Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show 03/23/2023

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Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED Radio in Oregon. We talked about the salutary stand of Ferrari against the electric-negation of everything that isn’t the same, among other topics that might be of interest!


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  1. I looked up those low cost Chinese electric cars:

    “The 100% electric Maple 30X is a versatile, compact “city SUV” featuring style, performance and comfort. Customers can choose from five colors and four trim levels: “Fengyun Basic”, “Fengfan Style”, “Fengshang Plus”, and “Fenghua Premium”. The 30x has a trendy two-tone exterior design with a contrasting roof in black. Equipped with the Maple 30X GKUI intelligent system inside, the integrated infotainment system provides a combination of entertainment and information for an enhanced in-vehicle experience.”

    “With the Maple 30X motor’s maximum output of 70kw, the driving range on a full charge is up to 306 km or 190 miles. The model comes with express charging and standard charging options. Express charging enables the vehicle to be charged to 80% in about 30 minutes. A home plug-in charging feature is also available.”


    So if Amerika is the freest country on earth, then why are these cars not sold here?


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