Orange Fries With That?


Trump says he spent some time over the weekend working at a McDonalds to establish that he has worked at McDonalds longer than Kamala Harris – whose claims that she worked at McDonalds cannot be verified. Which strongly suggests she did not. McDonalds is a major corporation and they keep records of such things. Also, such things can usually be corroborated by friends and family who would know whether the person did – or didn’t.

I did, when I was in high school back in the ’80s. Anyone who wanted to verify it could, either with McDonalds or by checking with people who knew me when I was in high school. I have no problem saying I worked at McDonalds because I did. Harris says she did. The distinction is important.

Harris has also been saying she didn’t work as the Biden Thing’s “Border Czar” – an oddly autocratic title to hold for a person who says she is committed to “democracy.” But we know she did hold that position. Which she now pretends she didn’t.

The two juxtapose in interesting ways. Both are suggestive of extreme and unabashed fraudulence. Of the species of lying that’s so in-your-face it’s difficult for psychologically normal people to grasp the depth of it. Trump is certainly many things but there is a streak of authenticity that vibes with people. It manifests in his un-TelePrompter’d insults, which though perhaps boorish are at least  . . . authentic. No one else writes his material. When Harris hasn’t got things to say written by other people she tends to laugh unnaturally while gesticulating strangely, in the manner of the kicking at the air of a dog just hit by a car.

Also authentic is the resurgent swell of middle-and-working-class nationalism of all races that Trump awakened. Black and Hispanic men who work for a living are realizing that situationally black women like Harris do not. This is key to understanding why Trump is so rabidly and publicly despised by Barry Obama, Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney, Dick Cheney, et al.

By those who support Harris even more so, for they understand the threat presented by a populist, nationalist movement of the working and middle classes of all races. That if it gains purchase it will be their undoing.

Trump is a genius in terms of his understanding of this, even if it is only an instinctive sort of genius. Going to work at McDonalds is evidence of this. Just as the almost-universal failure of the Left to get this is evidence of the Left’s inability to understand the appeal of the Orange Man. They sneer at what they see as a “stunt.” At the juvenility of it, as they regard it.

Trump knows better, even if he does not know it in an intellectual-philosophical sense. He connects with the average guy and that has always been the way to win in politics. Clinton – him rather than her – knew this. Barry Obama knows it. They worked it like a $20 escort at a Vegas car dealer’s convention.

But they were – they are – frauds. And the working and middle classes of all races begin to understand this. It no longer really matters whether the Orange Man is one, also. Consciously or inadvertently, he has triggered an awakening. One that has the potential to transcend him.

An excerpt from the 19th century poem by Heinrich Heine comes to mind:

“The frenzied madness of the ancient warriors, that insane Berserk rage of which the Nordic bards have spoken and sung so often, will once more burst into flame. . . the ancient stony gods will rise from the forgotten debris and rub the dust of a thousand years from their eyes. And then Thor, with his giant hammer, will jump up and smash the Gothic cathedrals.”

Only it won’t be the Gothic cathedrals this time. It will be something far more deserving of smashing.

. . .

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  1. ‘Trump: We’re leading in Michigan by a lot. We’re leading in Wisconsin by a lot. We’re leading in Pennsylvania by a lot. But I’m not supposed to say that.’

    Meanwhile, the New York Slimes claims today that Trump and Harris are ‘deadlocked.’ In six swing states, its polls show Trump leading three and Harris leading three, all by tiny margins.

    I claim that these polls are a monstrous lie — just like in 2016. Two weeks from now, we are going to revisit this subject, and find out who was bullshitting and who wasn’t.

    Death to the Lügenpresse.

    • Hi Jim,

      The media is going to push a deadlocked race otherwise everyone turns off the TV. I think MI, PA, and WI will be close with Trump holding a 1-3% lead. I think NC and GA will be absolute blowouts. PA could be as well, but I am still hesitant even looking at the internal polling. If there is going to be a surprise NM could be closer than what they are showing. I don’t see VA, MD, or NJ going red, but VA closes at 7 pm. If VA is too close to call it will be a good night for Trump.

      It doesn’t matter who wins though because a Civil War is heading our way. The country is too divided and too angry for it not to. Expect November 6th to be a day of unrest.

      • Indeed, RG –

        Whoever is anointed, it is going to end in violence. I urge everyone to get ready. Be prepared to hunker down at home for a few weeks, at least.

      • The media also push a deadlocked race because when the Dems try to steal the election again (and that is WHEN, not IF), the MSM will claim, “See! We told you it was close. It could have gone either way!”

  2. Eric’s piece is correct. Whatever Trump’s faults are, he knows how to pump up his audience. Commie-la does not. Unfortunately for the Dirty Dems, T’s boorishness and fibs are irrelevant — it’s his policies that matter — and he will win.

    Issue #1: Will T be able to deport illegals? Doubtful, although that’s what is needed. #2: Can he improve the economy? Possibly, in a narrow way. #3: Will he ban abortion? No, since SCOTUS has just (correctly) ruled it’s a state issue.

    The DDs will pull out all the stops to thwart T’s agenda, which will be tied up in court for at least two years. This may enrage him enough to file treason charges against Biden & Co., based on the theory that allowing criminal trespassers into the country constituted giving aid and comfort to enemies. I’d like to see that.


  3. Politics are all about lies and marketing. Everything created by humans in some respect is about marketing which in its rudest form is manipulation and control. Politicians generally cannot tell the truth because that would make them look vulnerable and dumb. But so many are anyway as we can see right through their facades.

