It’s a Good Start


President Trump did a few things yesterday – his first day as president – as opposed to just taking about doing them.

He actually pardoned most of the political prisoners incarcerated since the “insurrection” of four years ago, which was actually just a protest about the extremely suspicious circumstances of the 2020 election, which supposedly “elected” that walking mummy Joe Biden president to the tune of more votes than were cast for Barack Obama. Those votes somehow disappeared during the 2024 election, confirming those suspicions.

The pardons were appropriate in that they comport with what Founders intended when they gave the president the power to pardon. They meant for this power to be available to use to correct injustices – and there can be no serious debate about the injustice of putting people in prison – for years – for what would in every other instance have resulted in fines and maybe a few days or months in jail. Especially in view of the circumstances.

The italics are added to call attention to them. To the fact that the 2020 election was extremely suspicious and for exactly that reason, it was reasonable and arguably patriotic for people to come to the Capitol to express their suspicions. To seek – per the Constitution – a redress of their grievances.

It is a measure of the engineered (by government schooling, largely) intellectual dissonance that afflicts so many Americans that – on the one hand – the colonists who refused to kowtow to the illegitimate and thus tyrannical authority of the government of King George III are regarded as patriots while the Americans who refused to kowtow to the almost certainly  illegitimate authority of Joe Biden, et al are styled “insurrectionists.” And almost none of the latter did more than walk around the sanctified places. To style this an “insurrection” is an exaggeration of a piece with styling a seasonal flu bug that didn’t kill 99.8-something percent of those who caught it a “pandemic.”

Of course, hysteria works – unlike “masks.” Just ask any lynch mob.

Anyhow, it was right to pardon the people who expressed their suspicions about the 2020 election because what was done to them was unjust. Because it was disproportionate and deliberately so – in order to send what amounts to a Sicilian message to others who might dare to express suspicions about the 2020 election or seek redress for that grievance.

That thing called Joe Biden, on the other hand, abused the pardon power – serially – to thwart justice by making sure that his family members are immunized from prosecution for serious crimes they are almost certainly guilty of having committed. Biden’s son peddled his father’s influence to the tune of millions – and failed to pay the taxes any of us would be likely to end up in prison for not paying. He and other Biden family members are probably guilty of more and worse than that and the “Big Guy” used the power of his office to protect his own family from justice. Some of that done at literally the last minute, a shitting-in-our-faces no previous president had the criminal audacity to do.

Included in the preemptive pardoning is the loathsome Anthony Fauci – the man who is responsible for terrorizing an entire country and at the very least, complicit in the deaths of thousands of people who were either tricked into or forced into allowing themselves to be injected with God-only-knows what was really in those syringes.

The shamefulness of this pardoning is extremely difficult to articulate in mere words. How does one put a scream into words? The upwelling urge to smash in faces?

Perhaps President Trump can still do something about all of this. There must be ways to see that justice is done. Or – at the very least – not denied altogether.

But he could – and and has – done something about those poor people who have been political prisoners for the past four years. And he has done a few other things that must be applauded, such as publicly stating the obvious fact – much suppressed these past four years – that there are only men and women (and boys and girls) and neither can “transition” from one to the other.

He has also apparently given the finger to the WHO – which (if it’s true) is a kind of repudiation of everything that happened during 2020 and through the years of the “presidency” of that thing, Joe Biden. Including even the “beautiful” whatever-it-was-in-those needles that perhaps Trump cannot bring himself to openly repudiate.

But it’s a start – and it’s more than just talk.

There is much heavy lifting to the Great Golem to perform. But he has given us reason to hope that – maybe this time – he is going to act rather than just talk.

And it’s only day two.

. . .

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  1. Tangerine man is off to a good start…but a country cannot be governed by Executive Orders.

    I, for one, have not forgotten about his State of Emergency Lockdown of the USA on Friday the 13th of March, in 2020. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses were closed down…most never recovered.

    I was one of the people kicked out of stores and harassed…just because I refused to have some government bureaucrat tell me that I must wear a mask, in order to breathe.
    Then came the change in definition to the words PANDEMIC and VACCINE…and after that…the “beautiful, beautiful Trump Jab.”

    It is because of Trumps Lockdown that we had all of the mail -in balloting…which enabled the shenanigans resulting in his 2020 election” loss.”

    Then came January 6th, when Tangerine Man encouraged all of his supporters to come to DC (“it will be wild”)…he then proceeded to bail on the crowd as they headed to the Capital…and turned his back on them while they rotted away in jail for years. Never forget that he is the reason that they came to DC. The least he can do is pardon all of those unfortunate people.

    In my view, the Tangerine Man is a Trojan Horse…if I am wrong in four years, I will say so and eat crow.

    On a side note, kudos to Eric for his website and the open comment reply section. My eyes have been opened on a multitude of issues due to the light being shined on and exposed by same (in addition to Lew Rockwell, Ron Unz, etc…).

    politicians are selected…not elected.

    Have a great 2025

    • Concisely and well-said, Frankietooz!

      Half the people of this country are retards (Libtards)
      The other half are morons.
      They all believe whatever lies their particular hero utters.

      They all think their man is going to save them from the other man, when in reality they are holding hands under the table and both plotting the very same things and only asking how they might serve their master(stein)s.

      • I mean, how hard is it to realize their “heroes” are MANUFACTURED FOR THEM and GIVEN TO THEM?

        It seems painfully obvious to the rest of us. To the point, I think the majority of the “people” pushing one “candidate” or the other are merely bots pushing the “voting agenda”. Keep them voting, because that’s what signifies your acceptance of the current government’s “legitimacy”.

  2. Two litmus tests IMO:

    Freeing Ross Ulbricht
    Getting out of Ukraine in a timely manner.

    If these are not addressed, Trump is a total fraud and a liar.

      • Good news about Mr. Ulbricht, and Trump is shutting down all DEI offices. I’ll take this any day over the Democrat insanity.

        • Hi Groundhog,

          Me, too! Getting rid of DIE is awesome. It was just more government bloat.

          Rubio just called all of the State Department back to work. DOGE may not have to do much. I think federal employees are going to resign on their own.

          • Even more would resign if the State Dept relocated to, say, Harlan KY or Ely, NV.

            FEMA could provide tents as temporary housing for dislocated federal workers.

                • LOL! 😂

                  So true. I have a client who works for government who lives in the Northern Neck. She now has to rent an apartment in Arlington because telecommuting has been discontinued. It could become very expensive for those that moved away believing remote working was the new way of life.

  3. “Perhaps President Trump can still do something about all of this. There must be ways to see that justice is done.”

