with “no entrance” signs posted. Only the main entrance was open.

    First thing I see upon walking in are two paramilitary rent-a-cops in all-black tactical gear, big silver badge, bulletproof vests, firearms, radios, spare mags, the works.

    The friendly, elderly receptionists are gone.

    No smiles, not friendly at all. Hair-trigger alert.
    I sensed if I cracked a joke, they’d either shoot me, or give me a wooden shampoo.

    My small-town hospital is now no different from a big-city airport.

  14. Hadn’t noticed the military insignia the police are wearing, so thanks for bringing it to my attention, Eric. As an aside, remember when police carried a revolver and a nightstick baton on their belt? I can’t remember the last time I saw a policeman carrying a nightstick; they’re apparently trained now to go straight for the gun and forego the more benign weapons.

    • I do, Jason –

      I also remember when cops generally wore short-sleeve shirts and carried .38 revolvers. Now they wear BDUs and are armed-up with Glocks and Sigs and carry multiple mags. To enforce no-right-on-red and seatbelt laws.

      • All of this is the result of 9/11. We’re all “terrorists” now. Back in the 1980s and 1990s “liberals” thought the cops were trigger-happy goons and sought to keep them as disarmed as possible. The only long guns they were issued were 12 ga. pump shotguns and they were dressed in powder-puff blue shirts. NYPD even had powder-puff blue cars.

        Now it’s all black tactical “operator” shit and MRAPs.

      • Eric, so true, my uncle, now deceased, retired from NYPD and always carried a 38 revolver. There was a saying back in the day if you can’t get it done in six, you can’t do it.

        • I think that any politician who wants to ban “assault weapons” should also ban every domestic police agency from having them and mandate that all police agencies carry .38s…

    • They still carry nightsticks, they are just the collapsible kind now. They will use them to break your window when you refuse to roll it down all the way.

  15. I remember in the Transformers movies done by Michael Bay, there was a Decepticon character called Barricade who transformed from a robot into a Mustang police car. The cop car had a message on its fenders: “To Punish and Enslave.” I think reality has met art in this regard.

    I got pulled over by one of these tatted, roided-up man-children with his tac vest and olive green tac pants with all of the pockets like he’s in Falijuh. The SOB almost spun his cop car to pull me over going 45 in a 35 on a 4-lane road that could easily have a higher speed limit. He was very rude and preening, telling me how dangerous it was that I was doing 10 over the arbitrary limit. I wanted to say that at least I didn’t almost spin my taxpayer-funded cop car and put it in the ditch, but I thought better of it, took the stupid $150 ticket and later gave the people at city hall (which was shiny and new) a piece of my mind.

  16. The higher up National Socialist Workers Party members were given safe passage to America by a government action called “Operation Paperclip” after the war. Their ideology came with them and like termites they burrowed into the government structure to infest and infect everything else; like we see today. Yes, Germany was defeated after WW2. But the NAZIS’s lived on to see another day.

    • Actually WW2 made the world “safe” for the present-day “takeover” by world jewry.
      We would have been better off staying out of WW2. That being said, with all the falsehoods being propagated by world jewry about the German National Socialist government, it is easy to see that the term “Nazi” is still a pejorative, although it is being recognized by more and more people as a valid, honest form of government that put its German citizens first.
      Keep in mind that Germany weathered and came out of the great depression much sooner than the rest of the world. Germany gave labor “value” by monetizing it, something that the jew-run banks could not abide. Something had to give…in this case it was National Socialist Germany.
      As an addendum, the “Operation Paperclip” scientists that we snagged made the USA space program possible.

      • “Our Germans” were better engineers and scientists, especially Dr. Warner Von Braun, or even “Doc” Emmett “Brown” (came over as an infant in 1908 along with his parents who also were Von Brauns, they had to change their name thanks to anti-German WWI zealotry which saw hamburgers renamed “Liberty steaks”) than the ones captured by the Soviets (“their Germans”)

  17. Yes, but just ignore the toy badges. If the real cops don’t stop them then the real cops shouldn’t be surprised when they get wasted along with the fake cops. It would be a real kick to run over somebody dressed like that blocking the street though.

  18. As I’ve no doubt said in the past; when I hear people say “Our Police” I know that the people uttering that statement fail to realize it’s the politicians and the bureaurats police and not our police.

