The Plunge Begins?

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You have probably seen Titanic, the movie about the sinking of the White Star liner starring Leonardo DiCaprio. When the ship first strikes the iceberg, few onboard appreciate what it means. Some of the passengers played with the chunks of ice that shaved off the berg as it gave the ship what amounted to a Godfather kiss.

Even when the ship began to sit noticeably lower in the water, it took some time for the panic to set in. That happened just before the ship began its plunge to the bottom, three miles down.

It may be just about that time for the Great Ship EV, too.

It has been listing for some time already, though few have noticed the signs. Perhaps because so many of them have not wanted to see them – especially those who have been assuring everyone that, in effect, the Great Ship EV is unsinkable.

But then came winter, which has done to the Great Ship EV what the iceberg did to the Titanic.

Whatever people may have read about the Great Ship EV, they found out what actually happens to the Great Ship EV when it’s cold outside. They have also learned the truth about such things as how far the Great Ship actually goes vs how far they’ve been told it would go. The 20-40 percent difference between the two having the same effect upon their confidence in the Great Ship as the sight of the water level outside Titanic rising higher than the porthole glass inside the purser’s room had on Jack – Leo’s character – who was manacled to a steel post in the purser’s room.

Time to get out.

About half of GM’s Buick and Cadillac dealerships already have. They chose the buyouts offered by GM rather than go down with the Great Ship. They knew that spending – not “investing” – several hundred thousand dollars each to buy equipment and alter their facilities to be able to service EVs they would never sell enough of to get their money back made as much sense as Leo’s character waiting passively in the doomed ship’s purser’s office.

Several thousand Ford dealers publicly begged for rescue. Stop sending us EVs we can’t sell – because people don’t want to buy them. We’re drowning, they said. Ford obliged by cutting back production of the Lightning by two-thirds. Maybe this will keep Ford from taking on more water. The company just reported losses (so far) of $4.7 billion.

And now, perhaps, it is time for the final plunge.

Hertz, the rental car giant, just announced the other day that it will not buy 65,000 EVs from Volvo’s Polestar EV division, which has just coincidentally just gone out of business, like the Titanic when it commenced its final plunge. Hertz also cut loose some 20,000 EVs it had bought from Tesla, about which it has had second thoughts, probably as a result of rental car customers having had second thoughts. When you’re in a hurry to catch your flight, there’s nothing quite like trying to find the time to recharge your rental EV in time to make your flight. Or find yourself running out of charge in an unfamiliar city when you’re in a hurry to get to an important meeting.

And Hertz, for its part, has found out essentially what Mr. Andrews from Titanic found out when he went down into the bowels of the ship to assess the damage done by the iceberg. Rental EVs cost a fortune to repair and also to insure, for precisely that reason. These devices also depreciate catastrophically in value, due to the fact that their battery packs age much faster than an engine or transmission. You can put 100,000 miles on either of the latter and they’ll still usually have another 100,000 miles of life left. But a battery that’s been discharged and recharged over a the course of 100,000 miles may only have 70 percent (or less) of its original charge capacity left  – and not much life left.

Abandon ship! Save yourselves!

Hertz just shot off the flares. It will not be “fully electrified” by 2024 – as it had said it would be back in 2020. It is already much less “electrified.” Hertz may have closed the water tight doors just in time.

And it is this that heralds the imminence of the plunge. Fleet sales of EVs have constituted a major portion of EV sales, making it appear that EVs were selling in higher numbers – to individual buyers – than they actually were. Fleet buyers are like bilge pumps in a ship; they take away the excess that would otherwise accumulate. Historically, automakers would use fleet sales to buttress the sales figures of models that weren’t selling well, to the general public. The vehicles that weren’t selling were usually what are referred to within the business as loss leaders, or compliance cars – by which was meant cars made to satisfy government regulations that didn’t sell well but that, once manufactured, had to be gotten rid of somehow.

Many of these ended up in rental fleets.

But now the rental fleets don’t want these loss leaders and compliance cars because unlike a Chevy Malibu, they don’t even work as rentals.

And it’s not just these fleets that are likely to do what they must to avoid going down with the Great Ship EV. Government fleets of EVs are incurring losses that even government will not be able to sustain. Electric postal vehicles and electric police vehicles are going to end up just where the Titanic did – and that will be the end of the Great Ship EV.

Cue Celine Dion warbling.

. . .

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  1. The Plunge Begins … for Dementia Joe:

    ‘Special Counsel Robert Hur wrote in his report that he would not bring charges against the president for his mishandling of classified documents because “Biden will likely present himself to the jury, as he did during his interview with our office, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

    ‘The president, having ‘seen dead people’ numerous times this week, was apparently displeased with the report, and decided the correct course of action was a (rare) press conference to set the world straight on his mental acuity. It did not go well.

    ‘Biden bizarrely claimed that he had vowed to be a “president” for everybody “whether they were from a red state or a green state.”

    ‘And then, as his pièce de résistance, after initially walking out, the president called Israel’s response in Gaza “over the top” and then mistakenly referred to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as the President of Mexico.

    “Initially, the president of Mexico — Sisi — did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. I talked to him. I convinced him to open the gate.”

    ‘He did not correct himself.’

    As ol’ Ralph Waldo Emerson counselled, “Learn practically the secret spoken from all nature, that things themselves refuse to be mismanaged, and will show to the watchful their own law.”

      • Hi Eric,

        There’s also speculation that the Democrat Party establishment will push Gavin Newsom, but he doesn’t check any of the boxes. Plus he’s a white guy, but he’s also an authoritarian,
        and the Democrat Party establishment seems to LOVE authoritarianism . And Kamala Harris? She’s even MORE UNPOPULAR than Joe Biden, but she checked some of the boxes for the Woke crowd (the narrative that she’s the first black woman Vice president). If the Democrat Party ditches her, the Woke crowd might be quite displeased.

  2. EV fanboi Al Roooooot over-promises and under-delivers with an article provocatively titled Americans Don’t Like EVs. But as an ink-stained wretch of the Lügenpresse, he just can’t stop lying.

    Root identifies the two main headwinds for EeeVees as high price and charging concerns. He argues that the price differential came down in 2023. As for charging, he offers the loony idea that ‘Auto makers should consider taking a page out of Tesla’s book and pouring money into charging infrastructure.’

