The “Unhoused”

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Language is how we think. Try to do it without words. That’s why people who want to control how others think manipulate the meaning of words, so as to alter their train of thought.

Here’s a fresh example of this – at least it was to me.

I was listening to a Leftist on the radio the other day; her topic was – using her word – the “unhoused.” By which she meant what the Left also likes to refer to as the “homeless.” Note the neutrality of the language used. As if being “unhoused” – or “homeless” – were a thing that just sort of happened – that could happen to anyone, randomly – like an act of God.

More finely, that people who find themselves “unhoused” or “homeless” find themselves that way for no good reason.

Cue what I will call the “rape and incest” reply – the one used to shut up people who have moral qualms about infanticide. The tactic is to frame an extreme example as the routine example; i.e., that there’s so much rape and incest going on that infanticide is a morally necessary thing. Do you support forcing women who are victims of rape and incest to carry to term the baby of the man who violated them?

Similarly, the “unhoused” and “homeless.” Yes – of course – there are people who’ve fallen on hard times and find themselves  . . . “unhoused”or “homeless.” But they rarely remain so unless there are compounding factors, such as mental illness or substance abuse or (here it comes) that they are bums.

The latter being  the term once used for people who preferred to remain “unhoused” or “homeless” in the sense that they were unwilling to do what the rest of us do in order to remain housed, such as go to work so as to earn money in order to pay rent. There is always a room for someone who is willing to work 40 hours a week. It may not be a house – or even an apartment all for oneself.

But it is not “homeless” or “unhoused.”

Almost no one has to live on the streets – or in a tent or van down by the river. Most of those who do have made the choice to do so. They have chosen not to work and the price they pay is being “unhoused” or “homeless.” And they have every right to make that choice. No one ought to be forced to work as that would be slavery. But that is precisely what the “unhoused” and “homeless” – or at least, the professional agitators and useful idiots who use those words – do want.

Just with a slight twist.

They want others to work to provide housing – for the “unhoused” and “homeless.” They want you to go to work so that a portion of that you worked to earn can be taken away from you and used to pay to house the “homeless” (and “unhoused”).

Because, they say, everyone has a right to housing.

This is the hidden meaning lurking beneath the surface blandness of the “unhoused” and “homeless.”

They have been deprived of something everyone is entitled to by dint of existing. And those who have been deprived have been wronged by those who failed to provide it. The latter are guilty of a moral offense. They don’t care that there are people living on the street, in tents or vans down by the river.

They are bad people, in other words.

And the “unhoused” and “homeless” are good people who have been victimized by those bad people. This engenders anger toward those bad people – the ones who work to earn money to provide housing for themselves and their own families. They are selfish – and ought to share what they have.

Ought to be made to share what they have.

Enter Dr. Zhivago – the inevitable end result. More finely, Dr. Zhivago comes back home to find that was his home is now occupied by the “unhoused” and the “homeless,” who have acquired a home of their own.

It is no different in the way it works than the insistence by some that everyone a right to health care – per James Carville, the political adjutant of the Clintons . . .  to be provided by someone else.

If you caught his appearance – in between the seemingly endless peddlering – on Sean Hannity’s show the other day, you will have heard him assert the first part of the above; i.e., that everyone has a right to health care. It is just “there,” you see – like housing. And it’s not just unfair but a moral affront of the unspoken second part; i.e.,  that others ought to be forced to provide the material benefit he says is everyone’s right.

Because – to the Carvilles of the world – it is not an affront.

We’re all in this together, you see.

. . .

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  1. Thanks FEDS, these mobile parks are the last refuge for independent living, folks with limited and fixed incomes were doing fine until FEMA threatened to withhold Federal money from the city. Disgusting. “Might be at flood risk”. I bet the real agenda is a land grab by a developer in cahoots with the city & Feds.

    The FEMA f**k was on TV news this morning what a little prick.

    • I completely agree with you, Sparkey. I’ll bet there is are some “multi-family” housing projects coming their way.

      I lived in an RV park for 7 years in an effort to get out of apartments. Saved money and put some space in between me and my neighbors. But even then, such places were getting rare. Mostly, they were stipulating age limits for both you and your RV: Your RV better be young and you better be old, or you’re not getting in. That way, poor younger riff-raff like me were being kept out so older and much richer retirees could have these places to themselves.