    The safety truncheons and guns are to use on us and not their masters.

    • Absolutely right.
      “to protect and serve” everyone assumes ends with “the public” but in reality it ends with “politicians”.

      They are a standing army among us and useful dolts pride themselves on placing “we support our local police” signs in their yard.

      They are correct though. They support them through confiscated taxes that those very police will come to collect if these supporters don’t pay.

  19. Our local popo are now driving matte black SUVs and sedans complete with matte black insignia. Way to stand out, eh? They all rock their buzz cuts, armor, tacti-cool gear (kudos to whoever coined that term), etc. “Respect mah authoritah” they command.

    Not a one of ’em were standouts in school & had no discernable skill either academically or practically. It’s a small town. We all know.

    • Geared up and hiding in unidentifiable vehicles, ready to pounce upon unsuspecting members of the public just going about their business.

      Just as annoying as the school hall monitor, and just as useful.

  20. ‘indigs – the latter a pejorative term used by soldiers in Afghanistan to describe the civilian populations of the countries they’d occupied.’ — eric

    Acting as a military occupier for eight decades has a coarsening effect which transfers into domestic law enforcement.

    The FBI is notorious for pre-dawn raids using dozens of armed goons — against non-violent defendants who would have voluntarily turned themselves in if the FBI had but asked. Like when they arrested Roger Stone, having tipped off CNN, but not Stone’s lawyer:

    These are National Socialist style thug tactics. Although it would be more historically accurate to call them NKVD tactics, used in the 1930s Soviet Union under the communist hitman Lavrentiy Beria. Now his namesake, Merrick Beria Garland, runs the US ‘Justice’ Department. Fancy that.

    • Keep in mind that the National Socialists always knocked on the door before gaining entry, something that today’s jew-run police departments are loathe to do…
      As to the Anne Frank fable, her “family” was a part of a black-marketeering and smuggling operation. They were arrested up for their criminal activities, nothing more.
      Otto Frank was treated in a hospital and survived the war. Anne Frank perished from typhus, not in a “gas chamber”
      Her “diary” was partially written with a ball-point pen, not invented until the 1950s. Ghost writer Otto did a good job of covering that up. He also screwed the initial publisher out of shekels.
      Jews gonna jew…

  21. The LEOs in leftist cities, counties and states are not going to risk their salaries and pensions for your stinking “rights”. If you live in a communist controlled region, run. Separation is the answer.

  22. 1. Abolish “qualified immunity” for ALL public officials, not just cops.
    Require public officials to obtain a “bond” from an insurance company or bonding agency. The basic cost of the “bond” would be borne by the municipality. Any surcharges would be the responsibility of the individual bondholder. Failure to procure a “bond” would result in unemployment–no bond-no job.
    2. Abolish “asset forfeiture” which is legalized “highway robbery under color of authority”.
    Allowing police to steal one’s assets is not only wrong but criminal in itself. Perverse “incentives” are used to encourage cops to rob people.
    3. Abolish israeli-style “command and control” police training”.
    Most Americans are unaware that their police departments send “trainers” to israel to “see how its done”. “We are all Palestinians, now”.
    4. Replace “command and control” demand policing with the former respect that police (used to) have for the citizenry.
    Thoroughly scrutinize returning military veterans who wish to become police officers and require “deprogramming” of their military combat tactics. This ties in with the importance of removing the “us v. them” attitudes that are prevalent in today’s American police departments.
    5. Completely remove the military “command structure” and military-style uniforms which are large parts of today’s police departments.
    Police are civilians and as such should act as such and be continually reminded of that.
    6. Eliminate SWAT teams entirely.
    They are nothing but dangerously armed, steroid-addled thugs that enjoy breaking things and killing people with impunity, both enjoying and getting away with it. In addition, reading comprehension must be a part of the program as there are many instances of SWAT types “hitting the wrong house” with often tragic (actually criminal) consequences due to their limited reading comprehension. Presently, SWAT teams claim that the intensity level of their “operations” increases their adrenaline levels (and steroid-induced stupidity as well).
    7. Require visibility of cops.
    No “subdued graphics” vehicle paint schemes or unmarked vehicles when dealing with the public. Europe has the right idea. European cops dealing with the public are REQUIRED to be highly visible and recognizable along with their vehicles.
    8. Any disbursements to citizens as a result of police misconduct should be taken from police pension funds, not from general revenues.
    9. Body and dash cams must be operational at all times.
    The ability to disable body and dash cams must be removed from individual cops. In addition, ALL footage from dash and body cams must be uploaded to a publicly-accessible website for perusal by the general public.

