Hidden Costs That Cost a Lot


Have you ever added up the cost of being allowed to keep a vehicle? Not what it cost you to buy it – nor what it cost to maintain it.

The other costs – for things you didn’t buy.

And probably don’t want.

Like the annual (in most states) “registration” fee – in quote marks to emphasize the etymological disingenuousness of the term since it is in fact just another tax. You aren’t getting anything in return for the money mulcted – other than permission to use your vehicle (that probably also ought to be placed within quotation marks) for another year.

It’s analogous to the tax applied to your home, which the government will allow you to live for another year, if you pay the tax  . . . on the house you thought you’d paid off years ago.

Same with vehicles. No matter how much you paid for it, you never stop paying for it.

And what you pay in taxes is grossly disproportionate to what you paid for the vehicle –  because each year your vehicle is worth less while the “registration” tax never goes down.

In my state, the annual “registration” tax is about $60. It may not sound like much, but consider the principle of compounding interest – which is what this amounts to – on the purchase of something not worth much anymore and worth less with each passing year.

My truck is almost 20 years old. It’s worth about $4,000. Over the course of the 12 years that I have owned my truck, I have been mulcted for $720 in “registration” taxes alone.

Which amounts to about 20 percent of its current market value.

The longer I own the truck, the less it will be worth – and the “registration” taxes will become more disproportionate, to the point of confiscatory.

Let’s say I keep the truck another eight years – which I plan to since the truck, itself, is paid for. That’s another $480 in addition to the $720 – so $1,200 in total. Which is what the truck itself will be worth eight years from now.

In effect, 100 percent taxation – and that’s just for “registration.”

Which is the smallest tax applied to vehicle ownership.

In my state, there is also a personal property tax applied to vehicle ownership as such. Unlike the “registration” tax – which can be avoided by not driving the car (and by end-runs such as bolting Farm Use tags on your vehicle) the property tax is legally unavoidable in the states that impose it if you possess a vehicle and the state knows about it.

It is a four-wheeled variant of the Marxist principle of applying perpetual taxes to capital – things of value – in order to prevent the accumulation thereof. To keep people working by obliging them to keep on paying. People who truly own things have little need for government and when government has little power over people who own things, it has little power over them.

You see the point.

At any rate, the property tax on vehicles is even more disproportionate and confiscatory because it’s greater in real terms and though it does decrease in accordance with the depreciating value of the vehicle, it plateaus at a certain point and continues to be applied, for as long as you own the vehicle and no matter how little it is worth.

The property tax levied on my almost-20-year-old truck is still almost $100 annually. It was more five years ago, when my truck was younger and its book value higher. But for the sake of discussion, let’s assume $100 annually over the past twelve years.

There’s another $1,200 – in addition to the $720 (so far) in “registration” taxes. Almost $2,000 in just these two taxes – applied to the a nearly 20-year-old truck that’s worth maybe $4,000.

That’s 50 percent of its current value in taxes!

Which are just some of the taxes vehicle owners are forced to pay.

Each time you gas up, you’re paying about 50 cent per gallon taxes. Assume a 15 gallon tank; that’s about $8 in taxes every time you fill up. If you fill up once a week, that’s $32 per month or $384 annually. Over ten years, that’s $3,840 in taxes – in my case, equivalent to almost the full market value of my truck!

By itself.

If you add in the “registration” and property punishment tax, it’s about 150 percent of the market value of my truck.

And my taxes are “low” – relatively speaking – because my truck is old and not worth much vs. newer vehicles.

Which may explain why new car sales are stalling out (see here). Not only have cars, themselves, become much more expensive to acquire, the cost to hold onto them has grown so high that even people who can afford to make the payments – on the car – can’t afford to make the other payments – to the government.

Using dollars already shaved of a third or more of their original value by taxes applied to them, directly.

It’s interesting that “progressives” are silent on this matter of outrageously regressive taxation on a thing that, for most people, is at least as essential as food and even the healthcare the “progressives” bay endlessly about – because without it, they can’t get to work and without work they can’t afford any of those things.

People could probably afford healthcare – if they weren’t taxed so brutally on their cars – and everything else.

But the silence of the “progressives” is understandable once you understand that “progressives” are actually elitists who don’t want you to own or drive car anymore than they want you to ever own property outright or accumulate meaningful reserves of capital.

Because that makes you independent of them.

And they will do anything to prevent it.

