Today’s Clover: The One Car Equals Two . . . or Three


Here’s today’s Clover – an old guy I rolled up behind who has issues with spatial relationships. He left at least one full car length between his car and the car ahead, which means his car took up space for two cars. At the next light he took up space for three:

Clovers like this one multiply traffic congestion – without their being an increase in actual traffic.

The urge to mash the gas – and cattle-prod him forward – was very strong.

. . .

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  1. We get these retards in Australia, especially on the Western Highway in Melbourne turning into Caroline Springs area. Drive ever so slowly in the fast lane because their right hand turn is a kilometer ahead. Huge amounts of open space you can’t get to.

  2. The douche bag didn’t even attempt to stop for the light, which was red before he even got to the line. But he leaves 1-3 car lengths in front of him at a light where someone else did stop for the red. These are the shit-tards that cause 1/2 dozen wrecks a day and are never in any of them!


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