    • 10. No black or dark navy blue costumes. No tee shirts, coats, or other attire emblazoned with Police or other identifier in yellow lettering. Ties required. Sunglasses and hats not permitted during encounters.
      11. No SUV vehicles or Interceptor type of cars. No full black or dark paint scheme.
      12. No visible tattoos or piercings.
      13. Annual certification requirement for firearms. And annual training requirement in courtesy and respect.
      14. No presumptions afforded to testimony given in court. Independent verification required.
      15. No pensions. Defined contributions plan only.
      16. Elimination of quota requirements.
      17. Removal of all automated readers mounted on cop vehicles.
      18. Mandated minimum of liability insurance, on an individual basis, not by department or municipality. Subject to underwriting based on performance reviews.

    • Funny how NO ONE running for office ever has THAT as a part of their platform! On the contrary, they advocate the very opposite, because they are part of “them” and not “us”.

    • The only disagreement for item #4 is that military experience should be an automatic disqualifier to koin the police force.

  23. >National Socialist Germany – it is always important to spell it out rather than use the acronym

    I agree, Eric.
    These days, “Nazi” is what I would call a “Marvel Comics pejorative,” meaning it has no actual meaning. It sounds particularly “nasty” (nha-sti) when delivered in a supercilious British sneer (nha-tsi), and is probably favored by intellectually lazy people who tend to use the “universal adjective”

    Case in point:
    We hear the Operation Paperclip rocket scientists who made the US space program possible referred to as “Nazi scientists.” Well, no, actually they were *German* scientists, some of whom (including Dr. von Braun) were indeed members of the National Socialist German Workers Party.

    How many of he rocket scientists were in fact party members? I have no idea, but if the percentage follows that of the civilian population of ?Germany, it would have been ~30%. My guess is that supervisors may have seen party membership as a smart career move, but that is only a guess. Based on my experience, many technical people do not give a rat’s ass about politics, and in fact some are extremely cynical in that regard.

    So, spell it out. “National Socialist rocket scientists” sounds a bit silly, and would at least induce a few people to think about it. Should we not apply the same political test to the protagonists of the Manhattan Project?

    Of course, in the US we have more than one political party, so it would be necessary to distinguish between Republican nuclear physicists and Democrat nuclear physicists. Mind your descriptive adjectives, comrade.

  24. >general’s stars on the collar of this civilian cop?
    Shouldn’t he be prosecuted for impersonating a military officer? It seems so to me…
    BTW, WTF is up with the crossed swords? Some of these jackasses have even taken to wearing ribbons on their chests, and hash marks on their sleeves.

    Somebody needs to clue them in they are *CIVILIAN* law enforcement, not the military.

    I spent most of my childhood in Albuquerque, NM, which has a huge military presence. Traffic cops on base are MPs, who, to a man, are squared away. Civilian cops, by contrast, had a fair number of slobs among them. Quite the contrast. No one would ever mistake *CIVILIAN* cops, their belly “looking mighty svelte, as it overhangs their belt,” for MPs.

    What’s next? Black gloves and the stiff-armed salute?

  25. A much more serious problem with so-called “law enforcement” than the adoption of military rank structures is the whole mindset of police officers which has changed from “keeping the peace” and “escalation of force” to “command and control” which is right out of the israeli military and police playbook.
    israel hosts “trainers” from America police departments who are given free trips to israel to “see how it’s done”.
    We are no better than Palestinians and Gazans who are suffering and dying under the jewish “boot heel”.
    Google Daniel Shavers and Philip Brailsford, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Gordon Kahl, and many others who have lost their lives, their families having their lives destroyed by our jewish-run police state.
    There is only one solution…

    • the cop cars used to say ”to servce and protect”….that changed to LAW ENFORCEMENT. the new american version of the SS.

