A reader – a “conservative” one – says the following regarding the “contract” I supposedly agreed to that binds me to obeisance as regards the authority of the federal government:
“You assented to one by living in the U.S. You pledged allegiance to the US in school. You accepted the preamble to the Constitution. You accepted the Declaration of Independence that gave rise to the United States. Everyday, you (hopefully) follow the laws of the US. You choose to vote for the changes you want and agree to accept the results of that vote.
The contract is not one of something of a paper you signed, but rather a choice you and your family made by choosing the US as the place to live.”
Oy vey!
This merited not just a response in the comments section of this site but a wider discussion, because it embodies the reverential-coercive mindset that many “conservatives” (loosely synonymous with Republicans) have toward government that – as I see it – accounts for why they have been so ineffective at making the case for less (let alone no) government.
Herewith my reply, with some additions:
That’s the sort of construction used by thugs. It is of a piece with “she consented to have sex because she willingly came into my apartment. She let me touch her there – and so she consented to be penetrated there.”
I consented to nothing. Whether you or any other person did is immaterial as regards myself.
The fact that I was born here does not amount to my assent to anything, either. The idea that – as a minor child under duress – I agreed to some kind of binding agreement (for life) with adults because I “pledged allegiance” is risible. (By the way, were you aware that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist? And what free man “pledges allegiance” to any government? Free men owe allegiance to no government; that is to say, a free man is not a servile man who “pledges allegiance” to other men- the ones who hold government office and enforce their will on others using the power of government.)
I know – Somalia right? Move there if I do not like it here. I have done this dance many times. Many conservatives suffer from false tautology of mind in that the regard the absence of government – “anarchy” is the usual word used – with an absence of rules. No, just government’s rule.
It is a rule in my house – which is private property – that smoking inside is not permitted. Government rules that people may not smoke within all restaurants, which are also private property. My rules are enforced non-coercively. Those who wish to smoke can smoke outside – or within their own homes. Or within the homes of those who do not have rules against smoking. Note the voluntary, non-coercive nature of the thing. As opposed to the coercive thing that is government’s rules.
Back to this contract business:
A contract – to be that – must be something very specific, in writing and freely agreed to by both parties that each have signed it absent duress. It binds no one else. Only the parties that signed it. Ask a lawyer. So – please – stop using the word “contract” to describe the idea that anyone born here or who is here has agreed to abide by whatever the government decrees “because contract” – because it’s simply wrong as a factual and etymological matter and also vicious. It is of a piece with the equally risible and vicious idea that I have given “implied consent” to be subjected to probable cause-free inspections when I am out on the road in my car because I am effectively forced to obtain a government permission slip to use what were once understood to be the public’s right-of-way.
Many “conservatives” support such vicious nonsense, which is truly tragic. It is why “conservatives” are (as a class) unable to combat collectivism – because they are collectivists, too. Their collectivism is simply “less” of it – as they see it. And for different reasons – and different ends – than the collectivism they putatively object to, because it differs in its reasons and ends.
But not its fundamentals.
I do not mindlessly obey laws – much less respect them – merely because they are laws.
There were laws in Soviet Russia, too. Slavery was once “the law” here. A law is just that – a law. That is, an edict issued by the authority styled “government.” It is not by dint of being “the law” a moral standard that must be obeyed for that reason. As an example, I ignore seatbelt laws literally every time I drive. I “speed.” I ignore what I am told I may (and may not) do with my own body. Fuck such laws.
But I do not steal or rape or kill – and not because of “the law.” Rather, because such things are moral affronts.
I hope you will consider this.
. . .
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[…] Guest Post by Eric Peters […]
Let’s not forget the 33 or so AMERICAN states that demand fealty to a foreign country (israel) in order to do business with or to receive benefits from the state.
Signing such a contract pledging loyalty to israel is downright un-AMERICAN.
Of course, one could claim that such a contract was signed under duress, the offending phrase pledging loyalty to israel to be unenforceable.
As an Ashkenazi Jew, I claim cultural appropriation to “Oy vey!” Did you use the proper guttural annunciation when pronouncing it? Did you show the proper exasperation and utter and complete loss of will to do anything about it when saying it? What’s next? Saying “Merry Christmas” without a license to do so? There is no end to this insanity. I must ask for a cease and desist until you get the proper Yiddish training on both tonality and loudness. My grandmother would be rolling in her grave.
As an Ashkenazi Jew, do you refute the lies of your people, and condemn their crimes (we can make a list, if you like…), chief among them the so-called “holocaust” (burnt offering – a strange choice of wording), and also chief among them, that the “Jews” are somehow the subject of the Bible, when Jews are neither Hebrews nor Israelites? Do you denounce or accept Jewish communism? Will you admit that your people are the SOURCE of communism? I mean, Bobby Fischer did it. Do you admit that Jewish people have a hilariously disproportionate representation in our government, and do you condone or condemn these behaviors? Do you condone or condemn Zionism?
You see, I’ve been told that there are “good Jews”, and that I shouldn’t condemn them all for the actions of but a few. Full disclosure? I believe there are no “good Jews”, I believe they ALL support and maintain a huge number of lies to the benefit of their own people and to the detriment of the rest of the world. However, I won’t have it be said of me that whenever a Jew poked their little head out and announced themselves, that I didn’t give them a genuine opportunity to prove my detractors wrong. Because that would be wholly disingenuous of me, and I’m anything if not disingenuous. I mean what I say, and I stand behind it.
So, here’s your chance to prove me wrong. At least about 1 thing, anyway. That there are no “good Jews”, that they ALL maintain the lie when confronted, and NONE will tell the truth, adhering most solidly to their Talmud and Kol Nidre. Are there “good Jews”? If so, then let them step forward into the light, so mine eyes might look upon them.
Judaism is a foreign political system masquerading as a “religion” in order to gain constitutional protections here in the USA.
All the USA has to do is to declare zionism and judaism to be foreign political systems, which removes all Constitutional protections from all adherents and acolytes of judaism.
Jews are still able to practice their “quasi-religion” but are required to register as “agents of a foreign government” with the U. S. State Department on an annual basis.
–All synagogues, NGOs and foreign lobbying organizations (AIPAC, ADL, HIAS, etc.) lose their tax-exempt status and are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government” on an annual basis as well.
