No Flying – and More – For You


In just a few months from now, everyone who has not gotten what is styled a “REAL ID” at the DMV (revelatory, isn’t that?) will no longer be allowed to fly. Everyone must have one of these REAL IDs by next May the 7th in order to be permitted to board a commercial flight.

The net cinches just a little tighter.

A REAL ID is a biometric-encoded national ID card issued by the DMV – which stopped issuing driver’s  licenses years ago when the latter transitioned into the state-level ID cards one must have in order to be allowed to do essentially anything, such as cash a check or buy a bottle of non-prescription cough syrup. Things that have nothing at all to do with driving.

This tells us that a “driver’s license” has to do with driving only in a vestigial sense. One must possess the thing in order to have it when ordered to present the thing to an armed government worker as evidence that you have obtained the state’s permission to drive a vehicle on its roads. It is not a certificate of competence to drive.

This distinction is important because it indicates what the “license” actually is.

The REAL ID is something more. The next step.

You used to have to obtain the (cough) driver’s license in order to be allowed to drive; now you must have the REAL ID in order to be allowed to fly, even though you aren’t flying the airplane.

This distinction is also important.

Why will it no longer be sufficient – come next Spring – to show your “driver’s license” ID in order to be allowed to board a commercial flight? For essentially the same reason that people who do not fly commercial do not have to take off their shoes and submit to Obedience Training when they fly private.

Most people do not know about that. When they find out that people who fly private can board an airplane the way everyone used to be able to board an airplane – by just boarding – they begin to wonder why only those who fly commercial must submit to Obedience Training. They were told Obedience Training – styled “security checks” – were necessary to prevent the Evildoers from hijacking another airplane and flying it into a building like they did on Nahhhnlevven.

But surely the Evildoers could hijack a private airplane?

Never mind.

The truth, of course, is that Obedience Training’s real purpose was – and remains – twofold. In the first place, it was meant to get people used to being treated in a degrading manner by low-rent government workers. So as to render them more passive toward – and accepting of – further and worse degradations in the future.

Once people are used to being treated as prisoners, they accept being treated as prisoners. The nature of the relationship has been established.

Now let’s you just drop them pants. 

Ned Beatty’s portrayal of Bobby in the 1972 movie being an eerily predicative portrayal of what Americans in the main have become – by not being men (and women) who “don’t want any trouble here.”

Now get up against that tree.

The second reason why is subtler. Obedience Training was intended to get people who are men (and women) to stop flying by making it conditional upon their submission to degradation. Men (and women) who are not like Ned’s character in Deliverance just stopped flying commercially. And most of us cannot afford to fly privately.

Result? Many of us who are still men (and women) no longer fly.

The REAL ID serves that purpose by adding yet another disincentive for men (and women) to avoid flying, thus reducing the number of people willing to put up with all the things that are now required in order to be allowed to fly.

And not just that.

If you do not obtain a REAL ID by next Spring – which entails submitting a plethora of personal documents as well as the collection of biometric information about you, such as a fingerprint or facial recognition scan in addition to the scannable bar code that most state-issued  “driver’s licenses” already have, that contain all kinds of information about you – you will not be allowed to enter “certain federal facilities.” This could and probably will be defined to encompass anything the federal government has direct statutory authority over, including potentially national parks – which are in fact federal parks.

The Interstates are also effectively part of the federal  portfolio.

The point, though, is that the REAL ID is an internal passport, being implemented one inconvenience at a time.

First you won’t be allowed to fly within the United States if you do not have one. Next – inevitably – you won’t be allowed to drive across state lines. Finally, you will not be allowed to drive – period – unless you have the REAL ID.

In time, it’s likely you won’t be able to eat – because you won’t be allowed to buy food without a REAL ID, which will be your new digital national identity card, to be scanned before you’re allowed to do anything.

