
The Dangers of Saaaaaaaaaaaafety

Safety is getting pretty dangerous. In particular, the driver “assists” (as they're styled) being added as part of the standard equipment suite in almost all new cars. These are really driver-pre-emption technologies...

The Vampire Effect

One of the subtler - and most vicious - ways the government renders us more dependent on it is by rendering us less able to help ourselves and one another. I just...

Buckle Up . . . Your Gym Bag

The late great comedian Sam Kineson had a routine describing the peace of death. At last, no more worries. He’s lying on the slab . . . when all of a...

Facial Recognition for your Car

If you’ve ever wondered why so many new cars have Angry Samurai Face, maybe it’s because they’re annoyed about being watched all the time. There is something called the Digital Recognition Network...

Another Way EVs Will Cost Us

Lost in the fatuous fake news juggernaut about the supposed misdeeds of the relentlessly besieged Orange Man has been real - and important news - about the longest nationwide strike by...

A Step in the Right Direction

Breaking - and good, for once - news! The armed government worker who shot a man to death for the "crime" of being in his own apartment and not reacting with sufficient...

2019 Toyota Prius C

Everyone knows about the Prius - but how about the other Prius? The one that saves you money on itself - as well as on gas? It's the Prius C. But it won't be...

The Corn Lobby vs. Orange Man

The corn lobby - which benignly styles itself The National Corn Growers Association - is upset with the Orange Man for - as CNN puts it - “reducing demand” for its...

The Novelty Factor

When people get bored, they want something new. People are bored with new cars. This is understandable as they’re increasingly fundamentally the same. Not in terms of color or size but functionally....

The Unforgiving EV

Electric cars are unforgiving things. If you forgot to plug in the night before - or just didn't have time - they'll make you pay for it . . .  in...
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