    There is a way to bring justice down on the Biden regime – show that the 2020 Biden election was illegitimate, and that Biden’s executive pardons are also illegit and not binding. We all know Biden stole the election, and took away Trump’s presidency in 2020.

    Think of all the damage done by the Biden thing, how many millions were killed and displaced by his wars? How many fathers, sons, daughters killed in the completely unnecesary Jewkraine war? Have of Ukraine left. What Biden did is a huge crime and he needs to hang for mass murder, not to mention all the monies he stole from our treasury for another god damned Jew war in which only Jews benefit.

    Did you know the Jews in Ukraine are exempt from the draft? Did you know Zelensky is a Jew who bought at least 5 mansions with the money he siphoned off for his own accounts? Trump should have him arrested and RICOed. I want our money back, every single penny, fuck that bastard.

    And his wife was just as bad: Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska spent US$1.1 million in NYC Cartier boutique, the black woman employee that helped her, was fired at Olena’s request.

    I can only hope that the Zelenskys meet the same fate – when “on Christmas Day, the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena were executed after a summary trial. The Ceausescus had ruled Romania with an iron hand, presiding over what had become the most tyrannical regime in Europe. Under their rule, the economy was run into the ground and the country and its unfortunate citizens reduced to penury. Romanians were subjected to pervasive surveillance. Any and all signs of dissent were crushed.”

    What Zelenksy has done is far worse, over a million dead, 3 million wounded, and 30 million have fled the nation, there is no economy, everything now is a bombed out shithole – all because shabbos goy Biden and company put that little shithead up to run some stupid war against Russia, yeah Mother Russia which covers 11 time zones.

    Anyone who flies a blue and yellow flag is a damn idiot -supporting Biden for Ukraine is what destroyed Ukraine, how stupid can people be?

    Jewess Victoria Nuland is the state department lunatic who fomented the Maiden revolution. Now look at Ukraine 10 years later. She has escaped unpunished as did her husband, Jew Robert Kagan, who was the chief Neocon intellect for the Gulf Wars.

    • You know Trump is a Jew, right?
      I’m wondering if you’re also aware that the new “President” of Mexico is a WOMAN JEW, and to get her elected, 37 assassinations had to occur in Mexico over the last year or so.

      Hopefully, that gives you an idea of what’s REALLY going down.
      We’re surrounded. From without and within.
      And if you think Trump is any different…that thinking will get us all dead.

        • He stands on stage and says “I’m not a Christian”, his kids are all Jews or married to Jews…but not a Jew, huh?
          K, man.

        • Get the stupid rabbi up there first just to get the fool out of the way, it’s party time.

          We don’t need prayer, a lost cause there.

          Who in God’s name wants to listen to Jewish gibberish? Enough of that, makes no sense.

          We’ll pray, then we’ll kill ya.

          It’s what we do. We’ll even cry out in pain while we stab you in the back!

          More fun that way!

          They’re always pulling that shit.

          California burning on such a winter’s day

    • Let’s not forget that the jews running Ukraine shut down Christian Churches in Ukraine while every stinkin’ synagogue remains open.
      This is the exact same thing that the jewish bolsheviks did when they took over Russia. In fact, “anti-semitism” became a capital crime under the jew bolsheviks.
      I maintain that Ukraine is being “prepped” to become israel 2.0. When the middle east occupation power (israel) implodes, the jews will run like rats to Ukraine.
      Most (fake) European and American jews HATE occupied Palestine because if its middle eastern flavor. A European location is more amenable climate-wise and brings the many criminal jewish operations closer to their customers.

  4. Four years of dark black miserable existence is over.

    If Harris had won, it would be four more years of dark stark abandoned no-man’s-land.

    I hope President Trump remains alive for four more years.

    Vance gives me the creeps. He has not one clue, scary stuff.

    Who would be that stupid to pick an obvious idiot?

    Not Trump.

    Field workers from Mexico travel to the US to pick crops in California. The vlogger was on YouTube pointing out the fact that people do work and want to work.

    Maybe you hand out fries, but you won’t be working 10 hours of it, nor will you pick tomatoes all day.

    The vlogger called Trump an asshole at the end of the video.

    Trump needs to do some real thinking.

    You just can’t repeat the words wonderful, magnificent, beautiful all of the time. It gets old.

    No more fake vaxx! Stop being stupid.

    Problem solving is what the President is maybe attempting.

    The problem won’t be solved until something can be done.

    Have to find a way to get ‘er done. What you do to solve the problem, complete the task.

    Completion, when it gets done right.

    Trump has a lot of visual thinking to do.

    Streaming consciousness and all that of that nonchalant jazz.

    • You have mistaken puppets on tell lie vision for real people that are really concerned about you or what you think. Trump will spend the first month or 2 “wowing” you with his “amazing acts as president”.

      Then you’ll hear something about “red flag laws” and “anti-Semitism laws”, and next thing you know you’ll see the police beating in your neighbor’s door because he said something about “the Jews” online.

      Understand that once THOSE people are gone, while you hide and peek out your windows…

      • If the gutless IDF had any balls, they would level the Burj Dubai. What a bunch of chickenshits the Hymies have become.

        How come there isn’t all out war against the world of Islam everywhere, not just in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria? How’s come? Iran is the next culprit to be attacked?

        Man o’live, who thinks up such stupid shit. C’mon!

        Nuke Medina first, then Mecca, nuke them all, not just Palestinians. Nuclear annihilation is a top priority for those guys. If you don’t go along with what we say, we’ll nuke ya. Death is a result, don’t worry, be happy, you’ll have nothing at all.

        You Jews can do it, you can kill them all, not just Palestinians. Get to work, get the job done, everybody will be happy when they’re dead. Don’t stop there, make sure every single human on the planet is dead, including yourselves. You deserve it.

        This is an outrage, I want war everywhere, dagnammit!

        But no, all they can do is kill Palestinians.

        What a bunch of cowards, slaughtering innocents is not how you do it. Can’t be a fight, it is mass murder.

        Bibi is a self-righteous judgmental asshole.

        His judgment day will arrive not soon enough.

        If my paternal grandparents hadn’t emigrated to the US from Ukraine in 1909 ca. the Bolsheviks would have taken care of business for them too.

        They were lucky to make it out of there with their lives.

        Cobble together a sod hut, live on the land for five years, it’s yours, the Homestead Act made it happen.

        The letters stopped coming from Ukraine after 1948, all of the relatives there were all dead.

        Lucky to be alive here in the now.

        Got stabbed in the back by those who cry out in pain.

        Words can paint a picture.

    • Remember what we got under Trump the first time around? Apparently not. Keep on believing his lying words and the few little things that he does to please the peanut gallery- things which really don’t matter to the real rulers, but are just used to elicit political fervor, and to divide and conquer.