–All holocaust™ museums (jewish freak shows Hollywood productions) lose their tax exempt status and face prosecution and are shut down for fraud.
–One holocaust™ museum is allowed to remain open with explanations on the massive fraud and grift that jews have perpetrated against the world.
The USA has a right to know who belongs to foreign political systems.
–Prohibit dual citizenship across the board. Citizens of the USA are prohibited from holding dual citizenship.
–All jewish politicians are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government” and are subject to the same reporting requirements as “agents of a foreign government”.
–All American politicians who hold dual citizenship are prohibited from serving in any public service function.
–Deport any person from USA who serves in any foreign country’s military service.
–Genocide trials for all American citizens serving in israel’s military–no exceptions.
–Genocide trials for all American public officials who approved sending American weapons to israel.
Easy, peasy…
This is but another example of the jewish double standard which still holds true to this day.
Jews don’t play by “the same rules” as the rest of us, and believe in “collective responsibility” and “collective punishment”, but only for goyim, not for jews.
This is baked into judaism itself, the “sins of the father” being visited on goyim descendants in perpetuity.
Witness today’s Germans (and the rest of us goyim) still being held responsible for the so-called “holocaust™” despite none of today’s children and grandchildren of Germans being alive at the time. Stockholm syndrome, indeed…
THAT is how jews maintain power and control.
At the same time, our (correct and civilized) concepts of individual responsibility and individual punishment is does us no good, especially when dealing with those who live by a “different set of rules”.
There comes a time when marginalization of a whole “tribe” is the only way to deal with and eliminate the “problem”.
Just maybe the jews have it right. “Collective responsibility” and “collective punishment” must be imposed on the jews by the rest of the civilized world.
Let’s hold ALL JEWS WORLDWIDE collectively responsible for the genocides taking place.
Fair is fair…
Jews are an ethno-religion. There is an absolute racial construct to Jewry.
But aside from that, you are correct, and it is high time they are held responsible.
I must respectfully disagree with you on your assertion that jews have a “racial” construct”. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, almost all of today’s jews are not even “semites”.
israel prohibits the use of DNA to determine “jewishness” of so-called “jews” as those such as netanyahu and most others have NO “semitic” lineage, but are eastern Europeans who have latched on to judaism for financial and criminal reasons–following the shekels.
A DNA test to determine “jewishness” is a good idea and would do much to destroy the whole claim that European jews are “semites”.
There are TRUE jews (Ethiopian blacks) whose semitic lineage can be traced back to biblical times, but are not considered to be “true” jews by the israeli government. Talk about racial discrimination.
This, in itself is PROOF that today’s judaism and zionism are not valid entities in which to determine “jewishness”.
Best regards,
LOL, no, completely wrong.
The “black Jews” come from the total ownership of the slave plantations in Africa by Jews. Yes, Jews dominated the slave trade. And were quite “rapey” with their slaves…as Jews are wanton to be. Hence, “black Jews”.
And also, the fact they refuse a DNA test is confirmation of the racial construct of Jews. It’s just confirmation that they are, in fact, NOT the Biblical Israel.
You all are a bunch of idiots. Do you not get irony when you see it?
Just look at what happened to Pinocchio from appropriating Yiddish expressions without having the requisite nasal capacity!
I was listening to this west-coast radio station this morning, 102.9 K-I-E-V- “Kosher Klassics” they had some pretty good “reinterpreted” oldies, like:
Bad Case Of Loving Jews
Every Bubby Wants To Rule The World
Can’t Help Falling In Love With Jews
Let’s Get Syria
“By the way, were you aware that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist?”
This is something that needs more expansion. I imagine most here have read this or something similar. From Thomas DiLorenzo:
“…the author of the Pledge was one Francis Bellamy, a defrocked Baptist minister from Boston who identified himself as a Christian Socialist and who preached in his pulpit that “Jesus was a socialist.”
Bellamy was the cousin of Edward Bellamy, author of the extremely popular 1888 socialist fantasy, Looking Backward. In this novel the main character, Julian West, falls asleep in 1887 and awakens in the year 2000 when the socialist “utopia” has been achieved: All industry is state owned, Soviet style; everyone is an employee of the state who is conscripted at age 21 and retires at age 45; and all workers earn the same income.
Francis Bellamy said that one purpose of the Pledge of Allegiance was to help accomplish his lifelong goal of making his cousin’s socialist fantasy a reality in America. He further stated that the “true reason for allegiance to the Flag” was to indoctrinate American school children in the false history of the American founding that was espoused first by Daniel Webster and, later, by Abraham Lincoln.”
Source: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2003/10/thomas-dilorenzo/pledging-allegiance/
Thanks for adding that, Mike!
Remember, Re: Trust Law, “True Title” is split into “Legal Title” and “Equitable Title”, and if you hold Legal Title, you don’t have rights over the Equitable Title without License.
If you need a License to drive your car, you no longer hold Equitable Title over your car, evidenced by the fact that you need a license to drive it on public lands.
The equitable title belongs to the one who granted you the license, and if your government is a company registered with the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION,
I assume that the UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE, private banking system is holding your Equitable Title to your car, maybe your home, maybe your own country, your own dominion, your own body and all the oil and mineral reserve (Dominion) that goes along with it? Did they take it? or did you give it to them without a fight?
The grammatical deception extension into the very Bibles themselves is an unbelievable act of treachery.
Questions relating to why debased text appears in the King James Bible that sits in the so called Courts. Has such a Bible been corrupted in order that a Quasi Legal Governing System has been able to usurp itself into our governing system and their Courts without us becoming aware of such a fraud?
Rohan Loran……. Corruption in the: King James Bible
There is also a strange concern with the “ORD” left separated from the “L” in the word (Sign) “LORD” rendering the “ORD” appearing, and in English, “Ord.” is an abbreviation for words relating to Order, and Ordain and the such, relating to Government. In relation to such an impression appearing as: “ORD” (Being LORD with a greater font size first letter) does this mean that if the real word: “Lord” or “Yahweh” has been replaced by “ORD” being the Government? … Has the true God of Moses, and Christ, been secretly replaced by “Government” meaning, if one swears under the oath of a corrupt bible where Government has been replaced by “God”, would such an act of swearing on a false bible destroy your God given rights? …
Both Lord and Yahweh means: “master” in relation to Latin, so has Government become the new “Master” of the Corporate Kings James Bible by secrecy and stealth?