    • Sparky: “Whatever means necessary!” is the battle cry.

      “We got to get that trailer trash out of here. What have we got? Oh, yeah, those new 100 year flood plain maps. Let’s just say we have to save those poor folks because they could become homeless if there is a flood.”

      “Let’s see. Can we classify CO2 as a pollutant? Sure we can.” Etc., etc., etc…….

      • They pulled this s**t on a family friend & his neighbors about 20 years ago. He was a beach landing D-day Normandy survivor, stayed in Germany ‘till 1948.

        Came home, bought a duplex in Renton, WA. Fast forward to 2004 or so the city tried to roust them via eminent domain for a developer promising “new and shiny = lots more property tax revenue”. City claimed they were living in “inadequate housing, not healthy, blighted” or some such B.S.

        They banded together, the publicity blowback was awesome and the city tucked tail & bagged the eminent domain idea. Old guy just trying to live peacefully in his golden years. What exactly did he dodge those bullets for?

        • That crap will end permanently when the bullets start flying in both directions. A property of ours was reclassified into a new 100 year flood plain. We fought FEMA and lost, for now.

          An old timer with 50+ years nearby assured me he’s never seen it with more than a foot or two of water when the creek crested, (twice in 50+ years) because of the new maps, they want anything above 200 square feet built 8-12 feet off the ground, depending on how close you are to the creek.

          My neighbor decided to forge ahead anyway. She is in her 80s, trying to build something for her kid. Three years, and half a million bucks later, she has an unfinished 1500 sq ft mobile home, on piers, 11 feet off the ground. The spicy time of the rope cant come soon enough.

  2. BIG BROTHER….that is what happens when you allow people to make decisions about what it right and what is wrong. a politician or government decide that? no! look how they define a woman or a man now….a spare hole….or the criminalization of reality as in a man is a man and a woman is a woman and their genitals are not interchangeable.

    on the voting issue…a side issue i know. but this is brilliant! from truth stream media.

    they are spot on. just what i argue regularly.

    the vote is a spell, a wish to the gods to give you a new master. they put it together pretty good. and they show the dictionary definition….from an older book. it is in the words. that is where the control is. the power. every word is a spell and every thought a prayer.

    of course they want to own the language and change the meaning to an unreality. for my part i say OH HELL NO!

  3. Heads up….I always g….gle ep autos to get here. Today I noticed your site was waaaayyy down in the results. I’d guess your writings are deemed ‘dangerous” by the powers that be maybe?

    • That is when you know you are doing something right, Rob. Although that makes it more difficult to find your site Eric, on the other hand it is almost a compliment from Google when you are so far down on the list. Perhaps celebratory congrats are in order?

  4. I love how these libturds who vocally decry slavery, literally support it by insisting that somehow people have a “right” to products and services that are provided by or paid for by others. How can “healthcare” or housing be a “right” for all unless it is also an obligation for some? Whether they force someone to build a hospital or practice medicine or build a house or mill lumber at the point of a gun, or demand that some pay for it at the point of a gun, they are demanding that some be enslaved to provide those things.

    But I guess that the logical gymnastics necessary to sustain such a contradiction are nothing compared to believing that a person with a dick can be a woman as long as he believes she is, and like Peter Pan if “everyone just believes real hard” it makes it so!

  5. Homeless are dirty vagabonds, sometimes drug addicts or alcoholics.

    Unhoused are unfortunate souls who are victims of society.

    As victims, the power of the government should be used to provide them the things the evil among us have taken from them. By taking from us.

    Or I’m sure that’s how the story is supposed to go.

    Housing, medicine, continuing education, transportation, environment, food, price controls. All of these are pieces of the puzzle the authoritarians harp about how they are “rights”. Rights too precious to be left outside the realm of government control, as they usher us into increased socialism.

    • >Homeless are dirty vagabonds, sometimes drug addicts or alcoholics.
      >Unhoused are unfortunate souls who are victims of society.

      Illegal aliens DO NOT BELONG HERE.
      “Undocumented immigrants” are just “missing some documents.”

      It is all just mind games.
      We live in the Age of Propaganda.

