Here is a case in point in support of the contention that “speed kills.”
The events that led to the fatality began when a law enforcer lit off after a driver who passed his speed trap driving faster than the posted speed limit. The law enforcer sped after him, reaching speeds approaching 120 MPH – which was much faster than the “speeder” had been driving when he passed the speed trap.
The enforcer of the speed limit passes multiple vehicles while driving in excess of 100 MPH – which if you or I did the same would result in a felony stop at gunpoint and (at the very least) a reckless driving charge. Yet it is somehow not “reckless” driving when the same speeds are driven by an enforcer of the speed limit. This is the sort of thing Franz Kafka wrote about and which we’re supposed to not think much about.
Maybe we ought to.
If it is “reckless” for you and I – for anyone lacking a government pass – to drive 100 MPH on a public road then how can it not be the same when those who do have government passes do it? Are they immune from the laws of physics they say apply to us, that are the basis for making it an actionable offense for us to drive at those speeds?
Sometimes, an apologist will say: But they are trained to operate a vehicle at those speeds. If this is accepted then why is it never accepted when a person who is not a government worker but who has also been trained – as by completing a high-performance driving course or possessing a racing license, which isn’t issued to just anyone like a driver’s license – offers up proof that they are trained in court, as a defense against a “reckless” driving charge?
The answer is obvious.
Training has nothing to do with it. Enforcing the law has everything to do with it. Put another way, it is not the “speeding” that is the problem. It is the defiance of speed laws. That is to say, defiance of government authority.
It is the job of law enforcement to go after anyone who defies that authority.
And that is why it is permissible for law enforcers to speed as fast as they like – irrespective of the danger they place others in by doing so.
If an enforcer runs a red light while driving 100 MPH in “hot pursuit” of a speeder and he runs into someone who had the green light and that person is killed, it is probable the enforcer will not be charged with vehicular manslaughter – or even issued a ticket for speeding. On the other hand, if you or I or any other person who is just an ordinary person did the same thing, we almost certainly would be charged with vehicular manslaughter – and our lives would be pretty much over.
As Bob Dole used to say: You know it. I know it. The American people know it.
But we’re supposed to just accept it. Kind of like the way Congress exempts itself from that which it imposes on us, like Obamacare.
Anyhow, the enforcer of the speed limit quickly catches up to the “speeder,” who isn’t driving nearly as fast as the enforcer was up to this point. It turns out the “speeder” is a 19-year-old who was “believed to be suicidal.” Nothing calms down a person considering suicide more than having a law enforcer on his bumper, sirens blaring and lights flashing.
The pursuit continues at roughly legal speeds – 65-70 MPH – and the driver of the “speeding” car eventually exits the highway at low speed. The chase resumes, this time on a single-lane (each way) country road. The “speeder” doesn’t drive all that fast – 60-ish MPH – and it seems he’s just wanting to get away.
Why not let him?
Of course, that would be an extreme affront to the government’s authority. So rather than back off and let things calm down and deal with the “speeder” later – the enforcer had the license plate by this time and so knew who he was chasing – the chase amped up. Multiple enforcers join the chase. Shortly thereafter, one of the enforcers uses his vehicle to tap the “speeder’s” vehicle on its passenger side rear bumper. This is styled a PITT maneuver and it is designed to result in the car being PITTED spinning out, thus ending the chase. In this case, it ended the life of the 19-year-old driver – who was ejected from his car after it rolled multiple times.
And that is how “speed” “kills.”
The question that ought to be asked that will never be answered is: What would have happened if the chase had never begun? Should it have ever begun?
If it hadn’t, it is probable the 19-year-old would be alive and no one else would have been harmed. But that’s not something that can be indulged when government’s authority is on the line.
. . .
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So doing a PIT maneuver at 115MPH is somehow supposed to be justified, killing a young man. He didn’t appear to be putting anyone else in danger, driving on the wrong side of the road, ect. Just speeding. Clearly deserved a death sentence. Should have just called the chopper to follow him. And the taxpayer will foot the bill for the cop who put both their lives in danger doing a PIT at 115. What a disgrace.We live in a police state.
“Stupidity” Does “Kill”
‘Smart’ taxi can’t outsmart wet concrete:
What does a stupid algorithm know?
‘But Google Maps says the road is open!‘
That’s good stuff. Love those CONEigseggs.
Here is a link to the location and layout of MSP driver training facility for anyone that cares.