Don’t forget that the “Bible” was written, translated and retranslated by MEN, many with their own agendas.
The King James version leaves out 5 books which are present in the Roman Catholic Bible.
The King James version was edited to provide for “the rights of kings”, a flawed concept that states that all powers that temporal leaders possess come from “God”…legitimizing both cruelty and vindictiveness against the serfs of the day.
In addition, the Protestant claim of “sola scriptura” is problematic in itself, claiming that the “Bible” is “the inspired inerrant word of God”. Yeah, right…
If you don’t like the KJV, you should study Attic or Koine Greek so you can read the original. That’s what I am doing now. The KJV is not perfect, but it is the best of all the other, mostly copyrighted translations out there that I have read.
What about the 5 missing books in the KJV?
5? The Ethiopian has 88 books. Your math is off.
Lol more like 12 omitted books.
By far, the most interesting story is how the Scofield Bible got published. How DID a bankrupt lawyer and failed minister get his own version published, anyway? Who bankrolled it? How was the Oxford press involved?
The Scofield Bible is the Bible most “clergy” (I use the term very loosely) use as a reference, and it was distinctly and purposefully given a JEWISH ZIONIST slant.
So many people believe Jesus was Jewish, that it’s laughable. And any number of other falsehoods that can be shattered simply by reading the Bible.
When did we “consent” to being tagged like cattle? 1903, as I recall:
‘Beda Koorey, a retired legal secretary, returned her license plates stamped with “NCC 1701,” the identifying tag of the U.S.S. Enterprise in the “Star Trek” series, to the DMV in New York in April 2020.
‘Then another ticket arrived, and another. For the next four years, Ms. Koorey, 75, was entangled in state bureaucracy and received hundreds of violations without driving a car.
“To be clear, for a number of reasons including law enforcement purposes, there is no such thing as ‘de-linking’ a customer in the DMV system from a plate that was legitimately registered to them,” Lisa Koumjian, a deputy commissioner for the DMV said.
‘Ms. Koorey’s ordeal became broadly publicized by News 12 Long Island, drawing the attention of a lawyer, Kenneth Mollins, who handles traffic cases in New York, has access to official records and offered to help her.
‘On Dec. 6, Mr. Mollins pulled up a record from the DMV that showed Ms. Koorey’s name and address were still connected to the “NCC 1701” plate. He contacted senior DMV officials, including their general counsel. On Dec. 19, he repeated the search and her name did not appear on the site, he said.’ — NYT
So because the state NEVER delinks one’s name from a surrendered plate, it takes four years and the help of a high-powered lawyer to end an Orwellian ordeal? Noted.
I received a photo ticket from D.C. with a car I had never seen before, and I wasn’t anywhere near D.C. at that time, I live in cental Virginia. I tried to convince them that this was not me and I did not recognize the plate number, none of my attempts worked. When it went to collections I went to the Viginia DMV and explained the situation, I was told that was a plate from a car I junked and turned in the plates. I asked for a letter to send them that would confirm this and was told that they could not do that. I thought for a moment and reached into my wallet and pulled out a card that came from my local Virginia Delegate and said that I had discussed this with him and it was his suggestion that I should go to the DMV and that he was sure that they would be glad to help me, and if they did not then he would do something about it. (I made all of this up on the spot!) She disappeared for a short while and returned with an official letter that I sent to the D.C. extortionists. If I had not had my delegate’s card, and a quick idea, I would have been screwed.
Bravo Eric,
Your articulation of what is basically the libertarian position scores a bulls eye. These people who mouth sound bite platitudes justifying support of authoritarian tyranny from the “conservative” perspective continue to amaze me. Their positions differ from the authoritarian “left” not a bit because, as you correctly point out, these people are all supporters of collectivist tyranny. I still love my friends and family who buy into the authoritarian collectivist dogma because of other values we share, but it’s worth pointing out that the positions supported by these folks amounts to an overt support for slavery.
Thanks, Giuseppe!
I figured it was worth an “at length” response. Merry Christmas!
I consent to not have my head blown off at a traffic stop, under duress, by forfeiting my sovereignty and participating in the effrontery to logic, under duress.
As a recalcitrant youth, I sometimes tested the boundaries by refusing to stand for the National Anthem or the “Pledge”. But I was not allowed to NOT stand for these rituals. I was to stand and recite, OR ELSE. I call that coercion, not a contract.
What is still eating at me these days is this idea that I’m supposed to ask for permission to build things on my own land, and worse, that some schmuck might have to come and approve of my efforts. OR ELSE…
I’d difficult to believe that people have not only stood for this bullshit for so long, but that it keeps getting worse. Some people obsequiously cheer the idea that we must obtain permission from government goons and obviate our rights of self-determination. Such sheep are far more an affront to our supposed American ideals than some kid refusing to salute a flag.
I’d like to add that I live in an “unincorporated” part of the county.
“Unincorporated” could be otherwise expressed as “not of the body”.
And since I’m not of the body, why is it that I would ask anyone for permission to do anything, seeing as I’m not hurting anyone.
The county really does nothing for us, here. There isn’t even a tax-payer funded fire department. The county doesn’t maintain the roads. It’s off-grid, and there is no “public” infrastructure. The county really does nothing except keep a record of my ownership of the property and extort money from me every year…
“Shcrew Yoar Fweedoms”…Arnold Schwarzenegger, during the Covid Lockdowns.
And so the hypocrisy of PedoWood reveals itself, effortlessly.
Always remember the (((Government))) will look out for itself, at the cost of it’s citizens.
And, YOU are the Carbon that (((They))) want to RECYCLE!!!
Hi Saxons,
Yup. When was young (and less jaded) I admired Arnold, as many young guys of my generation did, back then. His story – working hard to make something of himself and succeeding wildly – was very inspiring. Then we got to see who he really is, during the “pandemic.” A weak (or evil) old man who shat all over the freedom of today’s young men (and women). He got his – like Elon – and so now it’s “screw your freedoms.”
