The End of Tesla’s Useful Idiotness?


After years of looking the other way, the government is suddenly looking very closely at Tesla. Elon Musk’s Useful Idiot services may no longer be necessary. Or – just possibly – it is the Orange Man doing us a service.

Half a million Teslas are under scrutiny by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration – which is more Teslas than the company made during all of last year and most of the previous year, as well as a huge percentage of all the Teslas ever made, period – based on complaints from owners alleging their cars unintentionally autopilot. Not like Audis of the ‘80s, which ran through walls because their drivers inadvertently pushed the accelerator pedal when they thought they were applying the brakes.

These Teslas have a mind of their own – literally.

It is one of the features touted by Musk. Their futuristic ability to move and maneuver without any need for a driver. Many other cars also have similar systems, of course – but Tesla boasts that its systems go beyond mere “assistance.” Teslas can literally drive themselves – and sometimes in ways their owners didn’t expect.

According to some of the complaints – based on 110 crashes and 52 injuries – Teslas have picked up speed when the situation called for slowing down, as when traffic ahead suddenly did. The people behind the wheel – it’s not editorially accurate to call  them drivers – had been using the car’s driver assistance systems, according to NHTSA.

Sometimes, the people aren’t even in the car – luckily for them.

According to one complaint filed with NHTSA by a California Tesla owner, his car was “closed and locked” when “ . . .a few moments later the vehicle started accelerating forward toward the street and crashed into a parked car.”

A Pennsylvania Tesla launched itself “over a curb and into a chain link fence” – in an elementary school parking lot.

What about the children?   

Luckily, none were in the mayhem mobile’s path. . . on this occasion.

All of this is in addition to the multiple fatalities resulting from auto-immolating Teslas, the result of what appears to be a Tesla-specific defect and not merely the built-in danger presented by high-voltage lithium-ion battery packs, which can spontaneously combust as the result of a short circuit (and thermal runaway) because of physical damage sustained in a crash.

Several Teslas have caught fire without having had their paint scratched – because of shoddy design. Or shoddy software design. Teslas have gone up in smoke while recharging. Tesla issued an “update”  to the software which controls the recharging process in the wake of these fires – all but admitting that the original software was defective.

Lethally defective.

But Sauron remained sleepy, his eyes seemingly glued shut to anything Tesla did – including Teslas killing people. Juxtapose this indifference to actual mayhem with Sauron’s obsession with what Volkswagen didn’t do – which is hurt a single living soul – by “cheating” on obscurantist, pedantic federal emissions certification tests which mean nothing to anyone except federal bureaucrats, when their authority is affronted.

Not a single crash – much less a fire (or a fatality).

But “cheating” on a test that had no effect outside the apparat being affronted roused the full raging fury of the apparat. It tells you something about who was really hurt.

Meanwhile, Tesla was – effectively – promoted by the apparat. Rewarded and praised – and subsidized and mandated. A blind eye was turned, even as it became general knowledge that Teslas were unusually fire-prone as well as the only cars with the ability to drive themselves – including into other cars. Videos of Tesla owners actually asleep at the wheel – something not possible in any other car, because other cars with “driver assistance” systems turn off those systems if the driver takes his hands off the wheel for more than 30 seconds or so – resulted in no fatwas hurled.


And why the sudden interest in all of this?

The first answer could be that Tesla has served its purpose. Which was to sex up electric cars, make them seem “cool” and “the future” – by focusing attention on Ludicrous Speed and thereby enhancing the appeal and the status of being the owner of what are admittedly good-looking, high-performance cars . . . in order to take people’s minds off the fact that they are also ludicrously expensive, preposterously impractical cars.

Electric cars had been non-starters since the 1920s because they could not compete with internal combustion on cost or everyday practicality.

And they still can’t. But they have been made into celebrities, totems of virtue and social status – almost entirely because of Tesla’s re-branding of the EV as something sexy and cool  . . . and don’t worry about what it will cost you in money or hassle.

Until you can’t buy anything but an EV.

Which is not far off.

Tesla’s function, then, was not to build EVs, per se. It was to serve the John the Baptist role for EVs built by the rest of the car industry, which had stayed away from EVs precisely because almost no one wanted one or was willing to put their own money down on one – regardless of pressure from above to make them for the sake of “the environment” and “sustainability.”

Ugly, slow – and expensive – little trolls like the GM EV1 (also called the Impact) of the ‘90s) sailed like glass-bottom boats over shallow coral shoals. Elon changed the perception by his cost-no-object reconstruction of the EV as a fast and desirable thing, which helped to make it a socially desirable thing – especially once EVs became a virtue-signaling thing.