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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  1. Democrats are fucking terrorists. Amazing how the mentally ill publik-skewled TV-watching retards can’t figure it out. I guess the retarded parasitic brats still think Sackashitwea is going to steal everything for them.

    • Hi Manowar,

      It’s a function of several things, including virtue-signaling – with the “virtue” being signaled determined by the small handful of entities that effectively control what the public hears and sees and reads. It is very easy to get the herd to trample in a certain direction.

      Trump is refreshing, in part because he isn’t a Republican. He is a disrupter. Not always for good – but he has done a number on the Romneys and Bushes who used to control the GOP and for that, I could kiss the SOB!

  2. Well boys and girls, that old piece of shit and original too big to fail has finally gone to that big car factory in the sky.

    94 years. Rest in shit Lee!

  3. Try living in ROAD Island! Seven % tax when you purchase the car and then property tax for the rest of the time you “own” it. It sucks!!!!!

  4. Perhaps it would make more sense to call the registration fee a use tax if it weren’t for the fact that, in some jurisdictions, it is required merely to retain legal ownership of vehicles. There are even some where, even if the vehicle is stored inside, out of anyone’s sight, it must still be plated in the county where it is stored, such. In places where it must be insured to be registered (most), even the insurance industry would agree with it.

  5. in a feeble effort to strike back my big pick-up is reg’d in oregon for $62 a year versus $400ish for california. i don’t have to smog it either for an additional savings. the hogs in sacramento are learning that we will only take so much before we move to “eject them from our payroll”. i see LOTS of so. dakota plates lately (or is it no. dakota…no matter), so the trend is to declare “enough already”. most of us can stomach a fee until it becomes prison sex…then it’s off to where we’re treated better.

  6. Re: “People who truly own things have little need for government and when government has little power over people who own things, it has little power over them.”

    This is quite insightful. However, it is also just as true, especially in this confiscatory climate, that people who have no need for government, intuitively know that no one truly owns anything. The government has practically no power to tax those who have no desire to own anything.

    It gets even better when people realize that identity politics is one of the primary ways governments control the masses. They simply match up or associate a physical body with someone’s self imposed idea of themselves. This is also something we all think we own.

    An identity is literally nothing more than an abstract construction of the mind, and people cherish these ideas more than life itself. It’s complete insanity, yet it is also an incredibly effective way to control the masses. It literally governs the mind which is what the word government means.

    Many of the younger generations are waking up to the fact that these onerous taxes simply aren’t worth it. Whatever they do own isn’t being continually taxed year afer year. If more people woke up to the fact that starving the beast is probably the quickest way to kill it, we might be able to actually own something significant someday.

    • Re: “It literally governs the mind which is what the word government means.” It is ironic that you said that because I tried to post definitions of words at EP Autos a few days ago. For some reason, Word Press told me that my message was awaiting moderation even though I was logged in, and that post never showed up. Trying again:
      Government: From the Latin verb gubernare: “to control,” and the Latin noun mens, mentis: “mind.”
      Jurisdiction: From the Latin noun jus, juris: “law” and the Latin verb dictere “to speak, to say”
      Sovereign: From the Latin adverb super:”above”and the Latin noun regnum “rulership; control” One who is above the rulership or control of another. One who is not a subject or a slave to another.
      Religion: From the Latin verb religare: “to tie back; to hold back; to thwart from forward progress; to bind fast” A system of Control based in unchallenged dogmatic Belief which holds back the progress of Consciousnesness.
      Conscience. Look at the word more closely: Con science. From the Latin prefix con: “together,” and the Latin verb sciere: “to know” Conscience literally means: “To Know Together.” Common Sense.
      Solipsism: From the Latin adjective solus: “alone” and the Latin pronoun ipse: “self.” The ideology that only one’s mind is surely to exist. Solipsists contend that knowledge of anything outside one’s own mind is unsure, hence there is no objective reality and nothing about the external world and it’s workings can truly be known.
      Occult: From the Latin verb “Occultare,” meaning “to hide,” “to conceal,” to keep secret.” Hidden.
      Absolute: Ab (prefix) away from , Solute: a substance that must be dissolved in a solvent in order to create a solution.
      Solvent: From Latin, Solve: release, unbind, untie, free; open. Solution.
      Justification: From Latin jus: right, law facere: to make; to create. To “Create” Right.
      Respect: From Latin, Re: Again , Spectare: To look at.
      Look at the construction of these words (Mark insists that this was done intentionally by the occult):
      Off I Cer
      Off Eye Seer
      Sol dier
      Sole dier
      Soul Dier
      And this word I learned from Max Igan: Kakistocracy: Greek kákisto(s), superlative of kakós bad + -cracy. Government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.