No, Arnold. Screw you.
How people today can proudly boast of how free they are defies logical explanation.
TRUST-LAW, the legal CODE to modern day SLAVERY:
Article 1:26 Genesis, is the foundation to TRUST-LAW, and what is TRUST-LAW, it is the legal code to a “Master-Servant” relationship, being SLAVERY, (Devolution) however, slavery is outlawed, but, “voluntary servitude” is legally accepted! …
What this means is that the servant (SLAVE) must “agree” or “consent” to a private “contract” of slavery. No one in their right mind wants to be a SLAVE, and that is why the warnings appear in the Bible, warning against the deceptive nature of the serpent-snake in the Garden of Eden,
because it is through the clever deception of the serpent (Being the usurper-snake) that TRUST-LAW has become the new system of slavery, perfected over hundreds of years by the legal minds of deception, the Masters of Deceit. JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION. (VATICAN)
No. I definitely DID NOT sign up for this shit.
“Life, faculties, production — in other words, individuality, liberty, property — this is man. And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it. Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.”
Frédéric Bastiat
(it is not Christmas until I fall from Nakatomi Plaza.)
The Law
“(it is not Christmas until I fall from Nakatomi Plaza.)”
Just watched your fateful descent last night, Hans!
Hey Jim…
[All the southern states except Tennessee at first voted against the amendment, despite an implied threat that they would not be readmitted to the Union; they changed their stands only after the threat was made explicit]
How could the Southern States vote count if they were NOT in the union!?
It’s a kind of American koan, like ‘What is the sound of one hand clapping?’ 🙂
Why, Eric! If you didn’t agree to the terms of the [mythical, undefined] “social contract”, you should have packed your bags the moment you were sprung from the womb, and left!
The reader who made those asinine comments must either be a cop or some other low-brow, low-IQ knuckle-dragger.
How dare you not honor the pledge which you were made to recite by the teacher when you were 5 years old, and had no idea what the words or concepts even meant! Hey, you could have objected, right? I’m sure they would have been happy to help pack your bags and float you off to “Cuba” on a raft. (I guess those Jehovah’s Witness kids down the block will be able to live freely, since they don’t recite “The Pledge”. But of course, dumb goons like the reader who made the stupid comments to which you’re replying couldn’t care less, and will just exert their bullying on everyone, regardless.)
And, well! If you didn’t agree with the preamble to the Constitution, you should have objected when it was written!
(Well, the dummy was right about one thing: You did formally consent to the madness of this system when you participated in it and gave proxy legitimacy to it by voting…)
I’d bet on it though, that idiotic commenter is a cop! When you see such stupidity, and that stupidity is exerted in favor of the state, it is almost always a cop!
Yes, the pledge. A marketing tool (free flags) to advertise a magazine to school kids. Written by a socialist to go along with the free flags.
No one should say it ever. It is anti American.
To quote the late, great John Prine,
Your flag decal won’t get you into heaven anymore,
It’s already overcrowded from your dirty little war….
A verbal contract ain’t worth the paper it is written on.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Since when has Bibi been allowed to tell everybody what to do?
Who in God’s name consents to that?
STFU, Bibi.
A verbal contract used to stand up so long as there was/were witnesses to the contract. Today even written contracts are voided easily by sharp liars errrr lawyers.
[Since when has Bibi been allowed to tell everybody what to do?]
Since (((they))) now control corpgov and the Federal Reserve.
Laws in my state (Florida) prevent me from saying anything someone might describe as antisemitic even though (((they))) are Semitic in official language only. Meaning, they are taught Hebrew as a primary language even though very few are of the twelve tribes. Bibi is Polish by birth.
In Texas one must sign a loyalty oath to Israel to obtain a state yob such as a teacher.
“Bibi is Polish by birth”
He may be Polish by birth (place where one is born) but he definitely is not Polish by blood.
“How many Pollacks does it take to level Gaza? None. Uncle Schlomo will do it for them.”
Jews are not part of the 13 (THIRTEEN!) tribes of Israel. AT ALL.
Understanding that there are 13 TRIBES is ESSENTIAL to understanding the ubiquitous symbolism all around us. Such as the symbol of the Rothschild Phoenix on the back of the dollar bill holding the OLIVE BRANCH with 13 LEAVES and 13 ARROWS in its claws.
There are 13 tribes because Joseph had 2 sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, and the tribe held by Joseph became 2 tribes as it divided between his sons.
Ashkenazi Jews are (((Khazarian Mafia))) fake Hebrews, primarily from Eastern Europe.
Sephardic Jews & Palestinians are closest living people related to the original Hebrew bloodline.
This is why the Palestinians/Hebrew descendants are being genocided by the fake Jew/Khazarian Mafia, just like Jacob and Esau in the bible.
Yeah, no, Sephardic Jews are NOT the original Hebrew bloodline. WHITE CAUCASIANS are the original Hebrew bloodline. JEWS ARE IMPOSTORS, AS STATED BY JESUS. I mean, for fucks sake, man, this bullshit about Jews (PHARISEES in the Bible) being of Abraham was around in Jesus’ time. JESUS ADDRESSED THIS LIE. “You are NOT OF GOD.” As in, NOT a creation of Yahweh Elohim. “You are NOT OF ABRAHAM. Or the WORKS OF ABRAHAM YOU WOULD DO.” I mean…W. T. F. IT’S RIGHT THERE. “You are NOT MY FLOCK.” As in, people thinking Jews could EVER “accept Jesus” is just 100% WRONG. JESUS WAS NOT HERE FOR THE PHARISEE JEWS he was here for the ISRAELITE HEBREW PEOPLE. HE SAYS THIS.
Palestinians? 100% children of Abraham. As in, Abraham had 2 sons, Isaac and Ishmael. From Isaac, we get the WHITE RACE. Isaac’s sons. Saxons. Simple as pie. From Ishmael, we get the “Arabic” people, of whom Palestinians are a definite member.
The evidence is also skeletal. Jew skeletons have negroid traits, even Sephardic Jews carry negroid genes. But compare directly the skeletons of Caucasians, Arabic people, and guess what even “native Americans”, are all of common ancestry.