      I went into a pizza place locally to order dinner. they have delivery or take out but my take out wasn’t ready so i had a seat. two cops were in there harassing a customer. they pushed the guy out of the way…US FIRST! the man got angry about it and the cop then went toe to toe with him and asked if he wanted to be arrested…

      the man took his pizza and left and i watched the whole thing. they asked me what i was looking at and i said….i am not sure…never seen anything like you before! they told me to mind my own business. and proceeded to order their dinner of pizza for THE USUAL PRICE they said….in otherwords shaking down the pizza place.

      i took their names and badge numbers…the names on their uniforms and numbers on the tag on it they wouldn’t give it to me willingly. i called the sherriffs office and they said they would talk to them…yeah..right…nothing happened. of course it doesn’t. they are the MOB and they get away with literal rape, pillage and murder.

    • You may have noticed that many sheriff’s departments sport badges which are based on the six pointed Star of David. Texas Rangers use a five pointed star, and many other Sheriff’s offices and other LE agencies, including the California Highway Patrol, use a seven pointed star. I do not know the origin of the seven pointed star. Perhaps it has something to do with good luck (?).

      But the Star of David is unmistakably a religious symbol. So, why are they allowed to wear it? I thought we had separation of religion from the State in this country. Guess I was wrong…


      Always seemed really funny to me, how much these JOOOO-obsessed lunatics sound like the Blacks blaming Whitey for all their troubles. Must be a coincidence, I’m thinking. Pathetic. But then again, I’m just a dupe of the JOOOJOOOJOOOJOOOOOOOZ, right, genius?

  26. I miss Mayberry. Although I’m not sure it was even real, since it was in black and white and before my time.

    Cops were cut from a more even keel, back before Miami Vice and the war on drugs came along.

    • Heck, I’d be OK with Hazard County and Boss Hogg running the show over what we have now. Hogg just wanted his vig to pass. The psychopaths running the show now are in it for control.

      • Agree, I’d settle for Hazard county as well. Mostly because Daisy beats the pants off of Helen Krump, and the General Lee.

        The face of that Generalissimo in the picture, SMH. Something in his eyes and face makes me think he’s the type who’d force someone to confess to a crime he knew they didn’t commit.. Wonder how many dogs he had to kill to get his stars?

    • how about Sargent Becker from the Rockford Files. Those guys were mild compared to the paratroopers of today, though they were starting to harden towards the end of the series.

  27. The stinking plethora of stinking cops and “enforcers” at various levels are bad enough; the boot-licking BJ-giving authority-worshiping citizenry are almost as bad. But if you want to see the worst of the rabble, just take a glance towards any court room!
    Judges act as though you have no right to repel violence, destruction or any form of evil being perpetrated against yourself or your property or others. “You’re taking the law into your own hands” if dare to resist a criminal, and exercise your God-given right and RESPONSIBILITY to restrain evil.
    You’re supposed to just call the goon squad and wait patiently until they come and “restore order”. Maybe the criminal will wait idly by too, while you pray that the goon squad doesn’t inflict more evil upon you and yours.
    What we are witnessing is the very existence of a police state. But somehow few can see it, because they’ve been blinded by public school indoctrination and Israel’s cesspool on the west coast, Hollywood.

    Fuck Israel!
    Fuck DJT, The Best Friend Israel Ever Had®
    Fuck Mulatto Shiksa Kuntmala!

    • Agree 100%! Thanks,
      That being said…
      New York City is the epitome of citizen disarmament whose residents have been taking sh!t for a very long time…and apparently liking it.
      Since the Sullivan Laws were enacted, enabling the most extreme and restrictive limits on the acquisition and uses of firearms, the Constitutional right to defend one’s self and others has been almost totally obliterated. Once restricted to handguns, the laws have been extended to rifles and shotguns, all of (what were supposed to be “registered”) demanding that they either be confiscated or taken out of NYC.
      I’ll bet that those people who voluntarily turned in their weapons added to NYC police officers’ gun collections.
      NYC prosecutors relish the thought of prosecuting those who legally defend themselves, even a “rolled up newspaper” is considered to be an illegal “weapon”. The honest citizen is the easiest person to charge and convict.
      If you defend yourself successfully against a criminal without NYC police being involved, you WILL be prosecuted.
      Witness Daniel Penny who is being viciously prosecuted for saving fellow subway passengers from mentally ill Jordan Neely who had been harassing and threatening subway passengers for decades.
      The case of the bodega owner, Jose Alba who successfully thwarted a knife attack, his attacker succumbing to his injuries, was under indictment and prosecution for murder until a groundswell of opposition forced the prosecutor to back off on prosecuting him.
      The case of Bernie Goetz, the subway rider who thwarted being robbed by dispatching three of his attackers to the “great hereafter”. Subway crimes dropped dramatically after that act. If Goetz had kept his mouth shut, no one would have been the wiser.
      What kind of society prosecutes the victim of a crime? It happens in NYC all the time.
      You see, the approximately 36,000 NYC police officers do not want to give up their monopoly on the use of force. They cannot have honest citizens “taking the law into their own hands” and providing for their own self-defense.
      Despite having relatives who live in NYC, I will not visit or enter NYC. This also applies to New Jersey.