The feds are open about this:

“DHS expects individuals who may not be aware of the deadline to be incentivized to obtain a compliant DL/ID when they experience the consequences of enforcement. During the phased enforcement period individuals will experience varying levels of consequences including warning notices and progressive enforcement (as part of a phased enforcement plan), or full enforcement (where agencies transition to full enforcement on the deadline). These consequences will incentivize individuals who experience them to obtain a REAL ID. Further, because the individuals who most frequently use their DL/ID for REAL ID purposes will be the most likely to experience consequences, DHS expects that phased enforcement will especially incentivize increased adoption amongst this population. This will in turn lessen the likelihood of disruption when agencies transition to full enforcement because the individuals who most often use State-issued DL/IDs for REAL ID official purposes will have been motivated to obtain a REAL ID during the phased enforcement period.

Italics added.

Eventually, in other words, life in what used to be America will not be possible unless you have a REAL ID – which they’re not even bothering to call a driver’s license anymore.

At least there’s a little honesty left in that.

. . .

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  1. I don’t get how Americans are accepting this…. As sheepish and docile as the brits are – somehow they still havnt accepted a national ID card… (touching wood it doesn’t change tomorrow the way things are going….)

  2. I think we may be missing the point of the REAL ID. The REAL ID has RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) embedded in it. It is to track you and your whereabouts. The end. They don’t care if you fly or not. They don’t care if you choose to enter or not enter a government facility. They want to know where you go. A REAL ID driver’s license does this. A person puts it in their wallet or in their purse and now “they” can locate you anywhere. Technically, phones do that as well, but to find where you are government has to contact Apple or Google or Verizon to locate your whereabouts. It takes much too long. This saves our Masters the trouble of having to jump through hoops. Push that middle man aside so to speak.

    How else do you think they found everyone in and around the Capitol on January 6th?

    Forego the Real ID, the “Smart” Phone, and the car that tracks your whereabouts. You will be much happier for it.

    • I wonder if sticking the RFID implanted “driver’s license” (aka, slave card) in one of those RFID blocking wallets would block the signal? ‘Course as you say, between the phones and the trackers in most vehicles these days, doing so would not matter much. It reminds me of that line in one of the “X-Files” episode, where the guy screams “they got a hold of my damned teeth”. Sounds preposterous, but anymore these days, maybe those are not safe, either.

  3. Just absolutely baffled by the comments here.

    Can’t believe how many just willing cooperate with each evil scheme .Gov comes up with.

  4. I thought the Democrat argument was that it was discriminatory to require blacks and other “underprivileged minorities” to obtain ID cards for purposes of voting, how can they support RealID now?

  5. That picture of the binary choice TSA offers is pretty disingenuous, imo. I know many of my brothers and sisters here feel that way, but there is another option. For a hundred fifty bucks, you get five years of pre check. No taking off shoes, belts, jewelry, emptying pockets, or fondling. Just stroll the old fashioned metal detector, grab your bag and be on your way.

    I don’t think REAL ID will amount to anything. If you use a cell phone for anything, you’re already caught in their web. More and more I see people with strange things implanted inside them. Glucose meters and such are gaining widespread acceptance with more than half the country, paving the way for fully implantable biometric ID. The ID card, passport, phone, all that botch will soon become a distant memory.

    For me, I have a passport and non REAL ID, good until the early part of next decade. By then I hope to get where I’m going to stay, or to the sunnier side of the sun. So, grain of salt either way.

  6. There has been several “deadlines” for REAL ID. Chances are this will be delayed again.

    Incompetence on the part of government is a way we can slow and then stop this kind of nonsense.

    When I renewed my drivers license in 2022 Indiana was still offering non-RealID ones. I took that of course. Actually they still offer them, however, only renewing expired non Real ID drivers licenses, so new drivers already can’t. I don’t have to renew again until 2028. We will see if it’s still available then (guessing no).

    It’s a federal ID masquerading as a state drivers license. This should be a huge issue but you never hear a peep about it. It’s delayed because some states didn’t really want to do it, and dragged their feet. Wish they would continue to throw a wrench into it. They could make it never take effect.

    Ironically, the government already has all the documents they require for the REAL ID, so it’s a double f**k you making everybody collect them. It only creates new ways for your personal information to be be stolen IMHO.