      Just wait till he bombs Iran and steals Greenland…….

      Hitler did a lot of good for Germany…but who wants Hitler? The people supported Hitler because they hoped for the good that he promised, and ignored the evil. No different here, either party. Erect a police state and then the victims cheer every time the warden gives them back a crumb of stale cheese.

      • Hi Arthur,

        I understand your point – and I share your misgivings. That said, so far- so good. When Trump does things that are good, I have no problem saying they are good. I do not see anything bad in that. Do you? I will absolutely not let pass anything bad he does. But until he does, why not be happy with the good he’s doing?

  5. So far Trump gets AAA+++. Unfortunately he will (probably) flunk the Gaza test. But what the hey, who cares about those Palestinian Semites? If you care about Palestinian Semites you are, in fact, an anti-semite according to lizard jews at the ADL.

    Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accords. That is very good because Global Warming, now Climate Change, is utter bullshit, and here is the proof:

    Why, oh why, is there record snow on the Galveston beach and across the deep south if CO2 is causing more and more warming. Well it is isn’t, believe your eyes not the false narratives of the evil Jew media. And it is really evil, because if CO2 doesn’t warm, then what is the justification to shutting down natural gas, coal, ICE, etc?

    Did you know that the scientific meaning of Climate Change is still the same as it was for Global Warming? AGW means man made CO2 is causing runaway warming. But, you see, it isn’t, and the dire predictions are not coming to pass, so they changed how they talk about it as “change” – any change in the weather is caused by CO2 – which is, of course, utter bullshit.

    This has completely confused the sheeple, who now think that snow on Galveston beach is caused by climate change, which still has the same meaning as global warming – thus rising CO2 is causing snow on the south Texas beach somehow. Warm is causing snow and cold somehow. All total nonsense like 666 genders.

    Trump, not a scientist, not a reader, not an intellectual, doesn’t know any of this – but some of his advisors must know something and they are putting a stop to the treaties and legislation which is screwing us for no reason at all because the narrative is false.

    Net Zero is insane. CO2 is a life gas, without it we all die. It would be good if CO2 could stop cold, because then we would have a chance to survive the oncoming ice age glacial maximum. Yes, we are still in an ice age, 8.000 years past the optimum (highest) temperatures. The earth has been cooling steadily since the Holocene Optimum.

    Why rising CO2 does not warm chart:

    70% of the CO2 global warming effect is in the first 20ppm, it then decreases on an inverse exponential function.

    Someone in DC who sees this chart should print it and brief President Trump, someone like Anthony Watts or Tony Heller.

    Could you imagine if a real climate scientist who is not a paid for lying whore actually briefed Trump on this CO2 facts not hyperbole? Can you imagine real physicists telling us the facts not high school dropouts like Greta Thunderborg?

    Like this high school level math on global warming gases:

    Look at the first chart, man made CO2 is 0.117%

    We are shutting every hydrocarbon fuel down for 0.117%, which is so low is can not even be measured.

  6. Paul Craig Roberts recently had a post titled “Trump must not flunk his litmus test”, that being whether he’d pardon people who’ve effectively had the book thrown at them by an authoritarian regime over little more than disorderly conduct. Fortunately for sane people, Trump passed that test, but given the way government has behaved just over the past 5 years, we need to constantly watch what government does regardless of who’s in charge….

  7. Well shit, Trump makes good on pardoning Ross Ulbricht, so I’ll give him some credit there!

    Didn’t think he would do it, honestly.

    • Let us know when congress starts printing silver-backed money again.
      Anything besides that?
      Is to placate the masses and prepare them for something much worse than lockdowns and warp speed.

      • letmepicyou is just so smart and based, objectively positive events as just evidence of the coming apocalypse in his mind. In other words, somehow good portends bad. I’m not sure how people develop such an extreme cynical outlook, but it must take a serious toll on one’s mental and physical health.

        Let’s do it together, letmepicyou. Breathe in; breathe out; breath in; breath out. . . If something is objectively good, just accept it as good.

        • Hi ML,

          There are many people who relish seeing the bad in everything. It doesn’t matter how well things are going they are waiting for the next shoe to drop. Nothing will ever be good enough and they will never be satisfied. Personally, I avoid these types because they are both physically and mentally draining to be around. Who wants to associate with anyone, who even on a beautiful sunny day, is anticipating rain?

          • Hi Guys, I am not standing up for anyone here.. but I do have to say that after a lifetime of paying attention I do not trust ANY of these bastards!
            Burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me.
            Thank goodness there is no dark rainy cloud following me around everywhere I go like a Schleprock, because I do realize that everyday is a blessing- and I am fortunate to be here.
            But I certainly do not believe that these evil people that have been working decades towards a one world govt ‘new world order’ suddenly have had a change of heart and will start playing nice, fair and moral.

            Two steps forward one step back. The beat goes on.

            Sure would be a beautiful thing tho wouldn’t it?

            • Trump just rescinded LBJ’s affirmative action. Holy shit! Did you ever think you’d see a day where that occurred?

              I’m not putting any faith in Trump or any politician for that matter, but I will praise any politician’s good acts. We have witnessed 48 hours of incredible things that I never thought I would see in my lifetime. Nobody’s perfect (be it a politician or not), but this has been one hell of a week so far.

        • How do I develop such a “cynical outlook”?
          Well, when I point out facts, like the COVID bioweapon targeting ACE2 receptor sites found primarily in white and black populations, but not found AT ALL in Ashkenazi Jews, people like you go “Hum hum hummm, I don’t even see this statement, I’ll just ignore this and wait for you to say something I CAN comment on.”

          You’re kind of a bit of a COWARD for not addressing certain points I make.

          Points like that.

          I mean, how could one be so cynical to realize that Jews have literally created a biological weapon that kills whites and blacks but not Jews.

          WTF is wrong with you?

          • You’re a wacky one letmepicyou. Don’t you think?

            Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You seem offer up a lot of claims, but not much evidence. I’m always willing to consider well-reasoned arguments, but you seem to be just running your mouth.

            • Keep in mind, this article is titled “It’s a Good Start,” which discusses Trump’s acts during the first day of his presidency. Despite this, you want to have a discussion of every other thing you’re concerned about, as well as “the Jews.” That seems a bit off topic, don’t you think?

              • Here you go, kid.


                “We found that the distribution of deleterious variants in ACE2 differs among 9 populations in gnomAD (v3). Specifically, 39% (24/61) and 54% (33/61) of deleterious variants in ACE2 occur in African/African-American (AFR) and Non-Finnish European (EUR) populations, respectively (Fig. 1b). Prevalence of deleterious variants among Latino/Admixed American (AMR), East Asian (EAS), Finnish (FIN), and South Asian (SAS) populations is 2–10%, while Amish (AMI) and Ashkenazi Jewish (ASJ) populations do not appear to carry such variants in ACE2 coding regions (Fig. 1b).”