There is no ability to “train” on this course with traffic and other real world hazards.
“Specially Trained” AGW’s is a joke.
I used to be peripherally involved (from OEM side) with the Michigan State Police (MSP) Trials where they evaluate OEM vehicles at Grattan Raceway for potential qualification as pursuit vehicles.
Only the “best” drivers are sent by the MSP to drive the evaluations.
Most of the OEM test drivers consistently drive faster lap times than the MSP. Some of this is familiarity with their own vehicle but the gap in lap times is as large enough that it also demonstrates the MSP drivers aren’t as good as the OEM test drivers who spend a whole lot more time driving vehicles at limit daily vs some MSP driver that maybe only race on weekends or drives daily on the MSP parking lot / wet pad training course.
Needless to say, these more “qualified” OEM drivers aren’t allowed to speed or perform high speed pursuit on public roads.
The whole system is corrupt.
Burn it Down! Hold AGWs accountable for murder. In this day and age of license plate readers, all they need to do is get the plate, call off the pursuit and then go retrieve the “perp” later with a warrant.
100 percent, Burn it Down –
The cop caught up to the kid, could clearly see and read the plate. Gotcha. Now back off and defuse the amped-up situation. The kid would have probably just gone home and the cops could have got their (the state’s) pound of flesh (money) later and no one would have been harmed. Instead, the kid is dead – because “speeding.” It’s sickening. I hope the cop who “PITTED” that kid has a conscience and thinks about the life he ended for the rest of his life.
These clowns in the video after the rollover at + 100mph have guns drawn and are worried about his hands. Followed by the statement get the AED , as fucking if. As Bones McCoy was want to say “he”s dead Jim”.
One of my pet peeves against “law enforcement” is their practice of purposely blocking a lane with the rear of their vehicle when making a traffic stop on a freeway. Many cops do this, even when there is enough room to pull completely off the freeway. It would seem that they have a “death wish”, blocking a traffic lane “just because they can”. Michigan State Police do this all the time.
On another subject (bootlicking of police by the general public) a Michigan State Police trooper was killed in a rollover accident. I innocuously stated a question in the article’s comment section: “Was the trooper wearing his seat belt?” The responses I received were not only vitriolic, but avoided answering the question entirely. Responses such as: “HOW DARE YOU question the trooper’s actions–he’s DEAD” without answering the underlying question of the trooper’s lack of seat belt use contributing to his death.
Once again, the double standard that cops enjoy from the general public rears its ugly head.
Specially trained –yeah, right…
I got snagged by an Alabama State Patrol “Move Over” law trap in 2020. I wasn’t far enough below the speed limit when I passed the row of empty vehicles parked with lights running, and, a few minutes later, I saw the car carrying the pair of “heroes” doing at least 100 in my rear view mirror to catch up with me as they wove in and out of the heavy traffic on I-10 eastbound.
$100 ticket. $190 court costs. Even if you successfully plead the ticket or attend driving school, Alabama still mulcts the violator for nearly $200. Easy money.
Of course they approached my car with hands on holsters.
King Herod killed his two sons and murdered his wife after she committed adultery. Herod murdered those Judah house male humans under the age of two years suspected of being the Christ child. That’s what I heard through the grapevine, anyhow.
These days in Palestine, the Virgin Mary and Jesus would both be shot down in cold blood. That is what is happening, read it and weep.
In three days, the guy who was strung up on a cross will be born into this world of woe.
Going to be a holy night, listen to the song, it might help your conscience.
Your super-ego gently coerces you to do the right thing. Soul-searching thought and stuff.
Cops need to do some clear thinking and not act like animals, stop trying to be King Herods. Bibi would be proud of their criminal acts.
Have to kill Palestinian children, all of them, King Herod failed at his job of killing Jesus when Jesus was a toddler. Must be Bibi’s turn to be the fool.
See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya.
Go to church or something, anywhere that you cops can stop doing all of your nonsense, go there now.
Somehow, cops would justify being first in line to crucify Jesus.
Say a prayer for humanity, it needs some help.
Family should personally sue the cops. If hes not driving a stolen car and isnt going buck wild, they could have disengaged and just mailed him a ticket
As they say, takes a certain kind of person to become a AGW
Qualified immunity shields police and other public officials from the consequences of their (illegal) actions. If a police officer or public official happens to misbehave and get “caught”, the municipality pays the aggrieved citizen, not the individual police officer. Most of the time this is done to avoid adverse publicity.
