Reader Question: Summer Prep?

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Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Cindy asks: Is there anything specific I should be thinking about doing to get my car ready for the warm weather? Your stuff is great, by the way!

My reply: There is stuff I would recommend doing before the warm weather hits; specifically, running the AC at least once every week or so. This will circulate lubricant as well as refrigerant, which will keep the seals pliable and tight and prevent those expensive leaks – and recharge fixes. You don’t have to freeze, either. The temperature setting does not have to be cold for the AC to be operating. If you have a climate control system, the AC should come on automatically when the defroster is turned on, to dehumidify the interior glass.

Other stuff – to do now:

Have a look at all four tires – and check the pressure in all four tires. Make sure there is plenty of tread and look for indications of abnormal wear, such as cupping or uneven tread depth.

Check/change your wiper blades – winter probably wore them out. It’s a good idea to change these once a year and probably twice, in spring and then again in fall. Also check the windshield washer reservoir. It is probably low – and a clean windshield is just as important in summer as in winter.

If the car is more than five years old – or it hasn’t had its cooling system serviced in five years or more – it is likely it needs that service. Or at least, a check – hoses, belts and the condition of the coolant. Is the fan clutch (if mechanical) working correctly. Etc.

I also like to detail my vehicles as the weather turns nice – meaning, a really thorough cleaning inside and out. It will help your car look better and so hold its value better, which will make you feel better!

Thanks for the kind words, by the way!

. . .

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