                I’ll leave it up to you to find “Fig. 1b”.

                while Amish (AMI) and Ashkenazi Jewish (ASJ) populations do not appear to carry such variants in ACE2 coding regions

                Now…why on EARTH do you suppose that is? I mean, we’re all the SAME RACE, right?

                Oh, wait, that just can’t be so, if the Jews (and Amish, for…whatever reason I can’t imagine) are simply lacking an ACE2 receptor that this targets.

                Awfully…interesting, isn’t it?

                Now, if you keep your ear to the rail (the ACTUAL rail) as I do, you would have heard long ago stories about Israeli Mossad agents getting jobs at biotech / virology labs in order to begin creating genetic weapons.

                But…I’m sure that’s just some WILD conspiracy theory.

              • Ok you want your proof you’re going to have to put forth a LITTLE effort. For some reason, this particular link is being hard-core rejected by this website.

                Even Jewgle will take you to the correct article, if you type in the heading of the article, which is:

                “New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis”

                It’s at biomed central. The key takeaway from the article:

                We found that the distribution of deleterious variants in ACE2 differs among 9 populations in gnomAD (v3). Specifically, 39% (24/61) and 54% (33/61) of deleterious variants in ACE2 occur in African/African-American (AFR) and Non-Finnish European (EUR) populations, respectively (Fig. 1b). Prevalence of deleterious variants among Latino/Admixed American (AMR), East Asian (EAS), Finnish (FIN), and South Asian (SAS) populations is 2–10%, while Amish (AMI) and Ashkenazi Jewish (ASJ) populations do not appear to carry such variants in ACE2 coding regions (Fig. 1b).

                while Amish (AMI) and Ashkenazi Jewish (ASJ) populations do not appear to carry such variants in ACE2 coding regions

                I’m sure that’s…JUST a coincidence.

            • You talk a good game, but I don’t see you ASKING for evidence.

              I’d be happy to provide it if you were only smart enough to read it.

                  • Look at the petulant little letmepicyou troll: “I would give you ‘evidence’ of all sorts of things, but you just don’t want it, can’t handle it and won’t read it.” Hmmm, that conveniently get you off the hook, doesn’t it?

                    Having a discussion with the letmepicyou troll is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how many stupid and irrelevant things he says, he’s still going to shit on the board and strut around like he won anyway.

                    Provide the “evidence” already, you dolt.

                    • I think it’s cute, ML, that Little Agent Man believes he is going to win a game of intellect against you.

                      Oh well, it is entertaining to watch him try.

  8. From what I can tell, Trump is certainly undoing some things done by the Thing, but he is not eliminating the power to do these things, or even arguing against them on a constitutional basis.

    He supposedly revoked the EV mandate, but the ability to conjure such mandates in the fist place was not eliminated. He never said the government shouldn’t be able to mandate EVs, he just reversed it for now.

    There’s a big difference. I remain hopeful, but I’m not an imbecile. I see what’s happening.

  9. I suggest remembering these words. I will be here to say “I told you so.”

    The controllers know “the pendulum effect”. They can swing thing so far to the “Biden Side” before things start to get close to breaking, then they swing it back the other way to the “Trump Side”. And what nobody notices is how the pendulum swings a LITTLE FARTHER TO THE “LEFT” every single time it swings.

    Trump has a very specific purpose as to why he was installed in office. But first he has to swing the pendulum to the right to impresses all the goldfish watching their tell lie visions. Trump will spend the coming weeks doing things you all dreamed about. He will get you all so high on his “accomplishments”, that you will barely notice when he realizes his intended purpose:

    “Red Flag Laws” and “Anti-Semitism Laws”.

    These things I guarantee he will institute. And when the order goes out, I want to hear how you all sheepishly peek from your windows while the cops visit your “anti-Semitic neighbor” who is on the “red flag watch list” because of some “inappropriate comments” they made online.

    Remember these words.

    • You are probably right, Letme. I don’t have blinkers on.The last time I did was when Rrrrrrronald Rrrrrrreagan was president. And that was ages ago.

    • It only takes a finger to stop a grandfather clock.

      In this case it will only take mass deportations, checks on the 4th estate, and the commissioning of mechanical voting machines, to stop the pendulum from swinging back into the hands of political capture.

      • What we need to do is ban (and I mean by CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ban) dual citizenships within ANY high office of government.

        I don’t care who the dual citizenship is with. Of course, I feel this ESPECIALLY for the false “Israel” (which has nothing to do with “Biblical Israel”), but I don’t really care if your dual citizenship is with “Israel”, “Ireland”, or “China”, nobody can serve 2 masters.

        That’s scripture, right there.

      • It will take a lot more than mechanical voting machinnes.

        Honest elections require ending mail in ballots. Refuse to certify counts that come in late. Set a time certain and stick to it. Results from precincts reporting a higher % of votes than the number of registered voters, reject them. Also, refuse to certify ballots from jurisdictions flaunting voter ID.

        The next part is a stretch since election law is state by state. Ignore the pussified elephant in the room. Wipe all voter rolls [with a cloth] nationally. Two years to re-register is plenty of time. Anyone crying about these common sense reforms is a communist POS that needs dealt with.

        Until that gets done, voting is nothing but a fake and gay scam to placate weak minds. Sounds pretty hard, but it could be done if people were more educated about all the ways the Donk’s cheat.

        • Here’s something else I would like you to consider.
          We need another system for deciding who to actually vote for.
          The J/News parading out 2 candidates every 4 years for us to choose from is something I personally find insulting.

          This is me being especially frank. If you look at either 2 presidential “candidates”, on EITHER SIDE, and I don’t care how far back you go…
          Trump / Biden…
          Obama / Bush…
          Bush / Clinton…
          Regan / Carter…
          I really don’t care how far back you go…
          If you look at either choice offered, if you aren’t absolutely insulted by BOTH CHOICES, then you are an abject moron. Period. End of story.

          Anyone that LEGITIMATELY BELIEVES that out of 300,000,000 people, EITHER “Donald Trump” or “Joe Biden” are the BEST 2 CHOICES AMERICA CAN OFFER, is an imbecile.

          So we need to find a new system of “Who to vote for” in the first place. Perhaps it’s time to outlaw the discussion of politics or political candidates on tell lie vision in any way, shape, or form.

          Then how would we know who to vote for?

          • Agreed. I forgot action item number one. Do away with all political parties.

            Straight ballots, alphabetically arranged, with name and a small number of characters to describe themselves. 51% or higher takes it. Less than that, the top three have a run off. To discourage to many choices you could charge 1 thousand bucks.

