Magnets and Stickers!


Just a quick note about EPautos magnets and stickers. I got a great deal on stickers, and will be sending people one or two of them along with their magnets. First batch of mail went out yesterday, so some of you should be receiving these by the weekend or so.

I am going to do my best to get caught up with everyone else over the weekend. The mail sometimes stacks up; apologies for the delay – and thanks for your understanding. I haven’t got an intern to help; just five cats who stare at me with insouciance.

Also: I’ll be a guest on Bryan Hyde’s radio show today (March 21) at 10 east coast; as usual, the audio will be available here later in the day or within the next day or so. Hope you’re able to tune in!

Thanks, again, to everyone who helps me keep EPautos rolling; I couldn’t do it without your support!

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Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

If you like what you’ve found here please consider supporting EPautos. 

We depend on you to keep the wheels turning! 

Our donate button is here.

 If you prefer not to use PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

PS: Get an EPautos magnet (pictured below) in return for a $20 or more one-time donation or a $5 or more monthly recurring donation. (Please be sure to tell us you want a sticker – and also, provide an address, so we know where to mail the thing!)

My latest eBook is also available for your favorite price – free! Click here.  



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