    Then, interestingly, EeeVee Al fesses up to a third issue:

    ‘Whether auto makers like it or not, BEVs are associated with political leanings. A 2023 survey by Pew Research found that only 20% of Republican car buyers would consider a BEV, while roughly 70% of Democrat car buyers would.

    ‘The political dynamic of BEVs is something car companies don’t appear to want to address head-on. When Barron’s asked Volkswagen how it is planning to convince Republicans to buy BEVs, the company said by making the cars cheaper and better. Other car companies have said similar things.

    ‘That is one strategy. Convincing Americans that BEVs aren’t a political choice is easier said than done.’ — Barron’s

    ‘Convincing Americans that EeeVees aren’t a political choice’ is just a bald-laced lie. EeeVees are subsidized with $7,500 tax credits. Battery manufacturers are subsidized. EPA ‘crats are writing regs to force two-thirds of auto buyers into EeeVees by 2032.

    Of course EeeVees are political. Whereas if Big Gov would just butt out and stop pushing EeeVees, most of us would not care. Then EeeVees would be just another curiosity like the Segway, and nothing to get excited (or political) about.

    • Al Root (which I misread as “A.I. Robot” at first glance, fittingly enough) gives us some fake news. He claims that there are 39,000 fast-charging stations in the US. The actual number is zero. One of the reasons for that is actually Tesla’s reluctance to pour money into charging infrastructure, because the only kind of charger infrastructure Tesla has ever built is the slow-charging kind.

      Let’s not forget, Tesla was founded in 2003, so it has had plenty of time to figure out how to build fast chargers. Arguably, a solution for the charging time problem should have been the very reason Tesla was founded back then. Yet after more than 2 decades of artificially prolonged existence, without any technological breakthroughs that would have solved the charging problem, Tesla still doesn’t have a raison d’être. No wonder EVs are a tough sell when the most famous automaker specialising in making them can’t even figure out the basics after almost a quarter of a century.

  3. I’m sitting in the waiting room at Osteen VW in Jacksonville getting routine service on my 2018 Atlas. I know what people usually think of “Stealerships” but the oil changes here are some of the least costly in town and they don’t charge to rotate and balance and I’m in and out in an hour.
    Anyway the comment i wanted to make is there are two signs on a whiteboard in the corridor between sales and service.
    1st sign
    “$12,000 off on all ID4’s, 0% for 60 months”

    2nd sign:
    “Trades Needed!
    Atlas, Jetta. Passat, Tiguan”

  4. The BEV debacle should prove there is no free market and no actual capitalism.
    Ford makes over 14 billion from their remaining ICE offerings and loses 4.7 billion from their BEV offerings. What’s the answer? More BEVs!

    No capitalist system would work this way.

    • Ford is going into this with their eyes wide open. One can only assume that Ford is on board with the thought of going bankrupt, which might be the entire point of this EV exercise – to kill the auto industry. Other manufacturers are doing the same thing.

      Just like we have politicians tearing our countries down (no doubt so they can “build back better”), so too we have automotive CEOs tearing their car companies down. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. They all know what they are doing, they know what the consequences are, and on an individual level they are likely profiting generously from it.

      • Hi Stufo,

        I think you’re on to something. The CEOs, certainly, don’t have to give a damn. Barra is paid $30 million annually. She doesn’t have skin in the game. In six months, she is paid more than most middle class people will ever be worth – after a lifetime of working. IF GM goes bankrupt, she walks away a near-billionaire. What does she care? People with that kind of money are insulated. Do not have to care. She can buy a “brand new” 1966 Mustang GT for $250k (if she wanted to) like you and I might buy a $500 parts car.

  5. If you want to know how valuable an internal combustion engine really is, watch Jennings Motor sports at YouTube.

    Revives a 1935 International truck stuck engine. Removes the rusted and corroded spark plugs, pulls the head of the six cylinder engine, uses automatic transmission oil to dissolve the oxidized gunk, protects the pistons and other engine parts, makes sure the starter works, uses a battery to see if the engine will turn over after treating the stuck engine with hydrocarbons that do clean. Spends plenty of time making sure what is done is how you really do it.

    Also uses Marvel Mystery Oil, gets 70 year old internal combustion engines great again.

    Uses a ratchet and a socket to crank the engine on one video. It then goes.

    Interesting to watch what can be done with the old.

  6. I hope you’re right about the sinking ship, Eric, but I fear the demons in charge will decide they just needed to regulate us a little harder to increase “adoption.”

    • Precisely. Have you noticed how auto insurance premiums are skyrocketing? Or parts and repairs? Then there’s what I call the Joe Biden Floor for gasoline, which is $3/gallon (national average)–largely thanks to Biden’s oil/gas policies. We may never see sub-$3 gasoline again on a national average basis. They’re doing everything they can to “drive” people out of ICE cars.

  7. Elon Musk is pushing carbon taxes as a way of “Stopping climate change”. The billionaire class pushing this insane climate change narrative increasingly come up with demented, insane narratives about CLIIIIIIIIIMATE CHANGE while they continue to do stuff that puts out far more carbon footprints than ordinary citizens.

  8. EV stocks are seeing a historic sell-off, with some down 90% from their peak

    The EV stock bubble has burst, and prices are tanking in a historic sell-off.

    The industry is being slammed by higher borrowing costs, slow growth in Europe, and expiring subsidies.

    Formerly high-flying stocks like Rivian, Lucid, and Xpeng are down 80% to 90% from their peaks, Bloomberg first highlighted on Tuesday. Even EV king Tesla, recently dethroned by BYD as the world’s largest EV maker, is down 22% over the past month.

    Further, EV stock indexes are trailing other carmakers by anywhere from 50% to 80%, Bloomberg data shows…..because ice vehicle sales are far stronger….people don’t want stupid, over priced, defective, useless, dangerous EV.s….lol….

  9. Yet GM announces this today:

    GM to spend $19 billion through 2035 to source EV battery materials from LG Chem

    From link:

    Jeff Morrison, GM vice president of global purchasing and supply chain, said the “contract builds on GM’s commitment to create a strong, sustainable battery EV supply chain to support our fast-growing EV production needs.”

    The contract is likely one of the largest, if not the largest, EV supply deals that GM has signed. A GM spokesman did not immediately respond for comment.

    The deal suggests GM remains committed to EVs, but the longer contract implies the automaker is adjusting plans to account for slower adoption than previously expected.

    • No doubt woke Mary at Government Motors would rather lobby the government to force EVs onto car buyers, than reassess GM’s EV strategy.