I promise you that NO JEWS are Abrahamic. The topic already came up. Christ discussed it, and HE SAYS “NO”. So I say no. Anyone that says “yes”, is clearly in violation of scripture and Christ.
> Fraud vitiates contracts. There is no contract.
Speaking of which, the “Treaty” of Versailles was executed under duress, and was therefore null and void. The German Empire had every gun in the British Royal Navy pointed at them, and were told their people would starve if they did not sign the “Treaty.”
The British made the Germans “an offer they couldn’t refuse.” Royal Navy, meet Luca Brasi. You guys ought to get along just fine.
“You assented to one by living in the U.S…”
You could have stopped reading at that point. This person is very ignorant.
Driving to work this morning, I noticed one of the oncoming vehicles appeared to flash its high beams at me. I had my lights on because it was early morning and still a little dim outside, but not my brights. So I slowed down to just above the speed limit. Good that I did. Over the hill was a government thug pointing his radar gun at his human farm animals as they drove by.
I also did my duty of warning other drivers as I slid past without incident thanks to the courteous driver who warned me just seconds before. Hopefully, the asshole thug didn’t “catch” anyone speeding.
By the way, the cops love this road since a couple of years ago they changed the speed limit from 50 to 40 for no reason. Everyone still drives 50. At least.
The flashing of lights to warn of the presence of bacon appears to also be a tradition of courtesy where I live. Learning of this has given me a little hope in my fellow man, at least in these parts.
Every government is evil by it’s very nature. It assumes authority to kill you if you disobey,
What a crock, none of us pick where we were born, and an infant certainly cannot “consent” to anything, implied or otherwise. Just more government BS to assert ownership of us serfs.
just one more point. do you know what the definition of a ”citizen ” is?
: a native or naturalized person who OWES ALLIGANCE to a government and is entitled to protection from it. or B. a member of a state (owned by) an inhabitant of a city or town
especially : one entitled to the rights and privileges of a freeman: a civilian as distinguished from a specialized servant of the state Soldiers were sent to protect the citizens.
From the dictionary. notice how it defines a citizen as a person who OWES ALLIGIANCE to the government and is a SUBJECT OF IT.
citizen, subject, national mean a person owing allegiance to and entitled to the protection of a sovereign state.
citizen is preferred for one owing allegiance to a state in which sovereign power is retained by the people and sharing in the political rights of those people.
when are you allowed to ”share” power? oh yeah. only when you join the boys club. or are allowed to pay up of your hard work and earnings.
a subject : “person under control or dominion of another,” especially one who owes allegiance to a government or ruler; from Old French sogit, suget, subget “a subject person or thing”
what is the difference? there isn’t one! your under the control and dominion of another. a legalized slave! it is in the words! and in the mind as well.
freedom starts inside first! first free the mind. then free the body. it starts with the willingness to use the word NO!
From what I understand, in the early days of Rome a Roman citizen was almost a god and couldn’t be touched unless there was undeniable evidence of wrongdoing.
Well you know in the old days
When a young man was a strong man
All the people, they’d step back
When a young man walked by
— The Who, Young Man Blues
This sounded entirely plausible to me in high school. I imagined sauntering about like Little Lord Fauntleroy, as shuffling oldsters bowed in deference.
Then I found out everything rock stars sing isn’t necessarily true. 🙁
All true, but one significant point is missed by the conservatives. How can you “obey the law”(even assuming you want to) in a god damned democracy?
Because everything is subject to change, on a vote. It isn’t even possible to know HOW MANY laws there are, much less WHAT they are. And they are inherently contradictory, gun control vs the absolute “shall not be infringed” of the second amendment in the bill of prohibitions.
So after a society fights for millennia against things like gun control or homosexual marriage or “hate speech” laws, and the communists win one vote and make those things legal, the spineless conservatives bend over and allow it and even SUPPORT it because it is now “the law”. And then they vote for more cops and prisons when more principled people refuse to obey.
Yes. One day you’re a “criminal” if you’re a queer.
The next day you’re a “criminal” if you ‘discriminate’ against queers, who now have special rights and privileges.
The “law” is a joke.
One day you’re a “criminal” for driving 35MPH down Main St. when the day before it was perfectly “legal”.
You’re a “criminal” if you dare to keep 100% of what you’re legitimately earned, and they will put you in jail because you did not fund the support of some stranger’s wife/girlfriend and kids, and your neighbors will vote to imprison YOU.
Your home and property will be taken from you if you fail to pay for the communal “education” of your neighbors kids, so they can learn how free we are.
And don’t forget to join the military, so that your neighbors can declare you a hero for fighting Israel’s wars, while your wealth is transferred to a foreign nation.
But you get to vote and thus choose who it is that you prefer to preside over these things, so you must be “free”!
Isn’t reality wonderful?
The true knowledge and awareness of it is enough to cause a group of people to gather together and seek a redress of grievances. Or, more properly, to CAST OFF the old government, and institute new systems for our protection.
Today, it’s the (((law)))…not for your benefit or protection, it’s for the benefit of the jews and ruling class.
Prior to 1932, it was just the law, but after King FDR was installed by the Khazarian Mafia Jews, it’s been all downhill for us Goyim!!!
Exactly. They call it the “JEWdiciary, for a reason.”
And by the way? It started long before 1932. The Federal Reserve act was, ahh, 1913 I believe? And we were in WW1 by, what, June of 1914, lol? Gee, what timing.
