One Down


The drug-pusher Trump had tapped to head the aptly named (in this case) Drug Enforcement Administration – has bowed out.

Four star “general” der polizei Chad Chronister was forced to withdraw just days after Trump publicly announced his elevation by a tsunami of outrage over it. Bad enough that there is even an “administration” (sounds so benign, doesn’t it?) devoted to the enforcement of drug laws that criminalize the free exchange among consenting adults of certain arbitrarily defined “drugs” – alcohol is not among them, nor caffeine. Worse – insufferable – was the prospect of this “administration” being headed by a vicious drug-pusher.

Mark the distinction.

Say what you will about people who buy, sell or take the various arbitrarily illegal drugs. In almost no case is anyone coerced to sell, buy or take these drugs. Is there a single case of a person being told he will be fired if he does not snort or smoke some coke? Who is forced inject Heroin into his veins?

Anyone? Bueller?

On the other hand, the arbitrarily legal drugs are pushed on people who want no part of them. Who are made to suffer consequences if they do not submit to taking them. Who are forced to finance their distribution via the “taxes” (as robbery done legally is styled) they’re forced to pay.

This Chronister was among the most aggressive pushers, too. The perfect choice to head up the DEA. But it won’t happen because – at last! – people aren’t rolling over for it. The upswell of outrage was immediate, vociferous and massive. It could not be ignored. Trump is a man who knows how to read a room – and he understood that Chronister had to go.

He must be made to understand that Janette Nesheiwat – his odious pick to be the next Surgeon General – must also go. She was either stupid enough to buy into the bullshit that “masks” prevent the spread of viruses – in which case she’s a quack and unqualified for the post on that basis – or she was a complicit poltroon, who went along with the regime of Sickness Kabuki because it seemed at the time to be the safe thing to do.

Either way, she is unacceptable. No one is acceptable who in any way bought or peddled or enforced the “COVID” bullshit, the reeking effects of which have yet to dissipate. One still sees “masked” people walking around – the result of three years of pushing and normalizing pathological hypochondria. Janette Nesheiwat is one of those responsible for this who has yet to apologize for any of it.

This cannot be tolerated. It cannot be allowed to pass. It cannot be forgiven. No mercy for these people – who extended none to us who refused to play along with the “COVID” Kabuki. Janette Nesheiwat would likely have gone along with forcing us to be “vaccinated” with the drugs that have killed thousands (possibly tens of thousands) and did not prevent a single person from getting or spreading the cold that was hystericized into a Black Death Event.

She must be Chronistered into oblivion, too. Every last one of them.

Never again – as the saying goes.

. . .

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  1. Hi All,

    WRT, the efficacy of voting in a corrupt system, that’s a tough nut to crack. On the one hand, people who speak of voting as an ideological purity test can never accomplish anything other than the assertion of ideological purity. On the other hand, it’s easy to get frustrated when the lunatics like Trump shit on their supporters so visibly. It’s reminiscent to me of the Libertarian Party in the 21st century. When the Mises Caucus took over, there was some hope, but when they selected Chase Oliver as their candidate, they cemented their irrelevance for the foreseeable future. As an aside, I was active in the LP from the early 70s when they actually had some momentum with people like John Hospers, Ed Clark, Harry Browne and Ron Paul.

    My observation is that Trump’s election was a giant fuck you to the collectivist elements in power in the blob. The implications are enormous that we are witnessing a sea change in the viability of things like cancel culture, LBGQTeieioh dogma, violence against ordinary people etc. Now, Trump will ignore this at his own peril.

    Trumps foreign policy picks so far have been totally toxic, but putting Vivek, Jay Bhattacharya, RFK Jr., even Elon Musk, et al in positions where they can have positive effects amounts to a sea change. You can tell how important this trend is by the reaction to the entrenched, corrupt elites who currently hold power in the feral government and their sycophants. Especially Jay Bhattacharya and RFK, Jr. were absolutely brilliant on the Covid fiasco.

    Trump’s foreign policy picks are about to run into the fact that the BRICS nations now command probably 80% of the world’s economic power and Russia in particular has military dominance over the West. We can all be thankful that Putin has put a leash on the most militaristic impulses interior to Russian power structures. But Trump is going to learn rather quickly that the West can no longer afford to bully the rest of the world into compliance.

    Finally, to possibly avoid TL;DNR syndrome, if Trump truly fucks over the population that put him into the drivers seat, he will be gone and the so called Republicans will become as irrelevant as the Democrats. From the view of historical patterns, we are witnessing the fall of an empire and its leaders can choose to go down hard or make the landing as easy as possible…..I suspect we in the “West” are about to have an experience similar to what the Russians went through in the 90s. But we are tough and we will survive too. Oh, and Merry Christmas my brothers and sisters….