  10. Nobody expects an unsinkable ship to sink on its maiden voyage. The cold Atlantic waters caused the steel hull to become brittle and the steel hull failed, it did sink and it wasn’t supposed to. A documentary on the Titanic revealed the steel used was not of quality. One theory as to why the hull opened up like a can of sardines.

    April 15th was a good day to pick for a ship to sink into the open ocean. Then on June 6, 1912 CE. a volcano in Alaska erupted and the Land of 10,000 Smokes was formed.

    Think of an EV as a man made volcano, they do go up in smoke, a vapor cloud explosion.

    The best laid plans of mice and men do go awry.

    • Yes, the sinking of the Titanic is a good metaphor for the US of Amerika. You all might want to consider that the Zionists are intentionally scuttling USS Amerika. They are running the debt almost straight up, it just passed 34 trillion.

      Last year, the WSJ reported, that they gave those 10 million illegal migrants $450 billion dollars. Not million, billion. 500 US Rabbis just signed a petition to Biden to continue the illegal immigration. Trump says he is going to round them up and deport them – which means he will win hands down – but we’ll see if “they” allow him to be POTUS, currently he has over 90 felony charges slated against him.

      The Jews have already stolen over $200 billion for their failed Jew war in Ukraine. And these insane Zionists who run this nation want to shovel many more billions more to the genocidal maniacs running Jew only Israel and Jewkraine. Jews are literally looting the nation for their immoral wars of attrition.

      Yes, Amerika is going down in flames. Biden was not elected, he was installed. His real popularity is way less than reported, the CIA mockingbird media reports his positive rating at 32% but is really single digits. The current speaker of the house, Johnson, last weekend on the TV openly stated he did not think Biden was actually making the decisions. No shit sherlock.

      Thus if you know all of that, consider that the EV agenda was intentional malfeascence meant to bankrupt our industries. This is what the current PM of Israhell said about Amerika in 1990, recorded in Fink’s Bar in Jerusalem, reported on VT:

      “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” – Netanyahu (real name Mileikowsky, Polish, he is a fake Jew)

      • Netanyahoo is Polish like the African black man is European just because he was born in letz say England. A lot of Jewish people change their names to hide the fact that they are Jewish. Another example is Merrick Garland whose family name had been changed from Garfinkel several generations earlier. I can change my name to Smith but that doesn’t make me English.

        “Netanyahu was born in 1949 in Tel Aviv. His mother, Tzila Segal (1912–2000), was born in Petah Tikva in the Ottoman Empire’s Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, and his father, Warsaw-born Benzion Netanyahu (né Mileikowsky; 1910–2012), was a historian specializing in the Jewish Golden age of Spain. Netanyahu’s paternal grandfather, Nathan Mileikowsky, was a rabbi and Zionist writer. When Netanyahu’s father emigrated to Mandatory Palestine, he hebraized his surname from “Mileikowsky” to “Netanyahu”, meaning “God has given.” While his family is predominantly Ashkenazi, he has said that a DNA test revealed him to have some Sephardic ancestry. He claims descent from the Vilna Gaon.”

        • >Jewish Golden age of Spain.
          > A few scholars give the start of the Golden Age as 711–718, the Muslim conquest of Iberia. Others date it from 912, during the rule of Abd al-Rahman III. The end of the age is variously given as 1031, when the Caliphate of Córdoba ended; 1066, the date of the Granada massacre; 1090, when the Almoravids invaded; or the mid-12th century, when the Almohads invaded.

          Note that the dates roughly correspond to what is generally known as the Golden Age of Islam, which reference for further information on that topic.

        • >I can change my name to Smith but that doesn’t make me English.
          Many others besides Jews have changed their last names to hide their origins.

          One of the most famous is that of the British royal family.

          In the United States, significant numbers of U.S. citizens of German heritage changed their names during the time of the First World War, because of the official campaign of hatred conducted against all things German by the U.S. government against the largest ethnic group among its own citizens.

          I have second cousins who fall in that category, though my own ancestors refused to be cowed.

        • The U S Department of Commerce conducts a census of the American population on a decennial (10-year) basis.
          The expanded census form asks for all kinds of demographic data. There is one category that the U S Department of Commerce is prohibited from categorizing or compiling demographic data on.
          It is illegal to identify or categorize JEWS.
          This prohibition on identifying or categorizing JEWS is enshrined in U S law.
          Ever wonder why??
          One can call a jew a money-grubber, shylock slumlord, bankster, sheeny, grifter, or any other derogatory term and it will roll off his back “like water off a duck”, but call a jew a “JEW” , and he will recoil in horror, having been “found out”.
          It’s all by design…
          This ties in with the disgusting practice of male genital mutilation (circumcision) which is wrong when performed on male gentile infants, “for health reasons”, a big LIE. Removing a healthy body part without medical necessity is a CRIME. This serves to blur and conceal jewish identification and the pinpointing of jews for any reason. As far as I am concerned, male genital mutilation should be outlawed if no medically necessary condition exists. If jews want to mutilate their male infants, they can go offshore to another country to have it done.

          • Keep in mind that every Jewish male has had his cock sucked by another male, at least once. And the one doing the sucking might legitimately be described as a “professional cock sucker.”

    • And, speaking of going Gault, I imagine some of you all read this bit about Atlas Shrugged et al:

      ‘Dynamiting the Temple of Ayn Rand’
      By Michael A. Roberts

      “…despite my being a good objectivist, there were, to use a film reference, glitches in the matrix. Anyone who has been heavily involved in Objectivism may recognize some of these “tells” or have similar observations about Objectivists or their core representatives today”…

    • ‘I thought this would be a column on the Great Ship U. S. of A.’ — ARYLIOA

      Credit-card and car-loan delinquencies are at their highest point in more than a decade

      ‘During the fourth quarter, 8.5% of credit-card debt became 30 or more days past due and 6.3% flowed into serious delinquency, meaning it was at least 90 days past due. The second quarter of 2011 was the last time serious delinquency rates were higher, New York Fed data shows.

      ‘For car loans, 7.6% of debt became 30 days late and 2.6% became 90 days late. The second quarter of 2010 was the last time the share of car-loan debt was higher for delinquencies that were at least 90 days behind.

      ‘The average transaction price as of December was $48,759, according to Cox Automotive.’

      Well that sucks. We’d better mandate MOAR EeeVees, stat, to drive that average price over $50,000.

