Reader Question: Resting Bitch Face?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Steve writes: Heard you talking to Bill on KMED yesterday regarding the new “Blazer,” and I about wrecked my car. Dude, that right there was funny! I tried calling in to talk to you but there wasn’t an opportunity. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that we have just bought a VW Atlas, and I appreciated your review. My wife recently encountered a suicidal deer (after taking out 3 at once, two years before in a mass suicide) in her Q5 and it was totaled. We were pissed because we loved that diesel, had 170k and was as fast as my TT. Took your advice and got the V6 in the VW and love the car, so thank you from Butte Falls Oregon! Now if just this wuhan flu thing would allow me to get my 67 Mustang Fastback back on the road (lack of funds, wife at home homeschooling). Keep up the good fight and look forward to your call to KMED next week!

My reply: I aim to entertain! And the new cars make it easy, with their Kabuki Samurai, Angry Catfish, Cylon Centurion and Resting Bitch Face front clips. If only Virgil Exner had lived to see this.

I’m glad to hear about the Atlas; it’s a great rig – especially with the V6!

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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