            • YES. 51% is President, and 49% is vice-president. Just like the old days.

              I would also limit campaign contributions to $1 per candidate per person or corporation.

              To me, this would be the ultimate move in the direction of “free speech” because it would EQUALIZE all speech.

              Imagine if YOUR $1 meant the same as Boeing’s $1.

      • I agree Steve — mechanical voting machines are the best way to run an election — they eliminate ALL fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing that needs to be done is to have a video camera running on all the machines on election day(s) to make sure the poll workers don’t add a bunch of fake votes to the machines.

        Mechanical voting machines are awesome:
        No fake voters, no voting more than once (voters’ hands are stamped with ink), no voter registration is even needed at all because voters must go live in-person and show ID (although showing ID isn’t even really important because they are there in-person so obviously they are a real voter), no fake ballots, no stacks & boxes of paper ballots, no changing voters’ votes, no throwing out votes/ballots, no fake totals. The machines are not riggable because they are mechanical and inspected before the election — if it were rigged it would be extremely obvious.

        ~Half of America was still using the machines ~2001, then in 2002 the Bush administration outlawed them, seized them all and destroyed them — we all know why they did that! Now we have 99% unelected traitors working for global satanic crime cabals.

        • What if…and here me out here…
          What if we stop “voting” for new masters?
          What if there’s another way to run a planet, rather then by this…odd system of “A or B choice-based subservience” ?

          • I say this all the time, I think alot of people do. I think the term for this is “civilization” or “society”, whereas what the entire world has now is dictatorships/slavery/feudalism.

    • Yep. Trump is on record saying “take the guns, due process later”. Did any of his supporters seriously think Trump ever changed his mind on this particular issue?

      • They’re too brainwashed to notice. It’s scary, really, I don’t know who’s worse, the Trump-tards or the Biden-tards. Both groups are equally scary.

        Here is the difference between “right” and “left”. The “right” is just smart enough to know “communism…bad…squawk squawk…” But they aren’t nearly bright enough to know that it comes from their Jewish overlords, who they profess undying love for because of their Scofield-bible preaching Zionist-corrupted “clergy”.

        The “left” is only 5 IQ points below the average person on the “right”. They aren’t smart enough to realize “communism = bad” because they read Marx’s (ok, Hess’) rambling diatribe about “the bourgeoise does this and the bourgeoise they’ll feed their own children to the machines blah blah blah” it really is a literary MESS but they don’t even have the critical thinking skills to notice that at no time, in no place in the entire “Communist Manifesto” does Marx ONCE offer a single shred of evidence or proof for ANY of his claims. He just makes them. You just better accept them if you want to see the glorious worker’s paradise.

        It’s just all so much nonsense to any critically thinking mind that reads it that in and of itself makes it quite obvious that “critical thinking” isn’t taught in schools, it’s TAKEN AWAY.

        So both the “left” and “right” frankly scare me with their overwhelming ignorance and lack of critical thinking skills.

    • I concur with Letme about the “Red Flag Laws” and “Anti-Semitism Laws” that I suspect are in the tangerine man’s back pocket.

      “If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize.”
      ― Voltaire (or Kevin Alfred Strom …take your pick)

  10. Please, no Don. We don’t need a massive infrastructure bill in this country. Let’s cut costs. Another trillion added to our snowballing budget will help no one.

    I don’t know what it is. If it is a private business making an announcement to bring manufacturing back home – I am good with that. No more taxpayer funded bills. We are broke. Stop the damn spending.

    PS I do like that Milley’s pic was taken down at DOD. It may be a bit petty, but the guy was a traitor. Now the guys can use it for practice at the range.

    • “Now the guys can use it for practice at the range”

      A great idea but this can only be used at your own private range as mostly faces/pictures are not approved. It was only recently that cardboard cut outs resembling a human were allowed. I don’t know about some but at a few you are on your own. These are far from any metropolitan area.

      Enemies of the state like Osama Bin Laden are always allowed.

      • Osama Bin Laden? You mean CIA asset “Tim Osmond”, who died many years before the supposed “SEAL team raid” that supposedly killed him?

        You DO remember the then prime minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, when she declared “Osama Bin Laden” had died of kidney failure, right? Sure you do. It was on the news. She said that right before she…ahem…died in a “car accident”.

        • “Osama Bin Laden? You mean CIA asset “Tim Osmond”

          I must have blinked when that hit the airwaves. If true than he really took one for the team. I too once took one for the team. When I was about 14, I attended a funeral event (Cardinal died). I went and received Communion knowing full well that I had at least 12 mortal sins on my soul. Everyone in front received Communion, the mayor, the chiefs and even the unbelievers.

          Seeing that I decided to follow the pack as not going was going to be reported. Hell would be unleashed upon me.

          Did I do it for the teams or myself. I reasoned at that time that I already had 12 mortal sins then what was just one more.

          I did confess all much later on at another parish. I am saved Hallelujah.

          • Yeah, that “Bin Laden” was a CIA asset is something that has been known by the “truth community” since not long after 9/11. He died in 2001, actually, and Bhutto was even interviewed about it in Nov. 2007 I think it was.

        • Hi Letme,

          I concur that much – perhaps everything – about “911” was fishy in the extreme. One thing in particular really lit my radar up. At the time, I was on the editorial page staff of The Washington Times. You would not believe how instantaneously everyone in “the media” was using that curious psychological “911” to describe what happened. I mean within hours of the event. As if on cue. It was not natural – very much in the way that those plastic barriers and “six feet apart” stickers were just suddenly there during the early days of the “pandemic,” as if they’d been pre-positioned to be.

          But – for me – the most eye opening thing about “911” was a conversation I had with a friend I had back then, who was a retired Navy pilot who flew combat during Vietnam. He told me that he was very suspicious of the story we were being told – especially about the plane that supposedly flew into the Pentagon. He’d looked into the claimed flight path and said that he – a former carrier-qualified pilot- would have had a Hell of a time piloting a heavy jet the way a barely trained “terrorist” supposedly piloted it. Especially the last leg of the flight – just feet off the deck without plowing into the deck before it (supposedly) struck the side of the Pentagon.

          • I may have mentioned this before, but I live in Ohio. On 9/11, I went home from work early and was watching the news (I’m pretty sure everyone was on that day), and I will never forget the following story that came across the Cleveland local news channel:

            Flight 93 was diverted to Cleveland / Hopkins Intl. Airport, where it was taxied to the NASA center that shares the property with the Cleveland airport, deplaned, and searched for explosives.

            The same “Flight 93” that supposedly crashed in PA was on MY local news has having landed in Cleveland.