    • I’m willing to give him some rope in the foreign policy department. It’s something he’s an active part of, not set and forget / farming out. Good ol’ Alex Jones totally approves Kieth Kellogg again as envoy to Ukraine / Russia negotiations.

      That story he told on stage about John Bolton and his stupid mustache, and the only reason he picked that neo-con was purposefully to antagonize the opposition at the negotiating table was priceless.

  2. Oh Happy Day. We Learn to Fight and Pray.

    The Surgeon General pick is arguably more alarming. But people like drugs.

    The real drug problems are nothing immigration and a few task forces can’t fix. Take down the gangs in Philly(?) shooting each other selling Tranq, and the open air drug markets.

    Drug enforcement usually means one thing – higher prices for illicit drugs. With pot off the list in most states, it’s of little consequence.

    What’s of growing consequence is the Surgeon General pick – the Female Fauci. There may not be time to do a double-take.

    Saw this the other day,

    Peter Hotez having a candid conversation on MSNBC, just as Bill Gates and others have been saying.

    I’ll translate the doublespeak:

    -We’ve already tested the waters, mission still go for PCR testing the F*CK out of everything from you to milk and say there’s a bird flu epidemic.

    -We will manufacture initial human-to-human transmission, until our shot rolls out shedding.

    -We will say it’s bat soup or something equally retarded and get your 15th booster.

    -We’ve also got all of Bill Gates’ engineered mosquito borne viruses.

    -We’ve also got all of Bill Gates’ vaccines which could cause problems. But we’ll tow the line about how good vaccines are at the same time, like parallel gaslighting.

    -Gee, we have a lot of viruses in store.

    -Btw, it’s gonna happen January 21st, 2025!

    We can’t tolerate Janette Nesheiwat, she has to go as well. This can’t be on the back burner any more. Their intentions are clear from the chatter, with all the goings on moving against the Biden admin for human/sex trafficking, that they’re not going to do subtle. What’s been pre-programmed is going online day one with regards to fake pandemics.

  3. One Up

    ‘House Republicans will have zero room for error in the 119th Congress — literally.

    ‘Rep. John Duarte (R) conceded to Democrat Adam Gray in California’s 13th Congressional District Tuesday night — the final uncalled House race of the 2024 cycle — solidifying the GOP’s 220-215 majority in the lower chamber.

    ‘With former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) resigning, Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) set to resign on Jan. 20 to become national security adviser, and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) expected to leave the chamber to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, the GOP majority will shrink to 217-215 early next year.

    ‘That leaves a zero-vote margin for the Republican conference on party-line votes, assuming full attendance.’

    HA HA HA … stupid RINOs.

    It’s the end of their world as we knew it — and I feel fine. 🙂

  4. Bend over, here it comes again:

    ‘White House officials are carefully weighing the extraordinary step of handing out blanket pardons to those currently in office, elected and appointed, as well as former officials who’ve angered Trump and his loyalists.

    ‘[They include] Senator-elect Adam Schiff, former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, and Anthony Fauci, former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

    ‘The West Wing deliberations have been organized by White House counsel (((Ed Siskel))) but include a range of other aides, including chief of staff (((Jeff Zients))).’

    It’s just the normal noises in here.‘ — recording studio chatter captured on a Tom Petty album

  5. Today’s headlines something about Frog nation France is in session and getting a no confidence vote and Macron gov’t collapsing, taxi cab drivers blocking roads in Paris … and socialist France credit rating going into the toilet.

    Yes Virginia, that pesky sovereign credit rating is a problem for all these gov’ts which spend and spend and spend, then tax and tax and tax trying to cover their overspending. Well eventually the creditors take notice and start wondering about your ability to pay – especially when the whole nation is protesting WEF climate garbage and farmland scuttling.

    Was is sane to overspend?
    Is is sane to shut down farming over climate hoax?
    Is is sane that Germany ends coal and nuclear power, then goes along with Biden who blew up Nordstream – the gas pipeline that is Germany’s only real salvation to their insane climate agenda?
    Is it sane to fund Ukraine when your own nation is running deficits?

    Is it sane to wage war with Russia? Over what? Ukraine NATO membership.

    People like Ursula von der Lying is batshit insane, not to mention an arrogant know nothing big mouthed aristocrat moron.

    In related news Elon says the USA gov’t is bankrupt and everyone needs to be fired. No shit Sherlock.

    The point I am making is how nations go bankrupt – slowly – then out of the blue some black swan circles overhead and everyone realizes, oh yeah the gov’t that is 36 trillion in debt and thus is bankrupt. That is coming to the USA, sudden out of the blue bankruptcy and economic depression.