Almost every major car company is now emulating Tesla by building high-performance (and cost-no-object) EVs. Thus, Tesla’s EVs are no longer needed. But Tesla’s serial problems are a problem because they are tainting the carefully constructed image of electric cars as the no-cost Cars of the Future. The public has been successfully conditioned to bat eyes at electric cars  – and blank out questions about what they’ll pay, how they’ll pay and how they’ll deal with having to plan their lives around recharging their EV.

But if it make wake them up – or some of them up – if these embarrassing run-amok and catching-fire stories continue cropping up. And maybe for that reason the time has come to pull the rug out from under Tesla.

Another interesting possibility is that the Orange Man is intervening. He doesn’t like electric cars – and has derided the “climate change” shibboleth used to make their purchase (and subsidization of purchases) seem virtuous. He also does not like the exportation of jobs to China – and the importation of stuff made in China by American companies leveraging cheaper Chinese labor – and less burdensome Chinese regulations.

Tesla just recently began shipping Chinese-built cars here. Is it a coincidence that NHTSA is suddenly very interested in unintentional autopiloting – and auto-immolating?

If so, Orange Man good! 

He just made up a little for the wag-the-dog Hut! Hut! Hutting! visited upon General Unpronounceable.

. . .

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    • NOW we know that the crash of all crashes is imminent! Nuder spouting truth is equivalent to “paperboys being in the market” in 1929. (I forget who it was- some bazillionair of the time, said that when he saw that paperboys and shoe-shine boys were in the market, he immediately divested himself of all stocks…and just managed to avoid the big crash!)

      Gotta love it! From the article, someone said in response to Nader’s quote:

      Author photo

      Social-media editor

      Tesla shares — unsafe at any speed?

      Apparently so, according to consumer advocate and former presidential candidate Ralph Nader, who issued a stark warning this week, not only on the electric-car maker’s pricey stock, but on the stock market as a whole.

      ‘When the stock market bubble implodes, it will have been started by the surge in Tesla shares beyond speculative zeal.’

      That Nader tweet hit in the wake of Tesla TSLA, -0.39% topping $100 billion in market cap to become the world’s second most valuable car maker.

      “Deep in debt, selling less than 400,000 vehicles last year and challenged by several competing electric car models in 2020, Tesla’s stock valuation stunningly exceeds VW which sold over 10 million vehicles last year,” Nader added in a follow-up tweet. “Watch out, Tesla believers.

      Of course, his stance didn’t sit well with Tesla fans.

      “Tesla is a tech company, not just an auto maker,” Brian Lovett wrote. “Your old guard way of thinking is what got the other auto makers scrambling to catch up, and the movie industry scrambling after Netflix NFLX, +0.11% , and the music industry fighting streaming, and Taxi’s fighting Uber”

      Yeah buddy…sure. Trouble is NONE of those companies actually MAKE ANY MONEY! Their only “value” is the value imputed to their stocks- not on the basis of how much profit they make, since they don’t make any, but rather LOSE money every year- but instead by the zeal of investors towards the philosophies which the “new” companies represent, and their perceived “modernness and high technology”- rather than their performance to translate revenue into profit or operate sans a deficit!

      Profit used to dictate the value of stocks. Now, the emotions of the investors does. People paying hundreds of dollars a share for companies which are technically bankrupt and worthless, as they are in massive debt, and can not generate a profit, and lose money every year. That is not an “investment”- that is buying something that is worthless in the hopes that others around you will be foolish enough to pay even more for the worthless thing you bought. I’m really surprised that it’s lasted this long…..but I’d say we are at the precipice.

    • Oooopppss! Screwed-up my last post by accidentally quoting the whole article instead of the part I wanted to quote.

      Try again:

      NOW we know that the crash of all crashes is imminent! Nuder spouting truth is equivalent to “paperboys being in the market” in 1929. (I forget who it was- some bazillionair of the time, said that when he saw that paperboys and shoe-shine boys were in the market, he immediately divested himself of all stocks…and just managed to avoid the big crash!)

      Gotta love it! From the article, someone said in response to Nader’s quote:

      “Tesla is a tech company, not just an auto maker,” Brian Lovett wrote. “Your old guard way of thinking is what got the other auto makers scrambling to catch up, and the movie industry scrambling after Netflix NFLX, +0.11% , and the music industry fighting streaming, and Taxi’s fighting Uber”

      Yeah buddy…sure. Trouble is NONE of those companies actually MAKE ANY MONEY! Their only “value” is the value imputed to their stocks- not on the basis of how much profit they make, since they don’t make any, but rather LOSE money every year- but instead by the zeal of investors towards the philosophies which the “new” companies represent, and their perceived “modernness and high technology”- rather than their performance to translate revenue into profit or operate sans a deficit!

