Orange Socialism


How does one effectively oppose socialism? How about by not agreeing with it?

Trump just did that – again.

He promised that if he becomes president, he will force you – via the taxes you pay to the government and the premiums you’re obliged to pay the “health insurance” mafia – to pay for IVF treatments.  “Your government,” he said – without a trace of understanding the irony of that statement – “will pay for” (meaning your taxes will pay for) “or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for” (meaning you will be forced to pay even more for the mandatory insurance you’re already forced to pay for) “all costs associated with IVF treatment.”

Bad enough. Worse was the ensuing applause.

Exasperating, isn’t it? Assuming – that is – you aren’t a socialist. This excludes all Democrats and most Republicans. Rand Paul and Thomas Massie are two of the exceptions. And that is why socialism always wins the election in this country. And will will regardless of which socialist gets (s)elected about two months from now.

I was talking about this with radio host Gard Goldsmith the other day. About how Fabianism works. The term refers to socialism on the slow; two steps forward – via overt socialists, who are fundamentally communists as the difference between the two is as minor as the difference between Hunts ketchup and Heinz ketchup – and then one step back, via socialists who like to pretend they’re not.

Like Trump.

He previously revealed himself to be just that when he promised to replace – not repeal – Obamacare. His plan, you see, is “better” than the plans of the socialists who imposed government-controlled (and government-enforced) “health care” plans on Americans. His plan is more “efficient” and all the usual related blather.

The relevant thing is it’s still a plan.

Socialists love to plan things. And whether these socialists are of the Democrat or Republican variety, they both love to force their plans on people.

Trump probably does not see himself as a socialist. Like most Republicans, he favors that which he thinks “works.” There is no ideology underpinning what he (and they) favor; they just know that their “plan” is better than the “plans” put forward by the socialists they pretend to – and maybe even actually believe they – oppose.

Cognitive meets dissonance, again.

Of course, the alternative to what you might all Orange Socialism is even worse. But maybe it’s actually better – in the sense that at least we’ll be getting what’s advertised. As opposed to pretending we got what was promised (See in this regard Lock Her Up) while accepting what would otherwise probably have been objected to by people who like not to think of themselves as socialists.

Bumpstock bans, for instance. And how about those “beautiful” drugs? (They were “vaccines” like Rachel Levine is a woman). “Take the guns first, go through due process second,” anyone?

“I like taking the guns early,” Trump said. Italics added. When, exactly, does Trump like taking people’s guns? Why, whenever he thinks it’s time to take them away. Imagine if Biden had said it. Imagine the reaction of the people who support Trump if Biden had said it.

What are Republicans who like not to think of themselves as socialists thinking when they’re clapping after Trump tells them he will force them to pay more taxes so that the government can provide them with “free” things, such as IVF treatments? Do they think the insurance mafia – having been “mandated” to pay for IVF treatments by the government – will not make the “covered” pay for it? Including those who do not need or want IVF treatments?

Are they that obtuse?

Or are they simply socialists – just a lighter shade of red? It’s interesting, as an aside to take not of the switcheroo in color-assignment that took place at some point after the presidency of Ronald Reagan. If you were around to see it, when Reagan swept the country, the only state that showed red was Minnesota – the home state of Walter Mondale. All of the other states showed blue.

And then came the switcheroo.

All of a sudden blue was the new red – so to speak. That is to say, blue became the color of socialism – for the first time in American history. In world history, the color red has always heretofore been associated with . . . communism. The more forceful end-result of socialism.

Now the reds are blue – and the reds are also red. Just a different shade of the same color.

Listen to the Orange Man and hear it for yourself.

. . .

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  1. ‘[Trump] will force you to pay for IVF treatments.’ — eric

    Meanwhile, health ‘insurers’ [sic] already are obliged to pay for free covid ‘vaccines’ for those who request them.

    That is, the vast majority who shun these mortality-increasing shots, have to PAY FOR Big Pharma’s seedy grift through their health plan.

    News item today: ‘The roughly 25 million Americans without health insurance will pay up to $200 for [covid] shots because the federal program that covered their cost for uninsured and underinsured people ran out of funding.’

    Hiking the cost of toxic covid shots for the uninsured is like boosting cigarette taxes: in both cases, reduced consumption of these dangerous products actually will improve public health.

    One hand of Big Gov takes away covid shots, while the other hand pushes them. Big Gov is patently insane. And slavery is freedumb …

    • Hi Jim,

      Doesn’t the news media actually think before writing? Healthcare shouldn’t cover any of these shots for the insured or uninsured. Health insurance (at one time) was to cover catastrophes. Very much like homeowner and auto insurance does today. It should not cover every little thing. I blame the Asses and Elephants for both kissing the ass of big Pharma and big Insurance in letting this spiral out of control.

      This the exact reason that I don’t participate in it. The only people that get hurt by health insurance or the people that have to pay the premiums for it. In the old days, people would not run to the doctor for every little thing. I grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. There were no doctors around. I remember going to the doctor once during my childhood and that was only because the local pubic school refused to allow my parents to register me without my five year old shots. Had the flu…lay in bed and drink soup. Sliced off half of your finger…a little glue and a bandage. Sprained an ankle…does your other foot still work? Yes, then shake it off. Not everything is a calamity and insurance needs to stop picking up the costs of it all.

      • ‘Health insurance (at one time) was to cover catastrophes.’ — Raider Girl

        As a financially informed person, you understand the risk-pooling logic of insurance. Unless there’s a risk that’s both costly and somewhat rare, insuring it adds no value. If we all pay for each others’ brake relining, we all lose, after the cost of claims processing.

        Sadly, a majority thinks mandatory coverage of covid shots, contraception, mental health counseling, etc etc are free benefits that Clowngress enacted just for them. Then everyone wrings their hands over the soaring cost of coverage. Like the weather, it just happens. /sarc

        Since the insurance industry is still state-regulated, these fedgov-mandated intrusions should be challenged and abolished as unconstitutional. Amendment X is the anathema that dare not speak its name in the chambers of the hacks in black.

        Even in its Dobbs ruling on abortion, widely believed to be about states’ rights, the Roberts court meticulously avoided citing the tenth amendment. This guarantees more fedgov meddling in the next administration … and keeps the hacks in black busy, minding the boiling pot they created and stoked.