    BRICS is one less brick in the wall to US hegemony. Soon every nation will switch to the new BRICS system leaving the USA out in the cold, unable to fund itself by coercion.

    • “…how nations go bankrupt – slowly – then out of the blue some black swan circles overhead and everyone realizes, oh yeah the gov’t that is 36 trillion in debt and thus is bankrupt.”

      This is why the politicians so love the ‘Modern Monetary Theory’ – otherwise known as ‘Magic Money Tree’.

      That theory, pushed by ‘experts’ who are all academics and therefore very smart (/s) says that a government that can create its own currency can never go bankrupt, because it can always print enough to cover its nominal debts.

      Which is of course true. You will get your Social Security payment that was promised to you all those years ago. The fact it won’t buy you even a single loaf of bread thanks to printing-induced inflation is not the government’s concern, because that was never promised in the first place.

      France has the problem that it’s part of the EU, so it can’t print the euro – something it used to do all the time while it used its own frank.

      But the EU cannot let a country as big and systemically important go broke. So they will print also, because that’s the only thing the central bankers know how to do.

      And when one large political block expands its money supply, they all do. It’s called ‘competitive devaluation’. Also known as ‘beggar yourself to prosperity’.

      The end of this story is obvious, global-reaching, and not too far away now.

      • Yep. So France can not just print money to get out of the mess it got itself in by wasting so much on Ukraine. Macron who wants to send the French army into Ukraine, needs to go to the guilotine for treason – acting in the interest of Rothchild.

        Ukraine has been destroyed, and France is the first causality. More to follow, like Germany next.

  6. Eric,
    I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. You act as though you really believe that people like Trump are anything but thugs; as if they have good intentions and are just misguided; and that somehow this tyrannical system can somehow be reformed if the lead actor just picks better people. As if Trump and his minions aren’t there to preside over a predetermined agenda.
    It just seems out of character, coming from someone who writes such wonderful Libertarian articles, and who obviously knows what’s going on. Why even waste space here on the show these cretins put on for us, when we know that no matter who occupies those offices, the same outcome is inevitable, because such is the very purpose for the existence of said offices, and we’re to the point now where the citizenry support this tyranny and even demand it.
    The only way to combat that ideology is to continue to expose government for what it is, and not to hold out hope to people that the system can be somewhat reformed (Which will just keep them participating in it). The former helps those who care or who may be on the cusp, to more carefully consider, and to adopt a truly Libertarian viewpoint and lifestyle, while the latter only keeps them mired in false hope, while willingly participating in the very thing they should be fighting.

    • Hi Arthur,

      “The only way to combat that ideology is to continue to expose government for what it is.”

      Does Eric not do that?

      This website was one of the very few on the worldwide web that called out the complete BS of COVID. It was a sanctuary for a few hundred of us where other sites were censored, silenced, and suppressed. I think Eric has done a tremendous job exposing not only government, but big business, as well.

      To all of us that voted we did so not because we believe that the system cares about us, but for own self interest. It is the reason that anybody votes. I understand that you don’t vote. I stand behind your decision 100%. Why can’t you accept ours?

      • Thanks for the kind words, RG!

        I also want to let everyone here know how much our band of brothers (and sisters) means to me. Knowing there were other sane and reasonable people out there during the “pandemic” helped me get through it without becoming a mumbling schizoid myself.

      • “Why can’t you accept ours?”

        By voting, you are willingly participating in the process that enslaves me. You are not only voting for your ruler, you are voting for mine. I would never consider doing that to you.

        • Ultimately, we just have to keep calling these people prancing around on the world stage out and continue in our endeavors to enlighten the people around us.

        • Oh wow, Philo, I never took you for a collectivist. Learn something new everyday.

          So my own self interest must be put aside for the greater good of the group or another human being? Is that what you are insinuating?

          If that is the case then I hope your children did not attend public school, because our tax dollars went up to support them. I also hope you never filed a claim on your auto or home insurance because our premiums increased due to your recklessness. I hope you have never gotten sick and used your health insurance because it increases costs for everyone across the board. Have far down this rabbit hole would you like to go?

          I am not responsible for how you live your life as you are not responsible for how I live mine.

          We can drill this down to which one of us got the last pack of diapers or the last coffee before the store ran out of beans. Each of us vote everyday of our lives. It may not be checking a box on a ballot, but by just rolling out of bed we are participating in life. That participation affects those around us whether we like it or not.

          The question then becomes who decides which, if any, individual has the right to live their life as they please. Is one’s self interest more important than the others?

          • I think I struck a nerve. Like the lady I honked at for cutting me off in traffic this morning. She flipped me off because I had the gall to bring to light the error of her ways.

