Sandy Hook AR-15 hoax?


Mike Adams
Natural News

Here at Natural News, we have a reputation for asking intelligent questions about things that don’t add up. There are a lot of mysteries out there, and they deserve to be explored and questioned: Why is there still mercury in vaccines? Why did the WTC 7 building implode and fall when no airplane hit it? If the government can create money from nothing, why are we still paying taxes?

And today, I’m adding to that list this commonsense question: Why has no surveillance footage been released from the Sandy Hook shooting, showing Adam Lanza blasting away with an AR-15?

Here’s why the non-release of this video footage is so interesting:

Every time a school shooting takes place, one of the very first things that gets released to the media is the school surveillance footage depicting the gun and the shooter. The purpose of this is to associate the pain and anguish of the massacre to the image of a scary-looking rifle.

In mere days after the Columbine shooting in 1998, for example, the media received footage from the massacre and began playing it over and over again, hammering home the images of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold with their guns. The same is true with numerous other school shootings as you’ll see below.

But with the Sandy Hook school shooting, no video footage has been released. A reasonable person has to ask the question: WHY?

You see, the release of footage of Adam Lanza murdering children with an AR-15 — if such a thing even happened — would strongly support the mainstream media’s call for banning so-called “assault rifles.” It would also:

• Amp up the emotional impact of the fear mongering being carried out by the media.

• Provide visual support for the gun-grabber’s plea to ban all rifles.

• Provide a wealth of images to be used by newspapers and magazines to further demonize the image of rifles.

… and yet, for some reason, we see no surveillance footage from Sandy Hook.

Why is that?

Answer: The AR-15 appears to have been left in his car and never even used in the shooting

The real answer to all this — and this reveals the “Big Lie” of the mainstream media — is that the Bushmaster AR-15 rifle was left in Lanza’s car.

It was never brought into the school in the first place. As a result, it was not used in the shooting.

This was openly admitted in an NBC news report that has since been scrubbed and marginalized. But NaturalNews captured the video and posted it on our own private video network which is immune from censorship:

Click here to watch the NBC News video yourself.

Here’s a partial transcript of the video:

Matt Lauer: Pete Williams, our chief justice correspondent, has got some new information as well, good morning.

Pete Williams: Matt, good morning to you. This continues to be a very complex investigation, and there is a lot of contradictory information out there, but there is some new information this morning from a couple of federal officials and state officials. They say now that there were actually four handguns recovered inside the school. Not just two as we were initially told. Four handguns and apparently only handguns that were taken into the school.

We knew that Adam Lanza… also had an assault-style, AR-15 style rifle that he had taken to the school that was in the car he drove there, his mother’s car. But we’ve been told by several officials that he left that in the car.

Adam Lanza left the AR-15 in the car

This simple fact, which was confirmed by “federal officials and state officials” has been completely scrubbed out of the mainstream media, and replaced with the “assault weapon lone gunman” theory that just happens to fit nicely with the citizen disarmament agenda being pushed by anti-American traitors like Dianne Feinstein and Joe Biden.

This is why no video footage has been released. Because the real video footage almost certainly shows HANDGUNS used in the massacre, not a rifle. There may even be other elements in the video footage that they don’t want the public to see, including the possibility of multiple shooters.


In previous shootings (and many more), video footage and still images are quickly released to the media for the purpose of blasting these images into the minds of viewers everywhere. Video is played over and over again in the media with the hopes that people will be driven into a state of total irrational fear. It’s also, of course, a good way to cause copycat massacres which result in even more news ratings.

And yet with Sandy Hook, we see no video footage at all. Why is that?

Three possible explanations

Explanation #1) They are busy doctoring the video footage to insert an AR-15 into the video frame by frame. The technology to do this has existed for many years as we all saw with the movie Forrest Gump, where actor Tom Hanks was shown shaking the hand of JFK. You can see that at the :48 mark of this YouTube video.

Explanation #2) No video footage was ever taken by the school. This is absurd, as it’s already on the record that the Sandy Hook school had installed a video security system to monitor anyone entering or leaving the school. In fact, it’s even more interesting than that: this school security policy letter was sent to parents at the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year, and it clearly states:

…the office staff will use a visual monitoring system to allow entry. Doors will be locked at approximately 9:30 a.m. Any student arriving after that time must be walked into the building and signed in at the office…

It’s quite clear that if a student approached the school carrying an AR-15 rifle, he would not have been allowed entry! The only way he could have entered the school with the security system in place was to hide handguns under his clothes. You cannot hide an AR-15 rifle in a pocket, obviously.

Explanation #3) The video footage has been seized by the government and “archived” along with the footage of the missile that struck the Pentagon during the 9/11 attacks. Where is all that video footage? It was all seized and completely hidden from public view.

Petition created to demand release of the video footage

Watch the announcement of this here:


  1. The suppressed surveillance footage is highly suspicious; not just because it won’t show the AR-15, but because they’re concealing the other shooters.

    Yeah–the three others, two of whom were “proned” by the police–on the police audio feeds–and the last who was arrested in the woods.

    There’s also a helicopter shot of the cops at Lanza’s* car when they discovered the “AR-15”. They proceed to unload it. The cop holds the gun in his left hand, and operates a lever on the right side of the gun with his right hand as shells eject from the port.

    Um…who unloads an AR-15 without removing the magazine? And…an AR-15’s cocking lever is on the BACK of the gun. You remove the mag, and pull the lever to take the bolt out of battery and eject the round that was in the chamber.

    The shells were WAY too large for 5.56; they looked like shotgun shells. The gun looked like a Saiga 12, but the video was tough to make out.

    There was also a simultaneous “drill” at a school a few minutes away; something that’s a hallmark for false flags. Just like 9/11 had multiple ongoing drills, 7/7 had an identical scenario being drilled.

    I’m beginning to wonder if there were any kids killed at all.

    Regardless–there are so many anomalies the whole thing is like a giant glitch in the Matrix. The weird actor-parents, the number of shooters, the questions about the gun. The hesitant medical examiner who couldn’t say how many boys and how many girls, who could barely get the words “rifle rounds” out…despite the reports he was found with only pistols.

    * His car is also not his car; the license plate on the car where the gun was found doesn’t match the car registered to him or his mother.

  2. If I were doing point blank shooting I’d use hand guns and lots of clips. A full size rifle at point blank range I’d think would be an impediment.


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