Qualified immunity is so skewed in favor of the officer or other public official, that any citizen who wishes to sue for police misconduct has to determine the officer’s “state of mind”, something that is almost impossible to ascertain.
The only way a police officer can be personally sued is for “deprivation of civil-rights under color of authority” (USC 1983), another avenue for redress with an extremely high bar which is difficult to attain.
Qualified immunity for all public officials, not just police officers should be abolished and replaced with a “bond system”. The municipality would pay the basic cost of the bond. Any surcharges for misconduct would come out of the individual’s own pocket. Any public official who could not procure a bond would be out of a job.
No bond=no job.
Any awards for misconduct would be taken from the public official’s pension fund, not from the taxpayers.
Should be stripped in certain circumstances
Was this poor kid who had his whole life ahead of him really harming anyone? If he was a maniac in black, sure, do what you gotta do, but sometimes just disengage and mail in the ticket if you got it on camera.
Kids are dumb, sure, but this shouldn’t have cost him his life
>Qualified immunity
Not immune to the laws of physics, though.
Humans can pass all the ‘laws’ they like, but
now and forever.
While we are on the subject of the cops, how about this news item?
Top uniformed NYPD officer with $300k salary resigns after being accused of demanding sex from subordinate:
But wait, the plot thickens. Sees that the female subordinate was making $400,000 a year, and only made the accusation against her superior when they started investigating her outrageous overtime pay. She then filed for early retirement so as to be eligible for a $200,000 annual pension at age 51:
My guess is that she was willingly sleeping with the boss and only portrayed herself as a “victim” when her outrageous salary and pension were threatened…
Not surprising with the NYPD.
New York City is the epitome of citizen disarmament whose residents have been taking it for a very long time…and apparently liking it.
Since the Sullivan Laws were enacted, enabling the most extreme and restrictive limits on the acquisition and uses of firearms, the Constitutional right to defend one’s self and others has been almost totally obliterated.
Once restricted to handguns, the laws have been extended to rifles and shotguns, all of (what were supposed to be “registered”) demanding that they either be confiscated or taken out of NYC.
I’ll bet that those people who voluntarily turned in their weapons added to NYC police officers’ nice gun collections.
NYC prosecutors relish the thought of prosecuting those who legally defend themselves, even a “rolled up newspaper” is considered to be an illegal “weapon”.
The honest citizen is the easiest person to charge and convict.
If you defend yourself successfully against a criminal without NYC police being involved, you WILL be prosecuted.
Witness Daniel Penny who was being viciously prosecuted for saving fellow subway passengers from mentally ill Jordan Neely who had been harassing and threatening subway passengers for decades. Thankfully he was acquitted of all charges.
The case of the bodega owner, Jose Alba who successfully thwarted a knife attack, his attacker succumbing to his injuries, was under indictment and prosecution for murder until a groundswell of opposition forced the prosecutor to back off on prosecuting him.
The case of Bernie Goetz, the subway rider who thwarted being robbed by dispatching three of his attackers to the “great hereafter”. Subway crimes dropped dramatically after that act. If Goetz had kept his mouth shut, no one would have been the wiser.
What kind of society prosecutes the victim of a crime?
It happens in NYC all the time.
You see, the approximately 36,000 NYC police officers constitute a powerful lobby and do not want to give up their monopoly on the use of force.
They cannot have their monopoly on the use of force jeopardized by allowing honest citizens to provide for their own self-defense by “taking the law into their own hands”.
Despite having relatives who live in NYC, I will not visit or enter NYC. This also applies to New Jersey.
It is illegal to defend yourself in Chicago, also.
Mr. Penny is being sued civilly by the perp’s family. Daniel’s defence cost millions of $$, the perp’s family and friends will forever pursue Daniel regardless of where he goes. Mr. Penny is in for a lifetime of looking over his shoulder. No good deed goes unpunished.
The police and firefighters still bask in the light of 9/11. As far as I’m concerned, the unearned hubris, lack of common sense, lack of empathy, etc. is making them more enemies than not — at least that’s what I hope.
Back the blue equals kiss my ass.
Speaking of firefighters…
Here are two stories of firefighter arrogance, and is a good reason why “qualified immunity” must be abolished for ALL public workers and officials:
A firefighter from a certain southeastern Michigan community claimed to have a “arson dog”–one that could detect accelerants. This “firefighter” and his dog were instrumental in ruining many peoples’ lives by his testimony alone. Insurance companies LOVED this guy as he was able to get them out of paying (valid) claims. People were denied valid insurance claims and prosecuted for arson on the testimony of this “arson dog’s” handler. His words were taken as “gospel” while those on the receiving end of these miscarriages of justice had no recourse.
