Latest Radio: David Knight Show 02/03/2024

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Here’s the audio and (hopefully) the video of my talk yesterday with David Knight, host of Real News With David Knight. We got into the waning of EV Fever and the malicious motives of those propagating it, among other things. My segment begins around the 2:0 mark:

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  1. ‘We got into the waning of EV Fever and the malicious motives of those propagating it, among other things.’ — eric

    Meanwhile, Big Media and its captive auto press still haven’t gotten the memo:

    ‘MotorTrend, the iconic 75-year-old car magazine, has been dipping its toes into online ventures and e-commerce recently. Next up: the used car business.

    ‘This week the auto publication — owned by Warner Bros. Discovery — launched the MotorTrend Marketplace, with over 1 million listings so far. Some 10% of the listings are actually for hybrids and EVs, whereas less than 1% of all vehicles on the road are electric. It turns out buyers still want them despite concerns like range anxiety and generally higher prices.

    ‘MotorTrend CEO Alex Wellen said search interest for EVs has spiked because prices have come down, as well as other improvements with the vehicles. “I think our top searches are for pure EVs, then it’s SUVs, and then it’s hybrids across all of our searches on“’

    MotorTrend — the first automotive publication I ever subscribed to, as a kid in grade school — now pushes EeeVees, as an arm of leftist Big Media.

    MotorTrend can kiss my ass.


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