      Profit used to dictate the value of stocks. Now, the emotions of the investors does. People paying hundreds of dollars a share for companies which are technically bankrupt and worthless, as they are in massive debt, and can not generate a profit, and lose money every year. That is not an “investment”- that is buying something that is worthless in the hopes that others around you will be foolish enough to pay even more for the worthless thing you bought. I’m really surprised that it’s lasted this long…..but I’d say we are at the precipice.

        • I read a similar variation of that story. A rich businessman said that, when he started getting stock tips from the shoeshine boy, it was time to get out of the market…

      • Good points, Nunzio! Yeah, one of the best indicators that you’re at a market peak is when the “this time it’s different” argument emerges. Like just before the dotcom crash, when everyone was saying that profits didn’t matter anymore. I remember WIRED magazine also ran a cover story around then, titled “The Long Boom,” with a huge smiley face on the cover. Their argument: market crashes were a thing of the past. I don’t think the market held up more than a few months after that.

        And I’ve always loved that Joe Kennedy quote — although I’ve heard it attributed to Bernard Baruch and several other tycoons of the era. But Joe K sounds right.

        • Ditto, Robert! I Googled the quote and it came up with Joe Kennedy…but I was thinking it was someone else, too. It says so much, so succinctly- and is SO true.

          I remember the dot-com boom…. I was saving my money so I could get out of NY. People I knew- even lower echelon blue-collar types were diving into the dot-coms, and were riding high. I was almost starting to doubt myself and think that I missed a “golden opportunity”- but stayed the course.

          Long story short,, a year after the crash, I packed up and got some land here in rural KY and have been enjoying the last two decades….while those guys back in NY who riding high on paper for a short time…..lost their houses, etc. and basically had to start all over again just to get back to step one.

          That was bad enough- but here we are now, when EVERYTHIBG is in a bubble (And I would even extend that to include precious metals)….and it’s so obvious that even nutso Nader can see it….but everyone’s still buying…..

          And heck, even if you wanted to play, and do something sane and with high probability of success- i.e. short the market….the Feds are using OUR money to make sure that you won’t profit much, ’cause they’re using the money they extort from us, to protect other voluntary investors who are stupid enough to buy instead of sell! Insanity!

          • Yup, I got out of NY at around the same time, Nunzio — although I’m still not back to the country yet, like you, but hope to be eventually. Agree about the Everything Bubble — all the free money and easy credit since the ’08 crash has just re-inflated the stock market, and caused about everything else to become absurdly overpriced as well. Plus, the game is so completely rigged now. Only the fascist-capitalists — the Lolita Express types — really make money. For the regular guy, the PTB promise him great riches in a ploy to get him to risk his shirt — and then yank the shirt away, when it all starts to cave in, to cover their own sorry asses.

            As far as market signs go, one thing I’ve noticed over the years is, when the doubters finally capitulate and wade into the market, when there’s simply no one on the sidelines anymore — that’s when things turn — and turn quickly. If we’re not there now, we’re pretty dang close.

          • Hi Nunz!

            Amen, my wop friend… I have begun “investing” in storable food and am going to dig a manual/hand-pump well when (if) my shoulder ever gets better. I suspect this year is going to be a bad year, Orange Man or not…

            • “Electric cars had been non-starters since the 1920s because they could not compete with internal combustion on cost or everyday practicality.”

              you non safe SOB.
              Have you ever suffered from a kickback from hand starting an improperly spark retarded vehicle? Just what is wrong with you?
              I have gone to a Cadillac V-eight in order to avoid a broken arm.

              • You sissies and your horseless carriages! (My car gets forty rods to the hog’s head, and that’s the way I likes it!)

  1. I’m sure everyone has seen Tesla crossed the 100 billion dollar market cap making it more valuable than Volkswagen along with more than Ford and GM combined. Not bad for a company that likes to catch fire and kill its drivers and that has never made a profit with a ceo thats a loon.

  2. I’m old enough to remember Chevy Corvairs and Ford Pintos and all the pressure put on Ford and Chevy for far, far less problems. What I’d like to see is some consistency. If you have standards and processes that kick in when cars burst into flames, they need to apply to all cars.

    BTW, I knew people that raced Corvairs. They had the same issue a 911 had. You didn’t see people bagging on Porsche back then. The issue was that the rear engine setup demanded you knew how to drive. It was unforgiving. While I’ve seen reports of Pintos bursting into flames on a bad rear collision, I knew many that had them (me included) that had zero issues out of them.

    BTW, I do some charity work where we sell stuff, and I loaded some purchases into the back of a woman’s Tesla Model X. Wow. Flimsy back door doesn’t describe the cheapness. I’ve rented Kias that seemed better built. Sad for an expensive car.