    Such as they never do live unscripted debates and few can think a real thought or express their hearts and minds without a teleprompter doing their thinking. They always have to put on their best face to make themselves look good to the voter. Maybe Trump is a bit different in this regard. Still I am beyond trusting government or any politicians, no matter what they pretend to be or not.

    Here we are again deciding who to vote for, or if at all. I have been a voter for about 50 years and about all I can see is that the country overall has been heading downhill. I can no longer trust this county’s institutions and directions and promises. I am now convinced that government is not the way to go and it has no answers to the crises and improbabilities it creates for us citizens to try and hurdle over.

    I am not voting. I do not support the government or any government. It is time to go in a different direction that eliminates the master-slave relationship that all governments truly are. Then again, it seems that government is being controlled by a “globalist” source or deep state unknown to the general public. And their ultimate goal is to depopulate the planet by murdering many billions of humans.

    No politician is going to have the balls and guts to stand up to this tyranny as they all can be bought off. It will come down to the pitchfork crowd to do the dirty work. That means you and I.

  4. A different point of view…

    What is AI….some say it is a huge brain that keeps growing….

    These data centres use huge amounts of electricity…as much as two whole countries….

    They are saying the data centres will get the power from the reliable fuel powered grid…

    everyone else will get power from so called renewables…unreliable, very expensive, intermitant….wind and solar…no mobility…..freeze and starve in the dark….

    One theory…why the huge expansion of AI?….some say it is the AI’s idea…..sounds a bit satanic….

    Bitcoin mining….some say it and AI expansion…are the same… thing…brain….the AI created bitcoin….

    AI for what?….control and surveillance… cars and cell phones, computers, etc…. are stuffed full of it now….evil…..

  5. Stealing from slaves….

    The slave owning control group own all the banks and central banks…this gives them the power to print so called money….to finance their agenda and hire enforcers to enforce it…..

    They pay slaves with promissory notes…then tax most of it back….in return the slaves give them real skills and labor….

    Fiat currency…and promissory notes….

    Take a one dollar bill to the bank and try to redeem it for gold….which was possible a long time ago…..the bank won’t do it because the conversion to gold is temporarily suspended…thank Nixon….

    In 1933, when the government stopped the conversion of notes…paper dollars… into gold, gold was required to be given to the federal government at a price of $20.67 per troy ounce.

    The price was allowed to rise to $35 per ounce by January 1934….so if you redeem $ fiat paper dollars… you are supposed to get 1/35th of an ounce of gold in return….

    there is a huge problem now….that would require the bank to give you ….$78.65 worth of gold….1/35th of an ounce…. for your one dollar paper bill…..

    $35.00 = 1 ounce of gold…1/35th of an ounce of gold….in today’s fiat dollars that equals….$78.65……1/35th of an ounce of gold = one dollar….

    In 1968, the requirement to hold gold reserves against Federal Reserve notes was repealed. In 1971, the U.S….Nixon…. announced it would not freely convert dollars at the exchange rate with gold….. convertibility suspended…temporarily….

    Convertibility returning in 2030?…back to the gold standard?….

    Stage 1…
    Promissory notes convertible for monetary precious metals ….to get confidence in them…

    Stage 2…
    Suspend convertibility and expand the supply exponentially….Until…

    Stage 3….
    Gold and silver revalued to account for all the promissory notes created since the last time….cycle repeated….back to stage 1….

    We are at stage 2 in 2024….

    Stage 3….Convertibility returning in 2030?…back to the gold standard?….probably not…too many promises to pay have been printed….

    You can fight fire with fire….it is legal to create a promissory note….you can do it too…see video…

    A promissory note is supposed to say…. who you are going to pay, what you will pay and when you are going to pay….but…the fiat cash in circulation today doesn’t say when you get paid….or with what….a long time ago it did…….

    • Stage 2…
      Suspend convertibility and expand the supply exponentially….Until…

      keep printing until a big mac costs $500…then everybody is bankrupt and homeless….they said…you will own nothing…

    • >the fiat cash in circulation today doesn’t say when you get paid….or with what

      When I was a boy, US $1 bills were Silver Certificates, which were engraved “one dollar in silver, payable on demand,” if memory serves. There were also actual silver dollars, coins made of silver which were legal tender at face value. The last silver dollar ever made was the Eisenhower dollar. JFK only got a silver $0.50 piece.

      Silver dollars were not very common, but were freely traded at face value. Halves, quarters and dimes were all actual silver coins.

      • On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest….charging interest…usuary

        On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve.

        Promissory notes convertible for monetary precious metals ….Paper dollars…currency redeemable for real silver….at a bank….

        In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation

        Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level, because it would have given the government the ability to repay its debt without going to the Federal Reserve and being charged interest in order to create the new money….zero interest charge……

        NOTE: Take a look at the interest paid on the national debt today….
        In the last quarter of 2023, the amount crossed a monumental threshold of $1 trillion a year.

        Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver….redeemable…convertible for silver….

        After Mr. Kennedy was assassinated just five months later, no more silver certificates were issued. The Final Call has learned that the Executive Order was never repealed by any U.S. President through an Executive Order and is still valid.

        Why then has no president utilized it? Virtually all of the nearly $34 trillion…now in 2024…. in debt has been created since 1963, and if a U.S. president had utilized Executive Order 11110 the debt would be nowhere near the current level.

        Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to future presidents who would think to eliminate the U.S. debt by eliminating the Federal Reserve’s control over the creation of money.

        Mr. Kennedy challenged the government of money by challenging the two most successful vehicles that have ever been used to drive up debt – war and the creation of money by a privately-owned central bank.

        • A promissory note is supposed to say…. who you are going to pay, what you will pay and when you are going to pay….but…the fiat cash in circulation today doesn’t say when you get paid….or with what….a long time ago it did…….

