Latest Reader Comment (Nov. 8, 2017)


Here is the latest reader Comment, along with my comments!

Greg writes: Eric great article but I am afraid you are pissing into the wind. The average citizen is so brainwashed or simply brain damaged that they can’t see the forest for the trees. If you only looked at SWAT that was once used for dire emergencies and now routinely used for just about everything. Anyway Eric you are preaching to a citizenry that deserves exactly what they are getting. People like you and me are just the troublemakers that just don’t fit in to a nation of sheep.

My reply: Maybe; I hope not. I write what I write in the hope, first of all, that it may change some minds or at least, get things going in that direction. But much more important, I write what I write so that people out there who read it know they are not the only ones out there who share these views.

One of the greatest weapons our enemies have in their arsenal is the phantom of unassailability. And of social pressure to conform. Change that perception and you change the game.

. . .

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