  6. I live in a suburb of Indianapolis. Our bum problem is them migrating from the city to panhandle at the intersections and one drug addicted couple who stay in a field just over the county line. We have a homeless advocacy group here, which gets local United Way funding, and now their challenge is finding homeless people. Our area is mainly WASPy, upper-middle class – wealthier in some areas – and I can’t see them tolerating an encampment under an overpass like the nearby city does. So they were fundraising and trying to convince us that yes, Johnson County DOES have a homeless problem:
    Their first story was a 25 year old mother of an infant who fled a nasty marriage. Now she is “forced” to live in her mother’s trailer and share a bedroom with the baby. So, she has a roof over her head with a relative who cares for her, living in what is likely the same situation in which she spent her first 18 years, minus the baby. Um, no, that’s not homeless. She has a home. Maybe it’s not to her liking, but it’s a home. If we go by that standard, then I am homeless unless I am allowed to live in one of the Obamas’ mansions.
    Another story was a lady living in her car, which she often parks at my city’s library. A little more heartstring tugging, but then the narrative said she’s from Indy, lived there her whole life, but when things got bad for her, she drove her car down to us. Are we obligated to care for her just because she landed i mile over the county line? Is she now a member of our “community?” How is that decided?

    • Perfect! I refuse to use the term “homeless”. I grew up referring to them as “bums” and in my world, that is what they will always be called.

  7. The great curse upon mankind is when the Anunnaki (Elohim, the gods) created us in their image and likeness, using their DNA to create a nearly hairless sentient slave specie, human beings – in an ice age – the grandest of manipulations to force us to toil and work for food and shelter.

    We humans, unlike all the rest of the primates, with our unique 23 chromosome pairs, are unfit to live on earth – so we must cultivate domesticated foods and animals to survive, plus we must shelter ourselves from the elements.

    A deer has no problem existing in the cold and rain, but we are miserable and could get hyperthermia and die, thus all humans need shelter. And don’t forget, before culture was imposed, natives everywhere could build free shelters on free land and did not have to pay rent or mortgage. Where I live in southern Oregon, the indigenous lived here for thousands of years without cops, jails, banks, and laws. A native did not have to wear a helmet to ride a horse. Back then, if someone tried to impose safety rules on you, well you could just kill them for disrespecting your autonomous being.

    There is a grand housing shortage because governments restrict building homes outside of codes. Homelessness and the unhoused are baked into the cake with our system of exploitation. The best way to keep the middle class working (like slaves) is homelessness they see outside of their car on the way to their slave job.

    “Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose”

    • Hey, Jack.

      Firstly, far-out, man.

      Secondly… “There is a grand housing shortage because governments restrict building homes outside of codes.”

      It’s true, but they can bite me. Really, it’s more at “building homes without permission”, as though I should need to have permission to do anything on my own land that doesn’t harm anyone else. What I build will probably meet or exceed whatever “codes” they have.

      • One of the most egregious “rules” that municipalities utilize is a “minimum square footage requirement. Even in some rural areas in Michigan, a 900 square-foot structure is the minimum allowed.
        One way around that is to put a RV trailer in a pole barn and surreptitiously tie in to a self-installed septic system. The trailer is protected from the elements and out of sight of code enforcement and tax officials. The property is still taxed as agricultural property.

  8. I will say this again, as there is another twist of language at play to make a perversion of something we all greatly value here: Freedom.

    What Eric decries here is not only being touted as the “right” to housing, or the “right” to healthcare, now it is spoken of as the “freedom” to have these things.

    Now the Democrats are the “freedom” party, see? They support the “Freedom to be Housed!” And “the Freedom to have Healthcare”, like the reason someone doesn’t have a house or a doctor is because someone took away the ability to acquire such things.

    This is the next big twist. Wish more would be outspoken about it.

    • Aaah yes. The same freedom party that wants to take our guns away and forcibly shoot us if we do not comply. If that is their idea of freedom then we are in trouble.

      • Yes, Shadow. They frame that as “The freedom to not be in fear of gun violence”, and I shit you not.

        …That is, unless you are in possession of firearms. Then you should be afraid of some gun violence being visited upon you by a swarm of AGWs.