          In this link is an image of one of JFK’s notes, dollar bill. certificate….redeemable, convertible to silver…

          It says…one dollar in silver payable to the bearer on demand….

          so ….it does say…. who you are going to pay, what you will pay and when you are going to pay

        • The U.S. dollar link to both gold and silver persisted until March 14, 1900 and passage of the Gold Standard Act, which asserted that:

          … the dollar consisting of twenty-five and eight-tenths grains (1.67 g) of gold nine-tenths fine, as established by section thirty-five hundred and eleven of the Revised Statutes of the United States, shall be the standard unit of value, and all forms of money issued or coined by the United States shall be maintained at a parity of value with this standard…

          At that point, the United States was on a gold standard – a standard which guaranteed the dollar as convertible to 1.5 grams (23.22 grains) of gold.

          One dollar is worth 1.5 grams of gold….1 troy oz = 31g……so one ounce = 20 dollars….

          The current price of gold is….$2739 per ounce……..divided by 20 = $136.95……

          They will not redeem your dollar today…they would have to exchange it for $136.95 worth of gold…1.5 grams of gold…..they’ve printed a huge amount of dollars……

          So if you take a one dollar bill to the bank today….it should be exchangeable…convertible to $136.95 worth of gold….1.5 grams of gold….

          Go to the bank and tell them you want to redeem your dollar for 1.5 grams of gold….(that is worth $136.95 in 2024 dollars)….good luck with that….

          It looks like there has been a huge deception and theft….

          Silver was valued at 15 to 1 to gold….so is worth $2739 divided by 15 = $182.60..per ounce…’s price today is $34.10 per ounce…so is undervalued…cheap….buy it….

          • Go to the bank and tell them you want to redeem your dollar for 1.5 grams of gold….(that is worth $136.95 in 2024 dollars)….good luck with that….

        • >In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation

          Yes. I remember US currency from that era which bore the inscription “United States Note” and NOT “Federal Reserve Note.”

          I do not remember specific denominations, but IIRC, these were notes larger than $1, which were still silver certificates.

          • Yes, United States Notes had a red seal, unlike silver certificates which had blue seals. Federal reserve notes have green seals.

      • These thieves even took the precious metals out of the coins….just cheap metals in the coins now….the theft is almost finished…..

        Nixon said….going off the gold standard was the biggest ripoff of the workers…the slaves….ever…

        The slave exchanges real labor and skills for just a promise to pay….a fake…..that is an evil trick…deception….

        At least the slave can exchange his crappy promise to pay for a loaf of bread still….but soon it will take one thousand of them….the printing presses go Brrrrrrrrr

    • Fighting fire with fire….

      The guy in this video gets a $30,000 loan from a bank….

      He gets from the bank…if cash…$30,000 in cash, notes, promissory notes that don’t say… what they will pay or when….

      Then when the first payment is due he goes to the bank and pays off the loan with his own promissory note for $30,000 and gives it to them to pay off the loan….his promissory note doesn’t say… what he will pay or when….

      his promissory note says….. it will conform to the bank’s promissory notes…. what they will pay and when….in the future….if and when it changes…

    • The guy says….I am a millionaire or billionaire….

      So you have one million notes…promises to pay….that don’t say…. when you get paid….or with what…

      Better off with a semi full of gold…..but…they will make it illegal again…

      Real Estate….you only have fee simple title… don’t own it…

      Stocks, bonds?….they are only convertible to more of those notes….that don’t say…. when you get paid….or with what…

      They said you will own nothing….

      • Real estate =land and buildings. But is that true? All real estate is either residential or commercial. Both of those terms mean something is being used in commerce. Res=the thing, ident (ial), identified, the thing identified. What is the thing identified? Legal maxim: the state can only tax, regulate control that which it owns or creates (I maintain the State cannot own anything because ownership is a claim of exclusive use. A piece of paper cannot make claims). What did the state create here? The deed, of course. When you record the sale of real estate with the county, it is recorded as residential, commercial, or agricultural. Those are the only choices. Where is “private?” They have no slot for that. So, you are recording the deed as being used in commerce. A piece of paper cannot confer any rights, how could it? The State is taxing the commercial use of the deed. The deed is NOT the land or house or anything else on the land. It is merely a piece of paper.

        We no longer live under the common law system where the deed is merely a record of who owned and who owns the land and buildings (land cannot be sold in the United States of America, only assigned under a land patent), we live in a commercial system where everything is paper, something that represents something, as David Webb in his book, The Great Taking says. Since the State created the deed, it can tax it (because we gave gov the power to regulate commerce). But, again, the deed is not the land. You still own it because you paid for it in the only form of payment available to us FRNs (if you pay with silver or gold, well that makes things difficult for the state). You have a made a claim of exclusive use, something only flesh and blood can do. Now the trick is to defend that claim, that’s another kettle of fish.

  6. To me, I cannot forget just how absurd and what a farce the democrats and their allies (e.g., most republicans) made of our election. They raised the bar of expectations from “there’s probably a lot of fraud” all the way to “nobody believes this complete bullshit.” Of course, they’ve been working hard to get there on all counts apparently and have outperformed themselves in that regard.

    So, the real dumb shit, will actually *start* on election day. That’s when it’s no longer “coming soon” and the bullshit has to start stopping. They have to decide how much fraud will be used.

    Seems like a whole lot of people are hoping that enough people will turn out for Trump to make the inevitable fraud unworkable. What a spot to be in!

    We’ll see soon enough and the real show will start right on schedule!