            In your heated response, you made some assumptions about me and the intent of my response. It was admittedly short and harsh. I’m usually at work and busy when I make these comments, and I don’t always have time to hash out a lengthy reply.

            I’m an unabashed freedom absolutist. Freedom for me and you. Although, if I see a friend about to make a devastatingly horrid mistake that would compromise her principles to a degree that might damn her soul to eternal hell, I might put forth an effort to dissuade her in her decision. You are of course free to flip me off in response. Tell me that I probably do things that compromise my principles at times too. You’d be correct. I’m human.

            But I’d never participate in a process that installs a psychopath to rule over us. And I hate to see libertarians do so and I always try to speak out against it, sometimes more successfully than others.

            • The problem is that a psychopath will necessarily be installed to rule over us whether we vote or note. I suspect the reason most of us here vote is defensive. The hope is that the lessor of the psychopaths is the one who gets installed.

              • The error is assuming that voting for a particular someone will solve all our problems. When in reality, no matter who one votes for (and in all sincerity in hoping things would change for the better), in the end, they are all the same (D’s and R’s). Both sides just have to fool stupid people into believing that voting for one party or the other actually made a difference.

      • Hi Raider Girl,
        “Does Eric not do that? “.

        He CERTAINLY does, and masterfully so! It’s just that that effort becomes diluted with so much harping on statist politics. I often send links of Eric’s articles to friends and relatives, and some have of course become fans of this site, but it seems as though lately they are getting the wrong message, e.g. instead of being shown that government is the problem, and no matter how it is ‘reformed’ it will only tend to more tyranny, -they are increasingly getting a message that if we just vote harder and choose the right candidates….
        The people I’ve referred to this site and who now like and read it regularly, are all Trump supporters, and are not really getting the Libertarian message. I’m relating this just to show the effect that support of statist politics has.on the average person, and how it detracts from the great Libertarian message Eric stands for.

        “To all of us that voted we did so not because we believe that the system cares about us, but for own self interest.”

        If you believe that voting effects your personal interests, you therefore believe the things that the candidates say are sincere, and that democracy is legit. Acting in a manner which is best for our own interests is fine when we do it ourselves or with the cooperation of those who voluntarily interact with us. Our own interests don’t require a majority, or someone enabled by a majority; nor does it involve lending legitimacy and authority by endowing certain other mortals with rights and privileges which we nor our neighbors have.
        This is no different than a welfare recipient voting for those who would continue or expand their welfare benefits. By participating in this, and stating what you did above, you are also agreeing to accept the legitimacy of all things which aren’t in your best interest, when “the other side” wins, or when “your guy” doesn’t do what you expect. (The irony of you referring to Philo as a collectivist!)
        Your post illustrates exactly what I was calling out: That by supporting statist politics and politicians, we become statists, and thus a part of the problem.
        When statists can come here and feel comfortable (as long as “their candidate” is at least somewhat supported) rather than either becoming uncomfortable (by being convicted of the unpleasant truth) or coming to adopt a Libertarian mindset, then I would say that the support of statist politics is destroying much of the good that all of Eric’s other efforts do. I just hope that Eric realizes that, because this site is one of the last bastions of hope, reality, and liberty left on the entire web.

    • Hi Arthur,

      Not so! I am sorry I have not been more clear. I prefer the better over the worse – which I believed Trump was and may still be. I understand he’s a thug, too. But maybe more like a Franco than a Stalin. Obviously, I’d prefer no thugs at all. But this is the choice we have, eh?

      • Hi Eric,
        I don’t mean to harangue you, as you should knowthat I LOVE what you do here, and am grateful for this site. And even if you vote, that’s your business and doesn’t matter either way.
        But that you still seem to think that we have a choice (in at least as far as voting is concerned). That you actually think any politician means what they say when the cameras are on, and that they will do anything other than what their bosses and big donors desire them to do……that is the problem, as it just perpetuates the idea that the problem of government can be solved via government; that we can “work within the system to reform the system” (and just by casting a vote, no less). This is antithetical to the Libertarian message. This is how The Libertarian Party became the joke that it now is.

        I think Raider Girl’s post, above, will do more to make you realize what I am trying to illustrate, than anything I could say.

  7. The Trump disaster continues to unfold.

    When I was a little bitty baby in dem ole cotton fields in Arizona, you can pick a lot of cotton in Arizona. Giant bales of cotton out in the cotton fields, you know.

    Pecan groves and pistachio groves in Southern Arizona.

    Vineyards, and yes, cotton fields too. Cattle are everywhere you go. Orange groves up in Mesa, grapefruit trees galore.

    75 degrees above in the desert in November is a place to be.

    Arizona is a diamond in the rough, don’t tell anybody, it’ll be too crowded, nobody will go there anymore.

