If Only Stalin Knew!

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Just some thoughts about X – and “free speech”:


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  1. Couldn’t the Germans in charge of the concentration camps simply exhaust diesel engines into all of the ventilating systems at each concentration camp and easily kill all of the no good dirty filthy Jews in one night, locked down, no escape, don’t need no stinkin’ Zyklon B? Not a problem now not even back then.

    Diesel exhaust would be much more effective. The cost would be free. Haul away the bodies, most of the work. Locate a diesel engine every 100 feet at each concentration camp.

    The job could have been done in less than two years. Makes for less work, you’ll be free then.
    You could kill another 6,666,666 more Jews. 12,666,666 dead Jews wouldn’t be enough, kill them all!

    What was Hitler thinking?

    Christmastime’s a comin’!

    Don’t hate the Jews, easy to do, hate rules, hate the unforgivable sins they do. Forgive them, for they do not what they do.

    Can’t just crucify everything on the planet.

  2. The reason I have an X account: Up to the second, unfiltered news.

    The day Trump was shot, X is where all of the info was coming from. If other media outlets were covering the event at all, they were lying about him “falling down” amidst “loud noises”.

      • Hi Helot,

        I met the little creep back in the ’90s. A “Herr Professor” type who thinks he knows and – worse – thinks what he knows entitles him to make you agree with him.

        • Hi Eric,

          There’s someone I know who uncritically regurgitates obvious bull crap from Robert Reich on social media. She probably still watches Rachel Maddow, who has proven the past several years to be not only a shill for the Democrat Party & the establishment herself, but also her sponsors in Big Pharma & the military-industrial complex.

          Speaking of “The party of democracy”, I read the other day that in addition to trying to take Trump & RFK Jr off of state ballots, the Democratic Party has also been trying to take Presidential candidate Cornel West off of state ballots. The Democratic Party has gone waaaaaaaaaaay off the deep end into utter insanity if not evil the past several years, and yet there are people out there who STILL vote Democrat.

        • ‘I met the little creep back in the ’90s.’ — eric

          Presumably, the top of the leftist talking dwarf’s head extended a few inches above your belt buckle.

          I trust you resisted the urge to pat him like a puppy. Or to engage in the sordid sport of midget hurling. 🙁

          • Henry Kissinger was one inch above dwarf status.

            Pure unadulterated midgets make their way into politics, one of them ended up as Secretary of State for the Nixon Administration.

            Just another kike running things into the ground.

            Anybody with a lick of sense never listens to Robert Reich.

            You have no brains if you listen to anything anybody like Reich says.

            What has Robert Reich ever done for you?

            Answer: Nothing.

            Ask not what a Jew can do for you, ask a Jew what they will always want from you and Jews will take it no matter what.

            You will always pay through the nose.

            The hooked-nosed Jews will make sure you do.

  3. Inre Elon, his visit to Israel, where he ceaselessly groveled and kowtowed to key figures, tells us all we need to know about him. Anyone who trusts him is a fool.

  4. Musk is persecuted yet Zuckerberg is not. What’s the difference between the two? Zuckerborg is Jewish, he’s on the J-Team and Musk is being railroaded out of town. Now you may be asking, why did Mark Zuckerberg all of a sudden turn state’s evidence and admit to the world, yeah, I helped steal the election?

    ZH – Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?

    Because Mr. tribe member Zuckerberg, has been told by his J-ish masters higher up the food chain, that Trump will win the next election. Trump is the next selected candidate, so M.Z. is squealing so he doesn’t get prosecuted for treason.

    I have a personal story to share, back in high school my dad (engineering manager at a SP500 corporation) came home from work and told me that the FBI had come to his office and briefed him that Jimmy Carter would be the next president, this was months before the 1976 election.

    Back then, Nixon got busted by Watergate, resigned, Gerald Ford was the interim president. The nation was in turmoil, and the powers that shouldn’t be had picked the next president before the election. As a teenager, I could of cared less, but I reasoned it was pointless to vote, and never voted. I completely forgot about all of that until this year, when Biden was drummed out of the race. Deja vu all over again.

    Anyways, it seems reasonable to me that you can determine who will be selected next by paying attention to the actors like Zuckerborg. If he knew Kamala would win, why would he say what he just said? He would not. The Bidenista’s are ruthless, IMO they tried to assassinate Trump. Mark Zuckerborg KNOWS the outcome of the next election, and chose to save his neck. That is why he squealed on the deep state – he is going to try to avoid being prosecuted for his role in throwing the election, a serious matter that could send one to the gallows.

    Thus, what are we, the citizens, to conclude about all the stuff we see on TV and read in magazines and MSM newspapers? That our democracy (or republic) is a sham, we are being managed by the masters of illusion. The question is, if it is all being faked, and the politicians are actors (Ronald Reagan, Trump, and Zelensky were literally actors), why be the fool and vote? I do not vote because I know it is all fake, like George Carlin says, it is a big club and you are not in it.

    The classic picture are a young Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon at Bohemian Grove before either were installed as POTUS:


    If you all are familiar with the Brandon Biggs prophecy, back in March, the Oklahoma preacher predicted the bullet going by Trump’s ear, he said Trump gets elected, and the economy crashes worse than the Great Depression. How does he know? Is god whispering in his ear or are his handlers telling him the plan. Just like when my dad was told before the election Jimmy Carter would win, Christians are being informed that Trump will win.

  5. Granted I rarely look (let alone post) at twitter anymore, but yeah, never see your posts there.

    Even if Musk wanted X to be free speech, I imagine his mostly left wing employees would sabotage that. He would probably have to replace all the existing employees, and I imagine the censoring software is deep in the code. Probably would have to start over with that too.