    • This seems important too:

      ‘According to Bloomberg’s Masaki Kondo, Polymarket has become instrumental in setting at least the near-term price signals not only for the $28 trillion US Treasury market, but also for [Mexican peso foreign exchange] market.

      ‘That’s because both Treasuries and the Mexican peso appear to be pricing in a rising probability of Donald Trump winning the presidency, as indicated by Polymarket, while ignoring traditional polls which mostly still show Kamala in the lead.’

      Treasury yields rising along with Trump’s probability of winning sends an unmistakable message. Just like every Republican since Reagan — and just like his own first term — Trump is going to run massive, pedal-to-the-metal deficits. Three trillion, five trillion — the sky’s the limit! It’s only colored paper.

      Yes, great bulging dump truck loads of sketchy misaligned greenbacks spewing from the Fed’s redlined printer-go-brrrr, fueling the biggest hillbilly hootenanny since Weimar. Live for today, for tomorrow we default!

      Got gold?

      • The debt can never be repaid, therefore the deficit isn’t worth worrying about. Mangled quote comes to mind, “Shes made of iron sir, I assure you she can sink. In two hours Titanic will be on the ocean floor…

        So yes, study Weimar, get gold, silver, rubles, yuan, guns, and ammo.

        Send lawyers, guns, and money, the s#/t has hit the fan…

  7. One of the commentors said Trump is a better liar than Kamala. Indeed, and in two weeks people will be voting between the two, whoever fooled them better.

    You should ask this question, is Trump Jewish. That is a fair question because Israel is in big trouble, and if Israel attacks Iran (perhaps before the election) Iran vows a 10-100x response, and Col MacGregor says Israel will be decimated in 30 minutes. So if Trump is Jewish, what will the JEW POTUS do to save Israhell?

    IMO Israel painted itself into a corner, not our problem. I do not care for religious racist supremacists who intend on killing ever Arab for Greater Israel. Israel needs to be pummeled and put out of existence – and the great tragedy (and bad joke) is that Abraham is only myth. The Torah is 100% fiction, a fable – and these fake ass Khazar Jews (like POLISH Bibi Mileikowsk) have identified with the myth – and are acting it out Old Testament style. The scholars and archeologists have informed us – the Israelites, Moses, Solomon, David and all the rest are fictional characters. God damn! All this killing over fiction!

    “Professor Thompson – from Marquette University in Milwaukee – says that there is a complete absence of archaeological and historical evidence for many events portrayed in the Bible”

    Remember Joseph Campbell? The Power of Myth. Humans are programmable hellions. Well Houston, we have a problem, likely winner of the 2024 election, DJT, is a believer in Abraham and authored the Abraham Accords – which Dr. Kevin Barrett and a bunch of other political scholars with PhDs have informed us that treaty was the CAUSE of the Oct. 7th uprising. IOW it was boy toy Jared Kushner and DJT who caused the Oct. 7th uprising – The Deal of the Century backfired on the creators.

    Trump is no scholar, is surrounded by Jews, and it has probably never crossed Trumps egocentric mind that Abraham is not real. (BRAHMA and his sister/wife SARAswati became aBRAHAM and SARA. Same names, same story rewritten, IOW the Torah is a plagiarized mythology)

    Trump married a Jew, Trump adores his daughter Ivanka who did convert to Judaism, and one of the worst kind, ChaBAD Lubabitcher. Trump has a town in Israel named after him, Trump Heights. Trump boasts being the greatest friend of Israel, the King of Israel. Of course he does, Trump the egoist wants to outdo all other Jews, Trump wants to go down in history as the greatest Jew ever.

    So after Trump is sworn in 2025, I fully expect his staff to be lined with Zionist Jews, and that Israel will be at the top of his priority list. Amerika will be betrayed 100% for sure. And Amerikans are being fooled by Trump, who is not letting on his real intentions – he will want to save Israel.

    • Yukon: “…and in two weeks people will be voting between the two,
      whoever fooled them better.”

      There are seven people on my presidential ballot. One of
      them is Libertarian – Chase Oliver. As far as I know
      Chase hasn’t attempted to “fool” anyone.

      • He claims to be anti-war.

        BS. He’d have to choose between not going to war and being disinvited to the next DC wokester cocktail party. Being a Loser Brigader, he’d stand with Ukraine and send your daughter to the Russian Front.

        If the election was between Chase Oliver and Kamala Harris, and everyone was given some serum that forced you to vote, I’d crawl on broken glass to vote for Heels-Up.

        • I beg to differ…
          I hope i am right but fear that I may be wrong.
          Trump has always talked to our (supposed) adversaries, from Putin to Xi to Kim Jong Un which gave the deep state types apoplexy.
          You see, Trump is a deal maker and actually “went around” the deep state types to their chagrin.
          This is a partial reason why the 2020 presidential election was “fixed”.
          Keep in mind that the people of each of our adversaries have no problem with each other.
          It is governments, not the people who cannot get along…
          israel is more problematic as the jewish influence is strong in Trump…
          Keep in mind that it is not Russia, China, North Korea, or any other country (outside of israel and jews) that manipulate our election process.
          It is worldwide jewry that influences American elections…not good.

  8. I detest what Trump did during covid. I only hope he was played by Fauci and Collins because the alternative is too horrible to think about. But he does have a humanity about him. Kamala seems like a stupid self serving witch.