    The snowbirds are there in droves these days.

    Plenty of room out in the boonies, that’s for sure.

    You can get away from it all, that is how it is moving west.

    • I agree that Arizona is really the place to be, Drumphish.

      All that you said, there. The cattle, cotton, citrus, copper and climate are all still here.

      I’m here out in the boonies, and the cattle roam all around me. 70 degrees right now. Just a beautiful time and place.

    • All of what you said, And……Two million or more gun owners that haven’t aged out. Maybe a couple million more that have, along with ‘carry how ever you feel.’ And just so you know, its already way to damned crowded. Way less citrus than before, but way more pecans, vineyards, cattle, and herbs as a trade off.

      I can remember how cool it was living here when there was less than a million people statewide. I know that sounds like something a boomer would say, but trust me, it wasn’t that long ago.

      An armed society is a polite society takes on new meaning in the Grand Canyon state. Except the little blue cess pits of Phoenix and Tucson, its still a pretty nice place to call home. Now if we can get rid of the odds and ends from California and bring some justice to Cheatnsteal inc, we could go back to being the freest state in the union

    • ‘Cattle are everywhere you go.’ — drumphish

      Including on very marginal, low productivity grazing leases in Arizona’s mountains.

      The Forest Service is obliged under decades-old legislation to cater to the cattle industry, even in places where it is economically nonviable.

      A retired firefighter in this area asserts that cattle grazing changed Arizona from a grassland state to a chaparral state around 1970, as cattle herds devoured and destroyed the grasslands.

      As a member and volunteer of the Arizona Trail Association, I deplore bovines trashing places of natural beauty where cattle are a value-subtracting use of public land.

      We are building a new trail this month. Why do frickin’ cows get to shit here?

  8. Just so everyone knows, Trump is also a Chabad gangster.

    “Like Putin and Netanyahu, Trump is a member of the Jewish supremacist cult Chabad. Trump confirmed this by attending a service at the Chabad leader’s grave on Oct 7, 2024 to commemorate the false flag attack on an Israeli Kibbutz where the IDF killed at least half of the Israelis fleeing. These Chabad puppets — Freemasons all — have promised to start another world war to destroy the old Christian Order and prepare for the return of the Jewish AntiChrist.

    What could Trump do to the Palestinians that the Israelis haven’t already done?
    Trump threatens: ‘If hostages aren’t free by Jan. 20, there will be hell to pay’”

    PhD Henry Makow grew up Jewish (now claims to be Christian) and is a freedom writer up north in Canuckistan.

    It never dawns on anyone that Putin, Biden, Turdeau, and Trump work for the same puppet masters.

  9. Further proof that all these nominations are just Fake and Gay.

    Ya’ all realize Linda McMahon (of WWE wrestling fame) is co-chair of the Trump transition team. . . . Right? You know Trump was part of the WWE show . . . Right?

    It’s so painful to see this country getting played like a bunch of WWE fans that are convinced that the show is real.


    The US House of Representatives “COVID Committee” has released its Final Report (527 Pages) and it’s now official: The “Conspiracy Theorists” were all right and everyone else was wrong.

    The Official Report outlines what so many of us TRIED to tell all of you. But YOU thought YOU knew better. YOU thought you were oh-so-much-smarter than us. YOU mocked us, smeared us, vilified us as we employed common sense and you acted like emotional screaming-meemies . . . petrified of something that was no worse than a seasonal flu.

    Then, when that phony mRNA “vaccine” came out, you rushed in-line to get yours. Once you did, YOU then demanded the rest of us be as foolish as you. When those of us who actually THINK, refused to take this gene-therapy masquerading as a “vaccine” YOU vilified us; said we should be rounded-up and quarantined.

    Those of you who own companies and run corporations decided to act like tyrannical douchebags and arrogantly DEMANDED everyone get the phony vaccine or else be fired! When the vaccine made your employees sick, you chalked it up to “normal.” When the vaccine caused some of your employees to DIE, you denied their death had anything to do with what YOU demanded they take. When it came time to be accountable for what you did, you company owners and Boards of Directors ran from it like the cowards you actually are!

    So many bigshot corporate executives ran and hid like scared little girls – because you started to realize it was YOUR FAULT that so many employees were getting sick and dying, and you didn’t want the blame for what you did. You wanted the power to tell people what to do with their own bodies, just not the responsibility when it turned out badly.

    Did it ever occur to __any__ of you that maybe YOU were wrong? …. continues

    • I remember and will never forget when my douche ex-employer required the death shots. I asked useless HR who would pay for my disability or death from the shots. HR said “duh, I dunno, duh.” I told them to fuck off and quit the next day.