It should be noted that the Rothschilds are Sephardic Jews.
the argument is one based on ‘divine rights’. claiming we consent because we are ”allowed” to be born and numbered at birth like cattle with a brand is the federal or state governments claiming OWNERSHIP over the people. no different then the divine right of kings. Same argument different words. convoluted brain washed argument. divine rights to have a contract signed ”for us” 200 years ago by men who know nothing about and had no say over at all! how does that work exactly?
being born means consent to slavery? and yes it is slavery. all around us and everyone in this country is a slave that is free range. like cattle. your numbered, tagged, licensed, restricted at ever turn, even their minds are enslaved!
claiming government owns the country and everyone consents to be ruled if they are born here and live here!? is that not insane? it isn’t their country! it isn’t their resources, it isn’t their land and no the people are not theirs either. what people work for and produce does not belong to the state at any level! they CLAIM OWNERSHIP RIGHTS but that doesn’t make it true!
the law of the land is name it and claim at the point of a gun! all laws have a gun under the paper pointed at the people they wish to subjugate and they get it done through wash washing just like that argument used for eric. the people don’t know what freedom is? not a bit! they claim OBEDIENCE AND SWEARING FEALTY through brain washed children means consent! they claim OBEDIENCE through a contact they had no say over means they consent. it is divine rights! all over…just in a different form
obey or leave! that is the argument. …do as the KING SAYS PEASANT OR ELSE!
notice who rules the rulers? no one. notice how often THE LAW OF THE LAND applies to them? oh, that’s right they are ABOVE the law. the law applies to those who can pay the right people to look the other way. laws are for the obedient slaves, peasants, subjects. not for those who impose the law .
an old TV show called ‘Firefly’ had a quote from a character that fits. ”the government is a body of men and women who are themselves, notably UNGOVERNED’.
can anyone argue and say laws are ”just” today? really? what a bunch of crap. the only time the laws apply to those who claim the right of ownership over the people….the government and its legions of order followers, is when they want to make an example of one or show that you don’t violate the rules of the club….as george carlins said…its a boys club and your not in it.
the bottom line is divine rights? if you believe yourself to be a subject or a citizen? you believe in divine rights to rule. if you worship government as most do. again you believe they are YOUR sovereign and god himself GAVE them the right to rule you and your lands…even if you claim the majority did it, you argue that wrongly because the true majority are those who said NONE OF THE ABOVE…WE DO NOT CONSENT TO BE RULED! and the numbers are greater then any one candidate received from those who gave them the scepter and the consent to rule. those who didn’t choose a ruler are in greater number then those who chose a whip wielder.
funny how that majority doesn’t seem to matter! the numbers matter ONLY if you do waht your told and pick one of the pre selected minion candidates.
those who claim a person consented at birth are claiming the state has ownership over that birth. period. and are claiming the government OWNS the land as well and we are here only at their suffrage!
for my part i choose freedom and the right to say OH HELL NO! I don’t have to leave the land that is mine. it doesn’t belong to you people! it doesn’t belong to the state to a federal or a state or a church. if anything…the land belongs TO GOD! not to men! period….never mind their claiming ownership through taxation it boils down to that point.
who owns you? and how long are you going to accept that argument of bs contracts? signed by men dead over 200 years? how do you make a contract for future generations without the future people’s knowledge and consent? how long do you accept other people’s stupidity as your own? would be nice if people would use the grey matter for something other then growing hair!
contract law: need consideration (eg: money), offer, and acceptance. The conservative reader refers to an adhesion contract: one-sided, usually in consumer contracts, take it or leave it, consumer has no realistic choice as to its terms.
Lysander Spooner handled this supposed line of reasoning 150 years ago. Not only is there no contract created by happenstance of birth, any such contract, if it ever existed, is not valid because it was not agreed to by anyone alive today.
I love this “social contract” Houdini out of thin air idea that somehow, by existing, I am subject to rules created by someone, sometime, and must obey with no consideration.
Always seems to work out for the benefit of others and not myself.
On the reader’s reference to the constitution. If it were a contract, the terms have been violated by the government by their constant breach. Therefore it can no longer bind anyone.
Freaking bastards. Every last one of them.
Something that would be zero cost to the American taxpayer, but would ice government for a year was not factored into the CR. Seriously? We are waiting on an appeal to be proposed by the Courts by December 27th at the urging of Yellen and her Yelping Yahoos to still enforce the January 1st 2025 deadline.
I hope every Congressman has a crappy Christmas. I swear they hate the people that they represent…nothing else makes sense.
They are stupid lawyers riding the gravy train in their system. Until forced to stop they will continue. This reporting is absolutely in the face of the 4th and 5th amendment. But what the heck, nobody thought the tyrants were going to stop with trashing the second and the first, right?
“ I swear they hate the people that they represent…nothing else makes sense.” – RG
You’re operating under the delusion that you and I are the people they “represent” when with very few exceptions (Thomas Massie for instance) they represent the elitist and billionaire class, and certain foreign governments. They don’t give a rat’s ass for any of their actual constituents unless they happen to fall into one of those categories.
Merry Christmas RG, have a drink and enjoy the holiday and don’t let the bastards get you down.
>You’re operating under the delusion that you and I are the people they “represent”
Hi Mike,
I was hoping that the wealthy and well connected would be the ones to step in. They are the ones with the homes in the LLCs. I can’t believe most fat cats don’t have their properties and businesses tied up in these small businesses. Do each of them want to report to an unconstitutional database uploading their personal information and driver’s license so some hacker can see the information and sell it to the highest bidder? I know Congress omitted themselves from reporting, but any and all LLCs, S corp, C corp, or partnerships that do not have at least 20 FT employees and make at least $5 million in annual sales are required to report so that includes Gates, Bezos, Trump, and any other Joe Blow with a small rental property or who just wants to keep their name out of the local county register.
Try New Mexico LLC.
Hi Adi,
I heard South Dakota LLCs (for trusts) are also pretty good. The problem is any entity nationwide has to be registered under the New Unconstitutional Database. If the government’s goal is to plunge the startup of small business they are succeeding.
It gets worse than that RG. When we showed up at our bank six months ago to get a checking account for a newer LLC, the branch manager, wanted to make copies of all the pages in the LLC. I told her no, she could see the top page, and thats it. When she insisted on taking the paper work back to her cubicle to ‘look it over’ I told her she had two choices, look it over in front of me and open the account with the info provided, or, her branch would suffer an immediate rug pull of liquidity testing the FDIC limits. They opened the account just looking at the first page, with the names of the principles redacted.
In the end it doesn’t matter. The info and data is all under their control. Still feels nice to refuse consent to anti-privacy overreach.
I had a similar thing happen with an inter vivos trust.
There is a legal document called a Certification of Trust which, if properly notarized, the bank is obliged to accept, as evidence of the existence of the trust.
They are *NOT* entitled to see the trust itself. To put it in “national security” terms, the bank does not have a “need to know.”