    • A rear engine car offers better traction and handling-UNTIL it breaks loose! Whereas a front engined car will break loose slowly and gradually, a rear engined car will snap loose all at once because you have that heavy mass back there. You have to have cat like reflexes to catch a rear engined car…

    • There were some good times in dirt tracking and the esoteric SCCA races where Pinto was hard to beat. I was loyal to Datsun as that was my first car to drive. The 1600 ragtop was just great and with half decent tires went around corners fast, or I thought so. When sixteen lots of stuff was great.
      Whatever, Fords made some good stuff for Pinto and the aftermarket supplied well. The cars with enhancements were rather big fun. Some of them were real sleepers that easily wiped out Eric’s Pontiac.

  3. Nothing will happen to Tesla, regardless of any ‘investigation’.
    Its sad, but it is how things work.

    There is a list I keep of procedural violations by the auto manufacturers and the insurance maggots which represent physical damage or death to We The People that the courts have happily overlooked.
    If you knew the number of things that killed or maimed hundreds or thousands of people each year you would be appalled at how much human-destructive technology is permitted in our vehicles.
    For example, if you knew that the number one non-vehicle cost by insurance is due to injury by air bag you would not want one in your car.
    Or what if you realized that the States know more than 25% of all auto collisions (any amount of damage) are due to mobile phones? Would you really want one in your car?

    The car companies and insurance do not care about you or your safety. They actively hide any data which could show how deadly some of our vehicle tech really is. If you work in the industry then you do not talk about it or you are likely to lose your job.

    Currently there is a big issue with cars that have ‘automatic braking’. The actuaries are producing data which shows the number of complaints is outside normal ranges. The programmers are screaming about the tech not being ready for use. Insurance companies don’t care if the feature causes problems – it seems to look good on paper as a safely feature.

    Car tech has been killing people in the States since I got into the industry in the 1990’s.
    As the car tech increases in complexity, the number of people affected or killed continues to go up.
    In the 90’s most incidents I read about never had more than a few hundred affected.
    Today, every incident is in the thousands or tens-of-thousands at a minimum – and that is only the people where data was reported.

    • Hi Torino,

      Nixon was run out of office for “lying” – and covering up. Theft and murder being all right. Clintigula was almost run out of office for lying about consensual sex – but burning women and children to death at Waco? No worries! The Orange Man stands accused of withholding “aid” – i.e., stolen loot – from a foreign country unless that foreign country’s leaders were obliging in return. And?

      Does the gang which rules us ever hand over stolen loot without string attached? Why is this case an exception?

      • Joe Biden certainly didn’t, when he blackmailed the former Ukraine president to fire his son’s prosecutor, and then bragged about it publicly.

    • Nah, it ain’t the Orange Man. He’s just another obedient tool.

      STATES are raising EV registration fees.
      Other countries, even CHINA, are rescinding their subsidies.
      There are no plans to build more electric infrastructure- which would be sorely needed if EVs were to go mainstream.

      I think the EV scam has been taken as far as it can be- The percentage of society that will fall for this scam, and which has the wherewithal to participate, has likely been fully exploited- so now there is nowhere else to go. Next thing, we’ll probably see the EU, maybe even the UN backpedaling. (If the UN hasn’t already- which it may well have and we just don’t know it yet- because after all, this stuff comes from the top down).

      There is no rebel who has magically ascended to a position of major power in first-world country. The people we see are just figure-heads anyway. Trump has been a Liberal’s DREAM! He’s destroying the 2nd Amendment; He’s allowing more third-world invaders in than even Obammer; etc. etc. but the media de-emphasizes such things, because this is how they keep the “right” vs. “left” paradigm alive, while the same exact agendas and actions are always carried out, regardless of who is office.

      • Problem is they only allow two sometimes three choices. Evil vs Evil^10 vs Evil^100. It’s not much of a democracy if they choose the ones you get to vote for. And when you accidentally get a decent person (Ross Perot, JFK) they are discarded or assassinated. I would lay a million dollars (if I had it) that if Jesus Christ was to run for office voters would discard him…. too religious. No money to be made.

  4. The American taxpayer keep taking it on the chin. For example, A123 battery tech was developed mostly using taxpayer dollar via MIT and the University of Texas- and again for A123 startup costs, they when it went kaput it was bought for pennies on the taxpayer dollar by a Chinese company and all the American jobs vanished.

    The taxpayer bailed out Chrysler and then Fiat gets to come in and buy it at a discount. Tesla gets a variety of taxpayer subsidies but beyond that, got a DOE loan during the height of the financial crisis in order to even stay in business and the taxpayer reward is them off-shoring their production once again to China.

    Now mind you, if these were truly private companies surviving without the help of the American taxpayer/Uncle Sam I wouldn’t care where they make their product….but the idea that taxpayers have been forced to not only bail these failing companies but then watch them take their money and fund investment overseas is repulsive on so many levels I don’t know where to start.

