Reader Question: Trumpshine Coming?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Cammy asks: I read your story today about what might be in the works for July 6 and wanted to get your opinion as to the probability that anything more than the usual nothing – other than talking – will occur.

My reply: I expect Trump to hold what amounts to another campaign rally on the 6th. I will be surprised – ecstatically so – if he actually does something to address the fraud – with more than just talk.

It seems to me that what he’s doing is laying the groundwork for a post-election “run” for leader of the Impotent Opposition. To what end, I have no idea – except as regards speaking fees and ego-boosting.

That said, I hold out some hope – very thin – that he may actually do something. That he has waited to act so as to allow the “system” to prove itself incapable or unwilling to address the fraud by procedural means. After having established this to be the case, he – so the hope goes – will proceed by other means. Perhaps by mass round-ups of treasonous people, their frog-marching to the clink… and so on.

But I hear the strains of one of my favorite Elvis songs, If I can Dream.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe Orange Man is the spray-tanned Scipio Africanus. If he proves to be, I’ll be the first in line attending his Triumph.

. . . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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