  9. Hi Eric, et al,
    Your point WRT control of language hits on possibly the most important underlying issue. Orwell was famously interested in the importance of language and its misuse and abuse by the propaganda producing entities. There is a scene in 1984 in which Winston has a conversation with Syme. Syme works on eliminating words for Newspeak. During the conversation, Syme states:

    “‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed, will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. Already, in the Eleventh Edition, we’re not far from that point. But the process will still be continuing long after you and I are dead. Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller. Even now, of course, there’s no reason or excuse for committing thoughtcrime. It’s merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won’t be any need even for that. The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect. Newspeak is Ingsoc and Ingsoc is Newspeak,’ he added with a sort of mystical satisfaction. ‘Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?’ ”

    This scene describes almost prophetically what is happening right now in the U.S. empire and all of its proxies. The countries in Asia and the “Global South” are organizing in resistance…..sad to say, Russia has far more interest in the welfare of its people than any country in the west has in their respective citizenry. The “homeless” or “unhoused” for the most part occupy that state of being due to purposeful action by unelected technocrats, through collusion between oligarchical powers and big government actors. It’s all coming down fairly fast, but the damage done for citizens of western powers will be incalculable. BTW, the (s)election really amounts to a distraction. If it happens, even if Trump is elected, this system is beyond reform. We are in for a hard ride, many of us will not survive. For an idea of what we are facing, look at the trials of Russia in the 90s. The white pill is that just as the Soviet Union disappeared, so too will the evil that infests our country.

  10. Many homeless today are due to corpgov shipping production and jobs offshore while making it cheap / free to import their overseas production back into the country. Most of the “trade imbalance” is due to American corporations importing their over seas production. Over regulation is another area where corpgov is strangling business.

    Printing a trillion dollars every 3-4 months devalues the currency causing what we call inflation. Wasting money on wars and the tools of war has a detrimental effect on the economy. The bloated governments (Fed, State and Local) are sucking the economy dry. Have you seen AGWs driving old Crown Vics? Nope,,, all brand new $60,000 dollar SUVs… even at the local level.

    Only thing left is what they used to call the service industry back when I was young. That was mostly occupied by the very young and the elderly.

    I made a good living as an electrician in those production plants. Once they left I was forced to go offshore. Now that is for the most part unavailable.

    The US is even doling out naval ship repair and maintenance to India. More US jobs lost. Have no idea where this will end but I know it won’t be good.

      • Correct Bryce. And both caused by tyrannical governments. Humans never seem to learn by history. It’s always different this time.

        The Mexican Peso is stronger than the Dollar, yet factories are still moving there so the strength of the US dollar isn’t the problem.

        The USA problem? Regulations… (Local/State/Federal) The US is way over regulated which is hidden in the cost of labor. In the before times,,, Americans could easily compete as they were far more educated and skilled increasing their productivity. Over time this advantage was eliminated when skilled jobs were off shored to lower wage states with not much in the way of regulations. After 40-50 years these skills are extremely hard to find in the USA.

        Today, most Americans are unskilled and poorly educated. It is difficult to train people that have poor reading and math skills (deemed racist) so the companies go off shore where skilled and educated labor is easier to find.

        America will eventually disappear into the dustbin of history as just another tyrannical, dystopian wannabee empire that couldn’t keep up with the big dogs on the porch.

      • You hit the nail on the head. Thank you!
        Labor is never given value, but is a commodity-a “necessary evil” according to the Wall Street types and is to be minimized and marginalized at all costs.
        Adolf Hitler’s Germany monetized labor and gave it value. THAT is the reason that the jews went after Germany. Post WW1 Germany was successful in its economy due to throwing off the shackles (and shekels) of the internationalist banksters.
        Henry Ford CREATED a market which had not existed when he paid his employees $5.00 per day when the average wage of the day was around $1.25 per day. His premise was not entirely altruistic as assembly line work was monotonous; a way had to be found to retain employees as well.
        Of course, the wall street types and the banksters howled that Ford’s wage rates would destroy capitalism (as they knew it-those at the top reap all of the benefits while the proles are forced to live on a bare subsistence wage, due to the machinations of those at the top).
        Guess what??
        The OPPOSITE happened. Henry Ford knew one of the basic tenets of a truly free, capitalistic society, that a well-paid work force would be able to participate and contribute to a strong economy, unlike what is taught in business schools today-that wages must be kept to a bare minimum and that the stockholder is king.
        Our “free trade” politicians have assisted the greedy wall street types and banksters in depressing wages on the promise of cheap foreign labor and products.
        A good example of this is the negative criticism that Costco receives for paying its employees well above market wages. These same wall street types praise Wal-Mart for paying its employees barely subsistence wages while assisting them in filling out their public assistance (welfare) forms.
        Any sane person KNOWS that in order for capitalism to work, employees need to make an adequate wage. Unfortunately, this premise does not exist in today’s business climate.
        Henry Ford openly criticized those of the “tribe” (jews) for manipulating wall street and banksters to their own advantage, and was roundly (and unjustly) criticized for pointing out the TRUTH.
        Catholic priest, Father Coughlin did the same thing and was punished by the Catholic church, despite his popularity and exposing the TRUTH of the American economy and the outsider internationalists that ran it . . . and STILL run it.
        Our race to the bottom will not be without consequences. A great realignment is necessary (and is coming) . . .