I thought so. Seemed cringe that she was such a nosy snootch. Almost as if she was spying on behalf of Govco. Wonder how many people just go along, showing zee papers without protest? I’ll bet its the same percentage that believe in voting and Santa Clause
They are spying for Big Gov. The banks are the ones that are to report when we go in and open up a new account for our small businesses. Some (BOA and Wells Fargo) are requesting your FINCEN #. No FINCEN # = no bank account. This is all tied into the US Treasury’s BOI requirements.
Hi RG,
I am glad I am just a sole proprietor. I had been thinking about incorporating – making “EPutos” an LLC – but to Hell with that (as Arnold used to say).
An LLC means the state takes over the bidness of its governance.
The state will tell you what to do.
Don’t do it.
It will be a total pain, you have no control. A trap.
I refused to sign my name to a plan to form an LLC.
A lawyer is going to make some money while you lose all control and influence.
LLC’s don’t work.
Well, they do for lawyers and the state, that is why LLC’s are promoted.
The lawyer will spend vacation time in Aspen while you slave away.
Didn’t go there, won’t do that.
That is crazy, Norman. I opened my business account over 20 years ago. I had to show the the letter from the IRS with the business name and EIN and they didn’t even ask to see officers. It is one of the reasons I deal with the small bank that I have had for thirty years. They don’t ask for a lot of information.
We are dealing with a small bank as well. I really don’t want to take my money elsewhere, but if they push me, they know I will. Used to be a bit of friction whenever I went in and withdrew large amounts of cash. Now they don’t even ask what its for. I guess they got tired of writing ‘Hookers and blow,’ or, ‘going to Vegas’ on the SAR
There will come a day when they’ll probably de-bank me, so I have some work to do on becoming more un-alienable and resilient.
Hi RG,
It’s not that they hate us. Plantation owners don’t generally hate their slaves. They exploit them. That is our role vis-a-vis our putative massas.
Of course they hate us. Why else would they assume authority to kill us if we disobey?
Hi RG. Doesn’t the filing of tax returns effectively disclose one’s interest in an entity?
Yes, it does, ML, but one’s interest may be controlled by another company or a trust. Sometimes, you don’t see the individual ownership.
I believe the goal is to link shareholders under multiple businesses in one place. Personally, I don’t believe the IRS is tracking this so basically they are forcing every shareholder who owns 25% or more of a company to register and now they have a DL and DOB along with the full legal name with every business entity that individual owns. It makes going after your enemies that much easier.
If RG owns ABC Company, XYZ Company, and the RG Revocable Trust now they have a complete picture of my assets. Now they just start plucking them off. This database is nothing more than a register to track one’s enemies and to create havoc in their life. It will not stop one shell company or any bit of money laundering (which is primarily done at the top companies and not through small business).
They claim it is to fight money laundering/criminal activity.
It will be used to stake a claim of confiscation for unrelated crimes or suspected crimes, like how they take your car & cash for having “too much” of it on your person.
Hi, RG,
FWIW, I suggest you put yourself in touch with a top notch asset protection attorney. If you lived in SoCal, I would be happy to hook you up with the guy I use in Riverside, but every jurisdiction is different, and you live in Virginia.
You need a specialist, not just any “garden variety” attorney. With your tax knowledge, and the legal expertise of a specialist in asset protection, you should be in a better position to provide superior service to your clients.
Just sayin’, and JMO.
“I hope every Congressman has a crappy Christmas. I swear they hate the people that they represent…nothing else makes sense.”
They don’t hate the people they represent.
Hint: they don’t represent you or the citizens that “voted”.
I am disappointed in the fat cats. I expected them to fight this a bit more than they are. I am happy to do my part in advocating the unconstitutionality of this entire project, but I expected a bit more push back. I noticed Spanberger has yet to reply to any of my letters on the suffocation of small business in this country, but then again, she is too buy running for governor. Now, I have to deal with Vindman. The selections just keep getting worse.
RG – I get it, it truly do.
But I always come back to 2020.
I expected push back to lockdowns. None of consequence
I expected pushback from all the small business / restaurants being forced to close. What I saw was business actually lobbying for their own demise.
I expected variance in global policy. I saw virtually none (Sweden a bit og an outlier). The global uniformity / conformity was highly unsettling.
I expected pushback on the vaccine mandates. There was virtually no one willing to stand up for their own bodily autonomy.
The consequence & stakes of all this COVID stuff was much higher than the BOI requirement. If they couldn’t be bothered to protect their own bodily autonomy why would they concern themselves with BOI requirements?
Eric wrote, “It is of a piece with the equally risible and vicious idea that I have given “implied consent” to be subjected to probable cause-free inspections when I am out on the road in my car because I am effectively forced to obtain a government permission slip to use what were once understood to be the public’s right-of-way.”
What is the bottom line on such “thinking”? Essentially it means you are under House Arrest unless you submit to GovCo’s rules, regulations, discipline and deadly violence. And, if GovCo decides what you think is “your home” is better suited to be used by others, you’re gone…at gunpoint if necessary.
“What a country!” Yakov Smirnoff
The thing is, about consent, it is automatically revoked if one side fails to hold up their end of the contract. It is old law, which allows any contract to be vitiated for fraud. Our government, and our Vote, sad to say, is based entirely on fraud. Anyone who still believes otherwise is lying to themselves. Come on, when we went to bed on election night, the Rs had almost a thirty seat majority in the house. A month later after the counting ceased it was down to two or three.
Once you have no rule of law, you have no obligation to what passes for law. Of course we don’t murder rape or steal, because most of us will still adhere to a higher law. But beyond that, tptb can kiss my white ass. I am under no obligation to follow any dictates because where I chose to live. I always chuckle at the community association, and county commission meetings at the side eye daggers I get for not placing my hand on heart and pledging allegiance to the wall. Even MAGA types sometimes look at me like I’m an evil asshole. Sad, that cognitive dissonance is so alive and well in people who should know better.
‘I always chuckle at the community association, and county commission meetings at the side eye daggers I get for not placing my hand on heart and pledging allegiance to the wall.’ — Norman Franklin
Good for you. I always make a point of showing up ten minutes late to such meetings, to avoid this degrading, juvenile ritual.
What is this, f*ckin’ high school?