    • Not only Trump, but we were all played by Fauci, Collins and the rest of the medical establishment that was orchestrated by “deep state” types in order to gauge “compliance” with future catastrophes.
      There are those of us who saw through the BS when the “plandemic” first started, refused to get poisoned, ignored mask mandates and separation edicts, and went about our normal lives, mostly without incident.
      As to Trump, he is an administrator who looks at the big picture. He, along with many of us, just didn’t know the non-lethality of the plandemic and went along with the “experts”.
      I would not expect Trump to know how to install a light switch or replace a faucet; he relies on true experts in their respective fields to “get things done”. Trump is good at making decisions based on the “big picture”, not minutiae.
      When it comes to the genocides in the middle east, I hope Trump is putting on a “false front” in order to get elected and to utilize jewish election power.
      This leads to one point: We hear about Russia and China influencing American elections, but we never hear about israel and jews which influence and interfere in American elections to a much greater degree than any other country or cult.

        • There are also allegations that Jeffery Epstein was a Mossad agent. It appears that many U.S. politicians were caught up in and likely video-ed as part of his honeytrap operation.

          Hmmm, I wonder what the purpose was of having video recordings of U.S. politicians engaging in that kind of abhorrent activity?

          • What do you think of the scuttlebutt that Epstein’s “death” was FAKED,and he’s now living it up under an assumed identity after numerous plastic surgeries to change his appearance?

      • Who is this we?

        I didn’t comply and it cost me my career! Eric didn’t comply. Many didn’t comply.

        Really pisses me off when people imply we all got played.

        • Yes, my household didn’t get played.
          Old fashioned as we are.. we had savings, no debt and took a year off of work because we could. Really enjoyed ourselves too while so many were running around acting like total morons.

          Got a sobering look at who our so-called friends and family really were.. and have since made the necessary corrections.

          From our hearts we tried to help loved ones yet we were met with scorn and malice.

          Oh we forgive just fine.. but we will never forget.

    • Mike: He and I agree, I guess, that Coolidge was the last good president. Even though he appears to like Cleveland overall, I guess there is also consensus that Coolidge was the best of the 20th century.

      (Hillsdale College only gets a small check from me each year. I can’t fund their unquestioned devotion to Lincoln and Churchill beyond what my stomach can take.)

  9. commiela….

    Worked at McDonald’s?…

    Came from the middle class?….no

    Royal bloodlines….yes

    Shyamala Gopalan (Harris’ mother) was born into a Tamil Brahmin family…royal bloodlines…

    Brahmans occupy the highest ritual position among the four Varnas of Hinduism. Since the Late Vedic period the Brahmins, who were generally classified as priests, mentor, teacher who were also rulers, zamindars, warriors and holders of other highest administrative posts

    Baghochia Dynasty was founded by Raja Bir Sen and were the ruling dynasty of Hathwa Raj and Bans Gaon Estate. The Cadet branch of the family also ruled Tamkuhi Raj, Salemgarh Estate, Ledo Gadi, Kiajori estate and Kharna Ghatwali.Bhumihar dynasty

    The name “Raj” is of Indian origin and has multiple meanings. In Sanskrit, it means “king” or “ruler,

  10. Trump

    the only president who qualified for a major league sport?…

    President Donald Trump attended New York Military Academy and graduated in 1964. According to a 2015 “Business Insider” article, a yearbook showed that Trump was a member of the varsity soccer, football, and baseball teams.

    Arthur Schoenewaldt was Trump’s roommate and said he enjoyed living with him. “It was obvious that he came from a better-than-average family, but he was a great guy,” Schoenewaldt said, according to “Business Insider.” “He was intelligent, he presented himself well, he was athletic. I even heard from some of the coaches and stuff he could have played professional baseball.”

    Ted Levine was the catcher on the baseball team and also had high praise for Trump. “He was just the best, a good athlete, a great athlete,” Levine said. “He could have probably played pro ball as a pitcher. I think he threw 80 miles an hour. I was the catcher. He made my hand black and blue every day … Could he play football? Could he play soccer? He could do anything he wanted. He was physically and mentally gifted.”

  11. Trump is exposing the Kamal, who does not have an authentic bone in her body. The real joke on Amerika is how such a complete fraud rose to the top of the power pyramid, how some concubine of the married Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco exchanged sex for political promotions.

    Kamala made it all the way to the Presidency on her back heels up. That is how corrupt the political system in Amerika is. Let me state it more bluntly, a common whore made it to the CEO of the United States political system and she has nothing on her resume to be qualified to be in that position, or to manage a McDonald’s store. (BTW, I have nothing against whores, but I am against the fake Kamala Harris).

    And neither was prosecuted – because the insiders know how to play the system right on the edge, do illegal (and immoral) deeds and get away scott free. Trump pointed out in the Demoncrap primary – that out of 15 candidates, Kackula dropped out first, and got ZERO electoral votes – then got the nomination. How is that fair to the other D. candidates? Obviously the run of the mill Democrat does not prefer her, so how is it she is neck to neck in polling with Trump?

    The whole shebang is a big joke IMO, because the owners – the billionaire bankers, are the ones doing the choosing, not you. I am quite sure of this and the evidence says those at the top of the power pyramid, like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, already know the outcome of the 2024 election.

    Zuckerberg is a worm and a put up job. He does not know how to code, he does not know how Facebook works, nor did he invent it, read the full expose by his homosexual college roommate here:

    The big joke is on us, we think we live in a system in which we the people elect the install hack. Voting IMO is a ruse to fool you into submission. The 4 year farcical election cycle is theater to keep you enslaved and paying taxes – for you to accept your enslavement because you participated in the act of voting.

    • I was thinking this – how corrupt and distant the politicians of the west become. That the biggest thing is convincing people that they are “one of us”.

      • Exactly. They are paid actors whose job is to fool us into participating in a completely evil, cruel, fiat money, endless war system of exploitation.