  7. The registration is so if there’s any question of ownership the state can vouch for you. The fee is to maintain that database.

    But what if someone else would arrive on the scene and provide the same “service” but for a dollar cheaper? Would the state be able to compete? What if 100 different companies were established with the purpose of providing proof of ownership in the rare case of need? Would the state be able to compete? Would the state begin marketing the features and benefits of their verification services over others? There are a lot of full-time RV’ers who set their primary residence in Montana or South Dakota because these states charge much less for registration. Can I register my vehicle in Montana? Well, Colorado says no if I’m a resident of CO, just because.

    If the purpose of vehicle registration (as well as land titles, birth certificates and other legal papers) is to provide proof of ownership, we already have an example of an internationally recognized free market solution. Everyone looking at this post is using it right now:

    Issued by: Avast trusted CA
    Expires: Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 12:01:51 AM Mountain Daylight Time

    We have a lot of federal government vehicles in our state, in order to maintain the 50% of the state that’s Uncle’s. They have no registration tags, no smog stickers, etc. They probably get reimbursed for fuel taxes, since most retail purchases get tax exemption for all sorts of reasons if you’re well connected. They do have a license plate, but it isn’t issued by the state.

    • Hi RK,

      I have a title that indicates the vehicle is mine – as a legal technicality. I have no need to “register” it each and every year ongoing. It is a “service” I didn’t ask for, don’t need – and definitely do not feel obligated (morally) to pay for.

      • The registration fees aren’t for keeping track of ownership, they’re the fee we pay to be tracked while we drive, so that we can be fined or found. See, it costs a lot of money to maintain that system. The government is tight on cash, since their “needs” are infinite, and depriving all of us of the freedom to travel is costly, so they pass the costs down onto us. It’s more like charging cattle registration fees for their ear tags.

      • Of course. But what, exactly, are we registering? And for what purpose? I was just guessing that it was an attempt at proof of ownership. I guess it is the same as “registering” for selective service, if you don’t do it you’re risking making your life hell.

        One of the reasons I liked Steve Jobs is because he so hated having to license his vehicles that he just get a new Mercedes every 6 months:


        Steve rarely discussed his politics, but I always thought he must have a bit of a libertarian streak in him. Probably not an anarcho-capitalist, but a lot more in that direction than the current crop of Silly-con Valley CEOs.

    • Hmmm…private registration verification would be the best, but what about a rather radical variation on the “Panamanian Maritime Registration” idea…say the Texas Legislature passes a bill that anyone, anywhere in the USA can register their vehicle in Texas for a fee of $50, and a fee to anyone who wishes to verify said data of say $25 per verification. Say this legislation also stated that this registration will be valid for as long as the verified owner of the vehicle wishes it to be so, and that any state that does not accept the registration as valid in their state will henceforth have its registered vehicles banned from Texas! Imagine the loss of other state’s revenue to them, and the ensuing flood of applicants in Texas. Well, I can dream, can’t I?

      • Like I said, that’s what the RVers do. I seriously doubt many full time RVers spend much more than a few days a year in South Dakota, if that. There are mail forwarding services that can send your official documents anywhere you wish. And most everything can be done online today anyway so the amount of mail you get isn’t much. But that’s really only an option if you aren’t tied down to a physical address. If the state your house is in gets wind of you doing it you’ll probably be brought before the tribunal for questioning.

        • What difference does it make where fulltimers spend any of their time?
          The best place to register your vehicles and receive your mail is at a friend’s place.
          I know when my bills are due and they are frequently paid before a statement is mailed. The insurance agent is always happy to fax a proof of insurance after receiving an annual payment. My county’s treasurer will be happy to accept vehicle registration renewals by plastic and mail the tab and the paperwork wherever you like. My storage space rent is paid online without a need for a receipt beyond the debit on the bank statement.

        • IT’s done all the time. People register RV’s boats. etc. I had a boat years ago registered in Delaware. The guy I bought the boat from had it registered there in the name of his LLC. I just transferred it into my name, and kept it in Florida. Florida didn’t like it, but there didn’t seem to be anything they could do about it.

  8. Eric,
    I read about some poor guy up in Fairfax County who drove an old car and watched his car tax gradually diminish over the years. Then one day he received a MUCH higher car tax bill. Of course he complained and asked for an explanation. He was told that his old car had become a classic and thus had increased in value. Here in Spotsy the taxable value shown for our cars is below the actual market value, probably to reduce complaints. But the authorities adjust the tax rate in order to collect what they want.