Those who were “burned” (no pun intended) by this supposed arson dog’s “handler” had no recourse, because of “qualified immunity”. The firefighter (and fire department) could not be sued.
Finally one citizen who had been accused of arson fought back by suing to prove the “arson dog’s” ability. The dog was found to have NO special ability. The “arson dog” and his human master’s career was finally over. The firefighter retired without incident with no responsibility for the lives that he ruined.
How many innocent people were wrongly convicted of arson and lost everything they owned??
Another case was that of a plating plant that caught fire. The owners had a fire department “approved” fire plan in place which involved shutting off utilities and shutting down processes in an orderly fashion. The firefighters that responded to the fire pushed the owner out of the way, and told him that they were going to do things “their way”. The building burned to the ground.
A firefighter’s job (for at least 98% of the time) is not inherently dangerous. This does not take away from the seriousness of their job, which is to be commended. but, firefighter arrogance can be just as dangerous as police arrogance. THIS is why firefighters must be included in the abolition of immunity for public officials.
To the tune of “Moon River”
Hose monkeys,
Out to spray the world,
And such a lot of world to spray…
“A firefighter’s job (for at least 98% of the time) is not inherently dangerous“
You are pretty correct, though the percentage is probably down closer to 90%. It is in fact a lot more dangerous than a cops job. Even out here in the boonies where we save the foundation most of the time. .
But the real problem is not firemen (I’m tired of feminized stilted language), or cops. The real problem is fucking democracy/communism. It is an entire society run by stupid people voting for corrupt liars.
The word according to saint Carlin, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
They vote to choose rulers and rules in spite of their betters. And the cops are there to make sure you and I don’t completely ignore their insanity.
After reading the national news story years ago about how Cheshire Connecticut police silently surrounded the Petit family home which was undergoing a home invasion and kidnapping and allowed them to be murdered within I learned we should not rely on police to protect us. The mayor defended them saying they did as they were trained. So they are apparently trained to risk their lives and others to arrest speeders but not take risks to protect women and children after being called to save them. Got it.
Exactly RS, they ‘Protect and Serve’ …..themselves.
The courts have ruled on numerous occasions that the cops actually have no obligation to protect you and cannot be held liable if they don’t.
In Castle Rock v. Gonzalez, the cops had ample time to enforce a restraining order that had been violated but failed to do so. The subject in question then shot three of his own kids to death before entering a police station where he was shot:
An equally sickening case was Warren v. District of Columbia, where some women called police to report an attempted break-in. The cops did nothing, and the women were then gang-raped for several hours:
In both instances the courts ruled that the cops could not be held liable. These precedents are a reminder that it is a total lie when the cops claim they have the ability to do almost anything to “protect the public” or to “keep you safe.”
It is particularly offensive that in many jurisdictions the cops can deny you the right to protect yourself (i.e. by carrying a firearm, owning body armor, etc.) but they are under no obligation to protect you.
In point of fact the only thing the cops protect are themselves, their dental plans, and their pensions.
Here is a guest article that deserves the light of day:
No One Cares If You Go Home Safe At The End Of Your Shift
Jan 02, 201812:50AM
Category: Politics
Posted by: Michael Z. Williamson
Here at the house, I have a couple of decades plus of military experience. I have tools to dig in or out of natural disasters. I have extinguishers and hoses. I have a field trauma kit and bandages. I have weapons both melee and firearm. I know how to use them. I know how to trench, support and revet. I understand the fire triangle and appropriate approaches. I understand breathing, bleeding and shock. I know how to detain, restrain and control. I have done all of these at least occasionally, professionally. I’ve stood on top of a collapsing levee in a flood. I’ve fought a structure fire from inside so we could get everyone out before the fire department showed up, which only took two minutes, but people can die that fast. I’ve had structures collapse while I was working on them. I’ve been in an aircraft that had a “mechanical” on approach and had to be repaired in-flight before landing. I’ve helped control a brush fire. I’ve hauled disabled vehicles out of ditches in sub-zero weather.
My ex wife has over a decade of service and some of the same training.
We have trained our young adult children.
My wife is a rancher who knows her way around a shotgun, livestock, sutures and tools, hurricanes and floods, and works in investigations professionally.
