Florida Has Not Banned “Trans” Drivers


Leftists are sounding the alarm (they are always sounding the alarm, it seems) over what they style the state of Florida “banning” what they style “trans” drivers from holding a driver’s license.

Florida has done nothing of the kind. Because there is no such thing as a “trans” driver.

A man who wishes to wear a dress and lipstick is just as eligible to qualify for a driver’s license as a man who doesn’t dress up like and pretend he’s a woman. That is to say, a transvestite – the etymologically correct term for men who dress and act like women and vice versa – is in no way debarred from obtaining a driver’s license. People in Florida and everywhere else are free to dress and look however they wish to dress and look.

What Florida did do was set forth a statement that facts – as they appear on a driver’s license – are not a matter of opinion. If you are a man you cannot put woman on your driver’s license, irrespective of how you feel about it. Because how you feel does not change the fact. Because facts are not the same as feelings about them. A transvestite feels more comfortable dressing and acting like a woman.

But he is not a she by dint of feeling he is or pretending to be a woman.

Just the same as fifteen-year-old isn’t a 25-year-old, irrespective of how the fifteen-year-old feels about it. Just the same as your name is your name and where you live is where you live and your height and weight and eye color are what they are, irrespective of how you feel about it.

Which gets at the point Florida is trying to make. Driver’s licenses are de facto ID cards. Leaving aside the question about this business of having to possess a government-issued ID to be able to legally do many things that have nothing whatever to do with driving – examples include being able to buy liquor or even cough syrup – if the details on the ID are open to debate then it’s not an ID but rather a farce. And while that may be a good thing – insofar as challenging this business of needing to obtain an ID to be able to do things such as buy liquor or cough syrup – an ID that isn’t objective is a farce.

It’s also arbitrarily farcical.

If a man who isn’t a woman can choose his “identity” on a state-issued ID then why can’t someone else also choose from various other “identities” as well? How about the man who “identifies” as someone who knows how to drive a big rig or a motorcycle, contrary facts notwithstanding? If a transvestite isn’t bound by facts about his (or her) sex then why should a man who feels he can competently operate a Peterbuilt or a Harley Davidson be obliged to substantiate his feelings with facts?

And if one is obliged to accept that someone literally is whatever one insists they are at the moment, one has already accepted that they might be something else whenever they feel differently about it. Man to woman. Woman to man. Whatever you like is whatever it is, man.

Not even Dr. Frank N Furter was under such a delusion. He knew he wasn’t a she. Just a guy who liked to dress like one. You see the difference?

Naturally, such logic is “hateful” to the Left, which thinks it is an affront to “trans” people to expect them to identify as who they are on a state-issued ID.  As opposed to what they are pretending to be. More to the point, what they are insisting everyone else affirm that what they’re pretending to be is what they actually are.

The state has been pushing for this change for some time, with bills in the state house and senate that tie gender to ‘biological sex’ — a concept that, no matter how you define it, doesn’t split humanity into two unimpeachable boxes (the folks that cry “It’s basic biology” clearly never took advanced biology.) But, since the legislative process is just so slow and inconvenient, Florida’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles decided to simply bypass it — issuing an edict that immediately halts all opportunities to change a gender marker on a Florida license, treating licenses that don’t use ‘biological sex’ as fraud.”

Because they are. Is the very definition of fraud to mislead about the truth. Biology does in fact “split humanity into two unimpeachable boxes” – male and female – with the exception of hermaphroditism, which is an abnormality. 

And that latter gets at the meat of the matter. The determination of the Left that feelings shall supplant facts. Because when that is allowed to stand, facts no longer matter. And that matters a great deal to the Left, because facts – especially contrary facts – stand athwart the falsehoods the Left demands be accepted as “facts.” As for example about Face Diapers “working” to “stop the spread.”

Florida put a stop to that, too.

It helped stop the spread of Diapering elsewhere – for which we don’t live in Florida ought to be eternally grateful.

Maybe Florida can stop the spread of this “trans” nonsense, too. Anyone who wants to pretend they aren’t the sex they were born has every right to pretend they are the sex they’d prefer to be. But no one else ought to be under any obligation to believe it. And when people lie about who they are, they commit a fraud against those they intend to deceive.

(5)(a)It is unlawful for any person to use a false or fictitious name in any application for a driver license or identification card or knowingly to make a false statement, knowingly conceal a material fact, or otherwise commit a fraud in any such application.”