  2. A little off topic, but otoh the first Trump Administration’s “Operation Warp Speed” likely made it possible for Australia to aim to be #1 in mRNA “vaccine” development….will a Harris-Walz regime race to be #1 themselves in such development and try to MANDATE that people take whatever other mRNA “vaccine” Big Pharma makes to satisfy the pharmaceutical industry and the globalist elites? I hope we won’t have to find out…..

  3. Why does Socialist parasitism (socialism is just legalized theft, aka, slavery) win? You cant beat something with nothing. In a Dumbocrazy, voters will vote to live at the expense of everyone else.

    Dumbocrazy always leads to Communism which is death by famine. Communism is literal suicide via starvation. Starvation is not a bug…It is a feature.

    • Very true, Jerry –

      Once people are able to vote ti have other people’s earnings taken away, to be given to them or used to finance that which the people who don’t have the means or the ability to pay for themselves demand, it is only a matter of time before no has anything beyond that which the state allots as a privilege – one that is conditional upon obedience.

      In plain language, serfdom.

    • Socialism, like all scams, preys on the common human traits of greed and envy. Tell amoral people that they can have other people’s stuff (The stuff of “those greedy rich people” who actually produce wealth); have other people pick up their responsibilities, and give them a better standard of life than they could provide themselves, and they are hooked just like the moron who sees that perfect 2016 F150 on Craigslist for $800 and ignores all reality and red flags because that greed of just having to get that deal from the litle old divorced widow 😉 who doesn’t know it’s true value kicks in.

      They’re too stupid to realize that voting for socialism is voting for their own enslavement and that of their children, and they’re too immoral to care that it is the robbery and enslavement of their neighbors. By the time they realize that THEY are also enslaved and robbed, it is too late to do anything.

      This is why there has been no revolt against property taxes and income taxes, et al.

      This is why “democracy” is so dangerous, because human nature always being what it is, the outcome is always the same and the barbarians always win. And this is why I will never partici9pate in democracy. The righteous minority can not vote us out of this, they can only cast a vote for who gets to chairman, and thereby give their formal consent, and “legitimize” this evil process.

  4. You know how well things go when you plan for other people.. Even loved ones….

    You rarely or never get it right. Because what you think should be important for someone is often far from being important for that person.

    For example my 82 year old father thinks I should have a doctor. I haven’t had a regular doctor, ironically since I was on his insurance over 30 years ago. (I am 50 now). I probably would have kept the doctor I had then, but he suddenly retired (and then died a month later of cancer). His office was going to get me hooked up with a replacement, but they never called back. It’s ok, I didn’t have insurance, and didn’t for the most part since, so few doctors would even be interested.

    I say to him, why would I bother with a regular doctor? If I need to see him (or her) good luck getting an appointment in under 6 weeks now a days.

    I am only going to see a doctor only if I absolutely need to, which would be right now. So I end up in some immediate care (or the ER if it’s really bad). So you get whoever is on duty. And the only time I needed immediate care recently, I was on vacation 1100 miles from home…….

    So no real point in getting a regular doctor since I probably will never bother with “checkups”. Even though I do have “insurance” at the moment. He was relieved when I got insurance with my current job, he doesn’t get that it’s not that great, and it eats up my pay raises.

    The world he lived in is long gone, (worked for same company 45 years at great pay, homeowner at 28 with $250 month, 15 year mortgage, new cars for under $5k) I think sometimes he still thinks it’s 1955, hell, sometimes I wish it was 1955 with the benefits they took for granted back then.

    Thankfully he doesn’t make decisions for me.

    But the federal government is like you’re out of touch 82 year old father. But I can’t tell them no.

    My insurance covers births, which would be great if I was married and had a pregnant wife. But I am single, so what good does it do me? It just makes the premium more expensive for no reason. It’s not like some 20 something hotty is going to show up and be the mother of my child at 50….. My “insurance” should be cheap. Healthy, no dependents, no chronic things, I don’t smoke, and rarely drink. But it ain’t cheap….

    The feds will never know (or care) what I need or want. It’s just a one size fits all thing with them. I NEVER fit in a one size fits all. NEVER

    The feds just need to fuck off, and let me live my life the way I need it to be. My income would probably be enough if I didn’t lose half of it.

    • Forking over all that money for health insurance while being healthy just means you are paying for everyone else who is not. Oh, and illegal aliens as well. We all have to work like slaves there are a lot of freeloaders depending on us! Heaven forbid workers were able to keep their own money.

      • Hi Shadow,

        “Forking over all that money for health insurance while being healthy just means you are paying for everyone else who is not.”


        I take care of myself. I work out. I run. I don’t smoke. Somehow, I don’t need pills or procedures. I therefore feel no need to spend a huge sum each month for … nothing. So I don’t. And won’t, either. I’m already half “gray man” and will go completely gray when this situation becomes unendurable for me.

    • I did a double-take reading your post, Richb. I thought it was something I had written that had somehow appeared here!

      “You should at least get a check-up” -Yeah, so some numbers on some test can convince me that I’ll die unless I take some drug for the rest of my life even though I’m perfectly healthy. (But the proffered drug will take care of that!). Just as the PCR tests “tells you if you have the Wu-Flu….. Wonderful marvels of modern medicine ya know!

      “You’re getting to that age where you should get a prostate exam”. Yes, I’ll let some doctor stick his finger up my ass….even though a recent long-term study compared two groups of thousands of men -half having regular prostate exams, and half having none- and found that there was no difference in life expectancy between the two groups.

      They’ve turned everyone into hypochondriacs who aren’t capable of maintaining their own health, and have used their fear, insurance and the pharma cartel to enslave them and make them sick.

  5. Now I know why I’m voting for Trump. It came to me recently. I’m voting for him because I am actually worse than Trump. I’ve said worse things. I probably did worse things and I know for certain that I have worse thoughts than Trump.
    In my book he’s an Angle. He would get to Heaven quicker than me.

  6. What anonymous was talking about with gold; he’s got a point. There’s a whole website dedicated to what happened in 1971, when Nixon closed the gold window.
    Before that, minimum wage was the equivalent of ~110$/hr in terms of gold. Gold being $35 an ounce at the time. Now we are over $2,500.
    Americans have been robbed of so much, and I’m afraid that it’s just getting started.

