Monkey Paw


I dislike posting these appeals, even though it gives me an opportunity to thank everyone who has already helped  me to keep the wheels turning at EPautos by donating to support the site. The reason I’m posting this one is it’s getting close to the time of year that I have to pony up for the renewal of web hosting and related services for the coming year. This includes the tech support that is a must-have due to recurrent “bot” attacks and related things that would otherwise gimp the site (or worse).

Anyhow, that’s why I’m posting this. And also to wish Merry Christmas to everyone and their families. I have gotten to know many of you and consider you friends, even though I’ve not met most of you yet. I hope that can be rectified! I have had this idea of an EPautos Fest (or some such) at my place here in SW Va knocking around in my head for years. It could be a big campout with bonfire in the back field. Hoping we can get that done in 2025!

Meanwhile, thanks to all of you for what you’d done to enable me to do what I do. I deeply appreciate it and am honored by it.

Yours in Liberty!


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If you like what you’ve found here please consider supporting EPautos. 

We depend on you to keep the wheels turning! 

Our donate button is here.

 If you prefer not to use PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

PS: Get an EPautos magnet or sticker or coaster in return for a $20 or more one-time donation or a $10 or more monthly recurring donation. (Please be sure to tell us you want a magnet or sticker or coaster – and also, provide an address, so we know where to mail the thing!)

If you like items like the Baaaaaa! baseball cap pictured below, you can find that and more at the EPautos store!



  1. OK EP…I’ll bite……

    This site is going full-on Samizdat…

    Since all you young whipper snappers are way quicker on the trigger than yours truly, comment wise…..

    I’ll relate a wild “monkey paw” story actually experienced
    at Kruger NP, SA circa July 2017…….

    At the Sand River encampment …. a shitload of Vervet Monkeys suddenly appear out nowhere…..

    Cute initially … the “troop”…..started raiding stuff on my
    “back porch” (a semi rigid tent structure)…..and raising “monkey business” elsewhere…

    Stealing several cigars and scattering all the wooden matches on the porch ……strangely, they avoided my open beer.. (obviously the Muslim/Amish subspecies)…..

    Well, the Rezidant and required Game Warden….

    Saved the day by gunning down the “gangsta” head simian

    With a .22LR mag round ……the remaining troop fled the field
    and we all lived to Safari the following day!…..

    Wow! Talk about “Getting a Monkey off your back”…

    • Oh crap….

      I forgot to check the correct address for donations…..
      Bro, I’ll put on my reading glasses and get the correct RFD…

      I have..

      426 Roadrunner Lane
      North by Northwestern (Hemi-Sphere)
      Coppertone SPF25
      Planet Earth….?

      • Oh yeah ,

        you have to get more Masculine shit than that…..
        clover shmover do not enter crap red stripe!……..

        As a Samizdat acolyte, here are some REAL MEN…
        Bumper stickers….

        -Critical Thinking… The Other National Deficit

        -An analog counter midway rotating the last letter from Iraq…to Iran…(asskick contemporary boyo)

        Just a thought…..

        Your donation is in the mail….Honest Injin…..
        Last of the Mohicans……

  2. I’m an 18 hour drive away from you and I don’t fly since the TSA became a thing. Maybe a road trip would be doable… would be fun. The wife and I haven’t been to VA since we were dating 30 something years ago.

  3. I really shouldn’t, as I don’t have a pot to piss in, but as I promised there will be a Christmas card headed your way soon in exchange for a car magnet / coaster. Hopefully that helps, Cheers!

  4. Eric, I would be happy to send you a donation.

    But…I am currently resident outside of USA and do not have a US-domiciled bank account.

    I will NOT use PayPal because…just look up their past behavior and their politics. ’nuff said.

    You have made it clear that you do not trust crypto-currencies. However, leaving aside the fact the likes of PayPal are also a fully digital service, if you were to overcome your distaste and set up a wallet, on a desktop PC or perhaps just on your cell phone, you could:

    – Receive donations from anywhere in the world, from donors who prefer to stay totally anonymous,

    – Not ever be de-banked and/or have your funds frozen – something that’s been happening more and more often, with PayPal being a prominent offender.

    – Not support leftist outlets that stand against everything you believe in – like PayPal, or Google.

    If you were to accept just Bitcoin payments, these are easily convertible to government fiat dollars, if you so wish. Same with Litecoin, which costs literally just cents in network fees to send any amount anywhere.

    If you sign up with a regulated exchange, which is really no different to opening an ordinary bank account, you can even bypass having your own wallet and have your donations sent directly there and then forwarded to you in USD. But that way you have to trust the exchange, unless you sweep out any amounts as soon as they arrive there.

    It is also entirely viable to bypass the exchanges altogether and sell your Bitcoin from your own wallet to private parties for USD cash. Check out hodlhodl dot com. There are others.

    You often say you like to rebel against government – and corporate – overreach. Here’s another way to do just that. Eff the legacy banking system, with a rusty saw at that.

    No doubt plenty of people here will continue to be skeptical, but that’s no reason to be a Luddite and forego the benefits of modern technology. Because, as I mentioned in one of my previous comments, technology is in itself neither good nor evil and it can be used for both good and bad.

    So choose appropriately, before the government chooses for you.

  5. I sent you a Christmas card with a year end bonus. it should arrive early next week. I like your idea of a get together in your area. There are also a few high points nearby I plan on visiting like Black Mountain, KY and Mount Rogers, VA.


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