    • Well-said Crony… I couldn’t agree more. I repeatedly explain to people that I am not opposed to EVs – or “tech.” I am opposed to these things being forced down our throats by people with their hands in our pockets!

        • Yes,,, Read his article and commented but I really can’t see the difference. Tariffs are a tax just like any other tax. They won’t bring the production back until the wage scale here matches China, India and Bangladesh. Trumps family has their manufacturing there so I never expected much about his promise to bring back the jobs although he has been real helpful to the wages of Mexicans (in Mexico) producing many of the vehicles Americans buy.

          • When there is a global monetary reset some day, that’s when manufacturing will return to some degree in the US. But the global monetary dynamics, including the artificially high value of the dollar(IMO), makes this impossible for now.

            • 100% Correct….
              When the reset occurs and the dollar crashes most Americans will be destitute. Like the US in the 1920s they’ll take jobs for a couple bucks an hour working 16 hour days. Manufactures will be glad to return under those conditions.

              • Trouble with that is Ken, the factories and industries are long gone- and what took a century to build, isn’t easily rebuilt in the best of times…much less in the zombie apocalypse 😀 -and who would have the money to buy what is produced, even if it could be rebuilt?

                When an empire dies….it is not rebuilt. Look at all of the various ones through history. Egypt was once the ‘Merca of it’s day…look at it now…and it took 3000 years just to get to where it is now…..

                The dysfunction and disruption of natural things (like the natural free market; normal human behavior/family structure….) that empires artificially cause in just a couple of hunnert years….take much, much longer to heal, because everything is so far removed from normalcy. Instead of people just resorting back to normal behavior and interaction when the empire collapses, they don’t even have a clue of what normal is, and essentially have to learn the basics of life all over again- thus a dark age is created, from which people must slowly progress again. Happens every time.

                Some of US may do O-K if we can find a peaceful far-away place where we won’t be molested by the various warring sides and barbarians who will be seeking to survive like wild wolves….but forget about the organized high society we once knew. We’re descending already….and the real decay has not even started yet (but will very soon)

              • Hi Ken,

                Yes – and will those of of us who lived below our means, saved and aren’t in hock up to our eyeballs be looted as the “Kulaks” were in Soviet Russia? I fear so. Because America today is like Russia then – and unlike America back then. During the Depression, many Americans were destitute but they weren’t a proletariat. Today, we have a proletariat… awaiting its Lenin.

                • One of the few good things to come out of my 18 year enslavement by the “child support” state, was that I learned to live on nothing, appear to own nothing, and to avoid a paper trail. Guns- if I had any would have been bought privately with cash. If I had gold and silver, I must have sold it years ago when times got tight. It would be way too hard to squirrel away a couple dozen ounces of real money outside an insured bank safe deposit- right? Sold an old car- be sure to put that cash in a bank right away where it’s safe, right? It’s not the same as freedom, but it’s as close as you can get in todays corrupted totalitarian world.

                  • Amen, Earwig!

                    Funny thing too: Without debt and taxes (and child support!), money goes so much further…..

                    I live well below “the poverty line”- but I’m not poor! Yet I know people who make many times more than I do, who always complain that they are broke…and who would have trouble scraping up $500 in cash….and they think I’m “rich” because I have some cash in my pocket, and because I don’t complain about not being able to afford this or that (And meanwhile, they fritter their money away on new cars, and expensive smartphones and $1200 a month “health insurance” whose premium is much more than what they’d ever spend on a few doctor’s visits….and all sorts of BS- but I’m “rich” because I have hundred dollar bills in my wallet… They don’t seem to notice that I’m driving a 20 year-old faded, rusty truck…LOL…)

                    • Hi Nunz!

                      Amen. Were it not for the extortionate property taxes I am forced to pay – and the taxes on the income I make – I could easily and comfortably live on $15,000 annually. But I have to make considerably more than that… in order to pay the taxes on things I paid for years ago (and to pay for the things other people want).

                      Thankfully, I can still avoid being mulcted for “health insurance” I don’t want(for medical care I don’t use) and I am able to drive my almost-20-year-old truck, long ago paid for. That and avoiding other unnecessary expenses makes it feasible to live better than most people – on much less than most people earn.

      • Paul Craig Roberts is 100% right on that idea. Tariffs are not really a tax on the consumer anymore than the income tax. The only way tariffs become a tax is if prices for a product rise or if there is no where else for the money to go. Right now, there is no evidence of our current extremly low tariffs having any impact on consumer prices. As domestic production increases, prices for the domestic good will drop as more is produced. In the meantime the money is kept within the country instead of being shipped off to some giant monster corporate transnational conlgolerate

  5. Love Jesus, like Orange Man, Tesla man bad, need Jesus. Tesla car hazardous, need fixing. Government regulations bad, need elimination. Eric Peters cool, just right.