    I think if enough of us don’t do it, they will get to the point where they will collect the documents themselves and defacto make them all “compliant”. They don’t want the court cases that could lead to overturning it if someone balks and sues when they get arrested for not having one.

  7. I have no plans to get a REAL ID next year. Haven’t flown since 2000 anyway. Looks like the time where some of us will have to take the ol’ Nestea plunge is closer than we thought.

  8. Have to laugh at this.

    Mericans had their chance to prevent this nonsense of Real ID and TSA security kabuki.

    All they had to do is to refuse to submit to the airlines and TSA. A boycott on leisure travelers alone for 6 months (probably less) would have been enough to send the message.

    As it turns out the slaves love to have their wives and daughters scanned and groped by perverts.

    One of the last times I flew anywhere there was a TSA supervisor scumbag in a hajib! How’s that for rubbing it in the slaves faces. LOL.

    We get what we deserve.

    • Flying the daughter and new grandson home 16 years ago, they gave my daughter the nth degree at security – flipped out over the breast milk she’d banked and chilled for the flight from Seattle to Fayetteville NC. She refused to open the containers they finally capitulated after a heated argument where I had to intervene as they were about to escort her out – the final insult was the burka wearing third worlder and her two miscreant kids that they waved right on thru behind my daughter.

      • [ the final insult was the burka wearing third worlder and her two miscreant kids that they waved right on thru behind my daughter.]- Sparkey

        American males are the world champs at cucking for corpgov. Over and over they are insulted. They simply bend over, smile, and say more please 🙂

    • Back when it would have mattered, no one gave a rip. I remember boycotting the airlines for five years after nineveleven, nothing changed and I realized there were places I still wanted to go and people I still wanted to see. From two thousand six, until two thousand twelve we only flew overseas, mostly Latin America, Caribbean. Now, I really don’t care anymore. Fed Gov has become so invasive the only thing left is to live without fear and see the places you still want to see. Covid screwed that up as I had lots of plans involving Europe and Scandinavia when I retired. VAX passes and fake flu insanity took that off the table.

      Just recently went through Atlanta and almost all the TSA personal were Burka’d. If you have Pre-check its really no different than the old days, other than watching everybody else submit to the fondler and the back scatter machines.

  9. Flying?….forget about it…they call travel the alcoholism of the rich…..

    Poor taxed to death slaves don’t need it…just buy a bottle of liquor….if they have any money left…note…liquor sales are down…

  10. RE: Flying.

    The grandson takes flying lessons at an operation at the local small airport, but just big enough for some regional flights. I was at the FBO (Fixed Base Operation) which is a couple blocks down from the main terminal, watching his flying “touch and goes”. This place is pretty nice. Pull off the road, park within about 50 ft of the door. Nice couch, some snacks “help yourself Gramps”. Zero security, just the friendly folks at the front counter/desk.

    So, a foursome shows up, rolling carryons and some take out food boxes. Humm. The sit at the snack table discussing the plans. I’m thinking I bet a NetJet shows up, sure enough in about 10 minutes a decent size private jet lands and taxis up. The foursome walks out, the pilot helps load their gear and off they go. Not once did anyone ask to see ID, hassle them about who they were, nada. Wow, what a way to fly!

    So far I’ve refused the WA “enhanced” driver license. I maintain a US passport that’s my “real ID”. Also the “enhanced” license is more money here in WA I refuse to let the wetbacks cause me more $$$ than they already do.

  11. “The truth, of course, is that Obedience Training’s real purpose was – and remains – twofold”

    This will get worse as the population grows. Long long time ago when there was only one automobile in the area, stop lights, signs weren’t needed. Maybe that’s true in rural areas but in crowded congested cities all kinds of training, laws rules are needed. The metro population of Chicago is almost 9 million. Other cites are just as crowded. More people more control.

    “This could and probably will be defined to encompass anything the federal government has direct statutory authority over, including potentially national parks – which are in fact federal parks”

    The controls on the national parks are already in place. There are timed permits necessary to enter some parks and areas within those parks. A few years ago no permits were required but as the population grows there will be more and more controls for “the people”. The population is currently at around 330 million and growing. Smoky mountains national park is free but you need to pay to park in many areas. Itz only going to get worse.