    The left controls the software, so the rest of us will likely just have to breakdown the tech and go old school. We will see if software security is actually bad or if that is a game they play too. If it’s as bad as we think it is, it could be screwed with.

    Have you seen the videos of the guy in London England taking a power saw to the anti-car cameras in downtown? He just cuts the pole down and let the camera hit the ground and break.

    • I have seen those videos richb, that guy is my hero, we should all do that; takes brass balls to cut the entire pole down. I would attack them with a can of spray paint rigged to an extendable tree trimming type pole, takes a lot less time so you can make a quick getaway.

  6. There are alternatives. But they don’t have the marketing behind them the way X/Twitter did. So they languish.

    Mastodon is a free, open source, distributed system. It is a more polished version of GNU Social. Its primary advantage is the ability to set up your own server, which can share information with other servers in a “federated” fashion. The downside is that the server admins love to whitelist for political reasons, so if you pick the wrong server you’ll probably be blocked by most of the fediverse. The other downside is that the global feed is completely unmoderated (so don’t ever click on the global feed) and full of horrid pictures and video. Most of the people who switched to Mastodon after Twitter went back to Twitter/X because Mastodon has far fewer users… because the extra step of having to find a server is too hard or something, and of course the whitelisting/server blocking problems are real if you’re NBC News trying to reach everyone with minimal effort.

    • Mastodon sounds like a proper and interesting concept, ReadyK. I’d check it out if I were still any part interested in social media. Just have much better things to do these days.

  7. Eric

    Serious suggestion. Start your own e-mail list so that you can directly disseminate your information to your followers directly via newsletter if necessary.

    Old school – yes. But, it is being done successfully by others you’re familiar with (I.e Tom Woods).

    The time when you may need to decouple from X, or any other social media is coming. Don’t let yourself become reliant on someone else’s platform that they can lock you out of.

    I suspect you already know this but am here to say that I would support you should you go that route of direct subscribers type situation.

  8. For all his posturing about Twitter/ X being a “free speech platform”, one thing many people seem to forget about Elon Musk is that he’s still a billionaire technocrat. Whether he’s secretly working against these psychotic technocrats or manipulating people who still have critical thinking skills into going along with the technocratic agenda remains to be seen. However, Musk & Twitter have been under attack from foreign governments who want to implement a global censorship system and extradite American citizens to their countries for imprisonment for alleged “Hate speech” or “Wrong think”.

    • Brazil has just banned X. Anyone caught using a VPN to access X will be fined $8900 per day. X may not be much of a free speech platform, but it is apparently too much of a free speech platform to be permitted in Brazil. This is probably about to happen in Europe as well.

  9. I liked the video because I heard a kitty in the background.

    Ah, freedom! One can’t say certain words; think certain thoughts; possess certain items/substances; make a personal choice (“discriminate”); keep the fruit of your labor; own real property; discipline your kids; allow your customers to smoke in “your” store or bar; refuse to buy insurance; just pay a plumber or electrician to fix something (He has to get a “permit”[permission] for every job he does, which often costs more than his labor. And you get to pay for it.); Can’t have a yard sale or lemonade stand without a permit; Can’t p[erform a service/trade for someone without first procuring several different licenses…..

    So this is Labor Day. If it’s anything like actual labor, then it should end at noon, because the government should be taking c. half of it. (Don’t worry, they’ll refund you a few minutes next spring).

    Let us celebrate by waving our flags and chanting “U-S-A! U-S-A!” while shoving our BBQed hot dogs up our collective asses!

    Fuck Israel!
    Fuck DJT (The Best Friend Israel Ever Had&reg:)
    Fuck Communist Whore Kuntmala

  10. Well,,,,,,, I can’t figure out why anyone would be surprised by any of this! So why even try?

    And Yes! X is being used to locate enemies of the state. Folks,,, like me,,, that visit the enemies internet sites or receive literature will also be marked. That is just how it works. When the day comes (very soon now) I fully expect to see a couple black SUVs pull up outside the house. Notice I did not say “my house” as I also know who owns ALL property. Just the way it is when you don’t stop it in the beginning.

  11. Eric:

    Thanks for showing us that and your thoughts on X. Though, you really do need a better video camera.

    Do any EPautos readers have a slightly outdated iphone or a 1020p/4k video camera they can sent to Eric? His mailing address is listed on this page. He sure could use it.

  12. I can concur Eric, They hide notifications, and the things you post, once you’ve uttered mean words about their pets. I get so sick of faux conservatives slobbering on Elons knob. Like a bunch of freakin teachers pets, braying about free speech as they pay 8 bucks a month. Its no wonder we’re losing this war. Never had a facebook, and at some point in the near future I’ll probably go dark and Nuke my twitter account. I doesn’t really matter though, as the Central Scrutinizer remembers, and knows all.

  13. Hey Eric,

    I’m curious as to what fate your video will meet, as well as how MusK et. al. are corralling people’s thoughts. Will you be updating this article?

    I am not on “X”.

    Also, did Musk just change the name so people would say they are “on X”?

    Are “tweets” now called “Xibits”? “Xpressions”?

  14. Musk is accumulating a lot of AI server capacity at X/Twitter and Tesla.

    Ostensibly, it is to train the robots, but I doubt that’s what is really going on.

    • No, that makes perfect sense, Roscoe. All the “Xpressions” ever written to train the AIs, so they can sound like anyone. Be anyone. And, given a few sentences of a person’s writing, can identify them through their habits.

      • I meant that they bought all the AI server capacity claiming that the goal is to use the hardware to train the factory robots which Musk cites as the future of Tesla.

        My guess is that Musk is just buying time, much like the “robotaxi” to be unveiled on Oct. 8.


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