      • Hi JWK,

        Yup. It’s boggling that people don’t appear to be outraged about Biden’s influence-peddling son. Especially given the Democratic Party’s pabulum excoriating “the rich.” How about using the government to enrich oneself? No comment.

        The Acosta-Stelter axis is indifferent. But Orange Man supposedly withholding “aid” to further an investigation of the above?

        Oh, the outrage ! Oh, the humanity!

        And this is why the Orange Man will be re-elected, if he’s not removed.

        • Just like there’s no outrage over all the criminal, traitorous, shady things Hitlery has done, over the course of decades- and tens of millions are instead willing to vote for her, and promote the treacherous bitch to one of the ostensibly most powerful positions in the world.

          ….and Trump’s DOJ has quietly dropped their investigation of her shady business dealings….

          They’re all inb the same club; there’s really only one “party” and we’re not invited- and it pains me to see that even you guys here buy into the charade that there is really any difference, and that any of them would do anything different. These facts have become blatantly more obvious since Trump’s election.

          The idea that the two sides are somehow “enemies” is ridiculous. They are all holding hands- and the dichotomy is merely portrayed by the media, and by the act that is put on by the various actors who serve as figure-heads for the real government. WE are “the enemy”, and they all work to overcome us. If they were really enemies, Hitlery would now be in jail or have been executed; illegals would not be pouring in in record number; and Trump wouldn’t have reneged on over 100 of his campaign promises.

          This is THEATER! -and nothing more. They appeal to the lowest common denominator- the “left” goes after the “Obommer goan pay my bills” fools…and the “right” courts the “We’re gonna make Mexico pay for the wall”[ROTF] and “Lock her up” BS. (He’s even trotted that one out again recently- and likely will again….and the “believers” will still chant it, and not question why he hasn’t done it in his first term…..

          It’s a game of checkers for those who can be told that a set of checkers is really chess set!

          • So true Nunz, how do they think Obama could afford a $5million house in Georgetown AND a $15million spread on Martha’s Vineyard where the elitists spend their summers. He’s in the club and we’re not and I don’t see it changing in my lifetime. As long as the PTB can keep the serfs fighting for the crumbs without it getting to the “if you ain’t got nothing you got nothing to lose” stage the status quo will be maintained. My only hope is the whole house of cards of Fed printed fake money comes crashing down, but that might be a case of “be careful what you wish for” as I’m sure these psychopaths will bring full on civil war if their backs are up against the wall.

              • Nah! Global warming only affects poor people!

                And since poor people don’t live on the water…..

                I mean, do you see Al Gore worrying? Of course not!

            • So true, Mike! I wish I would’ve known you when I lived on Lawn Guyland! I could’ve run a tour: “And here we see the rarest of all specimens: A sane person in Taxachussetts! It’s said to be the last of it’s kind; all the others died off in the 60’s!”

                • Joisey AND MA.- Darn Mike, I think there’s someone out there with a voodoo doll that looks like you and a map…. Just hope they ain’t aiming for California next! 😀

            • Yeah Mark- soon as I heard that Trump’s daughter was married to Kushner, I said “There we go”- forget any hope of Trump “draining the Swamp” amd “Making America great again” and all of that BS (Well, really, when he picked Pense as his running mate- but I said maybe that was just due to stupidity…in which case, he’d just end up being a useful idiot…. Kushner just sealed the deal.).

            • Hi Mark,

              We see through a mirror, darkly. There is no question the government of this country is controlled by malignant forces. But who are they? Are they singular? Or a great and secret collective? I hear rumblings about “the Jews.” In my area, it’s the conservatives. They are the ones in my county filching my pockets at gunpoint to pay for “the schools.” Israel had nothing to do with this, as far as I can tell. The problem is all around us – not in Tel Aviv. The government of Israel could not exert influence over the government of the United States if the people of the United States – lots of them, at any rate – didn’t desire it.

              Our enemy is much closer to home. He may be looking back at us in the mirror.

              • Mornin’ Eric!

                ***” In my area, it’s the conservatives. They are the ones in my county filching my pockets at gunpoint to pay for “the schools.” Israel had nothing to do with this, as far as I can tell. “***

                Actually, if you trace back the ideas of communal edumacation through the state, and funding via property taxes and or “progressive income taxes”….or even classical education was supplanted by “liberal arts” and the modern collectivist ideas on education,, you will find a Jew at the end of query…..

                Sure, now, after many generations being the product of these schools and the (also Jewish) media, everyone, including “Conservatives” just parrot what they’ve been programmed to believe.