  7. Trump raised the deficit more than any other president in our history save 2, G.W., and Abe Lincoln. G.W. warred on Terror, Abe warred on states rights, and Trump warred on Americans. He’s also now a crypto bro which should be no big RED flag. Elon Musk is the same kind of Trojan horse.
    I have friends that get mad at me because I won’t vote. I put a Mark Robertson sign in front of my farmhouse just to let people know that a communist doesn’t live here. I don’t actually buy any of this.
    But I certainly pay for it.

    • Amen, Joe –

      Much as I am appalled by Harris and Walz, I worry that Trump could prove to be even worse. Even if he “means well,” the man clearly has no principles underlying his views. He just is “for” various things – in the moment. And then shifts/changes his mind. No principled opponent of what the Left has done to this country would say that the government (i.e., taxpayers) should pay for IVF – or that insurance companies should be forced to pay for it. This is to endorse the principle of universal/government socialized “health care” the Left supports. And Trump supports it, too.

      • What is even worse about Trump, is that if and when he screws up royally, his devoted followers will refuse to admit that their beloved savior had any cause in it. After all, he was the one who says “take the guns, due process later”. What other unconstitutional crap is he wholeheartedly for that he is not admitting to?

    • The ”system” is rigged. the outcome already decided. the characters stage play already written. i won’t link myself to them. i will not join them. i will not back them and i certainly will not vote for the evil that it is. the lesser one is evil, and evil light or so it appears but behind the face mask they put on is a devil. signing up to be part of them and their system is what voting is. you choose them as your master. choose what they do to you and your neighbors and are willing to back anything and everything they do. and did so willingly. everything they do belongs to those who vote for them. you gave them the power and their crimes are yours as well. it backfeeds. the energy of it corrupts the soul both the orange fails and the people who back him.

      i will not link myself to these demons in human clothing and i will not support them in any way shape or form. imagine a tether from them to you….everything they do is yours and it backfeeds to your spirit. your soul. bits and pieces of it. their crimes belong to those who voted for them! you don’t get a pass. and neither do they. they get the mine you get the shafts.

      when the create wars. it is you who gave them the power to do so. when they take your firearms and leave you without defense it is you who choose to back them. when they create more communism you choose it as well when you chose them. their choices become yours.

      i will not give that power to anyone. certainly not a politician of any kind. not federal. not local. a person who wants to rule you isn’t sane! anyone who wants to ”run the country” isn’t sane either. someone who wants to run the city, county or state isn’t sane! and people who back them will get the back hand. the whip on the back and that is all they get. but they voted for it and they voted to force their choice on their neighbors as well. voted for someone who promises to loot and pillage and the voter hopes to get a cut.

      resistance is not futile! learn to say no and not link your soul to these creatures. your spirit and it does just that. they have an outpost in your heads. an outpost in your soul. and when they fail what you expected your still linked to them. what you back you own! what you vote for and the evil it does….it flows right back to you! like a rubber ball. and the damage they do can and will do harm to the voter as well.

      the want to stop them? learn to say and disconnect from these monsters. if you could see inside them you will see the slobbering goblin looking back at you from each one. demons by another name. which will you choose?

      • There is much that I appreciate and respect in your comment but this stuck out for me: “everything they do belongs to those who vote for them. you gave them the power and their crimes are yours as well. it backfeeds. the energy of it corrupts the soul”
        My “friends” who get angry with me for not voting tell me that if I don’t vote I can’t complain. In my thinking they have it exactly backwards. As you said, they have pre-approved everything the politician will do when they cast their vote. I Never approved these insane people, and thus I can complain to my hearts content! Not that I do, life is too short!

    • Greetings, Joe,

      I agree that trump is a horrible spendthrift. Much of the inflation that happened under the “Biden” regime’s watch is more properly blamed on Trump’s policies. But, it is also incorrect to say “Trump raised the deficit more than any other president in our history save 2.” Check out this page…

      I think it is more appropriate to look at the Debt Change Percentage than the raw numbers. By that metric Lincoln was by far the worst increasing the debt by 2859.40%. Some other notable scumbags include Martin Van Buren (1458.32%), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1047.73%), and Woodrow Wilson (722.21%). And for comparison we have Biden (16.67%), Trump (40.43%), Obama (69.98%), Bush Jr. (105.08%), Clinton (31.64%), Bush Sr. (54.39%), Reagan (186.36%), Carter (42.79%), Ford (47.11%), and (because this is getting depressing) Nixon (34.30%).

      We have to go all the way back to Calvin Coolidge (1923–1929) (-24.24%) to find a fiscally reasonable regime.

      ♪♫♬ Mister we could use a man like Andrew Jackson (-99.42%) again! ♪♫♬

      Cheers! ☮

    • How so, Steve?

      Doesn’t it bother you that Trump has no discernible principles? What does “make America great again” mean, precisely? Isn’t it of the same species as “hope and change”? Or “joy”?

      How do we fight socialism by advocating it?

      I get it. I want to believe Trump is a champion of the American values that made America what it was. But I am not going to let my hopes overcome hard facts. Nor am I going to just give Trump a pass because he’s not Kamala. This is foolish on many levels. Trump us undisciplined and erratic and an egomaniac. These are not attributes that will win the election. Much less make America great again.

      • ^If only more people would realize this. Then they’d realize that they truly have no choice and that their vote is utterly meaningless, and maybe they’d start taking back their own lives and liberties instead of complying while hoping “this time it will be different” as they cast a ballot for the expected savior. But of course, Democrat or Republican, the allure of free shit and of not having to acutally take responsibility for one’s own life and letting someone else do it, and having someone else to blame, will win every time.

  8. Marxist’s want to raise taxes higher….

    1913 average income $600 per year…(and…no income tax then)……a house cost $3000….5 years income….and no property tax…

    2024… a house costs $600,000….average income $60,000…(before income tax)….a house costs….10 years income…after taxes longer then that….plus property tax…plus unrealized capital gains tax?….the goal….slaves with no house….off to the 15 min city camps….

    In 1913 average rent $19 per month….

    1924….a car costed $290 …. average income $600 per year…a car cost about 6 months income….

