Another Gratuitous Hut! Hut! Hut!


Body cam video has emerged of another Hut! Hut! Hutting! by armed government workers . . . after the victim spent five months in jail on trumped-up charges leveled by the Hut! Hut! Hutters!

The Free Thought project reports:

Garfield Heights, OH — Kenta Settles, a 28-year-old father of three, who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD and ADHD, had committed no crime earlier this year when he was approached and subsequently assaulted and arrested by several officers with the Garfield Heights Police Department. Because prosecutors chose to never watch the body camera footage to find out what actually happened, Settles spent five months of his life locked in a cage on trumped up charges brought against him for doing nothing but defending himself from a brutal attack.

Settles, represented by Jeremy Tor, has since filed a lawsuit against the City of Garfield Heights and the Garfield Heights Police Department alleging false arrest, violation of Constitutional rights, and excessive force for the stop which took place on January 23.

Settles’ nightmare began on that January night as he tried to fill his prescriptions for his mental illnesses at a CVS pharmacy. Because he has no car and the store was closed, Settles stood in line at the drive-thru, which was open.

As reports:





In fact, the man in the drive-thru was also captured on body camera and at no time did he ever claim anyone tried to pull him from the vehicle. All he told the police was that he thought Settles was a “bum” trying to ask for money, and he felt scared because he had his mother-in-law in the passenger seat and he thought Settles tried to open his door.

The man claimed that he couldn’t hear anything Settles was saying because he was honking on the horn. After not receiving a response, Settles walked away — a fact confirmed by the man who called police.

“When I laid on the horn, he pointed, like he was saying something,” the man was recorded telling police on the video. “I couldn’t hear because I was laying on the horn.”

As Settles walked home, he was then confronted by Garfield Heights police officer Michael Malak who proceeded from the start to violate Settles’ rights. At no time did Malak ask Settles any questions and instead began leading him to the patrol car.

“Why didn’t you stop when I asked you to stop,” Malak asked, as officer Robert Pitts showed up in another police car. Settles said he did, and Malak replied, “no, you didn’t.”

It was clear from the video, however, that Settles was far from Malak and did respond and cooperate once he saw the flashlight on his body.

Read the rest here.


  1. Makes you wonder if these cops had their brains fried — radio waves blasted into their brains to damage/disable the part of the brain that feels empathy/compassion/love. Because they sure don’t seem to have any compassion for that guy. Even if he is a bit nuts and maybe even annoying, at least he didn’t commit any crime. 5 months of jail for nothing? Talk about injustice.

  2. Garfield Heights, OH is also known for a shopping center built on a garbage dump, which has started sinking and all of the tenants moved out. The impression I get from what I’ve read about the city is that it’s corrupt from top to bottom, the garbage dump shopping center just being the most obvious symptom.

  3. It’s going to be interesting how the state goes about enforcing corona flu dictates after they have abolished or defunded their police force. Of course psychopaths are quite often very intelligent, so perhaps they’ll find a way. There are at least two effects produced by the ongoing activities of the Psychopaths In Charge that I suspect they did not foresee. The diaspora of wealth and people away from cities, and the massive increase in formerly docile sheeple arming themselves. I’m sure neither were part of their game plan. Hopefully, the newly armed will discover a new sense of self governance. Being armed can certainly bring an awakening of one’s sense of the world around them. Now you have a choice. Submission is far less of a requirement.

    • Yeah exactly. That’s partly why they’re always trying to take peoples’ guns away — because that breaks their spirit and takes away their personal power.

  4. Yet another perfect example of some gutless, spineless, chicken shit bastard that called the police and ruined somebodies life.

    • Hi Pappa,

      Yup. It is now de facto “the law” – but not actually the law – to be Hut! Hut! Hutted! when an AGW deems you to be “suspicious.” Which, of course, can be anything the AGW says it is, it being entirely a matter of how one feels about it. Thus, the old way to ward off a cop – you haven’t got anything on me, piss off! – no longer works on AGWs.

      Cops – no longer in existence – generally respected the actual law and wouldn’t hassle you unless you’d broken one. AGWs, on the other hand…

      YouTube and so on are choked full of videos – and these are likely a fraction of the total number – of AGWs hassling someone who hasn’t committed any crime, which the AGW often concedes – by being unable to cite the law which he suspects the person has violated. Instead, he warbles about his “suspicions.”

      Well, that’s not a crime or even spitting on the sidewalk. The AGWs know this. Yet they hassle people regardless – and they get away with it.

      It ought to be grounds for summary firing – as well as criminal prosecution – for an AGW to enforce a law that doesn’t exist, or hassle anyone absent legal grounds for doing so.

      That it isn’t goes a long way toward explaining why there is not much sympathy for AGWs. They earn the hate.

      • Hi Eric –

        Recently, you asked, “why are the barbarians at the gates?”

        One of the reasons is that we have allowed the barbarians to guard the gates for a very long time.

      • Thanks SCOTUS for giving these pieces of shit this power. Thank the judges everywhere and prosecutors too. Just than the whole goddamned Just Us system.


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