Irrespective of their feelings about it.

. . .

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  1. The LBGTQ+21AALSD-13 whatever party can’t really expect state governments to further bend to their demands, or can they? If they don’t know if they were born with a peepee or not, look down. Problem solved. Grow up.

    • Hi Scott,

      I think we (our side) ought to use the Left’s idiocies against the Left. I feel I’m old – old enough to collect Social Security. Where’s my check? How dare you say I’m not old enough!

      • If you identify as an old person, then you should receive the proper benefits thereof, just like other “identifiers” receive. I don’t have to as I am. Maybe I should identify as a 22 year old hockey player and demand a roster spot on the Bruins?

      • When I got my first driver’s license as a teenager, I should’ve told the Nevada DMV I identified as a 21-year-old. Who needs to go hunt down someone selling fake IDs when you can just “identify” as whatever you want to be? That would’ve been no different than what the alphabet mafia is demanding.

  2. While FL has definitely not banned tranny drivers, perhaps this will have the same effect — persuading them to move elsewhere. Other red states need to follow suit.

    Good news: millions of conservatives have fled blue crapholes. Bad news: far fewer leftards have fled sane red states. The “Great Sorting” needs to continue and accelerate in both directions. The more people who have settled into their preferred political environs, the less chaotic and violent the inevitable breakup of the US will be.

  3. I am glad to be in the free state of Florida. For all of you trannies and other “Gents” of whatever flavor, if you choose to panic and leave Florida out of your travels, I am all kinds of fine with that

  4. The people that make this asinine claim that this FL law is equivalent to banning trans people are the same idiots who claim that by not “affirming” the delusional “gender” is equivalent to “genocide” (yes, they actually claim that)

    • Morning, Dood!

      Yup. The linked-to article was written by a Leftist who said just that about “gender affirming care.” They used to call this “sex change,” which was also inaccurate but at least not as mewly.

  5. For Democrats it’s all about getting the votes. Whether it’s illegal boarder
    crossers, trans, welfare queens, etc. They’ll all vote Democrat. It’s all a
    huge group of socialist parasites – wanting to live off the producers.
    Just about all the actions to secure the votes are unconstitutional,
    including trillion dollar debts for funding. The End may be near.

  6. Hmmm….?

    Ok, If you check the box that says you require vision aids to drive a motor vehicle and you are not wearing them, you get fined by our wonderful AGW’s. Ok, if you check the box that says you are a woman put you are driving as a man…you should get a piece a paying paper: DWG (Driving with Wrong Genitalia).

    After all, licensing is just a tax.

  7. We are at the same stage that Weimar Germany found itself in, being impoverished by the reparations demanded of it and by the banksters (we know who you are) along with every form of depravity and a no morality “anything goes” society that was perpetrated by “you know who”.
    Germany was being torn apart by various political factions, communists, anarchists, social engineers, Fabians, and other types who contribute nothing to society, but sowed the seeds of destruction. The immorality of much of German society at the time was engineered by these “outsiders” as a weapon to destabilize orderly society.
    The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including: 
    1. Zachar, male.
    2. Nekevah, female.
    3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
    4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
    5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
    6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
    7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
    8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.
    This is where the push to define transgenderism as a legal option in western societies originates. It’s always (((them))).

  8. Sigmund Freud studied the abnormal psyche, wrote books on cases. Wrote the five stages of man, all based on psychosexual development.

    Someone like Yuval Noah Harari would be a case study for Sigmund, the cocaine addict needed some help, cocaine was it. The Cocaine Papers, the book written by Freud was banned in Boston. Always an abnormal psyche out there, Yuval is one.

    Erik Erikson adjusted the word psychosexual to psychosocial.

    Before Freud there was Gilles de Rais, a French military officer, Joan of Arc time, went mad after Joan was grilled well-done.

    Gilles de Rais was also a serial killer.

    Went rogue, did all sorts of bad things.

    Lizzy Borden took an axe and gave her mother 40 whacks.

    Jack the Ripper was another psychotic serial killer, mentally damaged.

    100 years later, Ted Bundy was practicing some kind of killing game.

    Bibi is doing the killing on an industrial scale. A huge commercial venture, war is good business and business is good. Gazan body counts are not a problem, don’t count.

    The wages of sin is death, you know. God can’t be all that happy with Bibi and the Jews.

    Actions speak louder than words.

