EP Live and in Person?


I’ve been thinking about setting up a weekly “live” EPautos video show. Basically, being at my desk, next to a phone (and the computer) taking live calls – or questions via e-mail – from anyone about pretty much anything. Ideally, cars, bikes and politics – but if you wanted to talk about shape-shifting reptiles (or cats) that’d be ok too.

Please, tell me what you think about this… .

Meanwhile, I’ll be on the Tom Woods show again this coming Tuesday morning. If you miss it, don’t worry. I’ll post the podcast here afterward.

We’ve had a decent month so far, reader support-wise. But it’s time for that final end-of-the-month push. We have about 25 percent yet to go.

Also, and as always, you can help by buying stuff from our advertisers. If you need oil, filters, etc. – please buy them from Amsoil (see ad on the right side of the page). If you’re contemplating a radar detector (and you ought to be!) please consider buying a V1. For gold, check out Austin Coins. Be sure to let ’em know you came to them via EPautos. It’s a two-fer: You get valuable stuff – we get happy advertisers!

Thanks again to all of you. You help keep the wheels turning (and 11 cats fed)!

Our donate button is here.

 If you prefer to avoid PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

PS: EPautos stickers are free to those who sign up for a $5 or more monthly recurring donation to support EPautos, or for a one-time donation of $10 or more. (Please be sure to tell us you want a sticker – and also, provide an address, so we know where to mail the thing!)EPautoslogo








  1. Is there anyway you can convince clover to be on this show? That might really be epic. To keep it interesting, you’d maybe want to designate a wingman for him so he isn’t totally defenseless during webcam battles of wits.

  2. eric, this couldn’t come at a better time. I just read the WhoWhatWhy article about Michael Hastings(take a cue from this yourself…..please) on LRC. You may have read it by now. Everyone in the family has been properly chastised since they publicly claim now it was an accident even though the LAPD cremated his body after their own autopsy against the wishes of his wife and lawyer who had demanded the body back for their own autopsy. Since when did the LAPD start paying for cremations? Never heard of any govt. entity doing so except to cover up what a REAL autopsy might disclose.

    I’ve been looking at a pretty new, very clean Chevy pickup even though it was only the color and the shape it was in that caught my eye. A half ton Z-71 with a gas engine, not my style since it doesn’t fill my needs. BTW, I’ve looked for months now with orders in at new car dealers that have huge inventories of used vehicles for a long bed Ext. or crewcab 3/4T or 1T 4WD pickup and have yet to get a call back on one. It would seem everyone with long bed pickups keeps them till the wheels fall off. I can find used ones with less than 3K miles in a short bed….amazing. Anyway, I think we’d probably all like to converse about Michael Hastings and that whole 60 Minutes segment where they hijack a car remotely through OnStar. If I do buy a GM, and I will buy a GM, I already have a mechanic who will disable the OnStar feature. He’s an ex-GM tech and says simply unplugging the antenna is akin to neutering the thing. Good enough.


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