Our current house guest is another veteran.
This means if anything happens at the house, and last year we had a lightning strike, a tornado and a flood within 10 days’ we’re pretty well prepared.
Now, we’re probably better off than 95% of the households out there. The level of disaster that necessitates backup varies.
If we find it necessary to call 911, it means the party is in progress and it’s bad.
You will probably not be going home safe at the end of your shift.
And you know what? If it gets to that point, I really don’t give a shit. I don’t give a shit if you get smoked. I don’t give a shit if you fall under a tree. I don’t give a shit if you get shot at.
Because at that point, I’ve done everything I can with that same circumstance, and run out of resources.
If my concern was “you going home safe,” then I’d just fucking hunker down and die. Because I wouldn’t want that poor responder to endanger himself.
Except, that’s what I pay taxes for, and that’s what you signed up for. Just like I signed up to walk into a potential nuke war in Germany and hold off the Soviets, and did walk into the Middle East and prepare to take fire while keeping expensive equipment functioning so our shooters could keep shooting.
There’s not a single set of orders I got that said my primary job was to “Come home safe.” They said it was to “support the mission” or “complete the objective.” Coming home safe was the ideal outcome, but entirely secondary to “supporting” or “completing.” Nor, once that started, did I get a choice to quit. Once in, all in.
When that 80 year old lady smells smoke or hears a noise outside her first floor bedroom in the ghetto, she doesn’t care if you go home safe, either. She’s afraid she or the kids next door won’t wake up in the morning.
If I call, I expect your ass to show up, sober, trained, professional. I expect you to wade in with me or in place of me, and drag a child out of a hole, or out from a burning room, or actually stand up and block bullets from hitting said child, because by the time you get there, I’ll have already done all that. And there will be field dressings, chainsawed trees, buckets and empty brass scattered about.
I don’t want to hear some drunk and confused guy squirming on the ground playing “Simon Says” terrified you so much you had to blow him away. I don’t want to hear that some random guy 35 yards away who you had no actual information on , may have reached toward his waist band. Or that “the tree might fall any moment” or that “the smoke makes it hard to see.”
Near as I can tell, I don’t hear the smokejumpers, or the firefighters, or the disaster rescue people say such things.
But it’s all I ever hear from the cops. If you and your five girlfriends in body armor, with rifles, are that terrified of actually risking your life for the theoretically dangerous job you volunteered for and can quit any time, then please do quit.
You can get a job doing pest control and go home safe every night.
Until a bunch of fucking pussies with big tattoos, small dicks, body armor and guns blow you away for minding your own business.
Because what you’re telling me with that statement is, your only concern is cashing a check. That’s fine. But if that’s your concern, don’t pretend you’re serving the public. If you wanted to help people at risk of life, you would be a firefighter, running into buildings, dragging people out, getting scorched regularly.
If you’re cool with writing tickets, then there’s jobs where you can do just that.
If you want to tangle with bad guys and blow them away, fair enough. But understand: That means they get to shoot first to prove their intent, just as happens with the military these days. Our ROE these days are usually “only if fired upon and no civilians are at risk.”
If your plan is “shoot first, shoot later, shoot some more, then if anyone is still alive try to ask questions,” and bleat, “But I was afeard fer mah lahf!” you’re absolutely no better than the thugs you claim to oppose. All you are is another combatant in a turf war I don’t care about.
Since I know your primary concern is “being safe,” then I’ll do you the favor of not calling. Cash your welfare check, and try not to shoot me at a “courtesy” sobriety checkpoint for “twitching my eye “in a way that suggested range estimation.
If you’re one of the vanishingly few cops who isn’t like that, then what the hell are you doing about it? If there’s going to be a lawsuit costing the city millions, isn’t it better that it be a labor suit from the union over the clown you fired, than a wrongful death suit over the poor bastard the clown shot? Both are expensive, but one has a dead victim you enabled. So how much do you actually care about that life?
How is the training so bad that it’s not clear who is the scene commander who gives the orders?
How is it that trigger happy bozos who, out of costume, look no different from the gangbangers you claim to oppose, get sent up front to fulfill their wish of hosing someone down because “I was afraid for my life!”?
Why does the rot exist in your department?
If you can’t do anything about it, why are you still in that department?
At some point, collective guilt is a thing.
You’ve probably not been a good cop for a long time.
And I still don’t care if you go home safe. I care that everyone you purport to “serve and protect” goes home safe.
