The stop happened Saturday, after the officer clocked the teen’s red, 2009 Chevy Cobalt on radar going 100 mph, a copy of the ticket obtained by CNN shows. The notes say the driver was cooperative and pulled over before the officer caught up with him.
“You said you didn’t realize how fast you were going. That’s a lie,” the officer wrote in the Facebook post. “You may not realize when you’re doing 45 in a 35 but you are fully aware of every mile per hour at 100. You realize it with every bump you hit. You realize it as you pass cars so fast the wind moves your car. You realize it every time you drift over the line and when you move the wheel the car reacts a lot quicker than you’re used to.”
The driver obviously was scared when he was stopped, “visibly shaking and breathing hard,” the officer wrote, but he was afraid for the wrong reasons.
“You should have been scared that you were trying to kill yourself,” he wrote.
The officer urged the driver to think of his relatives. When “they say ‘Be careful. Drive safe’ … That is the very last act of them pleading with you to come home safe,” he wrote.
The driver seemed like a nice kid who made a bad decision, the officer wrote, adding he didn’t regret writing the ticket.
“In fact, I’m proud of it,” he wrote. “I hope you’re paying it off for months and with every payment you think about how it wasn’t worth it. I hope you slow down. I hope that when your mom tells you to ‘drive safe’ you make a promise to her, and yourself, that you will. I hope you can envision me sitting in your kitchen telling your screaming mother that you have been killed.”
The ticket orders the teen to appear in the North Ridgeville Mayor’s Court on December 26, meaning it may become an expensive Christmas present – for its recipient.
Added the officer in his letter: “You’re welcome.”
. . .
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Captain: “It’s fer your own good.”
Lucas Jackson: “I wish you’d stop bein’ so good to me, Cap’n.”
Just to be clear- Deputy Hog had to have gone well in excess of 100 mph to catch up to this guy. Deputy Hog did this to punish this guy for breaking a silly and trivial rule against going faster than an arbitrary number on an open highway. And he brags that he hopes that he stole weeks and months of this young guy’s life because he’s just looking out for his own good.
Isn’t that nice. Support your local law enforcer. No arrogance here at all.
This ain’t the old days, cars these days can safely handle 100+
AGW’s wonder why they get no respect. Poor kid is facing more than just an expensive ticket, wtf is wrong with the pig?
Hi Zane,
The AGW feels he is “trained” and otherwise special – and so it’s okay for him to drive 100 MPH. But if you or I or any other person who isn’t an AGW does it, then it’s “reckless” and we deserve to be heavily fined, if not Tazed and jailed.
This holds true even if one is objectively more “trained” than the AGW – and even if there’s no evidence (other than “speed”) to suggest the driver was not in full control of his car and even given no harm was done to anyone or anything (other than “the law”).
Meanwhile, when AGW loses control of his car – while “speeding” – and kills someone, it is invariably treated with much less severity than would be applied to any of us.
Hut! Hut! Hut!
Don’t you think a better Christmas gift would of been to let the kid go with a massive warning, I mean the kid didn’t cause him any further grief as he pulled over and complied.
Where was this anyway? Don’t see if it were on an empty highway or public roads? Only thing unsafe about speeding are deer’s venturing on the highway, or if your cars not equipped right (Wrong speed tires or so).
Don’t have kids yet, but once I do, signing them up for go-karting and other sorts of racing so they can be way ahead of the curve. Problem is they get taught in the Juvenile Detention Facilities (Public Schools) the outdated barebones minimum, pass a simple test and get slapped on the ass to go forth into the world, hence the cops dealing with tons of dead teenagers due to “Speeding”
Also, no, I have to disagree with the whole “That’s a lie” remark. Never driven a Cobalt, but countless cars can hit triple digits with little drama, so he could of been sincere.
AGW’s for ya, they need to be brought down to reality, or the laws need to match the times, as most cars can easily hit 80 minimum and 100 isn’t impossible anymore either.