  12. Federal parks don’t even accept cash anymore. Credit/Debit only. “legal tender for all debts, public and private”. What a fake, joke, slave system.

  13. REAL ID is the REAL border wall, and conditions have been set so the populace will cheerleader the implementation of all manner of dystopian, “show-me-ze-papers” tyranny in an attempt to stop the Illegal Alien Invaders of Death.

    Just remember to chant “USA! USA!…” when the jackboots are rifling through your house, finding all sorts of “contraband” like guns, bullets and beef jerky, and you’re racking up felonies.

    • Bad – this I think is one of the main reasons they’re so obviously letting people over the border (or over on boats out here ) to get the sheep to accept a national ID card

      • I agree, Nasir –

        Some years ago, I was in CA on business and had to stop at one of those “border” checkpoints – even though I had never left the United States. Even though I am a white American who speaks English without an accent I was obliged to affirm that I was a citizen to a border control goon who was obviously first-generation Mexican (or some such) who spoke English with an accent. The irony was not lost on me.

        • > CA on business and had to stop at one of those “border” checkpoints
          That would most likely be the one on I-15 between Temecula and Vista, which is *at* *least* 50 miles from the US-Mexico border.
          I know that checkpoint very well. 🙂
          La Migra generally waves me through. 🙂

    • The invaders are exempt from lots of things American Citizens are not…

      Not one invader had to take the covid vaccination as terms of entry but our GIs had to, our nurses had to, our first responders had to, and so did you IF you wanted to eat out in public.

      Neither did our Congressman or their staffers……


      The Federal Court System…. was also exempt.

      WHY? Were these work groups miraculously immune to the disease?

      The left has to see what is going on here and even with mental illness-Liberalism- has to see what is going on.

  14. [ Most people do not know about that. When they find out that people who fly private can board an airplane the way everyone used to be able to board an airplane – by just boarding – they begin to wonder why only those who fly ] eric

    Sorry,,, most are like cattle in a slaughter house chute, neither thinking or having awareness. Just moving closer to the hammer with every jolt of the taser,,, all the while with big smiles!

  15. Bring back the good old days of your driver’s license on postcard stock and typed in information, name, birth date, driver’s license number and your height and weight. No photograph of your ugly mug, just letters and numbers. Lines to divide the necessary information, light blue background on the postcard stock.

    The original driver’s license as it were.

    Nowadays, your bunghole is inspected and recorded and the data stays there forever.

    I visited the DMV driver’s license division a few weeks ago and they issued a RealID in less than 15 minutes. You have to have an appointment too, no walk-ins.

    You need your state-issued birth certificate, didn’t have one, the birth certificate was from the hospital where I was born. I had to go get one from the state records division.

    You also need proof of residence. You kind of get pigeon-holed or something.

    Now I’m a free bird, so that means I can fly wherever I want.

    I think.

    I’m as free as the breeze
    And I’ll do as I please
    Just a bummin’ around

    That I know.

  16. Have you guys seen this?:

    ‘One Woman Takes Over the New Zealand Government’

    … “I now cancel all personal and income and goods and service taxes that have been placed on the people due to all of these being charged fraudulently and these taxes can no longer be enforced with individual men and women having the right to charge an officer or agent who tries to enforce fraudulent and cancelled taxes upon them with all past taxes owed and student debt cancelled from 19 July 2024. […]

    Speeding and parking and property fines can only be charged where a crime of harm against another individual can be proven, and the people are now informed that speeding and parking and property fines are not enforceable unless a crime of harm has been committed, and this will stop intentional revenue making off the people. […]

    To protect individuals who have innocently bought property believing their titles to be correct and true they are assured that if they are living on a piece of land they retain the right to keep living on that land where individuals will be shown the process shortly to claim full living rights to remain living on that land. […]

    Because property titles are null and void so too are mortgages. If a bank continues to charge for mortgages a claim of harm can be brought against them.” …

    Is this real?
    Was it April’s Fools Day down there?