Follow the money. Honest working people exercising their right to drive will not fight back, so traffic tickets are easy money. Dealing with actual criminals is dangerous and there is nothing to be made on it. Worst case they go to trial and then your incompetence may be highlighted in public.
The same people who parrot “if it saves just one life” are probably ok with this story.
They don’t just lick the boot, they cover it in gravy, add sides, then shove the whole thing in their mouths.
But going too slow is never dangerous, right?
I see plenty of SUVs and sedans with bashed-in liftgates and trunk lids. They probably stopped short, and of course the driver behind should have been paying more attention to the road. But still, the accident happened because the car in front wasn’t driving as expected. I see cops tailgating all the time, in fact that’s pretty much their normal mode because once you see a cop in the rearview mirror you are going to follow the law. Really hard to complete passing someone when we’re all going the same speed for fear of getting a demerit.
And then there’s the slow passers – people who pass a governor’ed semi at just slightly faster than the semi’s speed limit. I see this every day, people who will drive the PSL until it’s time to pass a truck, then it’s 71 (assuming the governor is set to 70) for miles, along with a string of tailgaters behind. Once they’re past the truck, it’s back to 75+. Or worse, once they’re past the truck it’s off to the races with all the now road-raged people behind the timid passer.
Probably not deadly per se, but will shorten your time on Earth due to stress.
The goods cop/bad cop can be answered definitively. Consider the following…
1. All cops agree to enforce all laws, as part of the job. All the time…
2. Many laws are manifestly unjust or cruel, or even wicked.
3. Therefore, all cops agree to enforce laws that are manifestly unjust, cruel or even wicked.
There are no good cops …Dr. Robert Higgs
Eric wrote, ” a 19-year-old who was “believed to be suicidal.” ”
This typical Cop Speak. The term “suicide by cop” has been around for decades. So often when cops gun someone down or, as in this case, kill them by other means, we are told the victim of this murderous tendency wanted the cops to kill them. It is, perhaps, the ultimate case of Blame the Victim.
What the phrase Suicide By Cop actually reveals is the underlying mentality of these armed thugs. That is, they are actually Death Squads by other names. The can dependably be relied upon to kill whomever they encounter if given enough time.
Here is the Wiki page on SbC (yes, it has its own acronym). Notice how this article deftly informs us of the mental state and thought process of The Dead just prior to their demise. It’s interesting that such clairvoyant powers exist in the State Sanctioned Goon Squads.
We no longer have the tyrannical acts the GovCos of yore…because we call them something else.
Amen, Mark –
And then there is the ululation about “officer safety” – which amounts to a license to kill. Does anyone remember when “first responders” were expected to take risks for the sake of other people’s “safety”?
And, just what the heck is a “first responder” anyway? It that a job title or merely an honorific bestowed on the otherwise unemployable?
I am a first responder. It is supposed to mean the people who come to render basic first aid and assistance to a disaster. Somehow it’s morphed into a catch all term and since cops in rural areas are often first on scene, they get the monicker also.
Too bad. I really don’t want anyone thinking I’m a cop.
Our local cops (sheriff and deputies) are actually pretty decent. But that’s what happens when there is very few of them and they don’t have big budgets to blow. This ain’t Mayberry, but it’s as close as you get these days.
Hi Eric,
First responders are under no obligation to protect the public. Just ask the Supreme Court:
“Supreme Court ” captures its legitimacy.
Because all too many, not all, of today’s generation are XBox first person shooter children with beards. That includes cops. I am old enough to remember the 70s & 80s cops who were adults you did not F with, but thinking adults, not children pushing an intersection at 100MPH. It all went downhill after 9/11 when the feds took over all law enforcement and declared everyone Osama Bin Laden until proven otherwise.
Agreed, Torino –
Even in my rural, one stoplight county, the cops have been militarized. They wear BDUs and Batman-style belts and have the Hut! Hut! Hut! mentality. They are the “enemies of freedom,” which is an irony lost on them.
>They are the “enemies of freedom,”
Meaning enemies of the people.
F them, and the mules they rode in on.
Amen, Adi –
If they concerned themselves with criminals – rather than “law enforcement” – I’d be much les annoyed by them.
>one stoplight county
From Hoyt Axton, long ago:
Proper driving costume:
1. Black long sleeved shirt
2. White roundel over the heart.
3. Full face black balaclava, with eye holes
Shoot straight, lads.
Don’t make a mess of it.