‘The first version was written in 1885 by Captain George Thatcher Balch, a Union Army officer in the Civil War who later authored a book on how to teach patriotism to children in public schools.’ — Wikipedia
As a native of the formerly sovereign Republic of Texas, I bridle at the ‘one nation, indivisible’ shibboleth being shoved down our throats.
How do you spell relief? S-E-C-E-D-E.
>pledging allegiance to the wall
I stand, but at parade rest.
I do not “pledge allegiance” to any thing, or any one.
>How do you spell relief? S-E-C-E-D-E.
I once had “vanity” license plates which spell:
Sometimes people would ask me “What does it mean?”
My reply was, “It means what it says.” [blank stare]
I still have the plates, but they are not assigned to any motor vehicle, because I do not wish to stand out. No bumper stickers, either. There are a lot of blue Ford pickups out there. 🙂
Well put Eric. In regard to Somalia, during it’s period with no government most of the metrics on the standard of living went up.
Thanks, Dave!
I’m waiting for the juggernaut of “conservative” abuse to arrive…
A review of Somalia with and without government from George Mason University: https://www.peterleeson.com/Better_Off_Stateless.pdf
Good stuff – from my alma mater!
Everyone makes the mistake of comparing Somalia vs USA, when the proper measure is against their neighbors. In that metric, Somalia is a winner.
That argument almost sounds like the “implied consent” claim many government schools use when children go there for the first time and the school has a list of “Required childhood vaccinations to attend”. IIRC, some schools even used that as an excuse for their health room giving children vaccines that neither the kid nor their parents asked for. Why, some schools probably even used the argument of “implied consent” to give children COVID vaccines without their parents’ knowledge or consent.
And then the kid “died suddenly”. . .
Which the government school & corporate media could then blame on climate change, Anti-vaxxers, COVID, bird flu, guns, polio, or whatever else they want to frighten people about.
Last time I was at CVS (about 2 weeks ago, to pick up my prescription for a mild dose of an ACE inhibitor, which prevents hypertension) the clerk attempted to push some kind of “vaccine” on me.
I told her to “GO FUCK YOURSELF,” in those exact words, and rather loudly. She got the message, and I got my medication. End of story.
Have you tried reducing your sodium chloride intake with potassium chloride?
Bravo, Adi!
I like to mention – at every opportunity – the fact that these joints push “free” vaccines. I wonder why . . .
The thing about the United States is right from the start there were differences between the various colonies. The Jamestown colonists were basically mercantilists, hoping to earn a quick buck selling addictive substances like tobacco and refined sugar to Europe. Hardly a moral group. The Massachusetts colony was formed by religious extremists who were headed to the Jamestown colony but as luck would have it, ended up wildly off course. They practiced collectivism, Islam-style government driven by religious doctrine and had no qualms about expelling sinners (as defined by the leaders) even though they’d probably not survive the winter.
Contrast that to the Pennsylvania colony. William Penn set a precedent in that he allowed for religious tolerance (monotheistic only of course), trade with the natives and peaceful coexistence, and put limits on the governor. A lot of these ideas carried through to the US Constitution. It wasn’t a perfect place either, much of the regulatory complex has its seeds in Pennsylvania’s progressivism.
But the important point is that they were separate entities. What happened in Massachusetts stayed in Massachusetts. If they want to burn witches, it’s no skin off Virginia’s nose. Likewise if Pennsylvania trades firewater for beaver pelts, more power to ’em. If the Massholes decide that the natives need some of that “old time religion” beaten into them, Pennsylvania shouldn’t have to provide the troops. All three colonies had their basis of government in the British tradition, unlike the French and Spanish colonies that had no interest in actually staying around and acted like it.
> What happened in Massachusetts stayed in Massachusetts.
I love it.:)
Not such a bad place, in modern times, 🙂
Previous to the “War of Northern Aggression”, the federal government of the united States of America was an umbrella organization holed up in Washington DC and had very few enumerated powers. Coining money, establishing and running a post office and providing for the common defense were the federal government’s enumerated powers–nothing more.
A person residing within a particular state considered himself to be a citizen of that state, NOT an American citizen. Example: A person residing within the state of Virginia considered himself to be a “citizen of Virginia”, NOT a “citizen of the united States”. That all changed after the “War of Northern Aggression” was concluded. The federal government obtained powers not granted to it by the Constitution. It was all downhill from there.
We would be better off if “the several states” told the federal government to “take a hike” and restore the power that the states have always had, the federal government being subordinate to the states.
Of course, that idea is pretty much lost ever since the “War of Northern Aggression” was concluded and in today’s society as well.
Repeal of the 16th and 17th amendments would be a good start…
There is nothing here which is incorrect.
It should be noted that Jewish Rothschild banking interests were what ensured a war between the north and south ensued, as by and large, the “War of Northern Aggression”, which it was, was, in the much larger sense, a war of financial attrition. A war which we are ALL veterans and victims of to this very day.
The problem with this “consent” argument is that what we are supposed to be consenting to — the Constitution and Declaration and Bill of Rights — were rendered null and void by the Federal government in 1865.
The Constitution was ratified by the several states to delegate limited and enumerated powers to the Federal government. The Federal government was to be the servant of the states and the people of the states.
Instead it subjugated the states by force of arms, and effectively re-wrote the to cement its position of authority Constitution with the 14th Amendment.
Whereas the First Amendment of 1791 reads “Congress shall make no law,” the 14th Amendment of 1868 reads “No state shall…”
That tells you who is calling the shots.
Excellent point.
Ape Lincoln breached the founding agreements, rendering them null and void. Then the illegally ratified Amendment XIV (the source of much future mischief) followed:
‘The process of adopting the Fourteenth Amendment was marred by repeated irregularities. President Andrew Johnson questioned the legitimacy of an amendment proposed by a Congress that represented only 25 of the 36 states. Three northern states that ratified the proposal later rescinded their votes.
‘All the southern states except Tennessee at first voted against the amendment, despite an implied threat that they would not be readmitted to the Union; they changed their stands only after the threat was made explicit.
‘And throughout the debates on the amendment, friends and foes alike disagreed as to whether approval of three-quarters of 25 states or of 36 would be necessary.’
Today’s US fedgov is erected on a foundation of fraud. Fraud vitiates contracts. There is no contract.