    • I don’t know helot, sounds too good to be true. Notice her self proclaimed title as ‘Commader of New Zealand’, sounds more like one of those people that puts on a funny hat and thinks they’re Napoleon.

    • Yeah

      Posted it yesterday. Wouldn’t fly in America. Americans are happy with their enslavement, enjoy their social media, social scores, feel safe when Chester the molester feel up them and theirs. You’d have to go nuclear to separate them from their TV sets foolsball. Wouldn’t know freedom if it kicked them in the ass! ,,, but many talk the talk for sure!

      • Sadly, Ken, I think you are correct. Amerikans have been getting molested at the airport for the last 20-some-odd years, and they are putting up with it for the “privilege” of flying. They put up with lock downs, face diapers, and forced inoculations for a “pandemic” the last several years, and none of them bothered to fight back. They will just as willing cart themselves to a FEMA camp for food and the guillotine, as well, because, well, “it cannot happen here”, they reason to themselves. Until it does. By the way, do you know what FEMA region you live in?

        • “They will just as willing cart themselves to a FEMA camp for food and the guillotine, as well, because, well, “it cannot happen here”, they reason to themselves. Until it does.”

          Tyranny is mainly the result of mankind’s lust for “convenience”. This is why smartphones had to exist. Once you condense the average person’s worldview to a mere 7-inch screen, everything outside of said screen becomes irrelevant to that person.

    • It’s BS.
      There is a ‘Sovereign Citizen’ movement in AUS/NZ, the members of which claim that since they did not voluntarily consent to paying taxes and to be obedient government subjects, they can ‘opt out’, because of some pseudo-legal ‘precedent’ set a few hundred years ago.
      Basically it’s the same argument one could use when visited by Al Capone’s enforcers in order to collect their payment.
      In such instance, just like dealing with the government, to pay is of course ‘voluntary’. The problem is that you, or your family & business may then experience an unfortunate accident.
      Furthermore, unlike the mafia, where there was no question of legality in the first place, the state makes its own ‘laws’.
      So if something is ‘illegal’ today, it does not mean that it will be so tomorrow.
      As recently proved by the ‘safe & effective’ jab mandates.

  17. If you have a valid U.S. passport, that is acceptable to TSA.,as%20a%20passport%2C%20not%20both.

    And all you need to get a U.S. passport is a birth certificate.
    In my experience, if you lose the original, it is easy to get a certified copy.

    But, wait…
    Suppose you were born abroad to U.S. citizen parents.
    Now you will have to provide:

    If you were born outside the United States and got U.S. citizenship through your U.S. citizen parent(s), submit:

    Your foreign birth certificate listing your parent(s)
    Your parent(s)’ evidence of U.S. citizenship
    Your parents’ marriage certificate (if your parents were married)
    A statement from your parents that details when and where they lived in the United States and abroad before your birth.

    I had numerous military brat school classmates who fell in the latter category. Usually, the father’s branch of service was USAF, and the country of birth was Federal Republic of Germany. It being the most common US ethnicity at that time, some even had recognizably German last names (both parents native born US citizens).
    Herr Schmidt, it says hier you were born in Germany.
    Ist das richtig?
    GFL 🙂

    No doubt the movie Hunt for Red October will have to be edited, since Sean Connery’s response of “no papers” to the question of the crew member who wanted to travel the US is no longer accurate, at least for air travel.

    • “No doubt the movie Hunt for Red October will have to be edited”

      I watched October Sky a while back. In the scene where young Homer Hickham goes into the science fair hall by himself, they edited away all the state flags & replaced with US flags. The original showed the real Georgia and/or the real Mississippi flags.

      • Here’s a photo of Florida/Georgia native Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris in front of a Dixie flag backdrop, circa 1973.

        They were playing progressive folk/country/rock, no relation to any kind of discrimination. Probably would get them arrested today.

  18. This REAL ID sounds suspiciously like the globalist/ technocratic push for GLOBAL DIGITAL ID, which the Biden-Harris regime seems to be all in with, and a Harris-Walz regime would likely be all too glad to ram through should we end up with such a regime next year. The government is taking public comments regarding National ID, but the deadline for commenting is October 15th, 2024.

