
Are you a Clover?

What's a Clover? It's a person who needs some help behind the wheel - but doesn't realize it. To put a finer point on it, a Clover is a person who...

The Car Log

One of the first things I do after I buy a vehicle is buy a small spiral-bound notebook (spiral-bound because a pen or pencil fits nicely in the binding.) On the...

The Truth About “Giving You a Break” . . .

I've had people criticize my criticism of "speeding" tickets. They say I'm encouraging or at least defending wrongful, dangerous activity. But I'd like to ask them a question. If "speeding" is...

2011 Ford Flex Ecoboost

Hey fool! Custom vans were popular once - a long time ago. They combined coolness, power and utility in the same package. But they disappeared because of the Rise of the Minivan...

Shipping a Motorcycle: The Nightmare Begins

There are two bear traps waiting to snap shut on your leg when buying a bike online. The first, of course, is buying the bike itself. If you're going by an...

Thoughts on Heaf Cayuh “reform”

People talk pro and con about Obamacare but the philosophical question - the principle - at issue is: What's the legitimate role of government?  I believe its role should be preventing us from...

Clovers in the Snow

It is snowing (and icing) here; very treacherous driving. So naturally, I went out! "Out" means downtown Roanoke - about 35 miles away. And it means going down (and back up) Bent...

Mustang SVO, 1984-1986

Trying to keep the performance flame flickering in the late '70s wasn't easy. Big-cube, high-powered V-8s had been all but outlawed. Only a handful of smallblocks were still gimping along, their...

5 DIY Tips…

If you mess around with cars long enough, you'll figure out ways of doing things that make the job easier. Here are five tips that have worked well for me over...

2011 Honda Insight

Last year, Honda brought out the Insight hybrid to compete against the well-established, best-selling Toyota Prius hybrid. The 40-43 MPG Insight didn't quite match the 50-plus MPG fuel efficiency of the...
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