A creepy footnote to the shooting in Maryland yesterday. Apparently, the identity of the shooter - who had no ID on him, refused to give his name and had "obscured" his...
The Service Advisor . . .
Selling you a car is just a prelude to selling you service. Not that there’s anything wrong with selling service - assuming you need it. But if you don’t, the mark-up...
What The Government Really Thinks About Gas Mileage
All this hubbub over how much gas cars burn and the government won't even synchronize traffic lights.
How much gas does that waste?
An interesting study was done by a Stanford University researcher...
2018 Mercedes GLC350e
Maybe you like the idea of driving an electric car - but not the idea of worrying about how far you can drive before you run out of electricity. Or how...
Why We Can’t Drive Faster. . .
Almost everything about cars has changed over the past 50 years - except for how fast we’re allowed to drive them.
In 1970, you could legally drive 70-75 MPH on most highways...
The MPGe Scam
You've no doubt heard the joke. About how your actual mileage will . . . vary.
Everyone knows this means: Expect to get less than whatever the EPA advertises on the new...
Reading Cars
You’ve probably heard about reading people. About picking up on subtle cues, such as eye movements and body language, that convey info about a person’s intentions. It’s also possible to read...
OJ is Free – But Audi Executive is in a Cage
A barometer of the insanity of our times is that you'll be hounded to the gates of Hell for "cheating" the government but if you kill someone it is No Big Deal.
The Good News About Automated Cars
Automated cars are being pushed on us harder than crystal meth in a West Virginia trailer park - by a tag team of the government apparat (which salivates at the prospect...
2019 Ford Fusion Energi
How much are you willing to spend on a car in order to avoid spending money on gas?
This is the question that rarely gets asked whenever the subject of plug-in hybrids...