Reader Question: Stinger Thoughts?

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Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Jim asks: What do you think about the Kia Stinger? When will you review? Looking at 2019 GT1 to avoid first year model issues, but they’re not cheap. On a side note, give me your best guess for cost/speed/economy for a government reg-free Stinger GT like car? $30k, 4 seconds 0-60, 20mpg?

My reply: I think it’s outstanding that Kia is offering a rear-drive high-performance sedan at a price point that’s still manageable for people who aren’t rich. Kia is sending me one in November, I think – so keep on the lookout for a full-length review.

I personally would want the V6 GT, not only because it is much stronger than the turbo four but also because it’s not a turbo four. I have nothing against turbos… in cars that are second/fun/weekend cars. But in a sedan, which is presumptively an everyday driver and possible family car, too – I’d want the bigger engine without the turbo for long-term durability and longevity reasons.

Also, the 3.3 V6 has been in service in other Hyundai/Kia models (including Genesis models) and it appears to be a solid, reliable engine. The main weakness I’ve noticed in other H-K (and Genesis) performance models is the automatic transmission’s shift programming. It’s on the sluggish/too-soft side for my tastes. But I haven’t yet driven this car, so can’t comment on how the Stinger’s is set up.

One other thing I really like about this car is the hatchback sedan layout. Instead of what would probably be 15 or so cubic feet of trunk space, the hatch allows for 40 cubic feet of total cargo capacity as well as much more accessibility/versatility. You could haul 2x4x8s in it. This makes the car much more practical – on par with a small crossover SUV – without being yet another small crossover SUV!

On your “Uncle-free” car question:

Cars would without question be much lighter – and much less expensive – as well as much more fuel efficient and quicker, too.

Or at least, they could be.

If the government didn’t dictate design parameters, the market would. The car companies would be free to design very lightweight cars that were extremely fuel efficient, as one example – assuming demand for such existed, and I think it does exist.

Similarly, I have no doubt that many people who are interested in high-performance would gladly accept a car that might not protect them as well in a crash – if they crash – but which weighed several hundred pounds less and so was much quicker.

And so on.

My beef – the thing I rail against in my rants – is the effrontery of government bureaucrats and politicians denying supposedly free people their right to make such decisions for themselves and interfering with the free market’s ability to provide for those needs.

It did so, once upon a time. There were brands – such as Volvo – which emphasized safety and other brands which emphasized other things. People were free to choose.

I think they should be free to choose again.

. . .

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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