  11. So, the Marxists want free housing. All you have to do is convince a contractor to build a house for free. Since we know the answer to that question, now you have to force the contractor to build a house for free. You take his freedom and force the prisoner to build the house. What about the materials? Force the material suppliers to supply free or face imprisonment. What…no more suppliers around? We’ll force the contractors we imprisoned to make the materials. What… no tools or replacement parts for the factories? And so on.

    So, the Marxists want free food for all…. same answer, force the farmers to provide for free.

    Lenin knew immediately that their great scheme would never work unless the Marxist created a slave state.

    So, the Democrats want free housing for the *homeless*…same answer: extract human effort via taxation (force)… can’t pay the tax…go to prison. Or extract stored human effort by printing money thereby devaluing the money supply robbing the stored human effort in bank accounts.

    We’re almost there.

  12. Taxachusetts is now spending over a $billion dollars/year housing the illegal migrants in hotels, feeding them, providing debit cards, etc. Our woke governor even suggested the Dr. Zhivago solution, that we take in and “adopt” a few bums. You first, governor, you and all the advocates lead by example and take these people into your tony neighborhoods and then we’ll see.

    • The retards in power here Nova Scotia suggested the same if you have an empty nest it’s only right you put up a third world cunt for the the greater good. I kid you not. My friend from Truro give me a story of some fool that took them up on the offer. Agreed to a “family” next thing you know needed a number to use the fucking bathroom. Yes the left seem to have been shorted on grey matter.

  13. As mentioned, a lot, and probably most, of the “unhoused” have mental health and substance abuse problems.

    These poor folks were housed in asylums.

    Yes, these asylums were indeed hell holes where people were warehoused and often abused. But they did care for people who were too sick to care for themselves, and they kept them off the streets and away from booze and dope, made sure they got treatment, and gave them a room and

    But thanks to “bipartisan” policies motivated by Democrats’ belief that these asylums “violated the civil rights” of people with mental illness and substance abuse problems, along with Republicans’ desire to cut budgets and shrink government, these asylums were closed and people were left to “community-based care” which they really didn’t get.

    Speaking of violating civil rights, what about my civil rights to not have “the unhoused” hassle me, to not have to step over needles and human waste on the streets, or worse, get pushed in front of a subway?

    While I’m not advocating the return of the madhouses of the Victorian era, what we’re doing clearly isn’t working. Your ideas are as good as mine.

  14. In my early twenties, I lived in a tent one summer/early fall. Because I wanted to. I saved enough money doing so, to pay for a 3 week SCUBA diving trip to the Florida Keys. When I got back, I moved in with some other guys, and sold the tent for what I paid for it. Choices, the juice of life.

  15. We had an “unhoused” person show up at our church some time ago. Hands out of course. The congregation is generous and did provide material support. The pastor even visited the unhoused person’s tent.

    Anyhow, one of the men in the church owns a warehousing business. He offered the unhoused a job. We never saw the unhoused gent again.

    Turns out he was a bum. A lazy bum. A worthless bum. A drain on society you may say.

    • The pastor should have invited into his home to stay in the guest room.

      After three months of an unhoused guest, the pastor would make sure the unhoused guest would move on.

      A prayer would be answered.

      I’ve done it, an unhoused unemployable down on his luck always a victim substance abuse candidate did not want to do anything except spray paint from spray paint cans.

      You help them reverse the trend, you avoid involvement with gov authorities, that is not good.

      If you need more help, someone else is available to help, go there. I did what I could.

      You’ve been helped enough, time to move on, paint someplace else.

      I’m not your babysitter, you are old enough to know better, so do it.