      I’ve never been healthier now. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It was the BEST decision I ever made.

  11. [No one is acceptable who in any way bought or peddled or enforced the “COVID” bullshit, the reeking effects of which have yet to dissipate.]

    Except the father of the beautiful vaxxine…..

    • This is encouraging. Backlash coming from the sane majority of society really does have an effect.

      The dark days of 2020 demonstrated Burke’s words that “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Lesson learned!!!

  12. Another one about to bite the dust:

    Trump’s Support for Hegseth Teeters

    ‘Pete Hegseth, President-elect Trump’s choice for defense secretary, will meet with senators and appear on television as accusations of past misconduct threaten his nomination. Mr. Trump is said to be discussing other people for the job, including Gov. Ron DeSantis.’ — NY Slimes

    Hegseth in his own damning words:

    “We Christians – alongside our Jewish friends and their remarkable army in Israel – need to pick up the sword of unapologetic Americanism and defend ourselves.”

    “For us as American crusaders, Israel embodies the soul of our American crusade – the ‘why’ to our ‘what’.”

    “Faith, family, freedom, and free enterprise; if you love those, learn to love the state of Israel. And then find an arena in which to fight for her.”

    Screw your worthless ‘crusade’ for the parasitic little apartheid colony. Traitor begone.

  13. I don’t know who selects Trump appointees but this Scott Bessent needs to get kicked out.

    “Trump selected billionaire investor Scott Bessent to lead the Treasury Department on Friday as the former president continues to call for an increase in tariffs and major shifts in the country’s global trade operations”

    Bessent has ties to the Democratic Party and donated to the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore, who he hosted a fundraiser for in the 2000s.

    “Before founding his own firm, Bessent worked for billionaire George Soros as his chief investment officer for over a decade. Soros, one of the most high profile Democratic donors, has drawn the ire of Trump and his allies over the years, with some Republicans suggesting he funded college campus protests against the Israel-Gaza war earlier this year.
    Soros is a strong advocate for Democratic causes including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Planned Parenthood and the Brennan Center according to the National Interest”

    WOW WTF. I wonder when he will select Ivanka and Jared to some important posts. Maybe after the inauguration.

    I voted for him three times. Even when he chickened out for his appearance at his rally at UIC back in 2015. Somebody scared him! We don’t have much of a choice here in the USSofA. Left boot right boot we are the peasants in the middle. That being said we are still one of the fattest richest countries in the world.

    • I like Besset’s position on tariffs. I have heard that his personal life is unconventional to say the least. Kind of like a Buttigig. But in this day and age, who’s isn’t? I know, who cares, right?

      • Hi swamp,

        I don’t care about Bessent’s personal life. I do care about his ties to Soros. They scare the hell out of me. I realize this country has moved much further Left than anybody is talking about. The incoming Administration is made up of entirely moderate Democrats. Before, 2000 not a damn one of them was a conservative, libertarian, Constitutionalist, or hell, even Republican. The Asses have veered so far left that moderate Dems are now acceptable as “right wing conservatives”.

        The only reason I haven’t thrown myself off the deck is that they are (mostly) made up of business people who detest bloated government (taxes, regulations, etc.) as much as I do. They need to slice and dice entire departments, go after the fraud, and leave the private sector alone. Also, get rid of those stupid BOI requirements. Going after 32 million small businesses for money laundering?!?! It is preposterous.

        • RG, I have to disagree with your premise.

          “business people who detest bloated government (taxes, regulations, etc.)”

          Most large business and business people do not detest these things.

          Business doesn’t pay tax. All tax costs are passed along to the consumer in one way or another.

          Regulations are lobbied for by the business as a way to profit (via grift) or to keep competitors out of the market (licensing comes to mind).

          Prior to ESC being forced into vehicles via regulation, you had the suppliers of ESC (Continental, Bosch, TRW) lobbying government to require it as standard equipment. It has been no different with back up cameras or the upcoming standardization of Automatic Emergency Braking (2029).

          • Hi BID,

            Literally, one hour ago the state just showed up at my business’s door (unannounced). They were here for an audit of my company. I received no letter, no phone call, nada. I would not let them in. I am still shaking.

            Why show up unannounced to a small accounting firm? For customer files, of course. It was the reason I would not let them in. I had files across the conference room, across my desk, and in the front foyer that I had not finished filing.

            Am I worried about not passing the audit? No. I am a freaking accountant. My paper trails go on forever. I am terrified though, because the objective seems to be taking out small business in this country bit by bit.

            There are not enough large companies to be able to supply, manufacture, and service what this country needs. If the government wishes to erode small business this country will collapse quickly and communism will be the only order of the day.

