Reader Question: Retro Review Monte?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Rick writes: I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed this piece (on the ’83-88 Chevy Monte Carlo SS) you wrote back on May 17, 2011. I came across it a few years ago, and again today. You did such a great job of describing the 80’s Monte Carlo SS. I have a 1985 SS that I bought new and still own today. Your description of the car is so well put, and I appreciate how you gave the car the recognition it deserves. I love your comment: “They may build ’em faster – but they’ll never build’ em sweeter.”

So true!

My reply: I decided to update this piece! Because this car is a personal favorite.

I was lucky enough to be a teenager working as a lot boy at Jim McKay Chevrolet in the mid-1980s, doing cleanup and detail of new and used cars. I got to (furtively) drive brand-new SS Monte Carlos – the plastic still on the seats! I’d always take them around the block after prepping them for the showroom. I can still remember my delight when I heard – and felt! – the tires chirp on the 1-2 upshift. Once – maybe twice – I flipped the air cleaner lid over, so that I could hear the moan of the L69 HO 5 liter V8 better.

Thanks for the kind words!

. . .

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