On Air With Bill Meyers


Here’s my latest radio appearance on the Bill Meyers HD Radio show:



Download 5-29-15FRI_7am_Pt2 05-29-2015 (6.58 MB)

Duration: 16:19 m – Filetype: mp3 – Bitrate: 56.402397323234 KBPS – Frequency: 32000 HZ

The Bill Meyer Show 6am-9am

Join Bill Meyer each weekday for LIVE Local Talk on southern Oregon’s AM-1440 KMED, and streamed on KMED.com.


  • Eric Peters, libertarian car guy talks the air bag defect scandal, safety features you didn’t ask for are making cars more expensive

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    • PtB, that is a great post. Thanks so much. I read a couple pages, not nearly through with it but so far everything is spot-on. The only thing I have avoided so far is execution and I have no doubts that might be in the cards.

      • I finally finished it and most seems good. Later on it does turn into a bit of an ad for Bitcoin, which has not impressed me. But it is an option, not gunvermin mandated fiat paper.


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