                Heck, in most of the larger cities, even though the Jews are the smallest minority, they INFEST the school systems! Just as we have adopted most of our recent policing techniques directly from the Israelis (Many of our pigs are now taught via material;s and techniques acquired through Israeli companies, and via teachers who were in turn taught directly by Israelis)- so too have our schools- from the Dept. Of Education down to local districts adopted the philosophies and practices dictated by…the Jews (But NOT practiced by them on their own…. for just like “diversity”- what’s good for the rabble goyim, is anathema to “the chosen rightful rulers of the world” who get to keep their people and their society and communities “pure”, while villifying anyone else who does the same.

                In fact, isn’t that the overwhelming message of modern education? -That we must accept, welcome and condone every intermingling of every nation on earth, and every “preference” or perversion, without thought or care, or we are “monsters” who are worthy of ostracism and death…but the Jews can maintain their “purity”, because they are sacrosanct and beyond criticism…and Trump has recently decreed so as law….that you mustn’t exercise freedom of choice, thought or speech on a college campus in reference to Jews (Perfectly O-K if you do so Germans or Italians or Scots though)- and has even uttered that we must “love Jews more” (Apparently, it’s not enough that our money is forcibly taken and given to them, and that we fight their wars)- and yet people say that they see no evidence of Jewish interference in our government? (But the Dems seem to see “Russian” influence everywhere…I guess that makes for a good distraction…)

                • Hey Nunz,

                  “Actually, if you trace back the ideas of communal edumacation through the state, and funding via property taxes and or “progressive income taxes”….or even classical education was supplanted by “liberal arts” and the modern collectivist ideas on education,, you will find a Jew at the end of query…..”

                  So, Horace Mann and the architects of the Prussian model were Jews?


                • Hiya Nunz!

                  I dunno… I will have to go back and refresh my memory to be sure but if I recall correctly, it was Franklin who pushed for the first taxes on real estate in the United States. And Franklin was not Jewish… if I am remembering it correctly.

                  But even if he were – or even if the first laws taxing property were authored by or pushed by people who were Jewish, does this indict “the Jews” as a class? Are all Jews enemies because some people who were Jewish did loathsome things. This does not compute… it would mean my own “racial kinsmen” are also my enemies as many loathsome things have been done by people who share my racial and religious ancestry. Hitler, after all, was a kraut. Right?

                  • Ah, yes, Eric- but where did Franklin get the idea of property taxes from? From Europe (“Yeah..let’s get out of there. Now let’s do exactly what they did!”)….although we had no monarchy here, the idea of property taxes being enacted to fund a “local government” can actually be traced back to…..Israel, after the Babylonian captivity- before the time of Christ! (It’s even condemned in the Bible- their own prophet- Ezra- or was it Nehemiah- I always get the two confused!- rebuking them for it.

                    I don’t believe that property taxes were actually used to fund communal schools here till long after Franklin’s day though- with compulsory edumacation and government-run schools not really being a thing until about the last 100 years- give or take, depending on location (Boston got it way early!)- and even then, the budgets were practically nothing unless we’re talking about the biggest cities full of immigrants (deja vu), because it was for the most part just a classroom or two and a teacher or two…not some huge administration, and huge sports facilities and gyms and mjulti-million dollar buildings and buses and psychologists…ad infinitim… (My, how gradualism works, eh?)

                    Uh…well…I’ve gotten off track.

                    But what I meant to say, was that the modern practices of education and taxation are basically identical to the communist model…and communism and it’s various mechanisms and the promotion thereof is of the cabal.

                    Oh C’mon now…you should know by now when I say ”
                    Jews” I am not refering to all Jews. Although, considering their small number in the world population, a very large part of them do seem to participate in some way in the overall scheme of things- even if not actually a part of the cabal- they still are very effective tools visa Zionism and liberalism- and try denying that THOSE things are not overwhelmingly Jewish constructs!

                    Much likje Italians and organized crime…. If someone says “Italiansd” in a derogatory way, It doesn’t bother me, because I know to whom it applies, and I am not in that sub group- but it would be foolhardy of me to deny that that there are a LOT of Italians, even if not actually in the Mafia themselves, that in fact may be connected in some way…such as by working for a business which they know is Mafia owned, etc. (Hey, my aunt used to work for the NY Jets…and found out they were run by the you-know-who…she quit that job!)

                    • Nunz, property taxes are not a modern (that is, within the last few centuries) European development or the result of the machinations of a secret cabal. A little historical searching quickly reveals that they were levied throughout the ancient world, including places like Egypt, Greece, and China. Rome was pretty big on them too, gotta hand it to those ginzos! 😉

                      A concise history here, though there are certainly many other sources:


                      So by the time they were introduced to the U.S. taxes on property were a firmly established practice in nearly all cultures, dating back thousands of years to the most ancient civilizations.

                      The tenets of liberalism also date to antiquity – going way back to ancient Rome, at least. (Those wacky wops again!)