      • New York is lost forever, and has been a long time. It’s been largely the same for generations now, and quite frankly I don’t even feel bad about those (such as the ones you mentioned) who suffer the injustices, as their willingness to live and work in a place that has not only been filled with such injustices for decades but where they keep upping the oppression is tantamount to not just smelling smoke and doing nothing, but to feeling the heat on your backside and not so much as turning one’s head to determine if there is any danger.

  28. It’s my contention that whatever weapons/equipment the police are allowed to possess, so too can us mere “civilians” own such. After all, they are not military. They are not in a war, are they? Are they?

    My self defense capabilities are just as critical to my life as those of the militarized police. Are their lives more important, more valuable and so more in need of defensive capabilities?

    Imagine the amount of abject fear one must possess to walk around on the streets armed to the teeth in full military regalia! Not so long ago, mere decades, it was not like this. Cops carried a pistola and cuffs, and a simple uniform (so that the public could easily recognize them). Now they more resemble a military occupation of American streets. Are they my enemy? More and more, I think yes.

    • They are at minimum your adversary. In living memory it was a point of pride with real cops that they had never drawn or fired their weapon in the line of duty. Their 38 revolver was a symbol of office and a defensive weapon.

      This is no longer true, they are a standing army of occupation our founding fathers forbade and set up rigid rules to prevent.

      The only LEGITIMATE law enforcement and military in this country is the people, the general militia, every man except a few public officials.

  29. Bexar County is San Antonio, a two hour drive from the border at a minimum.

    San Antonio is governed by a Socialist Mayor and City Council. The people in charge have a cozy arrangement with the real military because they share common interests regarding the city annexing as much of the county as possible.

  30. Cops definitely think of themselves as a class apart – and above – the rest of us. My next door neighbor back in 1974 when we bought our house was a cop, now retired. He wasn’t a bad guy but he did hang out mostly with other cops and referred to everyone else as “civilians”. That was fifty years ago, their attitude has gotten exponentially worse since then.

  31. One of the worst bad effects of 9/11 is the militarization of police forces that occurred in its wake under the guise of the War on Terror and Emergency Preparedness. This militarization occurred because it became just about impossible to say no to, for example, giving small-town sheriffs things like armored personnel carriers, because terrorism. What’s more, the right/conservatives/Republicans were all in on it, and the left/liberals/Democrats too, because who wants to be Soft On Terrorism?

    But to their credit, the left/liberals/Democrats began calling it out, and the right/conservatives/Republicans shouted them down because they were wanting to be Soft On Terror and Soft On Crime.

    And it blew up in our face big time.

    Militarized policing is, contrary to popular belief, harming not just black people, but people of all
    colors. For some reason, though, only the black people who are harmed by it get any attention.

    But in the eyes of the militarized police, it doesn’t matter what color you are—you’re all, well, slaves and enemies.

    There is hope. As certain fiscal and monetary realities begin to kick in, it won’t be practical or even possible to have widespread militarization of the police.

    • You have to remember, the cop became accepted because people were afraid of Micks, Spicks, Wops, and Dagos. But cops are stupid and go after everybody. Nothing about American cops is legitimate.

      To be legitimate they should be police officers or peace officers, men chosen from the community for courage and integrity. They are officers to the extent they should (but seldom are) more than normally proficient with arms and tactics, and thus natural cadre for a posse or militia.

      America has been a corrupt communist dictatorship, but most people are just too damned stupid and lazy to know or care.

      The same moth breathing voters who cheer the Gestapo or KGB or Stasi getting whacked are appalled when a cop runs up against anybody who fights back.


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