  16. Charity comes with strings attached. Like not consuming addictive substances while on premises. Like not engaging in sexual relations with others in the rooming house, especially against their will. Like helping out with meal prep and cleaning.

    You know, you have to behave to “western” norms.

    But that’s not acceptable. So people take the route to hell on Earth. Then oppertunitilsts come along and promise to somehow solve the homeless problem without addressing the many elephants in the room: that pop culture glorified sin to such an extent that it cannot be seen by many. And when it is pointed out the heretics quickly misquote Matthew 7:3-5 as a way to shut down any debate. Because to the left, religion is Ted Haggard, Jim and Tammy Faye and Jimmy Swaggart. And because Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson had political opinions that were basically polar opposite, the stink of TV ministry and mega churches got on them too.

    The real issue is that people who claim to care about the homeless don’t actually interact with them. They would much rather “raise awareness” whatever good that does, and hold $300 plate luncheons and place ad buys and make TED talks. And if daddy is rich maybe he’ll start a charity for you to run when he croaks, so then you can hobnob with the elites and politicians to raise even more awareness. Nice work if you can get it and you don’t care about your eternal soul…

    Imagine if someone actually did figure out how to get homeless people back into society. What then? All that charity money, all those luncheons, all that lobbying effort – gone in the blink of an eye. Then what will these fools do? Climate change? That’s all been taken over by governments and the UN, and that’s a much higher level con.

  17. The Jews have been unhousing Gazans for almost 11 months, must be the thing to do, bombing people into submission.

    The Jews are being unhoused by Hamas and Hezbollah. The Jews have been voluntarily unhousing themselves and have headed to parts unknown, Israel is collapsing.

    Not a lot of sympathy for those Jews these days, good riddance. Unhouse them all.

    Unhousing causes some anxious moments.

    • The problem arises when jews who are “unhoused” in israel flee like rats to western countries bringing their bolshevism with them.


      Jews worldwide need to feel the pain of ostracization, marginalization, and even contempt for their actions in the middle east and around the western world.

      I realize that there are some jews who, realizing that their self-preservation is threatened and at stake, are against the present situation in Gaza and the West Bank, but there are not enough of them to make a difference.

      At this stage of the game, I DON’T CARE if “good” jews feel the pain of ostracization, marginalization and contempt from gentiles. Just maybe, if there is enough pressure put on “good” jews, things will change.
      I won’t hold my breath.

      All good people must apply the same standard to the JEWS that JEWS apply to (the rest of) us goyim.

      You see, in civilized cultures, individual responsibility and individual punishment is the norm. Collective responsibility and collective punishment is illegal and does not figure in civilized “rule of law”.

      Even during wartime, hospitals, schools, and civilian areas are NEVER attacked.  JEWS are so brazen in their contempt for gentiles that they video their criminality for all to see.  They are PROUD of their criminal behavior.  Sick…

      Not so as JEWS hold gentiles responsible…collective responsibility and collective punishment are always the norm that the JEWS use to justify genocide when it comes to gentiles.

      Yes, every JEW who observes their talmud IS responsible for genocide. It’s baked into judaism. There is no getting around that. 

      Keep in mind, that according to talmudic judaism, ALL gentiles are considered to be “less than human, on a lower spiritual plane, to be used for the advantage of the jews.  In fact, slavery of gentiles is still condoned within judaism.

      Let’s not forget the biblical book of Deuteronomy where, according to its proscriptions and advice, nothing (gentile) is to remain alive…

      This is where JEWS get their genocidal attitudes.

      When it comes to attitudes of jews themselves, they are among the worst behaving people on the planet. Their air of “superiority” and “supremacy” permeates the atmosphere wherever they go.

      A refreshing incident took place in Vietnam (of all places) where a restaurant owner kicked israelis out of his restaurant just because they were jews. It was easy to tell because of their condescending, snobbish attitude that almost every israeli possesses.
      We need to see more of this worldwide.

      If I had my way…

      1. Outlaw infant male genital mutilation. Removal of a healthy body part without medical necessity is a crime. Removing a healthy body part from an infant who has no say in the matter is doubly criminal.

      2. Close every yeshiva in the western world. These “schools” that teach nothing but hate and contempt for all gentiles are breeding grounds for jewish terrorists. These same “schools” fail to teach basic subject material to their students.

      3. Close every holocaustianity temple in the USA. These temples violate the “separation of church and state” in the USA and are illegally receiving taxpayer dollars.

