Reader Question: Diesel Truck Recommendation?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Devin asks: I very much enjoyed your piece on your buddy’s purchase of a used diesel truck. I would like to buy just such a vehicle. We, as described by you, are leaving the suburbs for the country. One thing you didn’t mention, is that big, last century trucks, will likely offer significantly more cover and concealment than a Chevy Cruze or Ford Fusion when liberty and tyranny pills are flying in opposite directions. Nor did you mention that one might carry the entire mutual assistance group (MAG) and gear in the bed for racing to the front. (I once happened to be in Ecuador when war broke out with Peru and all pickups were immediately commandeered to move troops to the front) I believe things will get loud very soon in these, formerly, United States and my dirt cheap lease ($211 for  2017 Tiguan) is done in 2 weeks. Thanks in advance for sharing your top three vehicle and budget recommendations?

My reply: My personal favorite is the late Dodge Ram half ton (circa ’89-97) with the Cummins 5.9 and mechanical injection. These engines are incredibly durable and simple. People who’ve owned them love them. Ask around.

The same-era Ford 7.3 Powerstroke and the later 6.0 have apparently had problems, so I would shy away from them.

The GM 6.2 diesel V8 from the same era is apparently ok.

I would stay away from all modern diesels with electronic fuel injection and DEF. There are apparently conversion kits (to mechanical injection) available for newer diesels but the vehicle itself will still be heavily electronic and the conversion will probably be expensive. I think it’d be smarter to buy an older Ram with the Cummins and fix as necessary because once fixed, you will have a truck ideally suited for the purposes we envision.

Speaking of that:

Don’t overlook a Hummer. The old/real one – not the pending electric one. The H1 and H2 bot offered diesel power without all the modern liabilities.

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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