
The Jesus Hoover…

Are people who are fervently religious - cocksure that their religion is the right and only true religion - mentally ill, sloppy thinkers, or just a bit on the dumb side? I'm...

They’re Making it Worth Running. . .

In my state (Virginia) you can be cited for "reckless" driving for exceeding any speed limit by more than 20 MPH. It sounds like a lot, but it really isn't -...

Diabetic Tazered, Beaten and Pepper-Sprayed by AGW

Here's video from a Denver, CO CBS affiliate about the $825,000 settlement - paid by taxpayers - awarded to a diabetic motorist who received a particularly brutal Hut! Hut! Hutting! at...

The Bluecoats are Coming…

If Jesse gets his way. Check out this article by Mike Adams about Jesse Jackson's demand that TSA thugs be armed - and used to "police" America: Mike Adams Natural News Feb 4,...

Reader Question: Car Buying in America?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Fernando asks: I am from Brazil and moved to the US last year. I need to buy a car and a friend told...

VW Gets Raped By Canada for $1.6 Billion

As Sam Kineson used to say... it never ends: Volkswagen AG has agreed to spend up to C$2.1 billion ($1.6 billion) to buy back or "fix" 105,000 diesel-powered cars and compensate owners...

AGW Wrecks . . . AGWs Get Very Hut! Hut! Hutty!

Here's video taken of the aftermath of a AGW - "trained," no doubt, in the techniques of high-performance driving -  wrecking the car taxpayers were forced to pay for. The "trained"...

Latest Reader Question: 1987 Mercedes 190

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Brian asks: The car looks immaculate, has 111 miles and has the 2.6 liter inline 6. The car is going for cheap. Do...

Video Rant: Boom Boom Boom

It's getting to be spring, which brings out the Bix Noodians - the losers who drive around in their cars with their Rap "music" concussing everything within a half-mile radius. They...

Reader Question: Ram 1500 Thoughts?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Rick asks: I found out yesterday that my 2008 Ford F150 is pretty much done for. I was informed by my mechanic that...
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