      4. Outlaw menorahs and other jewish displays placed on public property. As Christian displays have been marginalized through jewish lawfare, so should jewish symbology as well.

      5. EVERY tax-exempt jewish organization must be recognized as an “agent of a foreign government” and should lose its tax-exempt status. This applies to synagogues as well. Synagogues are “breeding grounds” for jewish terrorism as well. If I had my way, EVERY JEW residing in the USA should be required to register as a “foreign agent” with the U. S. Department of State under FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act).

      6. ALL USA politicians of jewish extraction as well as any politician who supports israel must be required to register themselves under the FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) and to be thoroughly “vetted” as their loyalty to their home country (USA) is in question. EVERY politician who holds “dual citizenship” with israel must forfeit his or her government position and be deported with permanent loss of USA citizenship. If wishing to re-enter the USA and regain their USA citizenship must be individually “vetted” and renounce their foreign citizenship.

      7. ANY citizen of the USA who joins the IDF must automatically lose his or her USA citizenship and be permanently deported. We should start with Brian Mast (R-Fla) who proudly wore his IDF uniform in the halls of congress.

      8. Future trials for “crimes against humanity” must hold every dual citizenship American politician, political appointees and all supporter of israel accountable, not just jews themselves.

      Jews in the western world must be held to the same standard that (((they))) hold for “the rest of us” (gentiles).

      • The Jews are guilty of killing in Conehead massive quantities, which is a black stain on their existence.

        Nobody will ever forget, it will be an everyday thing every day, a reminder that won’t go away.

        Back to The Pale and live among themselves, stay away and go away, from everywhere.

        The Jews have made their bed, they will sleep in it. Stupid morons.

        If they can’t act like human beings, then fuck ’em.

        Maybe not.

        Every dream is a nightmare… (((for them))).

        Jonathon Goldblatt knows how to make your dream life just perfect.

        Why do Jews sport shaved-head external circumcision?

  18. Globalism Is Economic Slavery

    Imagine life in the near future. the 15 min city prison…

    A man resides alone in a tiny apartment. He would prefer to be married, but the State considers that antiquated institution “patriarchal” and “white supremacist.” He would prefer to have children, but he can’t afford them. Besides, his yearly carbon allowance is insufficient to cover another resource-wasting human being.

    He has never owned anything. He rents his bedroom, his furnishings, and his meager entertainments. Each month, a digital account associated with his digital ID receives a number of central bank digital currency units

    If he chooses to save that income to invest in his future, the government informs him that his central bank digital currency units disappear within ninety days.

    His A.I. health monitor tells him that he must immediately report to the closest pharmaceutical distribution center so that he can be injected with the latest “injections.” Failure to do so will result in the deactivation of all electronic entertainment devices and a permanent mark on his social credit record.

    his apartment monitor flashes with breaking news: the country is at war…his A.I. supervisor informing him that he has been personally selected to protect the homeland from its enemies.

    He awakes in a hospital severely injured, is called a hero, and is later sent home. When he arrives, he notices breadlines outside the government’s genetically engineered food distribution centers. He hears a beggar on the street joke that they should call them “insect-lines,” since that’s all there is to eat.

    He learns that someone else has moved into his old apartment, ….Then, one day, his digital doctor asks if he would like some assistance in ending his life peacefully. MAID….

  19. This might be a radical idea to some but I don’t think you are entitled to anything. I can’t even say if you are entitled to be free from so called discrimination. In a perfect world, all things being equal this would not be a major problem but in a world where someone may have been robbed, assaulted or vandalized by a certain type of person and then expecting them to hire someone that looks like them is verging on madness.

    I have a buddy that used to have a small apartment building and when he was showing the unit he would crease the application form of the people he wasn’t going to rent it too as he was putting it on the pile.

    Back in the ’50s a speaker to some Congressional committee said that if the people who do all the work and pay all taxes realize they are not benefiting from it don’t expect them to continue doing it. I suspect that we are a lot closer to that point now.