    • Hi John D,

      Yup. I’ve already decided to stop paying the registration tax – and putting Farm Use tags on my truck. It’s actually legitimate in my case as I have land and chickens. I’m working on a way to avoid the rest.

      All of us – well, those of us who aren’t tax eaters – would be so much better off, financially, if we weren’t mulcted at every turn.

      One could lead a very comfortable middle class life on $25,000 annually – or even less. But because of taxes, it takes $50k-plus to equal $25k in spending power.

      Fish heads – cold and crunchy – for all of them!

    • Hi Ross,


      I get grief from my mother about my “old truck.” Which I paid cash for, years ago (as I have all my vehicles). I tell her – and others – I prefer to live below my means since I prefer not to be in hock to anyone. Blank stare.

      • The entire social structure has been warped by debt and how people so willingly go into it for social competition.

        I think people like being slaves and serfs. They are always arguing for better cages instead of being free from the cage. I think this is where Star Trek and The Twilight Zone got it wrong. Most human beings are absolutely fine with forms of captivity and slavery in exchange for less effort to live and nice conditions so long as they can deny to themselves the reality of their condition.

        I keep getting recruiters knocking about jobs in LA and SF. I cannot afford to live in those places. 50% salary increase and it all goes to mortgage interest and taxes of various sorts. There’s nothing extra left for me compared to here. Less than nothing since then there will be a principle payment on that mortgage too and the gamble of getting it paid off before the next crash. Which in numbers best expressed in millions of dollars won’t happen.

        But there’s the social aspect too that comes from women judging men on their resources too. Now the scale is based on leverage. Each income level is visually seen by what debt level it can support. Living on zero debt means looking like you make a fraction of what you do. Saving on top of it makes it another fraction yet.

        • Rents in LA and SF are high as well, but nowhere near as high as purchasing a home which would allow you to hold onto most of that 50% increase. LA and SF also don’t seem to have any problem with 100k people living on the streets as well so what’s to stop you from living in a nice RV? I used to see a whole family living in an RV in a parking lot in one of the suburbs of LA. They had close to a dozen cars parked next to their RV as well. It was ridiculous, and this was almost 20 years ago. I’m sure it’s worse today.

          I’m also sure it wouldn’t be that difficult to pay rent to someone to park an RV in their driveway in a lot of places in the greater LA or SF areas.

          I don’t quite understand how living on zero debt makes you look like you earn less than you do. I’ve been debt free for 30 years and I don’t see how I look any different than a lot of people who are well over $50k in debt.

          There’s no effective difference in appearances between the car I pay for verses the one my neighbor is paying off over the next 8 years.

          • I don’t feel like living in a van down by the river. I also don’t want to ever rent an apartment again. I don’t even want to live like Jim Rockford.

            How can I explain this… in a big metro area there are poorer neighborhoods and richer ones. On a cash basis you end up living in one a couple notches poorer than with debt without the new cars. Sure the neighbors are in debt, but you aren’t. The people with comparable incomes aren’t living near you as a rule.

            • Hi Brent,

              The soundest/wisest thing I ever did was leave the DC ‘burbs and head for ze Woods!

              My current house/land would literally have cost me at least $1 million, if not more, if it were located in Fairfax County. But I bought my place for less than the cost of a miserable townhouse in Loudoun County – a two-hour drive in traffic to the McJob in DC.

              • For spread like yours I would need to head out to the woodlands well north of the cheddar curtain.

                I could have probably live pretty good in Sheboygan, but damn it gets cold there. (been there twice, both times in winter)

            • If you are willing to pick the scab, I’m willing to make it bleed.
              Beyond that, you appear to be proud of declaring that you would be willing to pay a very high price just to be thought to be in as much debt as your neighbors?
              My pride is in having no debt of any kind, in addition to being able to live on what little Social Security annuity was earned by my never debt-ridden income.
              Nobody of any income lives within sight of my well-landscaped spot down by the river.

              • I don’t think he’s suggesting that he’s proud to be in debt, in fact he’s pointing out that he’d rather do the exact opposite, but that this appears to make him look poor. That’s where I lost his argument. I guess his perspective makes sense if one is on a limited, or significantly limited budget.