    2024…a vehicle might cost $50,000….average income $60,000 per year…a vehicle costs about 10 months income….after income tax…longer then that….

  9. AOC wants to fund the marxist takeover and white slave replacement agenda, financed by MMT….unlimited fiat printing…debt….

    In 1933, when the government stopped the conversion of notes…paper dollars… into gold, gold was required to be given to the federal government at a price of $20.67 per troy ounce.

    The price was allowed to rise to $35 by January 1934….so if you redeem $ paper dollars… you are supposed to get 1 ounce of gold in return….

    In 1968, the requirement to hold gold reserves against Federal Reserve notes was repealed. In 1971, the U.S….Nixon…. announced it would not freely convert dollars at the exchange rate with gold.

    $35.00 = 1 ounce of gold…1/35th of an ounce of gold….in today’s fiat dollars that equals….$72.45……1/35th of an ounce of gold = one dollar….

    If you could convert…redeem… a $20.00 bill into gold today it would be worth…20 fiat dollars X $72.45… $1449.14 worth of gold… if you ask a bank to redeem it…covert it….. today they won’t….that is why…

    Convertibility returning in 2030?…back to the gold standard?….

    Stage 1…
    Promissory notes convertible for monetary precious metals ….to get confidence in them…

    Stage 2…
    Suspend convertibility and expand the supply exponentilly….Until…

    Stage 3….
    Gold and silver revalued to account for all the promissory notes created since the last time….cycle repeated….back to stage 1….

    We are at stage 2 in 2024….

  10. ‘Socialists love to plan things.’

    Not only that, they love to micro manage things as well. Never mind most have no real world experience or ability outside the corridors of government. Any fail they produce, which is everything they touch, is met with excuses and calls for more of the same repackaged thing that already failed. The economic illiteracy displayed on this matter, by both parties, is mind boggling.

    Socialism and communism only differ in the Shapiro-esqe legalese language employed by overeducated fools. High status, low quality individuals are the main types that agitate for this envious crap. Its a fraction of a fraction of the populace. We the majority, should go on strike and give them what they think they want. The big cities, infected with the blue mind virus want a society based solely on DEI. We should grant their wish and let them have it good and hard. Its not like they have the skills to take over the entire country. The ones in charge are so incompetent, with such fragile egos, failure is almost a guaranteed outcome.

    Within a year they’d realize they need us more than we need them. At first they’d try more intimidation, then more brute force. After all, its a part of their nature to never course correct, or learn from their mistakes. If we remained strong in the conviction that our lives are our own, we win, no matter what. Once enough of us face reality and start ignoring the so called laws these people try to shackle us with, a subtle shift happens. Once we become willing to use any and all manner of force against them, their power grab falls apart.

    I’m not required by anything under heaven to contribute to some mythical ‘unity.’ The side that believes this, wins out over the side that cant even figure out who needs, or doesn’t need feminine hygiene products.

    In the world to come we should value humanity over machines and ever increasing GDP. If that were to happen, society could be measured by the well being of the native populace, not sales of the latest greatest digital crack pipe, on some vitamin D deficient billionaires spread sheet.

    My friend the communist
    Holds meetings in her RV
    I cant afford her gas
    So I’m stuck here watching freevee

    I dont have digital
    I dont have diddly squat
    Its not having what you want
    Its wanting what you’ve got

    I’ve got no one to blame
    Every time I feel lame, I’m looking up
    I’m going to soak up the sun
    While its still free.

    Sheryl Crow

    • Hey Norman,

      “Not only that, they love to micro manage things as well. Never mind most have no real world experience or ability outside the corridors of government.”

      So, my step-daughter has a best friend who works at a university, and she’s working toward her doctorate in “Environmental Science and Policy”, I believe. You can probably guess where that is going.

      Personally, I actually like the girl even though she’s my political opposite, but should she be making “policy” for the rest of us? In a nutshell, I think what she believes is that, since she’s always done what she’s told, that she gets to tell others what to do now, because that only makes sense, right?

      While “booksmart”, this girl is in other ways, uh… Special. 🙂

      My wife once bought her a typical socket set, like you should always have. But at some point, she called, and said that she needed the “other wrench”. What other wrench? Well, the wrench that turns the other way, of course. 😉

      That’s a true story, BTW.

      • You should have told her it was the old metric crescent wrench she was looking for.

        There is a strong sense of entitlement running through many in their 20s and 30s. I had a hard time overcoming it with my daughter. ‘Like, look at me, Ive worked here for 6 months, I should be in charge of the place.’

        Hopefully, your stepdaughters friend will find an off ramp from trading her prime years for some fiat. Maybe get married, and pregnant, starting a family. The family unit is one thing, imo, women are well suited to excel at.

        Being the misogynist I am, I wouldn’t even venture to guess what someone with a doctorate in Environmental Science and Policy does. Hopefully she wont rise to high estate in a job that holds power over large swaths of the populace. Hopefully, if she doesn’t start a family, she’ll get a job for Toyota or Tesla and do something like work on Hydrogen powered engines.

        • “…I wouldn’t even venture to guess what someone with a doctorate in Environmental Science and Policy does.”

          Theoretically, such a person causes problems for the rest of by advising government “officials”. In reality, she’ll probably just become a professor, perhaps teaching other people how to do not much.

          I’m trying to be a good influence and show how you can actually be a champion of the environment and liberty at the same time, and it isn’t the “Green New Deal” or any such horseshit. It’s about living as an example, not telling people what to do. I have hope I can make a breakthrough with her and other young people.

          As far as your plan, I think that actually could happen. She could easily land a well-off young man and be happy with a part-time teaching gig or something. And for young people like her, socialism sometimes sounds cool until you see it eating your paycheck alive.

          • Edward Abbey wrote some great books on deep ecology. Sounds like your real life pursuit. Thats a good thing you’re doing. I actually feel sorry for kids today. The culture they were raised in gave them a distinct disadvantage. Seems like those that grow into functioning humans are the ones who, at the least, are not all ate up on social media.

            Theres a young woman, (I guess early to mid 20s) who sits on the park bench almost every morning as I walk my dog. I always say hi and try to strike up a conversation with her, never get more than some single syllable utterance at most. She tries hard to avoid eye contract, face glued to her screen, not just sometime, all the time. Its really pretty sad, being outside and all she cares about is whats on her phone.

