Radio Interviews – Done (and Pending)

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Here’s a link to my appearance on Bill Meyer’s show the other day:mic pic

Tomorrow Morning (Saturday) I’ll be live on WYOO in Panama City, Florida – with Dayton Vause.

I’m still working on the mechanics of setting up a “live” (Skype or similar) call-in show here. What I have in mind is being available for call-ins on a given day at a given time (e.g., every Friday night from 6-7, or something like that). Answer questions, shoot the breeze – discuss Cloverism generally. Maybe Clover will even call in! I doubt it, though. He’s proved himself to be – among other things – a serial liar as well as a coward. Though he might feel bold enough to challenge me over the phone. Here’s to hoping. I have a flock of chickens, so I’m used to dealing with hysterical animals.

Several of you have bought Amsoil oil from Vic Sorlie ( advertiser) and a V1 radar detector from Valentine 1 (also an EPautos advertiser) and gold from Austin Coins. Thank you! Supporting our advertisers this way really helps the site – and you get product as well as content, so a two-fer!

We still need individual support, though. At least until we can build up a roster of advertisers that haul the freight, as they say. We’re working on that. Part of it is a function of traffic (readership). At a certain point, we achieve critical mass – and I will be able to get (for example) the big car companies to advertise here. As well as others like that. And without the Goo-guhl middle man. V1, Austin Coins, Amsoil are good friends because they work with us directly, value-for-value. Not like Goo-guhl – which expects value for nothing (and chicks for free).

So, please support EPautos if you haven’t yet. Help me keep on sticking it to the Clovers. Think of me as your personal ideological hit man, a sword for hire.

And if you already have helped, thank you.

Our donate button is here.

 If you prefer to avoid PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

PS: EPautos stickers are free to those who sign up for a $5 or more monthly recurring donation to support EPautos, or for a one-time donation of $10 or more. (Please be sure to tell us you want a sticker – and also, provide an address, so we know where to mail the thing!)EPautoslogo





  1. DIY turbine ultralight helicopter flies 27 seconds

    Marathons need a technological component

    We’ve identified the problems of fuhhhtball and all the other idiocies with various balls going to and fro for no real reason

    When Kenyans are winning your competitions, you need to increase the difficulty and conceptual mechanics of your competition, dontchathink.

    But what kind of legitimate John Galt Hank Rearden type sports can we imagine

    Racing. Endurance. Hauling. All Terraining including submarining and outerspacing. Mining a metal purifying. Coal and hydrocarbon extraction. Firewood and steam enginening.

    What if you have a 26 mile course and some tools and a workshop. The gun fires. You can build a machine or other mechanical enhancements on the fly to get you to the finish line the fastest. Not just use your own muscles like some caveman asshole.

    A hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, race. You have to kill an animal weighing enough pounds, convert it to a meal, and get it across the streams and woods to the top of the mountain the fastest. You can start the competition anywhere you wish on a 26 mile circle around the mountaintop finish line.

    A Tour De Blue Ridge Parkway as it were.

  2. What are the chances enough of us ol moonshiners can build us some NASCAR gulches

    Ain’t Mooresville & Concord NC only a fast 2 hr bandit’s run from the woods

    Earnhardt’s Gulch. Has a nice sound to it.

    NASCAR 2015

    People are moving to the NASCAR capital

    Rollerblade inventor’s backyard Skyride

    What about IC powered inline skates
    MotoSK8 racing gas powered inline skates down California coast highway 101

    Motorskating is not a crime. And its within anyone’s budget who can hold down some kind of job. Spose the main thing is finding somewhere the clovers won’t call to complain about the noise

    Gas skateboard

    CMS Facebook hacked

  3. Are you an inert bead being pushed along the superstrings of space-time-life. Are you a mere spectatorial realist. Or do you dare to be a realizer, and selfishly alter your phyles continuums and the realities of those in your life to suit your purposes and goals.

    Red Universe Peter meets Blue Universe Subject 13

    Peter pair bonds with Subject 13

    Subject 13 meets Red Universe Dr Walter and glimpses the existential truth of quantum multi-reality

    Blue Universe Elizabeth convinces Red Universe Peter she is his real mother

    Is it better to live securely in our homes in the militarized institutional Red Universe we currently inhabit. Or is worth gambling everything including being thrice divorced and living in a van down by the river to rekindle a renaissance and return to the enlightened individualist Blue Universe our forefathers inhabited.

    Must you rigidly conform to the currently manifested quantum dynamic natural law, or dare you bend the bonds of universal laws to create the world you so clearly see in your individual mind.

  4. I’m really looking forward to more spoken presentations. Stefan Molyneux is a trained professional actor, which really comes through in his videos. Your mechanical and nuts and bolts knowledge should really set you apart from mere academic theoreticians. Larken has the charisma of a block of wood, but he’s been in thousands of debates, and he really knows his stuff.

    Top Gear is a Global Superpower

    Jeremy Clarkson is seen by 350 million viewers each week all over the world. He is paid 20 million a year by the British Government. He polls as second most popular alternative to replace the current prime minister of England, if voters were given such a choice. Maybe there is a link between politics and luxury consumer manufacturing. America needs a voice of honest reason and Mark Twainian authority figure deflater extraodinaire.

    I’m sure Jeremy, Rush, or Alex have prewritten material and scripts they’re going off, I wonder if you could come up with some DIY reference system of your own so you would come off as polished and authoritative as they do, even though you lack their enormous resources and staff.

    What would it look like if we were already living free on a New Earth because we finally escaped this world with our FTL rocketcycle.

    • Thanks, Tor!

      I have one on deck (audio file of the show I did last week) and am doing two more today (Friday). One will be the Bill Meyer show again, prolly to discuss tax by mile.

      I need to light the fires, chief, ’cause things are bad on the home front and that van by the river looms large.

  5. Take a straight and stronger course to the corner of your life. Make the white queen run so fast she hasn’t got time to make you a wife. Cause it’s time, it’s time in time with your time and its news is captured for the queen to use! Move me on to any black square. Use me anytime you want Just remember that the goal
    Is for us all to capture all we want. Don’t surround yourself with yourself. Move on back two squares. Send an instant karma to me. Initial it with loving care.
    Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda. I’ve seen all good people turn their heads each day. So satisfied I’m on my way.

      • I am glad you like the song. Based on your line, I thought you were familiar with the show. Since it seems you have are not familiar with the show, I think you will find Paladin to have a (somewhat) libertarian way of behaving with others.

        It was (and still is) a very good Western. If you have time I recommend watching some episodes.

        Here is the pilot with guest star Jack Lord.

        Genesis — Describes much of how Paladin became who he was in the series.

        • ‘Have Gun, Will Travel’ – I used to watch that show with my Dad when I was a kid. That and Perry Mason. I didn’t realize the philosophical implications of it back then. I should go back and watch it again.

        • Several years ago back when I had tv(mostly watched premium movie channels)I recall a complete run of HGWT including the pilot. It made a lot more sense to me those many decades later. He always paid his debts and tipped well. It juxtaposed well with a recent bargain bin movie the wife picked up that was about yuppie clovers. I don’t recall the name but Jessie Eisenberg was young and played the oldest teen. He was learning guitar and lyrics and got “Hey You” down well enough to perform it. His parents were amazed and his clover father asked if he’d written it. With barely a pause Jessie said …….Yes, yes I did. It was very good said his clover dad. The movie wasn’t especially good but it reminded me how many clueless clovers there are out there….professionally successful but still, clueless.


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