            There was no greater red flag for me than when they made the “Pennsylvania” announcement. I knew right there and then that it was 100% a lie, not unlike everything else.

          • In public school they were required to show us frame by frame replay of the “plane” going past a security checkpoint toward the pentagon, and the teacher said with a grin, “That’s supposed to be conclusive, but it’s the best we’ve got”.

            Boy I’d love to take a trip back in time and do a report on WTC7. They just kept us in the dark on that, and got away with it. We were none the wiser.

            • The thing that blew my mind was when I saw that parking lot security camera footage of the “jet” hitting the pentagon. That video is gone now, I haven’t seen it in years, but it was very clearly a cruise missile. there were no wings, there was no livery on the tail, and it was moving very fast.

    • Firing Milley from the advisory board and removing his portrait from the Pentagon was a statement to the rest of the brass.

      If Trump were serious about turning the military around, he would start by cleaning house in Tampa at JB MacDill.

      Fort Hood here in Texas could use an enema too.

      Milley was at Fort Hood for a couple of years in command of III Corps.

    • So where is the “infrastructure initiative” for Gaza?
      God knows, it needs one.

      Better still, why doesn’t L’il Donnie buy some land on the strand and build a hotel/casino (the very first one!) on the Gaza Strip?
      Turn loose of some of that $100 million he got from Miriam what’s her name, and pay a fair price for the property, so no one can accuse you of “stealing” it. Get your smart NY lawyers to write up the deal with funding control to make sure the proceeds are used for infrastructure improvement. From what I have seen, rubble clearance alone will probably eat up the proceeds. Got to start somewhere… Opening scenes from the movie, “Judgment at Nuremburg,” come to my mind.

      Forget Atlantic City. Gaza is the future. The new Monte Carlo. And be sure to hire locals to build the thing. You *are* big on hiring locals, aren’t you, Donnie?

      Write your Congress Critter! Tell him/her you first saw the idea suggested on
      I am serious. 🙂

  11. “Perhaps President Trump can still do something about all of this. There must be ways to see that justice is done. Or – at the very least – not denied altogether.”

    Why would he do that, considering that HE enabled Fauci, and HE “fast-tracked” the “beautiful drugs” which he still defends and glories in, and imagines himself being a “hero” for having done so?

    And this ruling by executive order -by all sides, and whether we like the particular orders or not- has got to stop, as it is the establishment of dictatorial powers and bypasses all of the “checks and balances” which were designed to prevent that very thing [If we must be tyrannized, it at least has to done through Congress and “the rule of law”… 😀 ]

  12. Re: Executive Orders

    EOs, legitimately, apply to federal employees and federal
    business, only. Federal EOs do not apply to the states or
    the individuals therein.

    Current usage in unconstitutional, inappropriate,
    illegal, etc. Example of a proper EO, setting of
    federal holidays – which are NOT mandatory
    for the states.

  13. Yes, a great start. The freakout over the EV bullshit especially is very enjoyable.

    But I’d sure like to see Ross walk.

  14. I’ll admit that many of these Executive Orders sounded good, though some sounded a little silly, such as the order halting FedGov’s censorship of free speech. I thought that was Amendment One?

    Of course, the 1st Amendment words it that “Congrefs shall make no Law…” and perhaps that’s the point: The unelected hordes under the Federal umbrella began to censor by any means necessary, laws be damned.

    Hopefully things will be run better than they were in the case of the musical performances of Carrie Underwood and Billy Ray Cyrus. If you can’t amp a guitar, I have doubts as to your other abilities…

  15. The problem I see is not the pardons and Executive Orders but that they were needed to be done at all. The real question I see is whether or not President Trump can return the Republic back to what the founders had intended.

    We’ll know in less than 4 years.

    Either way he has already accomplished something good by freeing most of the political prisoners.

  16. Payback time:

    ‘President Trump issued an executive order to revoke the security clearances of 50 former intelligence and high-ranking government officials. Each of the officials participated in the widely discussed election interference operation surrounding the Hunter Biden [‘Russian tradecraft’] laptop and the 2020 election.’

    Among those stripped of their clearances are the odious Clapper, Brennan and war walrus John Bolton.

    ‘This is a silo penetrating MOAB that starts the beginning of a war that will leave only one system standing, a Constitutional Republic or IC [Intelligence Community] controlled Totalitarianism. Either President Donald Trump wins or We the People will be stuck within the illusion of democracy. This is not hyperbole.’ — Sundance at the conservative treehouse

    Smash the spooks.

    • That was a good EO for sure, keep those weasels out of the ‘National Security’ nexus so they can’t sabotage any peace talks. I also applaud the takedown of the DEI apparatus and the declaration that there are only two genders. Definitely off to a good start, next up we need to see the JFK files hidden by the CIA. Not holding my breath on that one, most likely the response will be that somehow they “accidentally” destroyed them.

  17. Though we may like these initial executive orders, keep in mind what has occurred is just a trading of one tyrant for another.

    A country cannot survive and business cannot operate effectively with a constant whipsawing of policy back and forth every four years.

    Buckle up, it’s gonna be a rough ride.

    • ‘A country cannot survive and business cannot operate effectively with a constant whipsawing of policy back and forth every four years.’ — Burn It Down

      Thank you. Although many of us agree with many of Trump’s new orders, his 100 EOs on Day One will escalate to 300 EOs on Day One when the next DemonRat comes on board. Constitutional degeneracy is being defined downward.

      As always, watch the money. The US clowngov is running $2 trillion annual deficits. Most of this is nondiscretionary and can’t be fixed by DOGE. Although Trump will be blamed for it, the coming economic and government funding crisis is already baked in the cake.

      The human race was dyin’ out
      No one left to scream and shout
      People walkin’ on the moon
      Smog gonna get you pretty soon

      Ship of fools, ship of fools

      — The Doors, Ship of Fools

      • Actually, I beg to differ with your whipsawing argument.
        Until the executive state was established, almost ALL federal employees were subject to being fired when a new administration took power.
        The ability to control one’s administration from the executive branch was a good thing.
        As to pardons, I think the supreme court will rule that preemptive pardons are not only useless, but unconstitutional as well and that they have no force of law. Biden’s criminal enterprise is not out of the woods yet.

        • Correct on the federal employees. The long forgotten civil service act/protections were one of the bigger affronts to a constitutional republic that nobody remembers. How can the people fire the management end enforce needed reckonings if the traitorous employees are protected? Civil service should be a temporary privilege and responsibility, not a sinecure.

        • “Actually, I beg to differ with your whipsawing argument.”

          With all due respect – it’s not our opinions that matter.

          When a capital intensive industry like automotive operates on development cycles that exceed election cycles, they need stability.

