Reader Question: Best How-To Manual?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Eric writes: I have very little knowledge of cars. I can troubleshoot some problems just because I have dealt with them in the past. If there was one, or two resources for beginners on just maintaining you car and general knowledge, where could you point me to? I don’t want to be a mechanic, but I would like to upkeep my car while also learning just some general knowledge as well. Thank you very much!

My reply: One of my favorites is How to Keep your Volkswagen Alive by John Miur (see here) because it’s informative as well as entertaining. It’s a great way to learn about engines – not just VW engines – because the author writes in a very clear, conversational manner – and on the assumption that the reader knows nada. He carefully explains each step in a way that anyone, just about (AOC excepted) can grok. I commend it.

I gave my copy to my protege, so I’m lacking one at the moment but plan to get another. Even though I haven’t got a VW at the moment.

Because it’s something every Car Guy should have on his bookshelf!

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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