  19. Hence the drive to digitize your money, so you can’t spend it without your REALID. I will be going as long as I can without one.

    • Stopped to rest, rented a motel room, used a debit card to secure the room, at checkout, the wif wanted to pay in cash.

      All hotel/motel businesses no longer accept cash, card only.

      I’ll find another less popular lodging from now on.

      I understand the reasoning, no cash drawer with large amounts in them, less tendency to be robbed.

      Got to keep the cash, other places like the stuff.

  20. It all goes back to Wilson.

    The passport grew out of war. Now that the US is in a permanent state of war, passports are required. But not the (apparently indestructible, fireproof, bombproof and heat resistant) passports that they found in the wreckage of the twin towers. No, that’s too much work for the federal bureaucracy. So instead of coming up with a “mark of the beast” style national ID, just modify one that’s already in place. Everyone* has a driver’s license or state ID, so just use that.

    This has led to the trip to getting your license renewed a major PITA. For whatever reason I was grandfathered in because when I going to school in Denver I picked up an ID so I could buy beer (at 19 years old!), and my PA license transferred over. My parents had to dig up their birth certificates and the marriage license for mom. It took them a number of days to get everything together. Just to renew her driver’s license. But at least now they have that star on their card too.

    And there will be a race to keep on top of the fraudulent documents too. Odd printing, raised lettering, ultraviolet reactive inks, microprinting… All that costs money to produce, money you will be paying to drive. Oh, it won’t be the most secure thing you own, that gets too expensive. But over time the cost will increase as the card printers make it harder to duplicate. In fact I could see if there’s a large enough number of fraudulent cards out there (say from Nebraska for example), someone will just stop accepting them. Or the state will just announce that you need to replace your old card and magically expire them.

    And it still won’t stop bad actors behaving badly.

    *Well, except for black voters. Apparently the DMV isn’t on the bus route…

  21. REAL ID cards have RFID strips embedded so they fluoresce data in response to certain RF frequencies at a limited distance, similar to a toll tag.

    If you want to see the intended application of that technology, travel southbound on I-69 from Corpus Christi to Brownsville here in Texas. About midway between the cities, opposite the big Border Patrol complex on the northbound lanes of the freeway, the Feds are trialing what I can only imagine as being an automated checkpoint, with multiple toll tag-type antennas and stereo cameras aimed at specific spots of the road in each lane.

    • Hi Roscoe

      It probably has something to do with the constitution free zone. You have no constitutional rights (according to corpgov) until you are at least 100 miles or greater into the USA from the borders.

      • Yes. The Border Patrol can stop your car and do the “Your papers please” bit within 100 miles of the ocean or the border. I believe the number is 90% of the US population covered by the law, but I could be wrong.

        The I-69 checkpoint is well inland and about an hour north of Brownsville.

  22. Don’t like the legal system?….that is rigged against the slaves…blame Justinian….

    Justinian the Emperor of Rome from about 527 to 565 AD…set up the legal system to control the slaves…it is still in use today….

    There must be a Justinian number 2..or a gang of them…..since IX eleven the noose has been tightening on the slaves….then in 2020 some say…WW3 was declared on the slaves….

    2030 is an important deadline for the slave owners….by then… for the slaves…. dark times….

    • In a master slave system…the slave is the property of the master…the master has the right to kill the slave….

      The slave doesn’t like what is happening now?….they should go back and read the fine print in their slave contract…..that they signed….they are under a contract….

  23. Great read.

    You’re right, Eric. Screw it. I do not fly commercial. I think the last time I did was in 2012. Aside from the ID hassle, I resent being completely at the mercy of The System, with a support staff of insouciant, often surly “diverse” minimum-wage workers. Flight canceled? Missed connection? Sleep on the filthy airport floor, buddy.

    Beyond that, the airlines are now making a big push for “diverse” pilots.

    Airport cops are assholes. Airports are expensive and designed to rip you off at every turn — parking, food, etc.

    Then of course you have to deal with — and smell — are your “fellow ‘Muricans” who are being crammed into an aluminum tube along with you for a ride at 30,000 feet.