          Neither you nor I are placing multi Billion dollar bets on what the regulatory landscape will look like in 2030.

        • “almost ALL federal employees were subject to being fired when a new administration took power”

          The two top executives at each cabinet are political appointees. As such they can and should be removed along with the secretarys on the first day of a new presidency.

        • If we’re being honest, NOTHING the “executive branch” does has the actual force of LAW.

          Last time I checked, “making laws” is not something within the purveyance of the executive branch. Maybe I missed something in “Government class”.

      • It’s ALL discretionary.

        “But what about defense?” you might ask. We” the US has spent a sum total of $0.00 on DEfense since January 8, 1815, and has somehow avoided falling into the Atlantic Ocean.

    • Exactly.
      Nobody has explained how the auto industry – or any industry for that matter – can go back and forth on what products they are permitted to build every 4 years.

      I suppose, every company could just break into 2 companies and build two totally different product lines.
      One for when Democrats are in charge and another for when Republicans are in charge.
      Because that makes a lot of sense.

  18. So far I can’t complain what the guy has done. Is every EO going to stick? Unlikely. Many will end up in the courts. Although, I applaud Trump for taking the time to override that last administration’s garbage (especially the pardoning of the J6 Capitol visitors) the check and balances of the three branches have since been decimated and have placed a large (and unequal) portion of control under the Executive branch.

    Presidents should not have the ability to preemptively pardon those that have not been convicted of crimes, they should not have the ability to overturn laws that actually passed Congress, wipe out personal debt with the swipe of a pen (dissolving student loan balances), etc. Trump signed well over 100 EOs yesterday, actually probably closer to 200. Although, I support many of what he signed it is so easy for the next President to come in and overturn them. Congress, with their inability to accomplish anything, is allowing the unsurping of their own power. This country, which began as a republic, transitioned into an oligarchy, will end up as a dictatorship. We need to get back to following the original doctrine that established this country. Anything else places our freedoms on a day to day whim which makes dissolving them much too easy.

    • Ahh yes, but politics at the federal level has been most excruciating for the past 4 years. I’m going to live in the current moment and enjoy the re-establishment of some sanity right now. In a week or two I can go back to being a grumpy cynic.

      Today I raise my figurative glass and say: Salud!!!!

      • Agreed, ML. I will appreciate the small token of common sense that has been implemented in the last 24 hours. Waking up not having to see Uncle Joe’s look of stupefied confusion or listening to one of Kami’s word salads brought a smile to my face.

    • ‘Congress, with their inability to accomplish anything, is allowing the usurping of their own power.’ — Raider Girl

      Succinct and dead on. I regularly point this out in letters to my cringing Congress Clowns. All but eight of them — the unconstitutional Gang of Eight — don’t even get to know what is in a defense/intel black budget that’s pushing $100 billion.

      As the babbling idiot Nancy Pelosi accurately said about a two thousand-page omnibus bill, ‘We have to pass it to find out what’s in it’ — a confession of abject personal and institutional failure. And even then, they still don’t know what’s in the secret parts. Losers.

    • Actually they should have the ability to resist laws passed by congress. All three branches have an ability to override unconstitutional or extra-constitutional “laws”. I’d like to see a president refuse to allow enforcement of most of this crap until the Supreme Court explicitly ruled it constitutional citing the exact portion of the constitution delegating that privilege to the gov.

      As to executive and judicial overreach and usurpation, that’s what impeachment is supposed to be for. It’s not working because they’re all club members and it’s only used against outsiders.

    • What human imposter assumes authority to decree anyone above human law?

      So the sham aka gubmint has now devolved to the level of a mudslinging executive proclamation display.

      Pure bullshit, lap it up at yr own risk.
      Hey F², nice blue tie in yr new psycho costume portrait. Nice hat Millie.

      Shalom out

      • The hat kept the snaky politicians away from kissing her face or being able to hug her. Melania is not stupid. It also kept the camera off her facial features as she was probably making gagging sounds and rolling her eyes as she had tea with “Doctor” Jill.

        Brilliant strategic move on her part.

  19. Back in 2020, just weeks before Trump’s first term as President ended, the Democrat Party screeched that Trump would issue preemptive pardons, and even Joe Biden said that he’d never do that. However, they all sang a different tune when Biden issued all sorts of preemptive pardons to despicable people such as Tony Fauci. One establishment/ Democrat Party shill even THANKED Biden for issuing such pardons to what they called “Trump’s targets”. Not surprisingly, they claim that Trump would have engaged in lawfare against Fauci, Liz Cheney, and others who got pardons from the Biden Thing, seemingly ignoring the fact that that’s what THEY’VE been doing against Trump & ordinary people who go up against the establishment. It’s so beyond me anymore why people continue voting Democrat.

  20. One more thing, the federal EV mandate has also been rescinded! Now just waiting to see the auto makers who had foolishly bought into the scam and taking a financial beating will be now pleading taxpayer funded bailouts.

    • ‘U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday revoked a 2021 executive order signed by Biden that sought to ensure half of all new vehicles sold in the United States by 2030 were electric. Biden’s 50% target, which was not legally binding, had won the support of U.S. and foreign automakers.

      ‘Trump plans to direct the EPA to reconsider rules mandating more stringent emissions limits that would require automakers to sell between 30% to 56% EVs by 2032 in order to comply, as well as parallel rules issued by the U.S. Transportation Department.’ — Reuters

      Biden’s executive order, now void, was not legally binding. The real teeth in the EeeVee push was Red Guard Regan’s harsh 2032 emissions regs. They didn’t mandate EeeVees per se — rather, just set ’emissions’ standards too tough for most hydrocarbon-fueled vehicles to meet.

      New EPA commissioner nominee Lee Zeldin now has to run the prescribed gauntlet of publishing proposed regs, receiving and responding to comments, then publishing final regs. It could take till next year.

      Watch some of the collaborationist auto makers, who were totally in bed with Regan, weep and gnash their teeth. Death to these sniveling traitors.

      • it’s much worse for diesel regs………. the proposed 2027 diesel regs are off the charts egregious. Some say the proposed 2027 diesel regs makes them ‘cleaner’ than gas engines. Which means we could see ‘particulate’ filters and more egregious components on gas engines too.
        This madness has to stop. I’m am hopeful it will. BUT, if these regs are dialed back, a lot, then we could easily see old approved engines from Asia (china), sold at fractions of our current engines. And why the potential tariffs…..
        Buckle up.

      • Proving the car grift is making bank on high markup ev whatever green nonsense. Whining for bailouts the whole time.

        Whats up with that “endless lots fulla unwanted ev” meme?

        So, all unsold unwanted junk will just vanish poof!

        What “year” is that snob trinket?