      What’s good for GM is good for America. /sarc

  11. Why cant we all buy a single share in these “car” companies and file lawsuits against them? Pu blicly traded companies that plan on losing money, isnt that some kind of fraud? Are they not bound by some fiduciary duty to increase stock value?

    • The business judgment rule protects them.

      From Wiki:

      The business judgment rule is a case-law-derived doctrine in corporations law that courts defer to the business judgment of corporate executives. It is rooted in the principle that the “directors of a corporation… are clothed with [the] presumption, which the law accords to them, of being [motivated] in their conduct by a bona fide regard for the interests of the corporation whose affairs the stockholders have committed to their charge”. The rule exists in some form in most common law countries, including the United States, Canada, England and Wales, and Australia.

      To challenge the actions of a corporation’s board of directors, a plaintiff assumes “the burden of providing evidence that directors, in reaching their challenged decision, breached any one of the triads of their fiduciary duty — good faith, loyalty, or due care”. Failing to do so, a plaintiff “is not entitled to any remedy unless the transaction constitutes waste… [that is,] the exchange was so one-sided that no business person of ordinary, sound judgment could conclude that the corporation has received adequate consideration”.


      They would probably be protected if they said something along the lines of “at the time, we thought it was a good idea.”

    • There is a shareholder suit against Tesla’s board for approving an insane pay package for Eloon Muskrat; I forget the exact amount but it’s something like $25 billion. Eloon said he will hold his breath and turn blue if he doesn’t get it.

  12. There was a story on the news the other day about Montgomery Regional Airport getting a charger for electric airplanes. What a complete waste of money. I doubt the Alabama ANG’s 187th Fighter Wing will be charging their F-16s there…

  13. Ya know, the Titanic analogy reminded me of another name associated with colossal failure:


    Yet an Edsel is by far a much more functional and practical choice for transportation than any EV.

    It was (and still is) more affordable than even the most basic EV.

    It’s simple.

    It isn’t likely to spontaneously combust.

    It can be maintained and repaired easily (and you can do quite a bit of that work yourself with a decent set of hand tools).

    It can be modified for your needs and wants.

    It can be had with the features you want and without the features you don’t want.

    It can be refueled in 5-10 minutes at a gas station, which is on most every street corner.

    More than 50 years after its demise, there are still quite a few Edsels still going…and they’ll probably be going 50 years from now.

    And most of all, you never were, are, or will be forced to drive an Edsel.

      • Ahhh, the Teletouch.

        If I recall, the Teletouch was an option for 1958, and it went away for 1959 and 1960.

        Did the Mercury Turnpike Cruiser use a similar system?

    • I very much like this comment. A car should be simple and easy to fix. My current vehicle is an 8th gen. Civic, when you raise the hood you will note the bottom of the windshield is half way over the top of the engine, so I am not sure how to remove the head or pull the engine. I show this special feature to my friends and we all laugh. Who was the brainiac who designed this car?

      Here is the best design for hoods ever – a 1965 Dodge Powerwagon, the hood hinges are a scissors design – the hood folds all the way back to the windshield (> 90 degree rotation), also note the topside of the fender is a tool tray:×4-big-block-4-speed-crew-cab-power-wagon-mopar-4wd-granny-gear-10.jpg

      The only think I didn’t like on mine was the distributor on the rear of the block.

  14. I wonder Who is buying used Hertz EV’s? After reading the article & the comments,… what’s the thinking process of someone who buys a used EV from a rental company?

    An ICE, I can understand. An EV, oth???

    • Basement dwelling social justice climate keyboard warriors who desire deeply to virtue signal with an EEEEVVVV but can’t afford it on minimum wage finally convinced mom to buy the cheap Hertz hand me down.

      • It’s …difficult, to compare your example with this one:

        ‘”Just work harder” just doesn’t cut it in today’s economy’

        “…a young woman named Eliza decries the fact that her 40 hour a week job is barely paying her bills. She brings in $2000 a month, which is just enough to afford her $1600 rent for a two bedroom apartment.”…

        …So if it’s the Mom’s of basement dwelling gamers wearing $3500 virtual reality goggles doing the buying, …how is it that Mom’s that stupid have that much money to fritter away?
        …From the EX raped in divorce court? …How long until this pool of savings is exhausted, I wonder. …Talk about, ‘eating the seed corn’.

        • Maybe Eliza needs to trade down to a one bedroom apartment, or get a roommate, or better yet, a spouse.

          My give a damn button is broken. We all scraped by as young 20 somethings. When I moved out at 19 years of age I couldn’t afford a home and had to move a county over just to afford rent. Shortly, thereafter, hubby (then fiancé) moved in with me and the bill paying was easier because each of us only needed to do come up with 50% instead of the full 100%. Together we were able to pool our resources and buy a home a few years later.

          Have prices skyrocketed? Absolutely. But, they did in during the 1970s and 1980s as well. My parents first house had an interest rate of 16.8%.

          What did everyone expect when people with no skills started demanding $15 and $20 per hour? That the rest of us were going to continue making the same wages? That supplies were not going to increase? Instead of the indoctrination camps promoting DIE and ESG maybe they could teach an hour or two of micro and macro economics. Then when the students graduate with a four year degree and $100K in debt as they cry about student loans and how broke they are they will understand why.

          • Same story for us basically. Around 1998 we rented a small house, my fiancé and I for about $300 a month in the run down part of town. I don’t remember how long we were there, but we were very poor, both working full time for peanuts at entry level jobs. I look back on that time as one of the best times of my life.

            I went to trade school, then got a better paying job. She continued to move up in her business and earning more money. We moved into a larger house in a better part of town and started a family.

            Couple years later bought an acre of land in a nice rural neighborhood that we liked and payed it off, and when we could afford to build a house there 10 years later, we did.

            This is the way it’s supposed to work. Not making enough money? Better yourself. Learn a skill that not many people have. Earn your way. Why can’t these brats learn this simple concept??

            • It’s not 1998 anymore. Hell, it’s not even 2018 anymore. We live on Animal Farm now for real. Boxer worked hard. Worked himself to death, if I recall correctly.

              Stories like the one mentioned by Helot are an opportunity for our side. I think it’s a political strategy mistake for liberty folks to assume some type of “conservative”, back in my day, just work harder posture with respect to the youth. That’s a sure way to get Zhivago’d, if you know what I mean. Liberty folks need to be on the radical side in the eyes of the youth. Put the collectivists on the back foot. Say, pointing at Brandon and his ilk, this is who did this to you. In some respects this is playing out in Argentina, despite some of the strangeness of the Milei character.