            • Jesus, RG –

              This is appalling news. How did it end? What is their authority? Who were they? Can they just show up like this and demand to paw through your records without a warrant or even probable cause? Let me know whether there’s anything I can do to help.

              • Hi Eric,

                They tried. I thought it was the Staples delivery driver since I was expecting office supplies to be delivered today in preparation of tax season.

                I cracked the door open. When he said he was here for an audit I about keeled over. I honestly thought it was on behalf of a client. When he said my business’s name the look on my face was one of shock. I asked what report were they missing. He said no reports were missing, just that they were here for an audit. I told him I received no letter and that was not a lie. I received no letter, no phone call, nothing.

                I requested a copy of the letter that they sent. He said he would have to come in to show me the letter. I said that isn’t going to happen. He did produce the letter for me. I know the agency. I actually have dealt with the auditor (via phone) on behalf of a few of my clients over the years. He did leave his card and stated we would need to reschedule. I expect a phone call later, but we are meeting on my terms.

                These state audits are familiar. My business has never had one, but I have had to participate on behalf of clients. I have never had one show up unannounced. This is new or my mail carrier sucks.

                There will be no pawing through my records. I requested a copy of the letter so I can have the paperwork ready.

                It just caught me off guard. I don’t like being caught off guard.

                • Stand strong, RG.

                  Step one, determine the scope of their authority (if any) to conduct this audit, as well as the full scope of your procedural rights.

                  You might consider hiring an lawyer to act as an intermediary so you do not have direct interaction with them. They are not there in good faith. They are there to mulct (and perhaps prosecute) you and would likely use anything you say against you.

                  That they showed up in person and unannounced was an attempt to intimidate you. As smart and capable as you are, it is often very challenging to handle something like this on your own.

                  • Hi ML,

                    You make excellent points. Should I have another accounting firm come in to represent me? Probably. I will consider it.

                    This is a standard business audit with the state unemployment commission so unfortunately, there is no way out of it. I have represented many clients over the years in reference to these same audits. The scope is limited to a certain year, certain paperwork, etc. basically payroll and subcontractors. Since I don’t use subs my payroll is what is under audit.

                    The auditor did send over the paperwork to me around lunchtime today. Nothing crazy or out of the norm. I just did not like the unannounced visit. That is how a business gets in trouble.

                    I recently had a business that I purchase from (but I do not represent) have a surprise visit from OSHA. He is a service business with a small warehouse behind his home. The owner of the business didn’t want to look like he was hiding anything so he let the floor inspector in. What happened? $70,000 in fines. His business is now bordering on bankruptcy because most small businesses do not have that kind of money laying around.

                    The federal, state, and local governments are making it excruciating to create and maintain a small business. From 2013-2023 only 34% of businesses have succeeded. I don’t think the state and local counties realize it is small business and individuals that create their tax base. Big business (Amazon, Walmart, etc.) are brought in under tax subsidies and credits.

            • RG – you are a trooper

              You are my hero for not letting them in.

              As you stated, the government has an agenda and it is evil.

              I wish I had something to ease your mind or a way to protect you from what you just experienced. Words fail me.

              • Hi BID,

                As I stated to Eric above it caught me by surprise. I am expecting reams of paper and some printer ink and I am handed an audit letter which is the first time I am seeing it.

                I don’t like the audit, but I am not concerned about not passing it. My records are immaculate. I was concerned about the privacy of my clients though and not being prepared.

                I don’t like surprised visits.

    • ‘Doin’ right ain’t got no end.’ — Mister Liberty

      Unsatisified with hounding 97-year-old Ursula Haverbeck to her grave last month, the quisling regime of occupied Germany doubles down on its egregious elder abuse:

      ‘German courts have opened the way for a 100-year-old alleged former concentration camp guard to stand trial, overturning an earlier lower court’s decision that he was unfit to do so.

      ‘The suspect, identified as Gregor Formanek in the German media, was charged last year with complicity in the murder of more than 3,300 people while working in an SS guard battalion at the Sachsenhausen death camp during World War II.

      ‘Frankfurt Attorney General Torsten Kunze welcomed the move, stressing the trial could be one of the last of its kind, underscoring its historical importance, German daily Frankfurter Rundschau wrote on Tuesday.’ — RT

      • Hi Jim,

        Would you have a problem if the USSA did this to Fauci? He is almost 84 years of age. I am sorry, but evil is evil. I don’t care that they can’t stand trial. If they were found to have tortured people…hang’em high.

        • RG,

          Not trying to pick on you but as Americans we are all guilty of torture. Sure we may not have personally done it but our government has tortured in our name. We (the citizens of USSA) tolerated it as the war on terror ramped up. We did not stop it. Those that performed the torture directly, authorized it, and/or defend the practice, have not been prosecuted for it to this very day.