                Your “well-landscaped spot down by the river” comment reminds me of all the incredible spots I’ve lived at on my boats. It also reminds me of all the times I used to take walks with my dog on dry river beds. There’s one in San Bernardino county that is quite beautiful and has quite a few “homeless” people living in it. They aren’t crowed together. If property lines were drawn out, they would all have five to ten acre parcels. There was some trash, but not much (this was 15 years ago), and a good rain would undoubtedly bury, or wash all of it away.

                Many of these river beds are quite peaceful as well. It’s a shocking difference from the noise of the crowded areas that really aren’t all that far away at all. It’s like the acoustics of the river bed mute all that traffic.

                A lot of people would be surprised to see how well some homeless people really live. There’s a place on the side of a mountain in Terra Linda, in Marin County with a whole community of people literally dug into it. They live just a stone’s throw away from multi million dollar homes with the exact same multimillion dollar views of the San Francisco bay, and yet they paid nothing for their “homes” and they pay nothing in property taxes. They don’t have a care in the world while they’re ultra wealthy neighbors are now tormenting themselves wondering what they’re going to do to make ends me as they watch their savings and investments disappear. They have so much to lose while their neighbors are oblivious to the effects of a sagging economy and theft by taxation and inflation.

              • You’re a petty little person Vonu. “pick the scab”? For no reason you decided to make petty jabs like someone with a fresh AOL account finding usenet in the 90s.

                “you appear to be proud of declaring that you would be willing to pay a very high price just to be thought to be in as much debt as your neighbors?”

                It’s not surprising your reading comprehension is also poor.

          • Hi Schnarkle,

            I can see living in an RV – or even just a van – especially as a way to actually save money by working a high-paying job in a high-cost area. I could – and would have – done this in my 20s or even my 30s.

            Now, however, I’m older and my shoulder hurts all the damned time and I like having a bedroom for me and garage for the TA!

            • Couldn’t agree more eric. I used to live in vans, boats, etc. when I was in my 20’s, 30’s and occasionally even in my 40’s, but having done that when I was young means I’ve gone through that learning curve already. It’s not the same for those who try it when they get old. It’s like anything. I see oldsters who are driving trucks across the country who have been doing it their whole lives. In some ways, it keeps them young and pliable, but when someone in their 60’s or 70’s starts driving a truck, they usually don’t last more than a year or so before they call it quits.

              I spent over a decade living on the streets saving and investing money for a house, and when I finally moved into my first home, I would routinely wake up I the middle of the night not knowing where I was, but then I would go right back to sleep because I didn’t care. I was I a nice warm bed with a toilet only a few feet away with a shower and sink, a fridge full of food, etc. Having those creature comforts makes a big difference as we get older. Although I’m also noticing that as I age, I’m not as interested in holding onto my stuff any more. I’m not interested in maintaining this stuff which is required for those of us who can’t afford to pay someone to take care of it. Deep down inside we’re all a bunch of lazy monarchs who will eventually opt for a smaller castle.

              • Having lived in one of three vans since 1984, aside from 50 months in a truck sleeper, I don’t have any need to move into a Ford Connect, the next smaller possibility, and one being adopted by those young enough to be my grandchildren.

                • Once you get used to living like that, there’s probably no real reason to move into anything bigger like an RV or a house. The danger is if something happens where you have to spend a week or so in a house, and you start to get used to all the amenities. Then I can see it being difficult for me to go back to living in a van.

                  I used to have a 26′ sailboat sitting in my driveway, and I would look at it in wonder at how I ever lived in that thing for over three years. I distinctly remember thinking that it was quite comfortable, but after a few years in a house, something changed. I got spoiled.

        • Amen, Brent…

          Related: I have learned a great many things about women since my divorce. Also about myself. One of them being how free I feel not having to impress/answer to a woman anymore. I almost enjoy the perplexed reaction of very attractive women who’ve approached me when I respond indifferently. I am at the point now where the woman would have to be exceptional – and even then, the moment it becomes a hassle, I’m outta there.

          I listened to a Jordan Peterson talk the other day. He pointed out that a marriage without lifetime commitment (with the exceptional of egregious/criminal conduct to justify divorce) is absurd and pointless. If you can’t feel absolutely certain that your wife or husband isn’t going to leave – that whatever problems arise, you will deal with them, together – then the whole thing is almost guaranteed not to last (someone – almost certainly she – will become “unhappy”) and in that case, why bother with it?


          The hilarious thing is that women are in general the losers in this game. Marriage gives them security as well as a lifetime man; young women can find men easily enough, of course. But the over 40s? Good luck with that.