              • Hi Funk,

                I agree with you that we can’t use the “in our day” stories to try to get through to Generation Z and Alpha. I am all for counseling today’s youth the real reasons behind their suffering (the Fed’s fiat currency, Bidenomics, along with a host of global catastrophes), but how do we promote a work ethic? I am not seeing this in today’s world. Don’t get me wrong there are hard workers out there, but many people suffer from lack of drive and I don’t know if this is something that education will overcome. Really, I blame a lot of this on social media and content creators. Kids want easy and they see someone walking around with a camera and a phone making millions. For most of us that isn’t real life.

                • Work hard to pay your taxes, insurance, and 15% vig only to be an “end user”? Get woke with the corporate ladder climb? Ambition to be your own boss servicing the whims of the legions of six figure make work and praetorian gov’t workers? In the face of double digit plus inflation on the things you need, like nutrient dense food?

                  There are fires to be stoked here. Ambition can manifest in forms other than materialism as we knew it 25+ years ago. We need to break through this ossified thinking.

            • Hi Philo,

              Your story mirrors my own. We were getting by on tuna fish, hot dogs, and Hamburger Helper. I worked one FT job (8:30-5), a PT job on weekends, and went to college classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Hubby was working 10-12 hour days driving 3 hour round trip into DC 5-6x per week.

              I think many of us share similar stories, but we (our generation) had ambition and that is just not something I see with today’s youth, even in my own children. We have great kids. They do what they are asked and we don’t get any lip, but the strive to want more and to have more is missing. I don’t understand it.

          • Preach it, RG!

            I think it was a near-universal rite of passage for us – and the generations before us. A beater first car; a cheap place to live – often with roommates. Work hard to get something better. Today, it seems many kids expect to be Instant Middle Classers as soon as they are 23 or so and if not, then they’re angry – and feel they’re owed something.

            It’s something I’ll never understand.

            • You spend so much time discussing how things have changed from back in “our day” it surprises me that you are so hard on the youth for not meeting the standards from 25-30 years ago. We need to address the situation as it is and seek to understand their plight and educate them on the possibilities of liberty. The time is ripe. Like Argentina, it’s a tough road to hoe and some who benefit currently will be hurt and things will likely get worse before getting better generally but it is worth that effort for the true prosperity of “the people” vs. the prosperity of the small group of rulers.

            • >A beater first car
              Paid $200 for my 1960 VW pickup in 1972.
              Always try to park at the top of a hill, in case the battery/electric starter does not work properly.
              Set her a rollin’, climb in, and dump the clutch.
              Six volt electrical system forever. 🙂

          • Similar story here, RG.
            I paid 16.25% in 1981.
            10% down on a DUMP one county over from where I earned my living. Still live there, 42.5 years later. No longer a dump, because I continue to engage in a never ending program of incremental improvements to the property. Certainly not a castle, but well suited to my needs, and now a unique expression of who I am. In other words, it is *my* home, not just “a house.”

            40 hours/week? YGBSM. More like 60-70 to save the 10% down payment. And plenty of evenings and weekends over the years, both to earn the money for improvements, and to actually make them reality.

            Two words to the whiny little bitch: Stop whining.
            Or, as my HS football coach would say, “Suck it up and play.”

            • Good morning, Adi!

              Amen. Why does a single person in their early 20s need more than a place to crash? That’s how you save money when you’re young and single – so you’llbe able to afford a place to live when you’re older.

              • Hi, Eric,
                Amen back at you. As a renter, I never had anything larger than a one bedroom. Before that it was a studio (single room apt) and before that a flat shared with two roommates. The objective was to live as cheaply as possible, and SAVE YOUR MONEY.

                Another tip: learn to cook. To this day, I seldom buy food prepared by a restaurant, because I can live one hell of a lot cheaper, and perhaps better, on food prepared in my own kitchen.

                Side benefit: as a lifelong bachelor (close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades), I can state that the kind of woman I can, and wish to, relate to will give me higher marks for being able to cook a nutritious and delicious meal, than for trying to “impress” her by blowing $$$ on food at a fancy restaurant.

                Just sayin’…

              • For myself I needed a place for my growing tool collection and a few cars and bikes. Already in the 80s apartments had limited parking and frowned on folks working on their old cars in the parking lots. But I was really good at finding ghetto houses to rent with some garage space for less than an efficiency apartment. But if you’re a modern consumer, yes none of them need more than an efficiency or a couple roomies.

        • Hi Helot,

          A two bedroom apartment? Why does Eliza – a single woman – need that? How about a one bedroom apartment or (better) rent a room for $800/month rather than $1,600 per month. Now she could save for something better.

            • A closet in one bedroom is plenty big enough…how many clothes does she own? The second bedroom is probably an office or a guest room. If it is housing clothes then she doesn’t have her priorities in order.

              If she is bringing home around $2K a month and working 40 hours per week then she is making around $15/hour, also known as minimum wage or about $2400 in gross wages per month. That is about $28,800 per year. If she is willing to work 40 hours per week my guess is there is a better job for her that will pay more to ease her burden.

              • Heck, out here in the flyover boondocks fast food is paying $25/hour to start. It’s embarrassing to see welding shops and electricians try to compete with that by offering 27 or 28.

        • Eliza, sounds like a great stage name! “OK fellas, give it up for … Eliza! … front stage, Eliiizzzzaaaa! “

          Not that I know anything about such business and I deny such knowledge.

  15. ‘[Ford] just reported losses (so far) of $4.7 billion.’ — eric

    Ford Model e revenue was $1.6 billion, versus an expected $1.9 billion — the only Ford division to abjectly shit the bed, while the others beat expectations. The scope of Model e’s #FAIL shocks the conscience:

    ‘[Ford’s] electric vehicle business lost $4.7 billion, slightly more than the $4.5 billion loss it expected. Its net income compares with a $2 billion loss in 2022.

    ‘Ford said it expects 2024 EBIT [earnings before interest and taxes] of $10 billion to $12 billion, including losses of between $5 billion to $5.5 billion for the Model e EV unit.

    ‘CFO John Lawler said Ford no longer expects to achieve 8 percent EV margins by 2026, a goal it had reaffirmed as recently as the middle of last year. Ford doesn’t expect to make money on EVs until its second-generation products launch in 2026.