  9. I’m probably the oddball here that liked Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was so outlandish and stupid. That’s why I liked it. Same reason for liking Plan 9 from Outer Space.

    As for the trans nonsense, I refuse to indulge their psychosis.

  10. There’s a great scene in the movie “Kindergarten Cop” where periodically a five year old boy stands up and declares “boys have a penis, girls have a vagina!” Truth, out of the mouths of babes.
    Funny movie btw if you haven’t seen it, Ahhnold goes undercover as a kindergarten teacher to catch a bad guy.

    • MB,

      My younger Bro loves “Anold” movies and he beelined to that elementary school in Aurora!

      Actually a pretty cool city at the mouth of the Columbia River with a kind of “spindly” looking Golden Gate Bridge spanning the river.. lots of transparent windows along the docks , eateries looking down at frolicking seals below
      the wharfs….Weather report…Cloudy with rain…no reason to forecast..
      Just report when IT’S NOT cloudy and rainy….yikes…

      • MB,
        Sorry to be a gadfly but the city at the mouth of the Columbia is Astoria. Has some nice brewpubs, fished the river in that area for sturgeon and salmon. Also, good black bass just off the coast.

        For car guys they have the “End of the World” hot rod run in Ocean Park on the other side of the river every 2nd weekend in September.

          • Haystack Rock is not in Astoria, however. To see that movie landmark requires driving about 20 minutes further down the coast to Canon Beach.

            The Oregon Coast has about 6-8 weeks every year, covering early July through the end of August, where the weather forecast is not “Cloudy with rain”.

  11. Is it just me, or does it increasingly appear that many people on “The Left” have become useful idiots for the globalist/ technocratic elite, Big Pharma, establishment media, the DC Blob, and the military-industrial complex? It is those aforementioned entities that have pushed all sorts of LIES about various things over the past several years, such as Orange Man, COVID, face diapers, climate change, the idea that censorship is a GOOD thing, Tony Fauci, EVs, mRNA vaccines, war, the (nonsensical) idea that men can become women and vice versa, etc.

    • They’ve kind of always been the useful-idiot types, it was just disguised. I’m of the opinion that the hippie movement was a CIA creation in order to discredit the anti-war movement, a movement that really should be of the hardcore conservative, Christian father types. 2008-09 election of Obama just took the mask off the left and showed they don’t really stand for anything except the current corporate narrative.

    • Your watch stopped in 1998.

      Minnesota is bursting at the seams with Somalians. Canada is bursting at the seams with pajeets and asians.

      There will be no escape from your multiculti hellhole diverse fabulously gay and trans future citizen. Enjoy the decline.

  12. RIP Tim Curry.

    @Eric – Where was the “news” article sourced?

    Democrats in Florida are now out of power for at least a generation, and Disney’s “free speech” case against DeSantis just got thrown out of Federal court. The Governor still has three years left on his term so the flood gates are going to open.

    • Three years, that is, unless DeSantis is appointed Attorney General under Orange Man 2.0 according to the rumor I heard yesterday from a friend in Florida.

      Not that the current Lt. Governor, Jeanette Nunez, would be much different than DeSantis.

      • DeSantis is no friend of true conservatives…
        DeSantis may have done some good pushing back against the covid plandemic policies, but when it comes to his slavish kowtowing to jews and israel, DeSantis rates a big fat zero.
        DeSantis signed two laws affecting non-jewish Floridians while in israel.
        One law codifies and prosecutes “hate speech” specifically mentioning anti-semitism as a special category which will be vigorously prosecuted.
        A Florida resident was already recently sentenced to 30 days in jail for passing out flyers criticizing israel. He was cited for “littering”.
        Another law requires the attendance of ALL Florida schoolchildren at jewish freak shows known as “holocaust museums”. This is a state-sponsored direct promotion of “holocaustianity” which IS a “religion” and as such is prohibited by the Constitution of the united States. Gotta get ’em while they’re young–brainwashing.
        Florida has already codified anti-BDS legislation into law and requires all businesses and individuals doing business with the state of Florida to abide by anti-BDS mandates as a condition of doing business with the state.
        ANY American politician who supports israel should automatically lose their U S citizenship and be deported to israel. DeSantis can take IDF-uniform wearing Representative Brian Mast with him. There is NO ROOM for dual loyalties in the USA…Dual loyalties are the source of our problems.

        • That show boating bill sign off in Israel was the end of Desantis for me. Everyone, every state, is accountable to someone or something (the constitution for example). There is no room for dual loyalty.