  20. ‘the surface blandness of the “unhoused” and “homeless”’ — eric

    Some folks got ‘unincarnated’:

    ‘Tuesday witnessed one of the single deadliest attacks of the two-and-a-half-year Russia-Ukraine war. A Russian ballistic missile slammed into a military academy in the central Ukrainian city of Poltava, leaving more than 50 people dead and injuring scores of others.’ — ZeroHedge

    As Emperor Hirohito might have said, ‘The war situation has developed not necessarily to our advantage.’ 🙁

    • Jim,
      That war could be stopped easily by the West and especially the USA by simply stopping the flow f weapons to the nazi Ukrainians that happen to be in charge. Ukraine and the West could have abided by the Minsk agreement which they admitted agreeing to it just to give more time for the West and USA to arm the Ukrainians. They never intended to follow the agreement. Now the West and USA have given them long range weapons to bomb Russia itself. All this will do is cause the Russians to take the entire country rather than just the Eastern Russian speaking area.

      The tragedy you mention and many others, past and future, is directly the fault of the governments in Washington DC, London, Paris and Berlin.

      Unfortunately, common sense isn’t likely to prevail with the odds of American troops being sent to die along with the Ukrainians increasing daily.

      If this insanity doesn’t stop it easily could end up an extinction event. Unlike the fakes we used in Japan nukes today are the real thing….

      • Ukraine is the choke point for Russia. Everything that is exported to Western Europe goes through Ukraine. Now that Nordstream is disabled all the gas and oil has to go through Ukraine, which was a point of contention for Russia because the meters at the borders were showing a net loss and Ukraine refused to pay for the difference. The Soviets built nuclear power plants in Ukraine to export electricity to the west. And of course the Ukrainian wheat crop was vitally important to the Soviet Union.

        This is why our government feels it necessary to meddle. Because an EU powered by cheap immigrant labor and Russian raw materials would be a threat to the North American regime. What they seem to miss is that the Russians still are no where near as productive as the US, for cultural and geographical reasons, and that the immigrants in the EU have no interest at all in assimilating or being productive themselves. But from 30,000 ft as you fly over in your Gulfstream you can’t see that. It’s all “what if” and “imagine what will happen when” to them.

        • Ukraine is being prepped to become israel 2.0
          It is no secret that most European jews HATE the middle east climate and culture, which despite European jewish incursion still has a distinct middle eastern culture, something that European jews loathe.
          The climate and topography of Ukraine is more amenable to jews than present-day israel. Not only that, their criminal base of operations will be much closer to their “markets”. From international prostitution, pedophilia and child abduction to organ harvesting and sales, to reams of criminal financial schemes and scams, Ukraine is ideally located to keep the jewish criminal rackets going which are closer to their European markets.
          Keep in mind that Christian Orthodox churches have been shuttered in Ukraine by the jews while not one synagogue was touched or closed. This is the same tactic that jewish bolsheviks did when they took over in Russia in 1917.
          Jews are using their European and American lackeys to support the war in Ukraine against Russia.
          The seeds of WW3 have been planted…

  21. ‘people who want to control how others think manipulate the meaning of words’ — eric

    This is the defining feature of The Feed — the stream of manipulated electronic disinformation that assaults us every waking hour: Facebook. The Lügenpresse. Cable Teevee. Clowngress.

    In this video, Eddie Bernays (or someone like him) schools Pol Pot on how to make a better pitch for genocide:

  22. from the comments section at a financial blog….

    As a young man back in 1980’s I lived in room and board houses. Was $300 to $450/mo and that included 2 meals per day. I was able to get by just fine despite we were in quite a severe recession back then. But government has legislated these room and board houses out of existence they do not exist any longer.

    Then later I lived in my car for 2 years this was the only way I could make my way through Marine Training Institute and get my marine qualifications. But government has made living in ones car illegal.

    Then I lived on a boat for a few years. But government has made living on a boat illegal in most places. For example you can no longer anchor out in some areas.

    Since 2008 have lived in an rv on our own acreage while we pay off debt and save to build a house. But government has made living in an RV illegal.””

    • A few years back I was getting some drone shots of the high river level during spring runoff. Along the river in the brush I spotted a very elaborate favela-like structure that included a few very old trailers, solar panels, construction materials and tarps. It was easily spotted from the air, but not from the street. I imagine several people were living there.

      There’s lots of open land around. No need to camp out on the sidewalks of Los Angles. If you hide well enough you could hang out for years without anyone noticing.

  23. Aaah yes, “we are all in this together”. Whether you want it or not, and at gun point, if necessary. Any wonder they are trying to fervently take our guns away?


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