          We (the USSA) continue to support killing via proxy (Ukraine and Gaza).

          The spoils and “justice” go the victors that write history and the laws.

          Someday when you and I are 100 we may find ourselves being ruled by a new set of masters that prosecutes us for having tortured others or for having failed to reign in the regime we live under that condones the torture.

          Bottom line: be careful what you wish for, the sword cuts both ways.

          • Hi BID,

            What our government does we have no control of on a personal level. There is a big difference between individual participation and torture by one’s government.

            If the gentleman was just a security guard and he did not torture people leave him be, but if he did torture, maim, kill, his age is irrelevant to me. Personal accountability is just that. There should not be a technicality because it happened eighty years ago. Did people suffer from what he did to them? If yes, my position still stands.

          • It doesnt feel good knowing billions of humans would celebrate complete removal of this planets psychopathic dynamic duo.

            We need to remove this government and turn israhell into a prison for psychopaths before the majority crush us like rotten roach because we support this vile government.

            There plain n simple.

        • Amen, RG –

          Even if Fauci is literally in hospice and has mere weeks to live, I’d be happy to drag the bastard by the heels out of his sick bed and put him in the dock to stand trail for his crimes. So that he can feel some of what he did to so many others.

      • Despicable. This old man was 18 or 19 years old in ’44-’45. A kid. Maybe he did some bad things, but he was a bit player in a position with minimal authority. Basically a security guard. Fauci, on the other hand, is a mature man who wielded authority over hundreds of millions. If he is not brought to justice for what he did three years ago while a 100 year old man is, for what he did 80 years ago, then there is no justice.

        • So if the then nineteen year old offed a few three year olds or a few grandmas he should be left alone because he is now old? Please give me the come to Jesus speech. I am not seeing the comparison. If I run out and kill about thirty people, but government doesn’t come after me until I am seventy-five, because it happened thirty years ago I should be excused? Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby should be released from jail because they are old, right? They are no longer a threat. They just raped and drugged a few women. What exactly is the minimum and maximum ages to allow us to let people off the hook?

          • I hear you, RG – and agree.

            My point is the disparate “justice.” I have no idea what this old man did 80 years ago. But I know exactly what Fauci did, just three years ago.

            • Hi Eric,

              I agree with you that Fauci should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and then he should be handed over to the victims families.

        • It’s jewish retribution that is responsible for supposed “Nazi supporters” being prosecuted for non-existent “war crimes”.
          The U. S. government used to have a taxpayer-funded federal agency named the “Office of Special Investigation” which was jew-run whose sole purpose was to root out an prosecute supposed “Nazis”.
          Jews are so vindictive and mentally ill that they will go to the ends of the earth to destroy anyone who has even a smidgen of self-worth left who KNOWS what jews are all about.
          Eichmann was illegally kidnapped, brought to israel and put on trial despite no evidence of any “war crimes” being committed.
          Nazism was never a problem. Judaism IS a problem.
          All the USA has to do is to declare zionism and judaism to be foreign political systems, which removes all Constitutional protections from all adherents and acolytes of judaism.
          Jews are still able to practice their “quasi-religion” but are required to register as “agents of a foreign government” with the U. S. State Department on an annual basis.
          –All synagogues and foreign lobbying organizations (AIPAC, ADL, HIAS, etc.) lose their tax-exempt status and are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government” on an annual basis as well.
          –All holocaust museums (jewish freak shows Hollywood productions) lose their tax exempt status and face prosecution and are shut down for fraud.
          –One holocaust museum is allowed to remain open with explanations on the massive fraud that jews have perpetrated against the world.
          –Prohibit dual citizenship across the board. Citizens of the USA are prohibited from holding dual citizenship.
          –All jewish politicians are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government”.
          –All American politicians who hold dual citizenship are prohibited from serving in any public service function.
          –Deport any person from USA who serves in any foreign country’s military service.
          –Genocide trials for all American citizens serving in israel’s military–no exceptions.
          –Genocide trials for all American public officials who approved sending American weapons to israel.

  14. Yes! Excellent observation:

    “Say what you will about people who buy, sell or take the various arbitrarily illegal drugs. In almost no case is anyone coerced to sell, buy or take these drugs. Is there a single case of a person being told he will be fired if he does not snort or smoke some coke? Who is forced inject Heroin into his veins?” -EP

  15. Good news as both appointments are of concern, especially since Trump has not backed away from the covid vaccines he still claims they have saved millions of lives. Is it just due to an inability to admit he is ever wrong or something more sinister?

    • Same. The rare time I had the radio on in the car, I heard that piece of news. We cannot make it easy for the Trumpster. He likes to play 3D chess against us all the time.


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