Video Rant: 2017 Fiat 500

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I like this little bugger – and, as it turns out – more of you do, too!

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  1. Weren’t these rated as the most unreliable cars currently on the American market? (FIAT NEVER learns…). And man, I just don’t see the point of driving such a tiny car, when plenty of bigger ones get the same or better MPGs. Other than the fact that they’re cheap, I see what they have going for them. They’re the modern-day Renault Le Car. In 5 or 6 years, the ones that are still plugging along will probably be worth $1000.

    They remind me of a cartoon car. I just picture Wally Walrus stuffed into it, tooling down the highway, and the hood flapping open and obscuring the windshield…

    On the positive side, I always enjoy your video rants, Eric- only I was really expecting a RANT about this baby!

  2. It’s refreshing to see a brand that offers feminine color schemes on their cars, especially in today’s sick and twisted world.

  3. My folks have a 2015, the convertible version (technically a targa top). They like it a lot. So far (they bought it new) its been a pretty good car. Recently however, the door locking mechanism broke and an arm rest fell apart. The dealer “service” was beyond terrible. Four tries over a month to get the locks fixed. If they need further service under the remaining warranty they will likely go to the next closest dealer, which is close to fifty miles. So for that fact alone, I doubt they will buy another Fiat. I wouldn’t.

    I have driven it a number of times now, and yes you are the center of attention no matter where you are. It gets as much attention as a olds cutlass convertible they once had. It seems like a decent car, but your right the gas mileage isn’t great for what it is. But the local dealer here sinks the brand for the most part IMHO.


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