                      (There really are very few social or philosophical ideas that do not date back thousands of years. Technology changes but human nature does not.)

                    • I know it Jason; In another post, I mentioned *a certain people* even enforcing property taxes upon their own after the Babylonian captivity- before the time of Christ.

                      And if I may add: Joseph (The son of Jacob/Israel) was actually the one who enacted property taxes in Egypt!

                      Taxation and control of the money…..the prime methods of control and power.

  6. Off Topic
    This is what I received from a Floridumb Supervisor of Erections.

    Requires: Name,address, Date of Birth, Email.
    That’s it.
    Everyone gets to vote,,, illegals and all. The one thing that made citizenship special.

    So our 62 gender soldiers / Mercs are defending America 12,000 miles away for what again… pray tell.

  7. “He just made up a little for the wag-the-dog Hut! Hut! Hutting! visited upon General Unpronounceable.”
    Brother I disagree. This muzzie goat effer was a major instigator of harming Americans- fatally. I for one tend to believe PDJT when he said this proven terrorist was planning to hit US assets with the goal of killing US citizens. A dead pederast is a good pederast. I hate that we are in that sandbox out East and we certainly need to be done with this idiotic idea that we can democratize inbred zelots bent on killing for fun. That being said I wholly agree with rubbing out a known threat to American lives.

    On an unrelated but valid point about PDJT- regular guys are now getting richer while “our betters” are not. We are no longer subsidizing the whole damn globe with the sweat of American workers. Our middle class was gutted like the old Packard plant so “our betters” could play global monopoly. I’m proud to see real men- working men supporting themselves and their families again. I love seeing regular guys with extra money to buy F250s, pursue worthy hobbies like restoring old cars, taking trips with the family, going to Church and loving America because hard work still pays. I love seeing a spark of hope and a smile of gratitude in the Forgotten Man. I love the ballsy way our President and our side is dealing with the leftist weenies and the fact that it’s safe to tell these busybodies to fuck off. God Bless Trump and God Bless America. And God Bless you Eric. I hope your site visits double in 2020.

    • *sigh* no he wasnt. what evidence do you have for a guy you never heard of before we murdered him. And American soldiers worked *with* in 2015 to get rid of ISIS in Iraq.

      • Well, Mr. can’t be bothered with the facts , how about this? 2nd in command under Ayatolla “death to America” Kahmeni since 1998. Commander of the Quds Force an anti American terror organization who trained and funded non-Iranian muslem terrorists including but not limited to Hezbolla. Individually sanctioned by the EU and UN- neither are pro US interests, a known pedo fond of young boys, enforcer of restrictive 7th century laws that have gutted a once prosperous country once known as The Paris Of The Middle East. I could go on and on but fools like you won’t be persuaded by verifiable facts because it interrupts your squishy dogma. Go help out your commie hero Bernie. He needs you.

        • The foreign media is saying this General was on his way to a meeting with the Saudis to sign a peace agreement. This was why he had to be assassinated immediately. Food for thought anyway.

        • You might do some research on the condition of MENA. Most of it is bombed out by American bombs to bring democracy. Destroyed their homes and infrastructure and killed millions. American troops and Mercs occupying are everywhere hassling, killing folks.

          That just might be the reason for these people to hate us,,, maybe?

          There is no evidence of pedophilia other than what the US President and Gov say.

          He did assist Hezbollah in defending Lebanon from the illegal Israeli invasion in 2006 called the 33 day war where Hezbollah Ran the Israelis back to Israel. IMO a militia has the right to defend its country.

          Did everybody copy okay?

        • lol Auric you’re an idiot. you have no evidence for anything you say. He was the number one killer of ISIS Al Qaeda and the Taliban. As far as pedo look up bachi baza. thats who we’re fighting for in Afghanistan.

  8. “He just made up a little for the wag-the-dog Hut! Hut! Hutting! visited upon General Unpronounceable.”

    Sorry Eric,,, I disagree. I think life is more important especially American lives when there is zero reason for us to be there. I’ll leave it at that as this position seems to be unpopular with most Americans.
    A good write though. Tesla needs reigned in.

  9. A partially autonomous vehicle under the control of over a million lines of remotely updated software, powered by a volatile battery pack and built by a new vehicle manufacturer piloting new production techniques & technologies: What could possibly go wrong?

  10. Hadn’t heard about the Teslas just taking off while parked. WOW! There’s a reason why aircraft have circuit breakers instead of power switches. Pilots like to know that things are powered off when they leave the aircraft. I’ve given in to knowing that my Cherokee’s electronics are powered up all the time (and draining the battery), but I’m pretty sure it won’t take off and drive through the garage door by itself. And if it does I’ll have a pretty easy time finding a lawyer who’ll get FCA to pay for the damage.


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