        Kamala Harris TV ads claim she is going to stop inflation by price controls or something. Like how is that even possible? Her/Biden’s deficit spending policies are causing inflation.

        The stupids will still vote for her, even though she is causal to the problem – those who are at the bottom end are being reamed by inflation will 100% for sure line up and vote for the inflationist. LOL

        I read this first 40 years ago in a Harry Browne Libertarian book “How I found freedom in an unfree world”,

        • “ Kamala Harris TV ads claim she is going to stop inflation by price controls or something. Like how is that even possible? Her/Biden’s deficit spending policies are causing inflation.”

          The only thing that makes it possible is power. If you have absolute power and can torture and kidnap and kill your enemies and all they love, then you can make your own reality. Eventually reality/god/karma asserts itself, but that takes a very long time.

  12. We had a lot of fun cracking jokes on this topic in David Knights chat.
    Stuff like… I ordered an Egg McGuffin but the Scamburgler took it. And Gardner Goldsmith had a zinger with the Grimiceing look on his face.

  13. I’ve always said that this country is being run by people whose only skill (other than corruption and depravity) seems to be the ability to say “Would you like fries with that, sir?”. Seems to be the requisite requirement to be the chief clown. It is obvious that the contenders are clearly pandering to the career adult fast-food worker….

  14. U.S. politics as of late is becoming very interesting. We were told now for years that Trump is the living embodiment of Hitler and dangerous to “our democracy.” Until mid-summer, he was persona non grata, but in the past 2 months or so, the blob seems to have let Harris and Walz twist in the wind and there appears to be a certain inevitability of a 2nd Trump presidency. Very curious indeed.

    The Al Smith dinner was very revealing. Trump’s arch enemy, Chuck Shumer, sat right next to him and laughed, with Trump giving him back slaps. Again, if he’s Hitler, why would all these politicians be seen at the same event with him? They should be shunning him, right? This was a sort kayfabe confirmation moment for me, showing that even though they normally smash chairs against each other’s heads, they’re really all just working for the same organization.

    I think the blob knows the margin of voter fraud isn’t sufficient to overcome Trump’s popularity, and they see him as being very useful. His win would (a) prove that elections are not rigged (after all, if they could rig it, why would they let a man they allegedly hate win), (b) they can subsequently engage in rent-a-riots, knock out the supports of the fake economy and otherwise sow chaos and blame it on Trump (and more importantly his populist voters) and (c) provide even more support to the Zionists (Trump has made this abundantly clear).

    Ehhh, they can endure 4 short years to accomplish those certain things that they otherwise couldn’t with a Democratic presidency.

    • Trump has made a deal with the Zionists. Trump has vowed to keep Israel from imploding – and Trump is such a deranged Zioloon he will take the nation down to save the Jews.

      With a Trump win virtually certain – the Lefties could experience a big mental health crisis plus not accept the J6 power change. They are sure as hell not going to accept Trump as der Fuehrer.

    • That’s exactly right. When the wheels do finally fall off, who’s going to be behind the Resolute Desk? Not any of the people who are responsible for it.

  15. Old McDonald at McDonald’s serving fries is a stroke of genius, Donnie can dazzle them with brilliance while he is at it.

    Was in Lyons, Colorado yesterday to tour the place and visit Oskar Blues Brewery.

    Monster beverage bought Oskar Blues, now it is just another craft brewery that no longer has any beer worth drinking.

    Deviant Dale’s Dastardly Pale Ale is gone forever. The only reason to drop in to Oskar Blues was to drink a pitcher of Deviant Dale’s. I know now not to ever go back again.

    Fat Tire in the beginning had a great biscuit malt flavor that set Fat Tire apart from the rest of the average brews out there.

    Dale’s Pale Ale is just another ale and Fat Tire is an American ale.

    Both are about the same and definitely not worth drinking. Craft brewing is slipping these days. Looks like fake craft brewing from my vantage.

    Have to stick with Avery IPA brewed in Gun Barrel.

    Drove up to Estes Park, I thought I was in Mexico City or Bhopal, India, depending upon where you were in the shopping district.

    Nice ride through the canyon on US 34 on your way back to America.

  16. Indeed, Trump is a much better liar than Kamala. She doesn’t know how to lie, hence all the exaggerated smiling and laughing instead of responding to the moment.

  17. DemonRat desperation:

    President Biden to Propose That Insurers Cover Over-the-Counter Birth Control

    ‘The new rules under the Affordable Care Act would include emergency contraception, a newly approved nonprescription birth control pill, spermicides and condoms.’ — NY Slimes

    Eric has written about insurable events, which need to be both somewhat rare and financially impactful for insuring them to overcome the overhead cost.

    Birth control miserably fails this test. One might as well add toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, razor blades and shampoo to mandatory health coverage. Then watch premiums soar past $10,000 a year. ‘Affordable care,’ my bleeding ass.

    In his dotage, the senile scarecrow ‘Biden’ is turning destructive. One shudders to think of the awful mandates heading to his desk from the lame-duck, unaccountable Clowngress which — recall — faces a Dec. 20 deadline to pass all of the tardy appropriations bills.

    Situation Normal: All Forked Up!

  18. ‘And then Thor, with his giant hammer, will jump up and smash the Gothic cathedrals.’ — eric

    Heine’s screed appears in a different light when one realizes he was a converso (born Jewish, converted to Lutheranism). Always the thinly-veiled contempt for Christianity in this crowd.