          Meanwhile, a guy who isn’t a loser can easily have attractive women – much younger women – almost indefinitely.

          The milk – without the cow.

          Fresh milk. Not sour/past-due milk…

          Men age like Sean Connery. And so do women.

          • Hey eric, Re: “very attractive women who’ve approached me when I respond indifferently”. I can remember doing the exact same thing for years. The thing is that I finally realized that my response was because I was still “gun shy”; I still had some open wounds that needed to heal. Years later, I got to a point where I forgot the act, and would absentmindedly find myself in an animate discussion with some attractive woman. These conversations would go on sometimes up to half an hour before I would realize that this oh so attractive woman has some ideas that I simply can’t stand, at which point the next available pause in the conversation allowed me to say, “Well, nice talking with you”, and split.
            This doesn’t just leave them with a look of perplexed confusion, it leaves checking their face in the mirror, checking their clothes, etc.

          • I wish I could reach that level of indifference. I’ll still notice pretty.

            JP eventually turned me off with his the conditions are bad man up bootstrappy traditionalism.

            • HiBrent,

              I still notice, too – but I no longer fall over myself to be noticed. Interestingly, this take it – or leave it – attitude seems to make them more interested!

              • It doesn’t just make them more interested. As soon as a woman asks if you’re married or have a girlfriend, even if you don’t have one, tell them you do. Back in the day when I actually did have a few girlfriends, I noticed that I really didn’t care if another one knew, and they didn’t seem to care either. On some level, this is ideal because if one of them cops an attitude, everyone knows you can just split and go see another one.

          • If, when first meeting a women, you believe that you’re not going to get laid, it changes the power dynamic tremendously. YOU are now the one in charge and you don’t have to put up with her bullshit. She has to act like a human being.

            Now this may piss off some women, but you won’t be used as a doormat. You’ve culled the herd of the bad ones.

            • It has always been best if human beings acted like human beings regardless of their gender. Any failure to do so would justify them being treated like Henry Kissinger’s military men.

          • It’s simply wiser just to avoid them altogether. The attractive ones are full of themselves and are excruciatingly difficult to hold a conservation with. Their only real worth is sex. Which, of course, has a very short shelf life with strings attached.

            All women are feminists now. Even those that say they aren’t live a very feminist lifestyle. They don’t need us anymore. Non-rich men cannot even keep up with the ever-increasing hypergamy among attractive females. So even why bother with them?

            If you carefully assess the damage caused by Women’s Lib, you’ll be in shock. Frankly, I’m unable to conceive how any of it can be reversed.

            On the bright side, men will eventually have the opportunity to own an actual Stepford Wife. And yes, they will be indistinguishable from a human female without all the drawbacks of one.

            • The situation will resolve itself as long as the farmaceutical industry keeps feeding us increasing amounts of soybeans and other estrogenic foods. Such is causing ten year old girls to menstruate and feminizing young boys into homosexuals.
              Caucasian Americans are having less than enough children to maintain their population, so American’s minorities are becoming its majority. If our warmongers are ever foolish enough to stage a nuclear first strike against any other nuclear power, the surviving ones will exterminate the aggressors. American exceptionalism will eventually exterminate America.

              • If you factor in the rest of the world, Caucasian is a minority already. I learned a long time ago to stay away from anything the government subsidizes. e.g. wheat, corn, soy, etc. Grow your own and not only will you feel better, and live longer, you’ll save a ton of money, not to mention hassle by getting your groceries from your own backyard.

            • I wholeheartedly disagree that attractive women are necessarily devoid of anything interesting to say. I’ve met quite a few that weren’t full of themselves either. However, I’ve also noticed that some women have this tendency to hide it well for a while. When they think you are really into them, they’ll see if they can manipulate you. It’s an old game, and shouldn’t work on anyone over 25, but too many guys are just in it for the sex so they get dragged around by the nose for a while before they wise up.

              There’s no denying that there are a lot of boring women who think men can’t live without them, but I also think there’s going to be a backlash eventually. There are a lot of desperate women out there who are miserable trying to go along with the feminist movement. They’re learning that it’s a pointless scam, and seeing that the traditional relationships make more sense.

            • “Frankly, I’m unable to conceive how any of it can be reversed. ”

              It will be reversed because it is unsustainable. The older ways of western civilization were designed to maximize the productivity of men. When women decide to share the top X% of men and ignore a significant majority those men see little reason but to be only productive enough for themselves.

