Florida “Hero” Who Shot Unarmed Autistic Man’s Caretaker Arrested . . .

Portrait of a "hero."

The North Miami “hero” cop who opened fire on an unarmed man with his hands in the air last year was arrested Wednesday and finally charged with felony attempted manslaughter.

And it only tool them a year to do it.

The “hero,” Jonathan Aledda was also charged with a misdemeanor charge of culpable negligence.

Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle has never charged a “hero” for an on-duty shooting in the 24 years she’s been running the prosecutor’s office.

But by now, everybody is catching on to her police apologist ways, especially after the Miami New Times called her “a disgrace” last month when she refused to charge four prison guards for scalding a man to death in a hot shower.

However, even she could not claim the toy truck held by the autistic man could be perceived as a gun.

Not after North Miami Police Chief Gary Eugene admitted to investigators that another sergeant on the scene had already confirmed through binoculars that it was a toy, not a gun, ordering the other “heroes” not to fire.

The other “heroes” held their fire, but not Aledda, who was hired in 2012 despite the fact police had determined he possessed a “lack of tolerance” and was described as “judgmental, argumentative, critical, challenging, rigid, stubborn.”

According to the Miami Herald:

A North Miami police officer will face criminal charges for shooting the unarmed caretaker of an autistic man last summer — one of a string of questionable police shootings of black men nationwide that sparked protests.

Officer Jonathan Aledda was arrested and charged Wednesday with a felony count of attempted manslaughter, and a misdemeanor charge of culpable negligence.

The arrest came nine months after Aledda shot and wounded Charles Kinsey, a behavioral therapist who was lying on his back on the ground, his hands up in the air, begging officers not to shoot — a confrontation partly captured on video from a bystander.

The arrest marks the first time prosecutors under Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle have charged an officer for an on-duty shooting.

The Kinsey case, which came amid protests in many cities over controversial police shootings, was being closely watched.

On July 18, 2016, North Miami officers were summoned to the scene by a 911 caller who reported what appeared to be a disturbed man armed with a handgun.

It was actually a silver toy truck. The man was 26-year-old Arnaldo Rios, a severely autistic man who had wandered away from a group home and sat down in the middle of the street. Kinsey was trying to coax him back to the facility when police arrived.

After the July 18, 2016 shooting, Miami-Dade police union boss John Rivera held a press conference where he berated the media for not being responsible in their reporting, accusing them of not reporting the facts.

But his “facts” were nothing but a laughable police narrative that the autistic man was going to shoot the caretaker with the truck that looked like a gun, which is why Aledda – a trained SWAT team member who has won awards– just had to shoot the caretaker.

Hut! Hut! Hut!

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  1. What can you say? Stay far away from cops.When you deal with em,smile,be ultra respectful,stroke their effin’ ego’s to the max,and get the hell away from them ASAP.The bad cops are egomaniacs and they will kill you.Remember,they have guns and can murder with impunity.

    Thats how it is in these times. Or assert your rights and be murdered.then you can be DEAD RIGHT. Thats not the right answer,for now.Chest thumping WILL get you killed,find a different approach and stay the hell away from cops,especially when they are in gangbanger mode.

    • Hi Fred,

      I know… it’s not just me, either. There is a systematic effort under way to silence contrarian media. I have a larger audience now than I did ten years ago – but all of a sudden, I’m getting blacklisted. Well, damn them all. I am old enough to not care that much anymore. No wife, no kids, either.

      So, let ’em come.

  2. Great articles today in gritsforbreakfast.com….and it probably won’t post…..and it didn’t. It’s a WP google buzzfeed just like this site giving it some wry irony. But, if you just search for grits for breakfast(and it’s a dot com but don’t tell WP), it’s a very good post today, some extremely timely articles and even a mention of a dissent in police excessive force cases that normally don’t go anywhere except to exonerate a cop. It’s a short but informative read. Also another cop shooting an unarmed person in Tx. and an update on the Waco biker shooting that’s costing the citizens of Tx. bundles of money because of the sorry DA Waco has….and I agree, let Waco pay for it.

  3. Sounds like the cop that put my daughter in jail for trying to correct the cop on what really happened in a dispute between my ex and two brothers. The fault was the Mom’s. One of my two sons had a “mental” issue but the Mom over-protected him. The one copy demanded obedience, roughly, while telling the kids to shut up. The other kids also told me she was just defending the one brother he started lecturing at, trying to tell the cop what really happened, started arguing with him, till he handcuffed her and put her in juvenile detention for the weekend.

    Long story short, our lawyer said that cop had a bad reputation, get this, with the other cops and in general in the area.

    What made me worst mad oil that these other cops don’t demand he be kicked out. And they condemn others when the thiink somebody try to cover for relatives or friends.

  4. Did a little research. Found that, between 1989-2015, not one police officer was charged over a shooting in the entire state of Florida. Not one! So it’s not just this one prosecutor.

    • Hi Rich,

      Of course.

      I had a little discussion this morning with a good friend – who is a very good dude – but, like many, is cognitively dissonant when it comes to “heroes.” He defends them vociferously.

      At one point, he said something to me along the lines of: “…fewer than 1 percent of cops use violence against people.” I responded as you’d expect, pointing out that everything a cop does involves violence. Fail to comply – regardless of the moral rectitude of the law at issue – and violence will be done to you.

      He asked me how many “heroes” (he hates the term) I know personally. This was his attempt to humanize the “heroes.” I responded that I’m sure many SS men were kind to their families and good friends to those in their circle. But if you were out of their circle…

      • In fact we know many SS men were great to their own families. There are lots of home movies of these monsters at home with friends, the wife and kids.

        Once again the TV show the Simpsons has a great example. Its one of the most popular of the series. The Hank Scorpio, super villian one. Great to his employees and minions, not so much to his enemies.

  5. “Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle has never charged a “hero” for an on-duty shooting in the 24 years she’s been running the prosecutor’s office.”

    A major city with no bad police shooting in a quarter century? She must be smoking the drugs that get shipped through there.

    • richb, this is the normal way things happen in most large cities. Houston may have 250 lethal shootings by occifers in a year but there won’t ever be a charge against one. Works the same in almost any big city. 2-3 years ago an autistic man was out in the street in Ft. Worth in his wheelchair and just laughing and playing around with the cops who’d been called by some neighbor…..and here’s another problem too, a neighbor who would call the cops on their known autistic neighbor. The cops get there in force and he just continues to roam around. It’s all on video, the neighbor’s system that is always on. They finally just blow him away with his parents(I think he was 28)in the house unaware he was outside. The cops immediately lied saying he rushed them with a knife. Of course the video showed him unarmed in his wheelchair and of no danger to anyone. You’d think they might change their story but what for, they don’t get charged for anything in Ft. Worth either. The public raised hell, to no avail, after the video was released to the tv stations. I think the occifers got a paid vacation, just regular shit.

      Gail probably thinks this is as it should be.

      At least we have a new justice group addressing these problems and the lack of being able to access any police file, all of which should be available to the public but haven’t been since 1997. Most everything in Tx. took a dive during the Shrub’s reign as guvnah and this happened right in the middle of it. It didn’t get any better with Perry. At least some of the new legislation to correct the just us system is being written by Republicans….not that the Democrats are any better.


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