    ‘Lawler said Ford is still benefiting from its EVs, even though they are not yet [sic] profitable. The company is learning a lot about early adopters’ buying habits, he said, and each F-150 Lightning essentially offsets 12 combustion vehicles when calculating Ford’s compliance with emissions standards.’

    Ford is now at the analogous point to the ‘vaccine’ pushers admitting that no, the jab doesn’t confer immunity or stop transmission, but it might make your illness less severe when you get sick anyway.

    Like the idiot solon who claimed that ‘if Israel didn’t exist, we’d have to invent it,’ Ford effectively is telling us that if EeeVees didn’t exist, we’d have to invent them. One Lightning = 12 ICE vehicles for CAFE compliance … thanks to the arbitrary 6.67 multiplier applied to the Lightning’s MPGe value ‘for the good of the nation.’

    Beam me up, Scotty … we’re surrounded by hostile, brain-dead zombies.

      • Philo,

        The actual source document, posted in the Federal Register during the final year of the Clinton regime, specifies a divisor of 0.15.

        But yes, now that you mention it, they probably asked themselves What’s the reciprocal of 6.66? … and expressed it as a divisor to cover their cloven-hooved tracks.

    • Twelve Schmelve!

      It is more like one Lightning is equal to 200 ICE F-150’s.

      24,000 Lightnings times 200 is 4,800,000 F-150’s.

      Six and one half years of Ford production of pickup trucks, 24,000 Lightnings will be all Ford sells in six years time, if that many.

      ICE will outsell EV’s 200 to one. Can’t sell even one Polestar to Hertz, it’s game over.


      Getting to be a rough road for EV’s.

      15,000,000 ICE vehicles sold in the US in 2021, 608,000 EV’s sold in 2021 in the US.

      25 times more ICE vehicles than electric vehicles.

      Times 12, you get 300 to one.

      300 x 608,000 = 18,240,000 ICE vehicles, so 15 million is short of the mark.

      The mathematics look fuzzy, not in focus, but they’re more or less accurate.

  16. Could also mention the insurance fraud theory angle of Titanic and Olympic, switching the names at the dock due to Olympic receiving heavier damage than thought due to a collision. Then sending it out as Titanic having a convenient rescue ship empty of people and full of supplies nearby, the SS Californian (that ended up not being in position to help when needed). That way, it could sink and white star could recover the total loss they suffered. As this theory goes, the real titanic had a long career into the 1920s as Olympic.

    Ev’s are all good, then they crash and burn, and batteries wear out.

  17. I work for a tier 1 supplier of interior plastic parts to the OEM`s. We are launching a small job of 17 different parts for the Polestar bla bla EV ……..gonna be interesting to see what happens now that Volvo pulled the plug. …Stay tuned.

  18. They can’t force you and I to buy one, but they can put the screws to corporations and pass laws requiring government administrative offices to buy them. GM will literally become “Government Motors.”

    And why not sell exclusively to government agencies? AMC was kept alive for years selling to the federal bureaucracy. Anyone remember right hand drive Post Office Jeeps? Grumman makes a tidy sum keeping the post office moving. Now think about the various agencies with field offices… NASA, BLM, Forest Service, Bureau of Reclamation (a producer of electricity), the FAA, FCC (and the entire Department of Commerce), non-fighting DOD vehicles, NWS… the list goes on.

    Then there’s all the state and local agencies that need transport. At least EVs may be more practical for them, given the territory they cover is much smaller. They still have the infrastructure problem, but given the state and local boys can spend our money on charging stations at the office (and green light all those pesky zoning and easement issues), that shouldn’t be much of a problem.

    Corporations will be a tougher market to cram EVs into, but most seem willing to play along, and middle management is seeded with enough environmental posers to actually get onboard with the concept. Managers will love getting a “free” charging plug installed in their garage (and potentially an allowance for their electric bill), and “free” recharging at the office for their company vehicle, no need to keep receipts and expense reports. And every one of those cars will count towards the carbon footprint, so the CEO will be crowing about the project on quarterly calls.

    No need to worry about the Enforcers though. They’ll keep their gassers. Can’t risk letting anyone get away because the LEO was stuck at the Supercharger. Probably won’t have EV fire trucks (although given the miles driven that might make more sense than diesel), or ambulances (except for the “urban air mobility” drones that will whisk you off to the burn ward after you’re engulfed in an EV fire). No front line employees or warriors either. Basically if you work from home 3 days a week you’re eligible for an EV.

  19. With electric vehicles, you sell the sizzle, not the steak. Buyers instinctively feel the reluctance, the fear of becoming a crispy critter helps in the decision of what not to buy.

    Not a lot of demand for electric vehicles, they’re half fast devices. Won’t go as far, might as well recognize the facts before it is too late.

  20. The engine in the Mercedes One sports car with a 1.6 liter V6 engine has an 11,000 rpm redline limit. After 31,000 mi the owner will have to return their cars for an engine refurbishment….they wear out….

    The Tesla electric motors turn at 17,000 rpm…in the Plaid at 19,000 rpm…something is going to wear out…they are not magic….

    Something is wearing out in these motors……
    The rotor shaft end seal in the Tesla electric motor, starts leaking at about 40,000 to 50,000 miles, the motor is cooled by the car’s coolant system which also cools the huge 1000 lb battery…this means coolant gets inside the electric motor and destroys the motor….

    Some new replacement motors start leaking again…. at 2,000 miles…lol…. the cost to rebuild one electric motor is $5,000 to $6,000, which is the same as a new motor.

    The later motors were worse….they had a single seal instead of a triple bearing seal….

    Some electric cars have 3 or 4 motors….

    This is in addition to in an EV……a $22,000 to $40,000 battery to replace at 120,000 miles or less….and the replacement battery only has a 1 year warranty….. (Tesla)….

    It turns out EV’s and their plug in hybrid brothers, are the most unreliable cars ever made, with far more maintenance and repair….and are unsafe….

    …..coolant gets inside the electric motor and destroys the motor…so coolant is getting inside the high voltage motor, shorting it out….meanwhile there is a lithium fire bomb battery beside it….sounds safe….lol….

    • A1, where do you get the idea that Tesla motors turn 17000 RPM? A good small high speed rare earth industrial servo might turn 8000, but not all the time. For all the real faults of EVs, that one isn’t real.

      • I don’t post anything unless it is well researched…..