            • No doubt, Norman.

              I just took my dog for a run, myself. With the lush, green landscapes, mighty cumulus clouds, blazing rainbows and golden sunsets, I don’t know how in the hell I ever lived in the city.

              I’m happy that EP Autos is about as “social media” as I get. If I were a 20-something, I’d probably be the rebel I always was and not have any such account, and also be completely ostracized. I think of my step-son, and know that even with all the “connectivity”, meeting a young lady for him is a huge pain in the ass. Think of trying to give a little charm and humor to a broad absorbed in a screen like you speak of. I am sorry for ’em, truly.

        • Hi Norman,

          My niece is 19 and in her first year of college – which she’s not sure why she’s attending. It’s just what you do… right? I have tried to encourage her to consider other options – but it’s hard to counter the propaganda – especially the “career” thing. As if slaving away at a job is a “career.” Feminism paints this picture of high-powered, decision-making Executive Lady – strong! proud! On Her Own! – running a corporation. And – sure – some get there. But most of us – men and women – just work. Men work to provide for their families. Men derive meaning from that. What does a woman work for?

          Apparently, she just works. Without a family, there’s not much meaning in that. It’s just a job. And – one day – she realizes she’s 38 and she will probbaly never have kids or a husband and will probably have to work for the rest of her life.

          • Morning Eric,

            I’m sure you’ve done a lot to help your niece see the light. There is now a whole generation of women who see men as nothing more than meal tickets, and a generation of men who see women as little more than sexual playthings. Thats an ingrained narrative that takes a lot of work to overcome.

            The Garbage Elite must be giddy with their success. They’ve divided us along the lines of race, sex, religion, economic status, and age. When all along, we should’ve be identifying them and putting them in an 8×10 safe space where they can no longer damage society. Thats why a part of me roots for an epic collapse. As things stand now, TPTB just get stronger and more emboldened, while we get older and weaker. We need at the very least to flip over their game board in righteous fury. Making them pick up all the pieces, reset the game and start again. It is the least we can do.

            Don’t give up with your niece. Maybe show her examples of all the unhappy indoor cat ladies in the world who thought they could have it all, realizing too late that once their eggs dry up, and their looks fade away, they’re left with little. You can point out with great detail how the idea of having it all happens in most cases from inside a large city. Show her the trajectory of how cities used to be nice places, and are now festering cess pits of rape and murder. Make her aware that whichever side wins this war, single boxed wine ladies, after they’ve served their purpose will be at the bottom of the future social structure, just like all useful idiots. It sounds corny I know, but they don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

            • Damn, Norman, that was a particularly bleak picture you painted. But I guess the truth hurts, sometimes. That might indeed be effective imagery for altering a young lady’s future.

              Now it’s time to save mine by fixing my damn backhoe. You may have some idea what nearly 40 years of its other owners’ habits of band-aids and rigging can do to an otherwise magnificent machine.

              • Maybe if a bleak enough outlook is presented, they might seek out other choices. Not much downside at this point, as we’re losing an entire generation.

                Sorry about your backhoe BaDnOn. I have some issues on mine need addressing for the last few months. It’ll be high on the list once harvest season ends and it cools off.

            • “When all along, we should’ve be identifying them and putting them in an 8×10 safe space where they can no longer damage society.”

              What a funny way to spell euthanize. ☮

      • Just remember, this woman VOTES! That is even more terrifying. As for being book smart, well, there is that saying “book smart, but street stupid”.

        • Hey Shadow,

          And yep, but they once described me in that way (though I knew a little more about wrenches, haha).

          Also, as I told Norman, socialism sometimes seems cool when you’re young and poor, but the idea loses its luster when you see these “programs” devouring your paycheck.

          I do have hope that she, and many others like her, will eventually come to understand the benefits of liberty and self-reliance. They just need someone to be a good example.

  11. Yeah, Trump already had four years to do what he promised, and didn’t do anything except brag about how smart he was. Getting out of NATO was his best idea, probably gave cold sweats to all the multitude of parasites at the Pentagram but not to worry, just another empty promise from a politician.

  12. Orange is the new black.

    Trump donated six grand to Kamala’s campaign fund to elect her to be attorney general of California. Grinch’s heart was small, tiny even, but he did have one.

    Mr. Ed has/had a vocabulary that exceeds Trump’s.

    You are being baffled by Trump’s bullshit.

    A duplicitous hypocrite, a fraud.

    Deutsche Bank suffered some loss with Trump’s finagling of loans that needed to be paid back. If you demand that I pay you the money I owe you, I’ll sue ya.

    Trump is afflicted with cognitive dissonance and would look at you with a blank stare if you would say so.

    As long as you pay for it all, and also pays for Trump, you have Trump’s blessing. As long as it pays.

    Should be obvious to any idiot savant that the game is rigged.

    If you are an Iranian General, I’ll kill ya.

      • Alfred E. Newman will be the first choice above all others.

        I did vote for Trump in 2016, it was a no-brainer back then.

        2020, it didn’t matter, didn’t bother to vote.

        Trump was going to carry the state, hands down.

        Once you have been assaulted and battered, you never forget, it never goes away, it is there every day. Why it is called crime.

        Kill the damned dumb fool with 34 felonies, beat him to death and into submission with words and law! Never any enough rest for the wicked!

        Revenge is easy, justice served is a very difficult task to accomplish.

        Bibi deserves his just dessert.

        Palestinians are there to serve it with a vengeance.

  13. ZH put up a parallel article this morning: Kamunism Is The Perfect Recipe For Economic Collapse

    Kamunism = Capital formation destroyed by know nothing nutjobs = poverty for all and less taxes, ballooning debt, and higher interest rates.

    The problem is that politicians want to do something. They are reacting to their latest hair brained schemes that cause dislocations – by doing something they only make it worse. The only way for Trump to fix the system is to repeal all the laws that force us to do the bidding of the government.

    Governments caused massive capital malformation by mandating electric vehicles. The market will supply electric cars when at such time, they are economically viable. By forcing them on us early, GM and Ford got suckered in and spent billions only to see sales dry up. That only makes all cars more expensive – so then the government will have to subsidize sales, like they are doing with homes – giving illegal immigrants free down payment monies.