              The welfare states and wealth transfers will collapse if the wealth isn’t created in the first place. Countries that are poor are usually poor because wealth is stolen from anyone who creates it, saves, etc. That’s what the current agenda is doing in the west, stealing the productivity.

              It may be decades or generations yet before the whole thing collapses but it will collapse eventually.

                • There’s a quote by the Federal Reserve that I used to have saved somewhere that says essentially that if anyone else does what they do they would be arrested and sent to prison for fraud. Here are a few other things they say:

                  “When you or I write a check there must be sufficient funds in the account to cover the check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check there is no bank deposit on which that is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a check it is creating money”.

                  “Putting It Simply” Boston Federal Reserve


                  “Commercial banks create checkbook money whenever they grant a loan. simply by adding new deposit dollars in accounts on their books in exchange for a borrower’s I.O.U.

                  “Federal Reserve Bank of New York” “I Bet You Thought” p. 19


                  The decrease in purchasing power incurred by holders of money due to inflation imparts gains to the issuers of money” The Federal Reserve

                  • The Federal Reserve doesn’t write checks. They buy government bonds by adding zeros to the ledger balance. If one believes that the Federal Reserve is part of the Treasury Department, then they are selling bonds to themselves and crediting themselves on the transaction.
                    The late Eustace Mullins exposed more of the Feds fraud than anyone, but G. Edward Griffin made it easier to understand for the uninitiated.

                    • Nobody is suggesting that the Fed is part of the Treasury. It’s nothing but a shell game for the banking cartels.

                      The Treasury borrows money the Fed doesn’t even have in the first place, and the taxpayer gets the bill. I suspect that everyone on this site posting knows exactly how the Fed operates so you’re preaching to the choir.

          • “I swear by my life, and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another human, nor ask another human to live for mine.”

            Kind of an interesting thought when applied to marriage. Might have something to do with why Ayn cheated on Frank.

        • “Most human beings are absolutely fine with forms of captivity and slavery in exchange for less effort to live and nice conditions so long as they can deny to themselves the reality of their condition.”

          You hit the nail dead-square on the head! This explains the whole bum-rush towards artificial intelligence and the eventual dehumanization of society.

    • My fleet average age is let’s see (46+23+20+8)/4 = 24.5

      Not sure how much longer that will last. The chicago environment is dissolving the 20 year old Mazda.

      • Mine that are being driven: (31 + 30 + 28 + 13)/4 = 25.5

        Not counting the 43 yo that burns oil and not being driven.

  9. Haven’t ‘owned’ anything in my life except my cloths on my back and cheap furniture. Built my own house in Texas (by hand one nail at a time, paycheck by paycheck for six years) and as soon as it was completed I owed $3000 in taxes or the county auctions it.

    You don’t own crapola in the land of the free…. And today they accuse this poor old boomer of White Privilege.

    • Hi Ken,

      I paid off my house some 15 years ago. Yet I am still paying for it! I added up how much – so far – and it is truly appalling. Even though I live in a “low tax” area, the annual hit – about $2,000 annually – accumulates to $30,000… so far.

      $30k – to live in a house that’s “mine” as a legal technicality.

      If I live here another 15 years and the tax stays the same, it’ll be $60k. If I live here the rest of my life, I will literally have paid twice for my house – once to the mortgage company, another time to the government.

      And I still won’t own my house.

      • My frame of reference has changed so drastically over the years, I sometimes find it unbelievable that I paid so much for my first few homes. I now live in a house on half an acre out in the sticks, and yet still on a fairly nice paved road with my own mailbox. I paid $15k for an almost brand new A/C unit and got this half acre along with the house on it, a few sheds, etc. for free. That’s how I look at it because I pay NOTHING in property taxes. Here in Florida, they have a homestead exemption for anything under $25k, and if I’m not mistaken they just raised it up to $50k.

        I have one utility bill which is electricity and it rarely ever rises above $100.00 a month. Most of the time it’s down below $50. a month. I just discovered that I was breaking the law by planting fruit trees and vegetables in my front yard. I found this out by learning that they just made it legal to do so in the whole state. I guess I’m just out far enough for no one to care.

        Regardless, I still don’t really own this property because the ptb can take it away from me if and when they please. I only discovered that the local government was eyeing my property to take it by eminent domain. I would have received a fair price, but they were looking to simply take it and then sell it to a developer for a profit. Nice. The deal fell through so I’m still here.

        By my calculations, over the last ten years, I’ve saved somewhere around $100k just by moving from California to Florida. I still pay a little money for registration and insurance for my vehicles, but compared to what I was paying out to live in CA, it’s practically nothing.

