Reader Question: Mobile Crematoria?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Ed asks: It would be great if you could compare the percentage of Teslas that have zoomed right up the tailpipes of parked fire engines, smashed into light poles and guard rails, slithered under tractor-trailers, and just plain self-immolated .  .  . and the mass misleading malicious mum mainstream media’s (MMMMMM’s) non-response, over against the percentages of Pintos with exploding gas tanks and Suburbans burning up from side impact accidents. Where’s the all-protective nanny-state gummint ordering Grifter-in-Chief Elon Musk to cease and desist?

My reply: This is a very innocent question. It presumes that the media/government complex is fair as well as actually interested in “our safety” (and so on). Not that it’s any of their business. I maintain that any grown-up person has the absolute right to risk himself to whatever degree he wishes. Because I do not assert ownership or parental rights over other grown-ups. They’re not my property or my my (minor) children.

Ergo, go in peace – even if I think you’re an idiot.

With regard to Musk. You have answered your own question. He is protected because he is useful. Tesla has been propped up these past 15 years – and excused – because Tesla is normalizing the electric car. Getting people used to the idea – and sexing up the idea. So as to make them more accepting. And to nudge the rest of the car industry to make EVs.

The good news is his usefulness is almost at an end. And he will probably soon be dumped by the powers-that-be.

The bad news is he has largely achieved his mission. The EV is now a fait accompli. The “transformation” of the car industry is already in process. It will bankrupt the industry – and us.

But that’s ok.

Because that was the point.

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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