    With each government step the problems in affordability worsen creating a whopping ass bubble that some day could burst and the whole system has to be reset and start over. All of it happened because of this political arrogance that they know best. They don’t know shit, they are know nothing nutjobs, who have a smiling face in a suit, in front of a microphone and camera, who sell you some salvation agenda if elected.

    We can save ourselves if only the politicians would go away, or better yet, we put them ALL away in a lunatic asylum. All politicians (outside of the Ron Paul types) are insane criminals. Just look at how the criminally insane in Washington D.C. have started and funded wars in Taiwan, Phillipines with China, war with Russia in Ukraine, genocide of the natives in Palestine by funding the religious lunatics who run Israhell.

  14. Obamacare:

    ‘Plans in the Health Insurance Marketplace® must cover contraceptive methods and counseling for all women, as prescribed by a health care provider.’

    It’s an abuse of language to call contraception ‘insurance.’ Insurance only covers catastrophic events. You can’t make auto insurance pay for replacing brake pads or mufflers: these are ordinary maintenance expenses. Likewise, homeowners insurance won’t pay for painting the house or mowing the yard — mere maintenance.

    Contraception is an ordinary monthly expense for those who want it, no different than paying the phone bill or the power bill. Why should such expenses be socialized, driving up the cost of health ‘coverage,’ including for those who don’t need it?

    Principles be damned: Amendment XIX insured that such naked pandering to half the electorate would sweep both wings of the Uniparty.

    • “Why should such expenses be socialized, driving up the cost of health ‘coverage,’ including for those who don’t need it?”

      You have a good point there. Last I checked contraceptives were 12 for $7.98 at the Walmart. Anyone can afford that. Using those there is no need for abortions. BTW some of those women complaining about “Reproductive Rights” have no need of abortions or contraceptives as I no sure there aren’t many men who will want to reproduce with them, unless of course a paper is used for one or both parties.

  15. In addition to there being no real choice between the proffered puppets, one thing has occurred to me that should be an INSTANT reveal of how fake these elections are (And I’m embarrassed for not having thought of it sooner):

    Why would someone run AGAIN after maintaining that they really won the previous election, but were cheated out of that victory by the corruptness of the system and were in-fact reprimanded for even maintaining that they were cheated, when there has been no reform of the system which enabled the steal; no retribution dished-out to those who orchestrated it, and it is even formally verboten to even say that the election was thrown?

    It would be akin to a non-communist running in the former Soviet Union; getting none of the vote (because only communists count, and only communists count the votes) and then running again next time, thinking that maybe such wouldn’t happen again.

    In like manner, if the “election” here were real in the sense that it mattered who one voted for; and if all of the theatrics were real, a sincere person of normal intelligence would not waste significant time and money pursuing a goal which he could not attain, until and if some changes were made to the corrupt system.

    The fact that the supposed victim of election fraud is putting himself in the same position again when nothing has changed (And to my knowledge has not even made reference to election fraud) is just further proof that Trump is one of them (As if we needed further proof!).

    I hate to say it, but Trump scares me more than Kuntmala. At least the average person with an IQ above 3 knows what the Communist Whore is about (As such miscreants as she make no bones about it), and decent people can easily recognize their enemy, and resist. But with Trump, many decent or semi-decent people seem to think that he is on their side. Freedom and apple pie! They will cheer whatever he does, and even if they don’t like what he does, they will tolerate it because they see him as a somewhat ally who is somehow standing with them against the other side (When in-fact, he is doing as much evil as “the other side” and just having an easier time of it, with the consent of all of the people who would have been screaming had the “other side” done the same thing).

    Will The Dullard ACTUALLY replace Obamacare this time, though he didn’t in four years as president last time? Though it would take an act of Congress to repeal it? And what would he replace it with? Something even MORE communistic? -Where one has to have a national Health (ID) card, as in communist Europe, Canada, Australia, etc.? [Does one need an ID card for Obamacare? I don’t know, I don’t participate.]

      • Hey Jim,

        Your link just goes to the home page? Perhaps whatever you posted has been deleted?

        As for Arthur’s post and “Freedom and apple pie!”, Trump typically makes no mention of “freedom”. These days, it’s the Democrats who seem to speak of “freedom” like they think they are the Libertarian Party. Of course, they really have no idea what the word means, and seem to have conflated “freedom” with “rights”, whether or not those “rights” are anything sensible.

    • Trump’s greatest achievement is virtually unknown – he had his boy toy Jared Kushner write up the Abraham Accords – which are cited as the primary reason for the Palestinian Oct. 7th uprising.

      Trump’s “deal of the century” for peace CAUSED the war.

  16. “This excludes all Democrats and most Republicans. Rand Paul and Thomas Massie are two of the exceptions. ”

    Yes, and Massie is particularly inspiring:

    He writes:

    “Imagine the health & economic benefits our country would enjoy if we’d just empower small farmers and legalize local food distribution!

    Current rules protect corporate monopolies and drive us toward chemically laden nutrient deficient processed foods.”

    Now, I’m not sure what labyrinthine “regulations” have been put in place to restrict local food distribution. I do encourage however, that you grow your own, if possible. I’ve come to appreciate the difficulties in doing so where I live, but I’m learning.

    Also, regarding socialism: I still often must shake my head and sigh as my dad frequently urges me to vote for Trump because “That woman is communist!”, but then sites his primary worry is that he’ll lose his Social Security, not realizing it’s a socialist ponzi scheme.

    • “Also, regarding socialism: I still often must shake my head and sigh as my dad frequently urges me to vote for Trump because “That woman is communist!”, but then sites his primary worry is that he’ll lose his Social Security, not realizing it’s a socialist ponzi scheme.”


      Amazing how brainwashed people are to think Social Security and Medicare aren’t socialism.

      • Bizarre, isn’t it, Burn It?

        How many otherwise “conservative” old folks who were raised to think, and still do, that FDR was a good president and saved people from something?

        My grandparents used to cite the movie “The Grapes of Wrath” when describing dilapidated houses and neighborhoods, I believe comparing them to the Dust Bowl “Okie” homes.

        I saw that movie a few years back, and was astounded by how much of a Federal propaganda film it really was. People have been steeped into socialism for many generations, now.