        “For all the real faults of EVs, that one isn’t real.”….how stupid are you?….lol

        Before you reply….try doing some research…fact checking…..

        At the Model S Plaid delivery event, Elon Musk gave us some pretty juicy details,

        We estimate Tesla’s new carbon sleeved motor has a 23,308 RPM redline@200 MPH compared to the P100D redline of 18000 RPM@155 MPH, as well as gear ratios the same as P100D.

        The Tesla has a 9.0 to one diff…..this is very low gearing….a long time ago a 4.10 to one diff was low geared…short geared….in addition to this it has only one forward gear….so to go 155 mph or more the motor has to be turning at very, very high rpm…..this is one of the reasons it accelerates quickly…a very aggressively geared diff….A new Corvette has a 4.90 to one diff……

        This very high rpm will cause wear….and so it is….lol

        The Tesla electric motors turn at 17,000 rpm…in the Plaid at 19,000 rpm…something is going to wear out…they are not magic….

        Something is wearing out in these motors……
        The rotor shaft end seal in the Tesla electric motor, starts leaking at about 40,000 to 50,000 miles, the motor is cooled by the car’s coolant system which also cools the huge 1000 lb battery…this means coolant gets inside the electric motor and destroys the motor….

        This high rpm information has been well hidden….it is a huge negative….people aren’t stupid… people know what high rpm equals……wears out very quickly….frequent rebuilds….

        Some of the old V12 ice engine F1 cars turned 19,000 rpm….and they had many internal parts…..

        • The Tesla torque peak is 0 to 6000 rpm….at 11,000 rpm the torque has dropped 50%…around 110 mph….they are quick to 110 mph….then they start slowing down…as power drops off….

          If you race a Tesla with an ice powered car, race it above 110 mph….when it’s power is dropping….quick ice powered cars are quicker then Tesla’s over 110 mph…..

          Tesla P100D has a redline of 18,000 RPM@155 MPH

          Electric cars have a low top speed compared to fast ice powered cars….but are quick at stop lights….

  21. We all know the way to insure Ev supremacy is to insure our leaders and those from around the world all travel whether in the air or on the ground in electrically powered vehicles.

    This should apply to both the WEF membership and their allies in the Lugenpresse. What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander.

    PS- Do I need to add the /s?

  22. South Korea EV Sales Held Back by Drivers’ Fears Of Battery Fires

    South Korea’s electric vehicle (EV) sales fell by 0.1% last year for the first annual decline since 2017, as drivers cite fears of batteries catching fire and insufficient number of chargers as key obstacles alongside higher interest rates and high prices.

    To get to 100% EV’s requires huge sales gains every year….this isn’t going the wrong direction….lol…

    From ZH comments….

    Unintentional IEDs

    Every last one of these rolling lithium fire bomb/surveillance cameras can be remotely commandeered to do the bidding of the bad guys.

    LG battery storage for solar powered systems in Australia have been exploding or thermal run away….Imagine what happens when the battery storage systems for towns/cities start combusting.

    Definitely one reason I would never buy an EV, they engulf in flames in seconds and you don’t even have time to get out,

    Insurance tries to get out of paying. What kind of government back room deals are they getting to continue to insure EV’s if a fire is caused? Including your house, or at say a parking structure. 1500 cars were burned at a UK airport parking structure from an EV…a plug in hybrid diesel…. fire recently….the lithium battery caught fire…..

    … thought a mobile on demand cremation was supposed to be an added EV selling point.

    can imagine people with teenagers and kids would be pretty concerned about the possibility of a family car EXPLODING INTO FLAMES suddenly with the kids inside….would the kids react with a cool head and GTFO in time?
    can’t think of a worse nightmare than knowing for the rest of your life that your kid died in flames because you let them drive a car with a potential bomb inside of it.

      • Another benefit with EV ownership… can’t pay cash to charge it…..just shut down the internet…turn off the power…freeze your bank account….no mobility….

        you can’t pay cash to charge it….this is a problem for old people or handicapped people…they can’t drag around a huge cable and then go through 10 menus on a stupid touch screen, trying to get a charge…lol….

        Eating too….you can’t get food without an internet connection…when they ban cash…

    • Tesla CEO Elon Musk underscored the near-term struggles, warning last week of a sharp slowdown in sales growth this year. With margins falling amid price cuts, shareholders erased $80 billion from Tesla’s stock valuation the following day.

      German EV sales, including plug-in hybrid models, fell 16% last year and are forecast to drop another 9% in 2024, including a 14% decline for pure battery EVs, according to German auto association VDA.
      “Subsidies have run out and at the same time, we are in muddy waters across the economy. Consumers’ propensity to buy is not particularly pronounced,

  23. Hertz. I wonder how many HQ employees have been in that building outside Fort Myers even once since the Pandemic started.

    Life’s a beach, literally, for that bunch.

    Where I currently work, a big tech company whose name all of you would recognize in a heartbeat, we received some pretty surprising stats yesterday about the number of employees who have not been on the campus since March 2020, roughly 25% of the workforce. This was part of a “Back to the office … we mean it … seriously” effort which started this quarter.

    • My sister has been a remote worker since my oldest nephew was born in 2002. I don’t know the last time she had to go to the office. Most of the IT staff at her company has been “moved” to HQ in New Hampshire(?), so probably anyone maintaining the old legacy systems that were distributed at the factories is now a remote worker, even if they go to their office. At some point they’ll finally drop COLBOL and she’ll be let go, but that’s OK she’s pretty close to retirement age anyway.

      The thing about office work is if you’re high on the conscientious and accountably scale you’ll be fine. Most people only “work” for a few hours a day at most anyway, and even if they’re not goofing off most of their time is waiting for someone else to do something so you can add your piece to the puzzle.

      Modern managers are socialites who want to hang out with their underlings. One thing I found when I leave a company is how little I miss my former coworkers. Not that I won’t be happy if I run into one somewhere, but I’m not going to seek them out for sure. I have a feeling most managers will have no friends outside of the office and when they leave their social lives will collapse.

      • ‘I have a feeling most managers will have no friends outside of the office and when they leave their social lives will collapse.’ — ReadyKilowatt

        This notoriously happens in Japan, where most salarymen get laid off at age 55, after working 80-hour weeks for thirty years.