    • “Now just waiting to see the auto makers who had foolishly bought into the scam. . .”

      They didn’t buy in, they actually begged for and lobbied for the EV mandates.

      I’m not sure why so much of the public thinks these EV mandates were forced upon the Automakers.

      Little Billy Ford believe his great grandpa’s mass production of the ICE automobile was harmful and that he has to make EV’s to atone for Henry’s sin. Little Billy wants the adoration of his Limousine Liberal friends and family.

      • This! Mother Mary too went to DC to plead for more regulations to “encourage” us to buy a product sub standard to 100 years of ICE vehicles. lol Just like LA…. Let it burn! (and this coming from a guy who works for the lower case car company!)

      • I don’t understand why the auto makers would support these EV mandates. They are a one way ticket to bankruptcy. They are losing a fortune on every EV sold. As far as I know, even Tesla loses money on each car sold and survives only on the carbon extortion credits. There is minimal customer demand for EVs, minimal supporting infrastructure, and an electrical grid that is at its limit.

        • Hi Martin,

          It could be of a piece with the Big Pharma companies that lobbied governments for COVID vaxx mandates. They, along with automobile manufacturers, may have thought they’d make LOTS of money off of mandates but instead lost LOTS of money when people say “NO!” to COVID jabs or EVs.

        • This may be hard to accept, but there is a concerted effort to destroy our manufacturing and commercial base from within.

          I’d like it if you took a look at the most recent business failures and see if you can find something in common.
          Radio Shack.

          From what I have seen? A Jew gets put in charge of a big American corporation, and mismanagement immediately begins, running it swiftly into the ground and making shekels for the Jew along the way. I believe this to be the case for every major corp that has gone out of business in the last few decades.

          If I’m wrong or way off base here, it should be easy to disprove and make me look like I’m talking out of my ass. But I don’t think that will be the case.

          But if you were looking for “why”…this is why.

    • That’s a good start. At least he spoke out in public and he has a big microphone.

      I would like to see the big tree auto makers mass produce retro replica cars from 60’s era.

      These would be retro and street legal according to 60’s laws. I would order a repilca 1968 Dodge Charger with the 383 four barrel. Of course all mechanicals would be upgraded units using modern technology. That includes carburetor etc.

      I should send a note telling my local and national reps of the new freedoms that we will be soon enjoying/using.

  21. What a remarkable day it was in politics yesterday. Not all good for sure, but I’ve never seen anything like it. It was the most political entertainment I’ve ever seen. The day should also be marked as the restoration of some sanity in these United States of America.

    Putting aside all of the other remarkable Trump events yesterday, This 45 minute press conference/executive order signing is just mind blowing. I’ve never seen an American president operate in such a way. To say that Trump is in control of himself, the press and the office of the presidency would be the understatement of the century. His body language, overall conduct and use of language and tone absolutely screams top-of-the-apex alpha male.

    Some good stuff happened yesterday for sure -J6 pardons/commutations, withdrawing from the despicable WHO, ending the EV mandate, opening up energy production, reaffirming the biological truth of only males and females, ordering an end to DEI in government. . .

    Some bad too like what appears to be TicTok extortion play and making some sort of terrorism declaration with regard to international cartels.

    • Mistor Liberty,
      I also liked during Trump holding court signing session he called Adam Shfit scum. An elected President calling this POS senator scum to the media. I love it.

      And shame on my former state California for not electing Steve Garvey a good candidate vs preferring that scum. They deserve the DEI-incompetence fire storm they got.

      • I too enjoyed the Adam Shiff scum comment. Trump’s frankness is quite refreshing. Also, with DEI contributing to (or perhaps causing) the LA fire disaster, politics might soon change for the better in CA. One can dream anyway.

      • Really?

        Regular person just living their life DESERVES their multimillion dollar custom work of art home torched by arsonists so someones jealousy is placated.

        Yr fulla shit.

    • Tik-Tok is being singled out as the Gaza and West Bank genocides are being exposed in real time, something that the (((chosen))) cannot control.
      According to figures, almost 80% of Tik-Tok subscribers support the Palestinian cause and are not averse to holding israel responsible for the genocides.
      The (((chosen))) no longer control the narrative, hence their desire to support the demise of Tik-Tok.
      It’s all about narrative control–NOT China.

  22. ‘Included in the preemptive pardoning is the loathsome Anthony Fauci. Perhaps President Trump can still do something about all of this.’ — eric

    Indeed he can. So as not to double post, I’ll just refer to the one I put in “From Seatbelts to Here We Are” a few minutes ago.

    Briefly, since a pardoned Fauci no longer can invoke the Fifth Amendment, the plan is to put him in front of both Congressional committees and grand juries under oath, and make him sing like a little boid as they say in Brooklyn.

    Just don’t call Dirty Tony a stool pigeon! 🙂

    • It is a good start overall. Kudos to the President

      But please, don’t tell me putting Dirty Tony on the stand, [under oath] in front of clowngress or grand juries will accomplish anything. If thats the plan, they might as well bring Trey Gowdy out of retirement right now to write the strongly worded summation.

      • Agreed, Norman. Congress has had four years of revolving “investigations” where the only thing accomplished was the wasting of taxpayer money.

          • THIS ^^^ — give him his own medicine — full dose and boosters for at least 6 months and the world will see what happens to him — do a clinical test on him and all of the other mass murderers.

          • That sounds great, except for one problem.
            Fauci is a Jesuit, which means there’s a very high probability he’s a racial Jew.
            Everything about COVID is designed to target a particular ACE2 receptor cites found mainly in white and black populations, but not at all in Ashkenazi Jews.

            Which is to say, the COVID bioweapon which can kill white people, would be like injecting a Jew with water. So…it sounds great, except for that one little detail.

              • All you have to do is search for: “New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis”

                That will take you to an article at BMC Medicine. The key takeaway to the article:

                “We found that the distribution of deleterious variants in ACE2 differs among 9 populations in gnomAD (v3). Specifically, 39% (24/61) and 54% (33/61) of deleterious variants in ACE2 occur in African/African-American (AFR) and Non-Finnish European (EUR) populations, respectively (Fig. 1b). Prevalence of deleterious variants among Latino/Admixed American (AMR), East Asian (EAS), Finnish (FIN), and South Asian (SAS) populations is 2–10%, while Amish (AMI) and Ashkenazi Jewish (ASJ) populations do not appear to carry such variants in ACE2 coding regions (Fig. 1b).”

                “…while Amish (AMI) and Ashkenazi Jewish (ASJ) populations do not appear to carry such variants in ACE2 coding regions…”

                Now, don’t ask me about the Amish, I’ve never done an “Amish deep dive”, though there are those that think the “Amish” are secret sleeper cells.


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