        • Dollar for dollar you just can’t beat the “value” of public schooling to provide effective brainwashing that lasts a lifetime.

          • Hi Burn it Down –

            Indeed. Government schools excel at preventing the child’s mind from developing the ability to think critically. In olden times, kids were taught that first – and then taught things like English and Math. Once a child learns how to think, he or she can do more than just assimilate information; he or she can integrate it. And that is the last thing the people who created government schools want. What they want – per Carlin – is obedient workers.

            • Public education has always had an agenda. Here in the USA, Thomas Mann and others declared “education” and the subsequent students to be “property of the state”. The “Prussian system” was used to create (brainwash?) compliant workers, demanding subservience to the state.
              Education is one element of society where diversity should be prized.
              Don’t forget, most people who were around at the time of the American revolution did not have formal “educations” but were really well-rounded and capable of discerning thought and actions.
              In Michigan, in the 1920s there were moves to outlaw all parochial (Catholic) schools as they were seen as a threat to the “public school systems” of the day.
              This hostility towards private education was so pervasive, “Blaine Amendments” were passed in many states which outlawed ANY state assistance to parents who chose to utilize private educational institution for the education of their children. Even state assistance for non-sectarian aspects of education is prohibited. These amendments still exist in some states.
              Look at the present state of “public education” today. From “drag queen shows” to unsuitable “sex education” for five-year-olds to outright promotion of homosexuality and LGBTQXYZ “grooming”, hiding it from parents, public education has a lot to answer for.
              If I had my way, every public school would be shuttered and the property taxes refunded to parents. This especially applies to urban public schools where the “children” are not learning anything anyway.
              Public education has been a scam for a long time, actually being “day-care” centers utilized by working parents.

  17. Ron Paul is the gold standard against whom I judge all politicians seeking office. Probably similar for most of us who hang out here with Eric.

    That’s why it’s so difficult to see any meaningful difference between D and R. The stupid party or the uniparty. Whatever.

    The Visigoths pour over the border. The currency is worthless. The dumb masses are entertained. Bread and circus. Nero or Caligula for America’s next Caesar. Who cares.

  18. People wonder why other people embrace socialism? Perhaps it’s because most people seem to follow these simple life style choices I found on the interweb.

    The way to stay poor

    #1 Get yourself an addiction, drugs, or alcohol, your choice, or both if you are ambitious.

    #2 Impregnate a woman you have no intention of marrying. Do it as young as possible, so you are saddled with child support payments into your late thirties.

    #3 Try not to ever own anything whether it’s cars, or houses. Always lease, or rent.

    #4 Do not learn a skill that others will pay you to do for them.

    #5 Try not to show up for work, and definitely do not try hard at any job you do happen to land. Show up late often.

    #6 Go to college, get a **** ton of loans, but never graduate, or graduate with some worthless degree like gender studies. Do not, whatever you do, get a nursing, or engineering degree as someone might hire you and pay you well.

    #7 Go on lots of vacations.

    #8 Eat out a lot.

    #9 Reward yourself with expensive clothes, tatts, and concerts, after all, you worked hard to get to where you are.

    #10 Do not ever save money. Live for today only.

    #11 Take up smoking, cigarettes, or weed, either, or both will do.

    #12 Drive without insurance. Who cares if you crash into someone. You don’t have anything to sue for!

    #13 Make sure you have a criminal record. Felonies are the best.

    #14 Loan money to your dead beat buddy. Buy drinks all around while you are out celebrating your poverty. Life’s short!

    Congratulations if you didn’t make any of the above choices. You are now entitled to nothing and will be ridiculed for it. Maybe I need to star drinking now?

    • “#12 Drive without insurance. Who cares if you crash into someone. You don’t have anything to sue for!”

      Haha, indeed.

      “You are now entitled to nothing and will be ridiculed for it. Maybe I need to star drinking now?”

      Hey, I’m a star drinker at times. 😉 But all the work must still get done, so that’s an intermittent occupation. Sometimes the only way to keep my sanity is to get a little insane, now and then.

    • “#1 Get yourself an addiction”

      You could already have one…thanks to big food..

      The slave owning control group owns big food and big pharma…..they work together to make lots of money…

      Big food, which includes big fast food…. with the heavily processed, genetically modified, chemical filled food they sell to the slaves…creates a market for big pharma when the slaves get sick….

      This so called food that big fast food sells, also contains ingredients to hook the slaves on it….msg, caffienne,etc……most of it is carbohydrates, sugar and highly processed seed oils so the slaves can get their sugar hit……but…it destroys their health….

      Healthy food like fresh seafood and meat and dairy products, are being banned, fresh fruit is too expensive….only the rich can eat healthy food now….the agenda to cull some slaves…. 1st bad food, then no food….

      fresh seafood, meat and dairy products, are being banned….replaced by a poisonous to humans bug diet….

    • You forgot one – get on the holy grail of money, AKA fed disability payments as soon as possible. But then #1 on your list will accomplish that.

  19. “It’s a dirty job but someone’s got to do it.”

    If Washington DC is Hollywood for ugly people then it makes perfect sense for them to “care a lot” and wanting to help you (yes you) achieve all you can achieve. And we all know the anecdote of that couple who was devastated by not being able to have children. “IF ONLY they had access to IVF!”

    How about “IF ONLY they didn’t have to pay 110% of their paycheck to the government, outrageous student loan debt and the monthly subscription fees mafia so they could have children at 25 years old like nature intended instead of waiting until they’re financially well off enough in their 40s.”

    Besides, it’s much more fun to knock up 25 year old women than 40 year old women. One involves a six pack and a couch. The other involves a lot of doctors and test tubes. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.

    The bigger excuse is that it’s a shame that the biggest, bestest economy in the history of the world has a homeless problem. And a “needs” problem. And a poverty problem. Pay no attention to the fact that people living in poverty have televisions, microwave ovens, hot water (electricity), telecommunications devices, more computing power than NASA needed to get to the moon in their pocket, and probably some form of personal transportation. That’s poverty in the United States. It’s unfair that Trump can fly around in his “Trump force one” 757 while you have to fly on Dollar General… er Spirit… Airlines with the rest of the hoi-polloi. I think it’s only fair that we all get a personal jet “according to our needs.”