        I should point out that I LOVED my home in California. The idea of moving away from my home and friends was incredibly repulsive, and yet now I can’t come anywhere near entertaining the idea of going anywhere near that third world disease infested country. I call it a country because for all practical intents and purposes, it’s a third world country.

      • Ken and Eric P.: Prop. and car reg. seems a ripoff, but ( tho’ items are paid off)these funds pay: utility maint. like new sewer pipes being layed in my subdivision in older section, maintaining street lights, power stations, road repairs, street cleaners, mosquito control, Car reg.- road repairs, traffic lite maint.& repair, trees fall on lines, mowing/cleaning road medians, tree pruning on easements, storm damage, drainage ditches cleaned out sides of road, etc. Some parts of country pay super high,others low rates which is why we left Fla. for Ala. circa ’82. Car ownership is high for many reasons. We are soon to get down to one car. Fla., N.C. Calif, Ill., NY, other areas, are for the wealthy who love to be taxed to the max.

        • Hi Laura,

          Any “service” people are forced to pay for – and which they may not want or use – is a rip-off by definition. Motor fuels taxes are supposed to pay for road upkeep. And aren’t we taxed enough, already?

          As an aside: VDOT – the entity which is supposed to maintain rights-of-way/shoulders and culverts – did not (and has not) maintained the culverts outside of my house, adjacent to the road that front my property. A year ago, we had a huge deluge of rain and these neglected culverts did not drain. The water rose – became a pond. It rose so high it reached the runoff/drainage pipes from my house, which empty into the ditch/culvert. Water backflowed into my basement, causing thousands of dollars in damage.

          Not only did VDOT not pay – the SOBs haven’t even fixed the culvert. I had to relocate my lines, so as to avoid a recurrence.

          • We used to live in the county, they are slacking more on maint. than city gov. because less people complain or show up @ county comm. mtgs. More meetings people showed up w/ complaints on road damage. finally got fixed w/ new comm. Some counties worse than others to respond, saying low on funds.

  10. The registration on all my vehicles are paid up for as long as we own them, which is a good incentive to keep fixing them instead of buying something else.

  11. Try living in australia. Annual registration and compulsory 3rd party personal insurance ( not property insurance ) is just under 1000 dollars Aust…About $600- $700 USD.
    E veryone pays this, whether you have a lada or a maserati…..Every year!
    My car is worth $500. But places are too far to walk to so I have to submit…

    • feral, you are correct. I live in Victoria but on a pension I get half off. One of the few benefits of being on a pension. What it is in other states I don’t know. But a google search would reveal the cost.

  12. Here’s a modest prediction about how the public eventually may be enticed/coerced into buying electric cars.
    Governments temporarily reduce the registration fees, and maybe eliminate the personal property tax on new EVs.

    Then when most gassers have been “driven off the road,” by these and other measures, governments can reimpose registration and property taxes on electric cars too……with a VENGENCE!

      • I think this is what its about – making petrol/diesel cars so un-affordable and even un-usable (cant drive in certain areas) that people just dont bother and go electric or use an Uber/public transport.
        This is now the modern Western way or controlling someone (because outright banning or restricting them as they do in those evil communist authoritarian countries, well thats just not in like with western democratic values, is it? We have freedom and democracy!! )

    • It’s how “marketing ” in this country has always been. Give away something “free” and create a dependence upon it, then wring every last penny out of them for it! Ironic how the “chief violator” of our own Bill of Rights has his face on every one of those pennies as well! This is the land of “opportunity”, not “rewards”, and “rights” we have to purchase in perpetuity!

  13. Yeah, funny how we are taxed to death, and if we don’t pay, we get “our” property confiscated. However, a foreigner can own a business here in the US and pay NO taxes for 5 years. Considering many of them arrive in a standard 6 or 12 pack, they will simply “sell” the business to a relative, and go another 5 years tax free on that, and so on. I can’t elaborate on the particulars of the deal, but suffice it to say, you and I, as native citizens, have no access to any such deal whatever. Gives a new meaning to the term “green card”, doesn’t it?

    • Great point gtc, but we, as native citizens actually do have access to the very same deal. It’s called an LLC, but not just any LLC. A foreign LLC, and they’re quite easy to do. Even better is when you place it into an international trust in St. Kitts which protects you from lawsuits due to the fact that if anyone decides to sue your company, they must first pony up $25k for the filing fee.


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