
Selective Impairment

I wish I'd filmed this one - but I was too busy swerving, trying to avoid a head-on collision. I was  waiting at a "T" intersection, waiting for the light to go...

The Other Side of “Safety”

Technology never makes mistakes - unlike the humans who design it. Who never fail to anticipate the unanticipated. Perfection issuing from imperfection, reversing the usual order of things. Sarcasm, in case you didn’t...

Volvo Commits Seppuku

With gas cheaper than it has been in at least 50 years - strongly suggestive that there is plenty of it available and will be for some time to come -...

2018 VW Atlas

Atlas held up the world. The VW Atlas could swallow a Beetle. It is the biggest VW, ever - and proof (if you needed it) that Big is in and Small is out. Well,...

What They Never Mention

A piece popped up on the newsfeed quoting the uber hacks at regarding the escalating price of new cars. Not one word in the piece about the cost of government...

The Good – and the Bad – About New Cars

Just like our marriages, nothing's perfect about cars - whether they are new cars or old cars. Here are a few things about new cars that are both good and bad: Tire...

Speeding is a Capital Offense

Did you know that the penalty for speeding is death? It is something to think about as we head into the Farce of July and the sickly celebration of the freedoms we...

2017 Lincoln Continental

Comebacks are never easy - but they are doable. Ask Cadillac. Not so very long ago, GM’s luxury car division was on the mat, the count at seven or eight. Cadillac had lost...

Online Dating. . .

What do you do when you are a divorced middle-aged dude looking for female companionship? You go online. One of the pratfalls of this, I've discovered, is that most of the online...

Transportation as a “Service”

Car ownership will soon be a thing of the past, some say. Some wish. Instead of buying a car every so often and driving that car for a period of years - and...
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