    Trump is no more a Christian than Heine was. But he’s certainly not going to talk of smashing Gothic cathedrals … although he’s just fine with America’s little apartheid colony doing so with US-supplied ordnance, as he confirmed last week:

    “He’s doing a good job,” Trump said about the Israeli leader. “Biden is trying to hold him back … He’s trying to hold him back, and he probably should be doing the opposite, actually. I’m glad that [Netanyahu] decided to do what he had to do, but it’s moving along pretty good.”

    War crimes, my friends … movin’ along pretty good! Burning brown folks alive in tents ‘n shit. USA! USA! *makes obscene gesture in front of crotch*

  19. It was funny to see MSNBC throw a total shit-fit over this.

    RSBN’s feed showed him from outside the window, saying “It’s kamala’s birthday. I’ll get her some flowers. Maybe, I don’t know. Or I’ll get her some french fries…”

    All joking aside, it’s anything but in the bag. That’s a loosers attitude. Check the lawsuit against the post office for allowing 9-15M illegally printed ballots into the mail system in 2020. It’s been 4 years and now it’s getting traction, too little too late for any corrective action to be taken this time.

  20. Corporate media unsurprisingly called Trump working at a McDonald’s a “political stunt”, though if Kamala Harris did something similar, that same media would likely call it GENIUS. However, the Democrat Party, corporate media, and the DC establishment must really be desperate when you have Barack Obama out there trying to shame black men into voting for Harris, the Harris campaign running a cringe worthy “man” ad, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry OPENLY calling for censorship, someone on MSNBC claiming that black men who are supporting Trump are part of a “Global fascist movement”, and deranged Trump haters doubling down on calling Trump and people who are supporting him FASCISTS, WHITE SUPREMACISTS, RACISTS, CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS, and who knows what other pejoratives these insane people concoct.

  21. Hi Eric,

    Great piece. I think you hit the nail on the head. I am in Georgia this week, which started voting a few days ago. Driving through Southern Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia over the weekend Trump has this in the bag. The campaign signs on lawns, the crowds in Georgia at the polls, etc. There is an overwhelming enthusiasm for Trump that wasn’t there in years past and is not there at all for Harris.

    I watched a video of Trump this morning as he sat down in a Hispanic barbershop in The Bronx. It was about 15-20 minutes long and the business owner, barbers, and a few of their clients asked him questions and addressed their concerns to him. He looked comfortable and relaxed as he answered them. Trump has something that Harris doesn’t. He is personable. Whether one likes him, hates him, or just tolerates him he is connecting with the middle and lower classes. Just last week PA Senator Bob Casey (D) and WI Senator Tammy Baldwin (D) have come out and talked how they agree with some of Trump’s policies. I think MI, WI, and PA are much higher in Trump support than they are letting on.

    Many will disagree with me (including my own parents) but I don’t see how Trump loses. The man just sold out Madison Square Garden in three hours.

    • I agree with you RG,
      I know several people here in ultra blue Taxachusetts who voted/will vote again for Trump but never admit it lest they become persona non grata in their social circles. I still am voting “none of the above”, will either leave it blank or vote for Jill Stein.

      • Hi Mike,

        I don’t think I will vote unless there are local issues on the ballot. I do vote for those. But, I really like RFK Jr. having a potential position in the Administration to start focusing on the unhealthiness of vaccines and the bioengineered ingredients in today’s food. I can get behind that.

    • ‘I think MI, WI, and PA are much higher in Trump support than they are letting on.’ — Raider Girl

      We went through this in 2016. The Lügenpresse spent ALL YEAR rabbiting on about ‘inevitable Hillary’ — way ahead in the polls, the mockingbird stenographers solemnly intoned. Then the result wasn’t even close.

      But eight years has gone by. So the leftist media rabble gleefully exploits a new crop of twenty-somethings with no memory of 2016. The fact that WE remember concerns them not in the least. After all, this is a last-ditch battle for CONTROL, not credibility which is already lost.

      NY Slimes: N.C. Trump <1; Mich. Trump <1; Pa. Harris <1; Nev. Harris <1; Wis. Harris <1. This is total bullshit; just absurd, in-your-face whoppers. Not only do polls not cluster this tightly, but also their midpoint is blue-shifted by 3 to 5 percentage points, with some ink-stained leftist's dirty thumb on the scale.

      Fool me twice, shame on … we won't get fooled again!

      • Lugenpresse is a good term to refer to the lying MSM.
        But there is an even better term “Judenpresse”

        October 13th, 2017 Awake Goy
        Trump Doubles Down on Call to Revoke Broadcast Licenses for Jew Run Fake News Media

        After seeing numerous fake news stories reported by NBC News, the President of the United States called for their broadcast license to be reviewed and revoked.

        With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!

        — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2017

        In two weeks I think Trump will win by a landslide, as Amerikan slaves are fed up with inflation and illegal immigration. We’ll see what happens, and the latest I hear is his son in law Jared (boy toy) Kushner (Chabad Lubabitcher) is making a list of appointments, which will (probably) be mostly Neocons and Zionist loons. We will know Trump’s true intentions as soon as his appointments are made public. Last time he appointed arch Neocon madman John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Exxon Rex Tillerson, CIA Mike Pompeo, etc.

        What is really interesting, far more interesting than this horrible fake election between twin evil pro-genocide candidates, is that Israel and Iran are about to go at it in a BIG way. Da shit is about to hit da fan.

      • I think Trump will be installed, one reason is the Oklahoma preacher Brandon Biggs “prophecy” – he predicted in March, that a bullet would pass by Trump’s ear – which is a very specific event – which came true – and he went on to say Trump does win and then the economy crashes.

        I absolutely do NOT believe that God is talking to some preacher, but I do think the CIA is by some method either directly or by voice to skull V2K technology. The “plan” is leaked to some preacher for some psyop reason, not sure what.

