Reader Question: Indian Scout?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Richard asks: What do you think of the Indian Scout bobber?  I really like the looks and style.  I know it’s a rough ride low clearance and only 29 degrees lean.  And abs, throttle by wire computers etc.  But I really like it.  Just got my license.  Thanks.  I donated 20 bucks. I should do more because you write some great pieces. You have a great talent for stating how absurd things are.

My reply: I think the bike looks fantastic, especially in terms of looking different than just another Harley (no offense meant, HD). I especially like the Sixty – as a choice for a new rider, both in terms of its size and in terms of its size. What I mean is, the bike is big enough – and powerful enough –  to not be just a “beginner bike.” But not too big to be too much bike for a new rider.

Like two of my all-time favorite bikes, the Honda Nighthawk  650/750 and the Kawasaki KLR650 dual sport – this is a bike you won’t want to sell after six months because you grew out of it.

I also like the price – under $9k brand new, which is very affordable.

The Twenty might be a little much for a first bike, but not necessarily. This is a judgment call. If you decide to get the Twenty, ride it with respect until you get comfortable with the power of the thing. This is a 100 hp machine with a power-to-weight ratio comparable to a very quick car. Things can happen fast.

Either way, I dig ’em. I can’t attest to how they are on the road, though – because I’ve not ridden either of these yet. So what I offer up is based on general specifications and my many years of riding a lot of different bikes.

Keep me posted – and thanks for the kind words!

. . .

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