        Their wives resent having a burnt-out hulk sprawled like a beached whale on the sofa. ‘Go to the park and feed the pigeons, loser,’ the distaff side urges, while reaching for the kitchen knife to do the Lorena Bobbitt thing. 🙁

        • “ do the Lorena Bobbitt thing “

          Runs in the family, her sister tried it too, fortunately for that hubby she didn’t succeed – so, instead of getting charged with a felony her charge was a ‘missedthewiener’

      • What I call the Work From Home Mommy Mafia has been firmly entrenched in Corporate America since the early 2000s, but the “pandemic” allowed a lot of Daddies to get their piece of the action which they’re not going to give up easily at this point.

  24. The question is: will all this be enough to STOP the EV juggernaut promoted by gov’t? Will this be enough to derail the mandated push to EVs?

    • Hi Mark,

      I hope it will. But given that this obsessive EV push is similar to the maniacal COVID jab push we saw from the Biden regime and authoritarian governors 3 years ago, they may double, triple, or even quadruple down on EV Mandates & forcing people out of a gas powered automobile. Should that happen, there needs to be a loud and emphatic “Hell no!” from the people and automobile manufacturers.

  25. Even before Winter range anxiety reality set in, residents here in North Austin, particularly those who live in neighborhoods dominated by the large tech employers such as Tesla, got a wake up call in early Fall, at the beginning of October, about the real costs of repairing and insuring the EVs after a severe hail storm rolled through the area.

  26. I’ve thought, for a long time now, that these corporations pushing this shit fully well know it can’t and won’t work but just don’t give a fuck. The executives still make obscene amounts of money. Why should they care if the stock tanks? The govt. will bail them out with taxpayer dollars and make them float again. Corporate welfare has no limit.

    It’s the old socialized expenses and privatized profits game. And then they’ll get subsidized once again! This time for fixing the fucked up mess they *knowingly* created! Now the entire market will be based on the next wave of bullshit, whatever that may be.

    And the next big thing won’t be in our interests either. I think they all took a lesson from Big Pharma that they can make the big money specifically and directly off the pain, misery, poverty and even death of the masses.

    It’s fun for them! “Too many people on the planet anyway!” RIGHT?

  27. Well, I’m not that optimistic, at least not for Europe. Let’s not forget The European Commission’s recent “recommendation” “that the EU slash net greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040”. Like psychopaths, they won’t back off, but double down, which means that Europeans will be forced to buy EVs if they want to drive at all (assuming they can afford to). First out will be the oil producing country of Norway (probably the most EU compliant country in Europe, even though it’s not even officially a member!), which is practically EV only already.

    • Fuck the EU! This is why I support Political Parties such as the Alternative for Deutschland and organizations like Fridays for Hubraum.

    • Europe is different. Small countries, short drives, well developed mass transit. America is young and vast, with a widespread population. Over the vast majority of the country the only viable option is your own car or cars. Mass transit generally is a nonstarter, how could the economics of a passenger train possibly work for a 500 mile track with 20 potential riders per mile?

      • Europe is different. Small countries, short drives, well developed mass transit.

        That doesn’t mean EVs are well suited for Europe. They still charge slowly (fast chargers don’t exist in Europe, either), have short ranges and exorbitant prices, are just as unreliable and burn just as brightly.

        • Oh I absolutely agree. I was just pointing out that Europe does have viable prole transportation while America does not. Hell, what few railroads we had are being abandoned and torn out today. In the 20s a poor boy could walk to a train station in a small town and get a cheap or free train ride to a city 300 miles away. My grandparents and great uncles regaled me as a kid with tales of hopping freights and hobo-ing. That level of freedom and anonymity is Not an option these days.

  28. I’m wondering if and when shareholders in GM, Ford and Stellantis will hold the CEO’s accountable for the rash and reckless decisions? At the end of the day, the buck has got to stop somewhere.

  29. ‘Some of the passengers played with the chunks of ice that shaved off the berg as it gave the ship what amounted to a Godfather kiss.’ — eric

    ‘Biden’ plays with chunks of frozen bullshit:

    ‘The Biden administration is classifying some of the country’s most elite and exclusive locales as “low-income” areas, making them eligible for electric vehicle (EV) charger subsidy programs.

    ‘Numerous elite hangouts and locales — including Montauk and Fishers Island in New York, and parts of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket in Massachusetts — are among the areas that the administration has classified as “low-income” and eligible for receipt of EV charger subsidies.

    ‘Large swaths of San Francisco are eligible for the subsidies as “low-income” areas. In Los Angeles, several blocks of the renowned Beverly Hills area are eligible as “low-income” zones eligible for the subsidies, according to the DOE’s map.’

    Biden’s bitch, Hahhhhhvid lawyer Jenny Granholm, is openly mocking us. Wonder whether my high-voltage cattle prod would plug into her subsidized EeeVee chargers? Now bend over, skank …

    • Hi Jim,

      If the Biden regime is reclassifying elite areas such as Martha’s Vineyard “low income”, that’s proof positive that the regime (And the modern Democrat Party) is the Party of the billionaire class, NOT the working or the middle class. And yet, there are people who STILL think that the Democrat Party cares about the little guy and vote for whichever political candidate has a “D” next to their name.

      • [ that’s proof positive that the regime (And the modern Democrat Party) is the Party of the billionaire class]

        I wouldn’t think any more proof would be necessary! And why does anyone think they keep approving billions for the Nazi Ukies and Israelis. Money is going full circle. DC has more millionaires and billionaires than any other city.

        Mexico is suing the US for American guns ending up in Mexico. Actually only a third of the weapons sent to Ukraine actually end up in the Ukie military. The rest are sold off to cartels like in Mexico.

  30. ‘Electric postal vehicles and electric police vehicles are going to end up just where the Titanic did – and that will be the end of the Great Ship EV.’ — eric

    Both of these aberrations, as well as massive BigGov subsidies to EeeVee producers and buyers, were cheered on by the Mainstream Media and its abject sock puppets in the automotive press.

    Imagine how my heart swells upon hearing Rep Eli Crane, of my district, thrashing the Lügenpresse like a rented mule in a blistering rant yesterday:

    ‘You guys are full of it, and everybody knows it. … He [Trump] continues to beat you like a drum. For all you journalists out there — you know, that are pretty cowardly — you don’t have the balls to write the truth. And even if you did, your publishers wouldn’t publish it. Because you’re part of a propaganda outlet, probably one of the biggest in the history of the world. … I’m happy to call out all you little cowardly liars in the press.


    Good day, you frayed-collar rabble.


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