        I have an intuition that after Trump wins the Left will not accept his presidency, will riot, and it will be much worse than the J6 insurrection. The Left projected onto the Trumptards what they themselves are capable of.

        • Hi Jack,

          There is a possibility (because almost anything is possible) that the attempt on Trump’s life in PA was staged but I doubt it’s true because it strikes me as highly improbable. He literally did dodge a bullet that whizzed that close to his head. Was Trump willing to let a bullet come that close to blowing his head off? Is there a marksman that good out there? Good enough to just nick the head of a moving target? If it was a scam, imagine the timing that would have been necessary.

          I grant that it’s possible. But it seems extremely improbable to me.

          I agree with you about the rest. If Trump is elected, there will be attempts to prevent him being sworn in. The rank-and-file blue hairs will go berserk. The “deep state” may and likely will tank the economy. And maybe it is all part of the plan. I suppose we’re all going to find out soon…

          • I can see where if the Establishment cannot prevent Trump from taking Office in January, they will crash the economy, and then blame him for it. Even though that has been coming for a long time. Or, seeing the handwriting on the wall, declare Martial Law because of… (fill in the blank), and stay (and keep their power) that way.

            • Hi Shadow,

              There are already people out there blaming Trump for the problems of the past 4 years, even though it’s a combination of policy decisions made by past administrations, government seemingly growing more and more every year, regulatory capture of government agencies (e.g. CDC & FDA), endless war, and of course policies pushed by the Biden-Harris regime.

              • Trump signed the bill into law which flooded the economy with inflated “Covid” currency. Thus, he’s partly responsible for the devaluation of the dollar and consequent 30% – 50% nominal price increases.

                Never in the history of the world has that much fiat currency been injected into an economy. God damn him for that. This caused many citizens living in the margins of society to be pushed to the streets.

          • Some YouTuber recreated the shot at a range, using the same rifle and site. Turns out the margin of error for that setup meant that no matter how well the rife was aimed he’d probably miss. That’s why most snipers don’t aim for the head. The “miracle” is that he managed to hit Trump at all.

    • I will not put anything past the uniparty, they are scared to death of Trump. But it appears Trump is gaining his electoral stride and the swing toward DJT could be too big to rig.

      Trump had them lined up in PA yesterday while working his shift at McDonalds. This reminds me of 1980 Reagan-Carter where the election broke hard towards the Gipper in October. The people have to make it a landslide.

  22. I mean, Donald Trump got shot, he has three baby mamas, and he has a mug shot! He’s more black than Harris or Obama will ever be!

    • “Donald Trump got shot, he has three baby mamas, and he has a mug shot! He’s more black than Harris or Obama will ever be!”

      Now that is hilarious I don’t care what anyone says. Best line of the year.

  23. “ Black and Hispanic men who work for a living are realizing that situationally black women like Harris do not.”

    As a matter of fact, Donald Trump is more black than Harris:


    • Harris….Kamala’s father…. claimed to be descended from the 19th-century planter and slave owner Hamilton Brown….a white Irish….

      Her mother came from royal bloodlines in India….Hindu….

      Kamala’s father wrote:
      “My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town)

      Hamilton Brown was white Irish…

      white Irish…..Hamilton Brown, Kamala Harris’ paternal ancestor, an attorney, enslaved Africans, Creole, Irish . . . white, black and brown alike, and persecuted Methodist, Baptist and Anglican abolitionists.

      Her great grandfather HAMILTON BROWN sent slave-ships to Ireland to lure his Irish slaves with lies, deceit and false promises–just like George Soros lures migrants along America’s southern border.

      Kamala’s promotion of reparations should start with compensating the tens of thousands of souls enslaved by her ancestors in Jamaica—a British slave hub for the Americas.

      There is no doubt that her family was slave owners. Also, her birth certificate lists her as caucasian

      When she ran for the senate she said she was an East Indian.

      The father of Kamala Harris detailed how their ancestors owned slaves, an inconvenient part of her history as she has spent much of her campaign focusing on race politics.

      Kamala Harris and her family directly benefited from the labor wrought to them by slaves, meaning Kamala herself is a product of systemic racism. This directly counters the myth being spread by the mainstream media that Kamala is somehow a victim of the slave trade simply because her skin is kind of brown.

      “Kamala Harris is directly descended from one of the largest slaveowners in Jamaica, Hamilton Brown – there is even a town named after him, Brown Town,”

      Can you imagine if Trump had a slaveholder ancestor?…The left would be in full melt down over it.

      Reuters determined that President Joe Biden and every living former U.S. president — except Donald Trump — are direct descendants of slaveholders:

      Harris brought racial issues to the fore by criticizing primary rival and former Vice President Joe Biden’s legislative record on busing, which she called “hurtful” to her as a black woman.

  24. If politics is Hollywood for ugly people, we’re watching the sequel of Animal House. Entertaining? Hell yes! Productive? No way.

    Delta house (the Trump machine) vs the Omegas (Democrats and dead Republicans). And Dean Wormer (the intrenched bureaucracy, corporate media and “upstanding people”) looking to shut down the Deltas with dirty tricks.

    If someone scripted this shit show it never would see the light of day. But here we are, watching it play out in real time.

    • While we lived outside Portland, when friends in Florida asked what Oregon weather was like, I always suggested a screening of “Animal House”.

      John Landis filmed “Animal House” in Eugene, OR with the parade shot in nearby Cottage Grove. What you see portrayed as dreary Midwest Fall was actually filmed during the nicest part of the year in the Willamette Valley.

      Maybe the weather explains the strangeness.


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