          It’s just unbelievable (((they))) consider themselves exempt from criticism, nope not in my book.

    • The Leftist Tim Curry is still alive. According to wiki, in October 2020, Curry reprised his role as Dr. Frank-N-Furter in a live table reading of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in support of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin to raise funds for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.


      • Doh! Thanks. My bad.

        We are fans and even went to a screening of “Rocky Horror” on Halloween night in Austin, but, surprisingly, the crowd was not into it.

        If you are in the Milwaukee area, I still don’t have an answer about what I saw the first week in November at the UW Madison basketball arena driving into town one afternoon — what seemed like half of the school buses in WI parked on the streets around the arena idling, waiting for the event inside to end, with Big Mike banners hanging near the entrance.

        Trial campaign rally? We had those in Tampa in 1990-91 for Perot prior to his “spontaneous” announcement on CNN/”Larry King Live”.

        I know what that kind of event looks like from the outside.

        First week of November 2023. Wednesday .

      • That piece of garbage was way ahead of the curve. Rocky Horror came out 50 years ago. I remember watching that thing in horror as a kid. What the fuck?

  13. Trans is a mental issue, not a biological one.

    Why is it being pushed and celebrated so much? The real answer to that will explain what the goal is.

    • Why is it being pushed and celebrated so much? The real answer to that will explain what the goal is.

      It’s good, old-fashioned divide and conquer, I think. The group of people who have an affinity for this nonsense will fight those who reject the nonsense, and vice versa, therefore neither group will pay attention to or make any joint efforts to resist Satan Klaus and his “great reset”.

      • Hi Stufo,

        Another reason this transgenderism agenda is being pushed as hard as it is is because Big Pharma sees a huge money making opportunity from it via transgenders taking a lifetime supply of hormone drugs, “Gender affirming care” drugs, or whatever else they’re pushing disguised as “Gender affirming care”.

        The globalist/ technocratic elite also don’t want the masses procreating future generations of humans. I’m assuming that in the minds of these technocrats, procreation is only for THEM given the sinister stuff they’re already pushing.

        • I hate to constantly harp on the jews, but…
          Transgenderism and homosexuality is right out of the jewish talmud.
          The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including: 
          1. Zachar, male.
          2. Nekevah, female.
          3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
          4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
          5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
          6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
          7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
          8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.
          This is merely more jewish perversion…not good…

        • Also, John, population control. Trans people cannot procreate once they have chopped everything up and removed said reproductive organs.

  14. Eric wrote: “Driver’s licenses are de facto ID cards.”

    With the implementation of Real ID act, they aren’t just de facto ID cards. They are actually ID cards. In the United States of America, everyone has to produce a bunch of documentation proving they are who they say they are when getting a license renewed -no copies, only originals. So if you were born in New York but want to get a driver’s license in New Mexico, you have to get NY to mail you your birth certificate. How long will that take? Is there a printing fee? If you’ve changed your name (women often change their names when they… oh… get married, for example), do you have your marriage certificate showing the name change? Could you get it? Do you remember the county where you got married? Now you only need to do this one time, as long as your new license is Real ID compliant when you renew you can use the old one. But you better not lose or damage that little plastic card, or you’ll have to go through the whole process again.

    None of this has anything to do with driving. In fact about the only time you’ll really need it for travel is boarding mass transit at the airport. Or if you’re unlucky enough to have an encounter with an enforcer.

    • Real ID is probably the reason for the policy change, but the left is not going to let an opportunity to blame DeSantis go to waste right now.

      I believe Florida was late to the Real ID party, to the point that the TSA was going to stop accepting the drivers license as identification for flights — the stick for the states to comply.

    • That little bit of security theater Real ID, is for you, the tax cattle. We need to be sure you don’t try to escape the pen. Your taxes are -critical- to allowing the real citizens to enjoy the benefits of their new found freedom. These are the people streaming across the border by the millions who have NO ID, no demographics data, and are on the taxpayer dime. Nothing like being penned, herded, and milked so you can pay for your demographic replacement!

  15. ‘That is to say, a transvestite – the etymologically correct term for me’ — eric

    Eric! Letter ‘n’ is missing from the final word ‘me’ in the quote.

    Your loyal readers know you’re not ‘coming out of the closet’ … and that you’re better looking than that ‘can’t be unseen’ lede photo — oy!


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