    Thing is, nickel and dime’ing everyone in this way is how government gets even more powerful. If everyone has to pay an extra few bucks to their insurance to cover Bob’s lazy sperm, then that means less money for charity and just keeping Bob’s employer financially well off so that Bob doesn’t need insurance to pay for his reproductive problem. And fertility doctors would have to compete for his dollar instead of telling his insurance company how much it will be (quoted at a 10X markup to get a 50% discount -Good job everyone!). So now Bob’s got less, the insurance company has less, and everyone in the industry gets bigger margins that go straight back to the investors… who are sure to push their K Street firms to call for more government intervention. Because it works so well.

  20. Yawn . . . So you’re telling me Mericans’ are socialists? Nothing new there.

    Social(ism) (In)Security should have been a clue. Socialism is practically spelled out in the name. Social Security is the untouchable third rail which got Merican’s hooked.

    This country has been socialist for the past 100 years+ since 1913.

    It’s sort of amusing watching:

    1) People come to terms and acceptance of how widespread the public’s desire for Socialism is.

    2) Watching the mental gymnastics of those that try to deny it.

    Vote harder!!

    • Totally agree, Burn it Down!

      Readers may want to check out the History section of the U.S. Social Security web site. Otto von Bismarck (German Chancellor 1862-1890).

      Also – 1913 was indeed a horrific year for Americans:
      the 16th Amendment
      the 17th Amendment
      the Federal Reserve Act

      Check out the article, titled “The Blow That Ended America 100 Years Ago”, by Paul Rosenberg at Free-Man’s Perspective web site.

  21. But how do you get people to vote for you without giving them “free” stuff, even if they end up paying for it anyway? Since “there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch” — R A Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
    The only “free” thing in this world is a place for you to die. And that’s kind of iffy.

    • John Kable –

      Your comment reminded me of “Free Ice Cream”, a simple lesson of how socialism weaves its way into the fabric of a free society, which can be found/read at the Freedom Is Knowledge web site.

      Also – “The Wild and Free Pigs of the Okefenokee Swamp” at the School & State web site, which is a legacy to Marshall Fritz (founder of the Alliance for the Separation of School and State organization).

      Both are great reads and relevant to this article.

      Bravo! for the Heinlein quote!!!

  22. “And that is why socialism always wins the election in this country”

    Who doesn’t want free stuff. Except it isn’t free. Most people will pay for it one way or another. When my family moved to this country back in the mid fifties there was nothing free. No free food, no free housing, no free medicine, no free phones. One either got a job or went back to the old country. I was six and my mom fixed me and my brothers breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. It wasn’t much but it was nutritious. My father worked as a laborer doing what ever job came along or was found. He had two years of formal schooling.
    Now, everything is handed to the so-called poor people. This is how Communism starts out. Slowly at first until most of the populace is addicted to the handouts and free shit. The Socialists/Communists reasoned that Communism failed in Russia because it was a country populated by poor and uneducated people. Here in America we have rich and very educated people therefore the experiment is sure to succeed.
    The bullshit and propaganda is very powerful here. The leaders want to create a Utopia here and in the world. They don’t realize that there is this thing in nature called competition. You can’t avoid it forever. There will never be a heaven on earth. There will only be a heaven in heaven. This is the planet earth and nature rules here.
    Yes Trump says some truly stupid things sometimes but the alternative is stupid plus evil.
    I don’t think third parties will fix the Titanic. Itz been tried before with little success as the money simply isn’t there.

  23. In one room,,, silence,,, as the fertilized egg is implanted,,, In the next room we hear the sound of a vacuum cleaner turning up. Both paid for by gov stolen funds.

  24. ‘then came the switcheroo [of red and blue]’– eric

    This is a poisonous, mindless legacy of the New York Slimes, from the year 2000:

    ‘The Times published its first color presidential election map in 2000. Archie Tse, a graphics editor who made the choice, provided a rationale: ”Both Republican and red start with the letter R,” he said.’

    Stupid immigrant! Ignorant of both Chinese and US color symbolism, Tse chose red to represent Republicans for an utterly trivial reason, making all subsequent US electoral maps incoherent to anybody who’s made it through 10th grade.

    This is how the Lügenpresse dumbs down political discourse and erases history. Tse’s native China went even farther, simplifying 2,235 commonly-used Chinese characters in 1956. Most Chinese people today no longer can read pre-1949 books and documents, from before the Communist takeover.

    Erasing history is harder with the 26-letter Roman alphabet. But thanks to public schools run by leftist educrats, most Americlowns under 30 no longer can read cursive handwriting. This makes founding documents of the US, such as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, difficult or impossible for them to read in the handwritten originals.

    Our culture is being stolen from us by radical communists and genocidal zionists.

    • ”Both Republican and red start with the letter R,”

      I always wondered how that came to be. The Communists/Socialists were always associated with the color red. That’s why people called them reds. And the stupid party(Republicans) did nothing?

      • europeasant: ‘”Both Republican and red start with the letter R,”

        I always wondered how that came to be. ‘

        it’s a natural. After all, Democrat begins with….. aw, heck, wait a minute! I’m supposed to believe that fairy tail? It was just that pointing to Democrats as “Reds” just wasn’t in the cards (as in calling a spade a spade.)

    • Rush’s Red Lenses came up on the playlist last night.

      The album didn’t hold up well. Political albums rarely do. Too bad the band didn’t hold up well either. Shoulda quit when they were ahead.

      We’ve got Mars on the horizon
      Says the National Midnight Star
      It’s true
      What you believe is what you are
      A pair of dancing shoes
      The Soviets are the blues
      The reds, under your bed
      Lying in the darkness
      Dead ahead

      • Grace Under Pressure is an awesome album, Rush’s best 80’s output IMHO, even if some of the lyrics are a tad dated. I often wonder what Neil Peart would’ve thought about Canada during the height of the renamed flu scam. He went kind of soft in the head in his final years before his death after a number of personal tragedies so who knows.

    • Jim H wrote, “Our culture is being stolen from us by radical communists and genocidal zionists.”

      But, you repeat yourself…

      • Also the tense is all wrong.
        Our culture has been stolen from us by radical communists and genocidal zionists…
        The only thing to argue about was did it happen in 1789, 1865, 1913, 1945, 1973, or all of the above. But that discussion is academic.


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