Home Questions Page 11


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Why the need for guns?

Hya Eric, I’m from Canada, eastern portion called the Maritimes, and when reading posts concerning guns, open carry, etc, I have to admit it’s almost foreign to me that it’s an...

Reader Question: Hypermiling?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Tom asks: Whatever happened with the hyper-miling phenomenon, where people drove to maximize mpg, driving slowly, etc. and got amazing results? My reply: I've...

The Not Stately Mercedes!

Mercedes - historically - is known for it stately, comfortable cars. Here's a look at a speedy Benz that will make the guy in the next lane uncomfortable! . . . Got...

Reader Question: Car Search?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Ken asks: Do you ever give advice for a car search? I am retiring and my wife and I will need a car...

Company Vehicle Accident

I’m wondering if you have any advice for battling increased auto insurance rates due to an accident resulting from a defective work truck? It’s so unfair that our personal car insurance...

Reader Question: A Better Car For Mom?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Clay asks: If you can scratch your head for a minute and give me your immediate thoughts on this I’ll be grateful. My...

Reader Question: Avoiding the “Latest Stuff”?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Scott asks: I was wondering if you have a recommendation? I too am sick of direct injection, twin turbochargers, 4 cylinders, sensors, sensors,...

A Tire That’s Too Good to be True . . . ?

You can’t inflate it - and you can’t puncture it. It always runs flat. Potholes don’t faze it - and there’s no possibility of bending the wheel because there isn’t one to...

Reader Question: Trucks Without DI?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Bill asks: I've enjoyed and learned a good bit from reading your website articles.  I am thinking about getting a used pickup and...

Reader Question: Sensory Overload and Sssssssssafety?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Joe writes:  Great article (in re the Millennials and ssssssssssssaaaaaafety).   All of this safety crap ruined aviation, and the death toll from what...
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