    No thanks!

    If I can’t get there in a pickup truck with a .357 magnum under the seat… I don’t need to go there.

    • The banks own the airlines. Always have. The damn things cost too much. But they’re considered the pinnacle of national manufacturing prowess, so the industry gets a privileged place. I figure there are a bunch of psychopaths who found their way into the customer service sections of the industry who delight on seeing just what the cattle class will put up with. Make the seats smaller and add extra rows? Sure! Even if the cargo is getting fatter? Yep! Hire a bunch of nasty ugly people to not serve drinks? All good fun. Advertise a teaser rate that doesn’t include “extras” like a seat or luggage? That’s just good marketing.

      And of course the biggest insult: Make them walk past all the rich folks flying first class on the way to your seat back with the rest of the hoi-polloi.

      Yet fliers put up with it. Maybe because there’s no alternative, but maybe because there’s still some magic in flying. Being able to move from one part of the world to another in hours, not days or weeks, even if you have to spend more time in the airport than you actually do in the air. All for $59* dollars.

      *oh, you wanted a pressurized cabin? That costs extra. The captain will pass the hat just after takeoff, cash only. But the bum-fight inflight entertainment is still free!

      • The pinnacle of national manufacturing prowess is the combined output of weapons used to slaughter people elsewhere. Period.

        The crappy airliner mask melted last year.

    • >.357 magnum under the seat
      I would advise against that if you plan to travel to California.
      Perfectly legal in New Mexico, which regards your motor vehicle as an extension of your domicile.

      Prudent to know the state laws before you travel. They are not all the same.

      • There are now TWENTY-NINE “constitutional carry” states. You can drive from Key West to Yuma with a .357 under your seat.

        California, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts will throw you in prison for years for doing that. They are not part of “America.”

    • Don’t forget that a lot of pilots are VAXXED TOO! Why do you think you’re seeing all these reports of pilots dying in midflight now?

  24. real id already being used in FL. i can’t goto doctors appointment without one. like you said, it has nothing to do with driving.

    • > i can’t go to doctors appointment without one.
      Last year, I had a medical office demand that I *SURRENDER* my DL to be seen by a physician, who was in fact my regular doctor. Never had gotten hassled before.

      I told them to go fuck themselves, (those exact words) and found another doctor.

  25. ‘Everyone must have one of these REAL IDs by next May the 7th’ — eric

    The REAL ID Act, an outgrowth of 9/11, was signed by the Retarded Chimp on May 11, 2005. Its original deadline for ‘compliance’ was May 11, 2008.

    But three years morphed into twenty (20) years. Why? First and foremost, because state DMVs were the action agencies. What the hell did they expect?

    A Wired article titled ‘Priscila, Queen of the Rideshare Mafia’ cites the easy availability of high-quality fake ID on the dark web, including all the holographic security features, bar codes and such.

    Reckon I’m gonna buy me a fake Mexican consular ID, which carries at least as much clout as a valid REAL ID state drivers license. Sign up on CBP One and get me some bennies. Eeeeet’s the American way, mis amigos! 🙂

    • The main reason why the RealID act wasn’t implemented was thanks to the 10th amendment. The act as passed didn’t provide funding for all the new requirements, it just dumped the rules on the states. The state DMVs weren’t set up for all that verification so they ignored the law. Of course the congress eventually amended the act to provide funding but it took a few years.

      • ……thanks to the 10th amendment” – RK
        Funny how the states only care about the 10th amendment when it involves them getting money from Fedgov, and not its intended purpose which was to tell the Feds to stuff it when they encroached on the individual state’s rights.

      • ‘The state DMVs weren’t set up for all that verification so they ignored the law.’ — RK

        Which constitutes de facto nullification … as do cannabis dispensaries, which remain ‘bad and ebil’ under fedgov law — and unentitled to banking services and tax deductions.

        If Orange Man takes charge next year, we will see a LOT more de facto nullification in blue states, with Commiefornia leading the charge. Suddenly secession will be a popular topic in leftist circles — one of those ideological turns on a dime.


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